Thanks Dr Paul.

I wish everyone had listened to you.

I'm glad you posted your work here for all of us to appreciate your foresight.

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Thank you for your work.

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You wrote excellent warnings concerning the shortened clinical trials. Now that we know the "vaccines" were bioweapons under the control of the DOD, we know that the clinical trials were a joke. There was never any concern about the "safety and efficacy" of these medical countermeasures.

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I do hope, that one day, based on your work and that of others that the big Pharma giants will see the slap of justice. SCOTUS has now prepped for brave souls within the US federal government to go collect their money back from Pfizer, J&J and Moderna for False Claims of a safe and effective "vaccine" that was neither safe nor effective.


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You miss the point, doc These mRNA substances are NOT VACCINES and never will be. Therefore, they are under no testing or trial authority. They were manufactured under EUA by the DOD, not big pharma who is only the distributor since people blindly trust vaccines. They are called vaccines but are anything but.

What puny trials that did take place were complete subterfuge used to convince the stupider than stupid public that mRNA poisons are safe and effective...the exact same lie that has been told about all vaccines for the last 70 years. That same monstrous lie worked quite well when told about mRNA substanes.

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Dr Alexander, Thank you for publishing your earlier thinking on COVID-19 & the mRNA warpspeed roll out with Double-blind studies curtailed. This is a good review of some of the most advanced hopeful thinking at the time. This gives us an indication of the positive intents of unfortunately system-blind professionals & the public like myself 3 years ago.

Reading your wonderful ongoing, vast compilation of evidence-based studies from multiple sources has been a huge resource for all of us in our & your transformation. If you weren't so open about truth in medicine as an evolving science, I'm sure you would blush at about 2 dozen of the statements you made in this old report.

Of course you, as an honest medical professional, have helped us all understand how:

1) Nefarious fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') psycho-path Oligarch driven Eugenic depopulation economic motivations & funding sources have compromised the whole COVID Bio-weapon & mRNA death shot falsely called "scientific studies" & population indoctrination role out.

2) Nefarious Population AI control motivations & funding sources drove #1 & defined the false science.

3) A total lack of Informed Consent by those in the tarnished studies & later in the whole population, unknowingly as test-subjects, but without the Record Keeping as to Adverse Events & Deaths or feedback system to an independent Medical Profession & honest Government real-representatives to protect the public.

4) Total lack of PEER-REVIEW by all Multidisciplinary Professionals. Those who did report Adverse Events & Deaths were professionally hounded, fired, delisted, de-licensed, laid-off, black-listed

5) Reductionist specialized falsely called micro 'science' (French 'scier = 'to cut to the truth') put production of cellular Spike-protein antibodies as a unidimensional indication of immunity, ignoring the whole of the body's innate immune system.

6) Our medical profession being elitist & detached from populations served & detached epidemiological bio-statisticians, have very little cultural connection with the populations they purport to serve & know. A total lack of medically intimate longitudinal studies in almost all of medicine has lead to 'iatrogenic' medicine being the #1 cause of illness & death in our medical system. The whole system is incapable of measuring its interventions, which for the most part are nightmare existences for those fear-brainwashed so-called 'patients' on the receiving end.


The years of complete reporting Dr. Alexander has exposed us all to has given us the greatest evidence of a broken medical, economic & political system with no choice but to be reformed in every aspect of every dimension, not so easily in an oligarch controlled genocide founded colonial entity.


The following guides to all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') ancestry is provided for those desiring real science.

UNDOING FALSE-SCIENCE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/9-undoing-false-science

IMPLEMENTING HOLISTIC NATURAL SCIENCE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/6-holistic-science

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KEEP UNITING AGAINST THESE satanic fiends = plural noun: fiends

an evil spirit or demon.

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