Stay away from medicines and doctors as mauch as possible!.... we had a 9 kids in our family & lived about 10 Miles from the nearest hospital. We never had a car. Of course we were forever standing on stuff as we were ususally bare footed....... cutting and grazing ourselves........ 60+ years ago....mum would sit us up on the sink, open out the wound and MAKE it bleed like hell while washing it with soap and a face washer under a running tap ("Stop you're snivelling. It's only a graze!"). She nursed us all through measles, whooping cough, chicken pox and mumps. We all have an immune system like mack trucks. Tough as old boots.

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Yasss! 👏🙌👍

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

Today’s kids breakdown and throw a screaming fit if you even look at them wrong.

I grew up in the late 60s and 70s and you never saw the current levels of hysteria among kids and parents even in the midst of the Cold War.

The Danger and Fun of Growing Up - Life in America in the 50s-70s.


These days helicopter parents are the norm and kids are not taught to be tough and self-reliant but to be paranoid, anxious and compliant to authority, their Millennial parents certainly demonstrated this with effectively zero pushback on covid mask and vax mandates.

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Very well said. I grew up in the 40s and 50s. I remember the blackouts in NJ because German subs were patrolling the coast. Korea, the Cold War, Cuban Crisis, Viet Nam, Desert Storm. No wonder I've been called a tough old bitch more than once, and wear it as a badge of honor.

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When I was 7-8 years old I was taught by my father to stand up to a neighborhood bully who publicly called me out in front of the whole street.

My dad was a peaceful person at heart but he understood that eventually every child needs to learn to handle what the world throws at them and to have the confidence to face their fears.

He brought me outside after teaching me a few basic defensive moves and how to punch effectively. My mom was against any of this but she also never moved to stop the fight.

I was scared but went out in front of most of the street watching(this was 1971 in a middle class neighborhood) the bully threw a punch which I recall dodging, he then hit me in the face which didn't actually hurt. I recall throwing my arm up to block a few more jabs.

The bully let down his guard for a couple of seconds and I directly punched him in the nose.

He looked stunned and his nose started bleeding, I remember he started crying and went running back to his house.

His dad came out and confronted my father with talk about calling the police and suing us for hurting his kid.

But some of the other dads came over and told him they witnessed a fair fight and if he called the cops they would simply say it was a fair fight and their son instigated it.

For me it was over with but it taught me the lesson my dad wanted me to learn, face your fear and overcome it.

Why do I relate this story? What would happen in 2022? With modern parents the cops would be called, then social services followed by lawyers and demands that the "bully" be expelled from school and their family cancelled.

They would whine about how defenseless children are and how they must be protected at all times and at all costs.

But what would the child have learned? To never rely on themselves but always go to the authorities.

This is our modern western world, a place of whiners, complainers and "karens"...

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Boy, howdy. You said a big mouthful. We were taught how to survive. This generation is ripe for the WEF, and probably will see nothing wrong with it. Don't think, don't get involved in anything even slightly off the mainstream thought process. Having a chip is apparently an ok thing to do.

Blind followers. No thanks

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Our Dad did the same with my brothers. Gotta stand strong - or others will want to take down the weak.....

Good on your Dad - and mine! 👏

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Bravo to your Mum!

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And don't forget the face-nappies.

Given how easily and quickly the system keeled over and was wiped out, it must have been ailing very badly before this final hit.

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It was very much a big pharma haven long before covid. This covid vax ordeal and the medical tyranny supported by state, just put a spotlight on it like never before. When doctors, like the authors/supporters of The Great Barrington Declaration, were castrated by propagandists in big tech and the not so "trusted news initiative", many awoke to the systemic corruption of our medical establishment.

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A positive spin. Awareness of nutrition and lifestyle is spreading. The few must become the many so policies follow. We can’t all live “off the grid.” The problem is NOT climate change. The problem is POLLUTION. I attended an event at an ROA site and suggested that the movement must stay ahead of Bill Gates and his lab meat. The problem is NOT farm animals. The problem is FEEDLOTS. Let’s correct the stupidity. There’s big Pharma and there’s also Big Ag ... just as damaging. If the farmers in the Netherlands had converted to ROA years ago they would not be in trouble now.

The lady I spoke to about Gates agreed. “We should bring him here!” I said “Great idea! I had in mind assassination, but maybe showing him an ROA farm is a better idea.” Or is he too thick to understand that chemical farming is washing the topsoil into the Mississippi yearly equivalent to a quarter of our GDP?

If the illegal immigrants are here to stay they can be put to work on ROA. Look at the work of Vandava Shiva in India. People live on those farms. Or Polyface Farm in VA. The wealth that ROA can produce, if correctly implemented, is LITERALLY INFINITE. But you don’t destroy the initiative with bad policies and listening to boneheads like Gates.

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Our medical system has been dead for a long time. People just took it for granted and did not notice because of the effective brainwashing by it. ("Come get your toxic drugs and never ask questions". "Safe and effective". "Safe and effective". "Safe and effective".)

In fact, it has been dead ever since the Flexner Report and coup by John D. Rockefeller that took over by Big Oil/Big Pharma early last century. There is no fixing this. It is rotten and needs to be cleaned out and started over! The COVID fiasco was just the last straw that has been SO blatant that the general public is finally seeing it for what it is.

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Amen...truth be told.

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A major enema hey! WHO could we flush away along with so many other corrupt to the core evil scum of the earth!

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I think its gotten so bad that it would overwhelm a city sewage system, what to speak of a simple septic tank

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And... “trust your doctor”, “consult your doctor” ... over & over & over

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Medicine is becoming like an overwhelming purulent infection, out of control like FLESH EATING Disease that overtakes and destroys good tissue. If allowed to progress unchecked, it will kill the body itself. Modern medicine, with all its high tech utter nonsense, has developed a stench that makes me gag.

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If you get into a bad car crash, thank God for trauma medicine! But for chronic diseases, allopathic Big Pharma only-treat-symptoms-medical-system FLUNKS!

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

I agree 100% 🎯 trauma medicine still seems good.. .so far although I am apprehensive that the malaise and blindness that has overtaken other areas of medicine is going to affect the patient saved through immediate trauma care as they recover. Many areas of medicine may impact the trauma patient as they recover.

If you want an eye opener look around on some of the digital health platforms and you will see what the future of healthcare has in store for those that have given themselves over to it.......scary.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022


—A driver is involved in a very bad car crash: is rushed to hospital and saved by brilliant trauma surgeons.

—Patient is being discharged from hospital and is given the hospital bill.

—Patient goes into shock and cardiac arrest from seeing astronomical hospital charges and dies.

Absurd? Impossible? Material for Saturday Night Live? Lol!

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🎯🤣 unfortunately trauma surgery is just one aspect of trauma care. Viewing the insurance deductibles and copays on your bill are another form of rebound trauma shock that no surgery can deliver you from

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Hate to mention it.. but I haven't heard of any arrests yet.. and honestly? I don't ever expect to. The whole ediface, political, medical, corporate? Is simply too corrupt and too evil; has been, for far too long... and these monsters have far too much control.

And most of humanity is so clueless and brain-dead, they'll never get it.

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I believe all of this was dead for at least 30 years. It's just now we are getting the whiff of decay.

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Dr. Alexander:

We have Dr’s like you who are tirelessly telling the truth. ( Among several other Dr’s). You are the ones that will help us establish a better health care system.

You are the ones that will establish back the trust. We all have a responsibility to use our education. our experience, our talents to turn this around and help humanity.

Thank you Dr. Alexander

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These evil doers you’ve listed have compatriots across the pond. AHPRA CEO-Martin Fletcher, TGA-Chief Medical Officer Robyn Langham, TGA Secretary-John Skerritt, Federal Chief Health Officer-Murphy (now moved sideways) Federal Health Minister Hunt (newly retired), each and every State CHO and State or Territory Health Minister. They wear pajamas emblazoned with the words ‘safe and effective’.

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These people were so far removed in place and time from their supposed scientific areas of expertise (if such actually existed for any of them), They were far removed from the disciplined studies and back and forth discussions among fellow practitioners. They became politicians, and as such, worthless, at best.

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Where have you been? This has been going on for the last 50 years. It took a fake pandemic and fake vaccines to wake up a few people, but hardly enough to turn the tide any time soon.

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We need Nuremberg trials and the penalties that go with it! Big time! They have/are committing grievous crimes against humanity!

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In California medicine is even deader…..if that’s a word….thanks to the new law stating doctors can’t discuss alternative meds for Covid without fear of losing their license or being fined.

Smart doctors and Californians will leave this insane state because of it.

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For those of us unwilling to leave, we will stay and fight this Marxist, communist state and the regime running it. #resist #donotcomply #FGN

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Medicine has been superstition based for a long time. Diabetes 2 and heart disease have not been handled properly for half a century. Not to mention obesity.

Covid just brought the failure of the standard of care to the forefront.

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I stopped trusting the medical industrial complex a decade ago. It’s very important in the case of emergency care but the system is terrible for dealing with chronic disease. They essentially just come up with expensive tests, surgeries, and medications that are very dangerous. They are simply attempting to cover up symptoms and not get to the root problem because it is very profitable.

Honestly, the problem is that people need to take back their health. Doctors cannot prescribe a pill/injection/surgery that will get rid of poor diet and lifestyle choices. It’s up to us to take back what is rightfully ours, our health and well-being. We alone decide what we put in our bodies, how we manage stress, our interpersonal relationships, our sleep quality, our activity level, etc. Until we take back our health and stop asking doctors to give us a quick-fix, we (and our children and grandchildren) will continue to be at the mercy of the industrial medical complexity which is only too happy to keep trying to find novel ways to alleviate symptoms.

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Likewise. We have traditional insurance through our retirement, but have been paying out of pocket - except for specialists when necessary for analysis or cancer surgeries - to see true medical doctors who know who we are, our health history, and non-Pharma treatment for more than two decades. Haven’t done vax’s in years - always had a bad reaction. PureBloods living the life!

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Good for you!!

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I’ll never trust allopathic medicine again. This whole debacle has opened our eyes to the corruption and lack of real care from the vast majority of doctors who are controlled by Pharma and corporations.

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I agree 100%

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Big Pharma and we can’t leave corporate insurance companies who are beholden to & in bed with the federal government. The Dr’s I see now no longer take insurance. I don’t take prescription medicine.

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