New York appeals court finds law granting non-citizens voting rights is unconstitutional


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this was a good ruling IMO

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I will like to share this

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very tremendous sharing

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Some rare good news from the New York appeals court.

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And the slogan is proclaimed, "DIEverSHITty is our strength. Fools. Even damned fools. It is our weakness.

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nice, nicely done

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hhhmm, its funny yet devastating

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Biden's fate is sealed... don't waist time on him. He will be told to release his delegates at the convention, the Super Delegates will nominate Gruesome Newscum. If Trump is alive to make it to the election he will win... that is when the the fun begins... the 100's of commandoes brought into the USA will take down the grid and bridges. Big cities will implode. The Federal Government will implode as well under the weight of its corruption. We will be Balkanized as the States assume the roles the Federal Government had, or do their best... Kiss all almost all entitlement programs goodbye. Some states may experiment with feudalism like CA, but there will be many free states.

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thats the key, they will try to take him out...I was in a meeting recent in Florida and this was the discussion...I was stunned. how do we get him to Jan 20th bible...not necessarily the win...he is almost there.

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Trump or no Trump the Federal Government will implode. THe weight of the corruption has far exceeded the corruption that destroyed the USSR. It is our turn now. Stay emotionally neutral as events unfold, and envision the world as you would want it to be post the collapse.

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very stunning, troubling all at once.

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I'm in Nebraska

We're pretty red for the most part. I live in capital city and it can lean blue

But I will fight back as best I can. When most of the people I know won't listen, then I wash my hands. Too old to worry about them. Have 6 grands and 2great-great grands that I love

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Stay emotional neutrally as events unfold. We can hope for the best and the universe expects us to stay positive. Think about the world you want your grandkids to live in and you will help manifest it.

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My husband is an alcoholic but won't admit it and won't go for treatment. He hasn't bathed in 4 years (est since I never hear the bath or shower running and I am here pretty much ,24/7.

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I am sorry to hear that. I dated one for 3 weeks and that was enough for me, dated the daughter of an alcoholic father and that didn't work out either as she decided I was safe to run her "Daughter of an Alcoholic father" program on me.. The irony is I don't drink, not a drop.

I developed a protocol to treat alcoholism that works 100% of the time as long as the addict wants to stop being addicted.... that part is critical. Using a combination of the old GABA agonist Baclofen (which shuts down the addiction center in the mid forebrain), CBDs and the bioidentical hormone oxytocin, I have had great success.

This book, The End of My Addiction addresses the Baclofen protocol. My book Incurable Us, comes out in a couple of months and I have a chapter devoted to this and my protocol.

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He doesn't want to quit. It won't be much longer and I'm pretty sure it will be resolved,

OR: 1. I won't be here; 2. He'll be deceased.

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I had a very dear friend die of alcoholism.... the whole thing is very sad.

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Elaine, I regret that. It is a burden on you but I know you are a good woman and will not wait until things get easier before being happy.

My two favorite uncles were alkies and it killed them both. He has to admit it or hit the bottom of the barrel first before he can be assisted. But many deny they are because they do not want to admit what they are and often are in bondage to the bottle.

I was raised to reject alcohol and did. Best thing I ever did. And rejecting tobacco. And weed. And all that sh*t that follows the gateway drug turdo legalized up here. If you Salvation Army churches down there they have programs and social workers and might even have "Harbor Light homes where alkies can stay until they dry out.

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Well the Estonian Prime Minister said it's not a bad thing for big powers to become smaller and weaker and suggested this be done to Russia. This started a conversation around the idea of balkanizing the US, or, as some progressive Dims and First Nations call the US, "Turtle Island," into a lot of smaller countries.

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...and so that is what will come to pass. The Eagle has fallen, but it needed to. The USA was taken over by bankers, sociopaths, greedy little demons and pedophiles going back to 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve. The Republic was gone at that point.

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I believe there are people who will fight down there. Too soon to give up. The next election will decide.

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There are fabulous rural people in the USA,

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You betcha, I come from settler stock. Both sides emigrated.

Dad's from Ireland about the time of the Potato Famine.

Mom's side from Czechoslovakia, Moravian region. They came in the 1860-70s era.

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Both sides of my kin from Northern Ireland.

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