Clinton said 'it's the economy, stupid' to Bush, I said 'it's the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine, stupid' (TM), and now blacks, browns, all peoples telling Biden why they are de-electing him by crying out
'it's the illegals, stupid'; so Clinton's battle cry took home the election against Bush blacks in California, New York, Chicago all over crying out 'it's the illegals, stupid, don't you
get it’…
‘It’s the illegals, stupid’, should be Trump key bumper sticker
It is the illegals that threaten our very nation and safety that will take this election home for 45…
New York appeals court finds law granting non-citizens voting rights is unconstitutional
And the slogan is proclaimed, "DIEverSHITty is our strength. Fools. Even damned fools. It is our weakness.