So Ladapo can now sue both Politico and CNN? That's cause for celebration.

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He can now present the evidence in court !

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You’re A Moron.

That’s Why I Am Here.

That’s The Only Reason Why I Am Here.

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Got it. You know more than Dr. Alexander, a specialist. Got it. Guess the title of your Substack says it all. Pfft.

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I am here to let people know your a communist !

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I Am Not Sure What Game We Are Playing.

But You Win.

Double Or Nothing?

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I’m sorry , but they need to be taken to court , call

Robert Barnes .

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Or Tom Renz.

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Ladapo should sue; that’s all they understand- their idol, the almighty buck.

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I have a problem when people use female pejoratives when they want to insult a person of male gender. Please insult a person's intellect without comparing the person with feminine traits. And no, I'm not a person to wave a feminist flag. I can handle curse words just fine. I can handle insults of extreme magnitude. So, please don't think I am some kind of overly-sensitive type who cannot handle angry words.

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thank you

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I dont mean to insult. people must know how to read what we write.

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well pussy does not necessarily mean female sensitive bitch ,,, but it could

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Depends on whether one is using the urban dictionary or Webster’s:




Lacking courage; cowardly.

Destitute of a manly or courageous strength and firmness of mind; of weak spirit; mean-spirited; spiritless; cowardly; -- said of persons, .

Evincing, or characterized by, weakness of mind, and want of courage; feeble.

What if that word is just short for PUSILLANIMOUS?

Makes more sense. Plus it’s fewer syllables.

With Love and Respect,


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What the hell is your problem Laura? This is a fine stack dealing with methodological criticism. And yet you have to fault find on some chicken shit trivia like a reference to men who wear poissy hats to bed? That's a comment on effeminacy, not on your gender. And it's used metaphorically. The only cuss word that offends me and which I don't use is the "C word," precisely because I object to using a word for female genitalia as a word of abuse. I got sucker punched once and turned around and said to my assailant "You punch like a girl" before I sat him on his ass. Only one out of a large group of females watching objected. The rest were fine with it. There's always some control freak like you. Stop being so over-sensitive and waving your feminist flag, trying to make people conform to your neuroses. Go and take a reading comprehension course. Do you agree with the methodological points or not?

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Agreed. Probably a narcissist who takes everything personally.

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Thanks Stephanie. That's what I figured too.

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How dare you ask Laura to think logically! LOL

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Yeah, I didn't think it would take too long to get a response like this, loaded with anger. Have a nice day.

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You mean the part where Dr. Alexander says "...when you have vi jay jays and wear pink poissy hats to bed." That part? That's all you got from this extraordinary, detailed analysis?

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Assume much? No, that isn't all I got from his message. But thank you for asking.

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Gosh, you're right and I apologize. It just seemed like that's all you got from it. But hey, I'm sure you're a really deep person even though you didn't say a thing about the analysis itself.

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I appreciate that you noted I did not comment on the analysis. I generally don't. I'm here for information and Dr. Paul is doing an outstanding job for disseminating information with the great addition of his commentary from his experience and perspective. It's not my place to say if he is right or wrong. I'm here to learn. It's really just that simple. And no, I'm not some triple-agent working for some faction or another. I'm a humble person who has been educated in the US public school system and I'm fed up with being ignorant. Thank you for your consideration.

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Get over yourself! You remind me of the narrow minded snob readers who like to correct bad grammar on Substack. Read for the point and sometimes that takes words YOU may not like! Stop the inane knee-jerk attempt at censorship. Dr. Paul is a good man who never means malice.

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The irony is not lost on me regarding to what you perceive as a knee-jerk censorship attempt with one of your own knee-Jerk censorship attempts. I did not ask him to stop content writing nor ask in any way to cease bearing his soul. I like Dr. Paul. Hence my request to not use feminine epitaphs to insult men. Really, I've seen it for over 50 years. It's really old, juvenile and sincerely stupid. Men say "you throw like a girl" when they want to insult another man. Seriously, it's as old as the hills and twice as dusty. Such an insipid psychological ploy. Dr. Paul wasn't insulted by my request, but you were. Still, bless your heart. Let me buy you a Bud Light.

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... "bless your heart"... 😂

That Bee "Californians Move To Texas" series was pretty cute.

In Canada, we have a similar retort:

"That's nice..."

Laura, maybe we crones just gotta quit arguing with cave persons. 😉

"They'll only drag us down to their level and beat us with experience."

Wait. Naw.

As Paul says, bring it on boys.

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I try to stay away from calling people names...because that is basically the game of those without much to base their thoughts on.

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Be sure to use those proper pronouns Jimmy. When you can’t call a prisoner a convict because they might take offense, we have a world that ceases to communicate truth. Objecting to how a person chooses to express themselves is a nasty way of taking the readers or listeners off the topic. It is all about sucking the air out of the room. Everyone knows that.

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This isn't about pronouns, and legislating free speech. I just thought that the purpose of talking with people was to find ways to at least have a conversation. I saw two guys at a bar once, both were sloshed and you could hear by their animated conversation that they were talking about politics. Finally the one guy said to the other one (who was overweight).

"Well, you're fat." And that's when the fight broke out. If the point is in dealing with these people is to piss them off, then please, continue...but if you hope to have a chance in hell of getting through to them, I doubt calling them a "pussy," a "wussy" or a "chicken" would go over well.

It has nothing to do with offense. You can call me anything you want. But it also speaks to the argument that is being made. At the same time, even as I object to it as a logical fallacy, I still support people in saying whatever they want.

The idea of free speech means that you and others will say things I disagree with..and I will say things you disagree with. And you are free (as you have here) expressed that disagreement, to which I have done the same.

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Here you go. The CDC has suggested terms so you don’t offend people with abrupt and rude terms: https://www.cdc.gov/healthcommunication/Preferred_Terms.html

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Yes Laura, a good defense is a great offense. I am a beautiful proud woman and have no problem calling it like it is. A bitch is a bitch and mincing words to appease people like you is an insult to true intelligence.

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It has been many years since a thought occurred to me. "A bitch is not born... A bitch is made through years of abuse and neglect." So, really, let's be kind to people, for we know not their history. A little kindness can not only help a person through a bad time, but may also save their life.

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I skimmed article, so missed the pejorative but overall quite enjoyed the rant. I can understand the bristling at certain curse word types for whatever reason. Alexander offends me sometimes too and I don’t always agree with him. Still read sometimes.

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My truth is that I wasn't offended as some people (who responded with vitriol) may have thought. I just wanted to request that people be mindful of the other gender who is being (non)chalantly and in some cases (in)visibly regarded as 'less than.' It just gets old. And they don't realize it is happening because it is so pervasive in our culture that it is considered acceptable 'normal' behavior. It's absentmindedly done because it has always been done. And should anyone call it to attention, that person is called overly sensitive, manipulative, and/or whiny. Maybe if we can bring it out into the open gently (and yes, I did it gently) hopefully it can be recognized for what it is. It shouldn't be that pointing out a pervasive behavior or mindset puts a bullseye on a person's back. The natural inclination is defensive recoil and cognitive dissonance. This is 2023. We must do better and we can if people will try. After all, that is how the KKK was eliminated, was it not?

And since I know there will be persons who will call me a 'radicalized, militant, flag-waving, nazi feminist" (repeatedly), please note not all women wave a feminist flag. I think I have read at most two books regarding this hot topic - Men Explain Things to Me (Rebecca Solnit) and The Dance of Anger (Harriet Lerner). I've never attended meetings or events, never felt the need to loudly proclaim my allegiance to a cause that I see as a manipulation by the system. My husband would say "look for the agenda." The feminist movement is loaded with agenda, and it isn't for the betterment of women.

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I am pretty much against all ad hominem attacks...unless that is the express purpose of the piece. How can ad hominem attacks ever hope to have a constructive outcome? But what do I know, I am just a Bare-Faced Plague Spreader.

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If CNN were interested in voicing the truth, why not have Ladapo on their show and ask him about these allegations that these "experts" at Politico report on, and let him explain exactly what really happened. It will never happen! Much easier to push the narrative to idiots by just accusing and shutting down any possible response. Evil communists!

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They aren’t interested in the truth and never have been.

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These liars invent new bull crap like immuno-bridging to get everyone boosted into oblivion! Wake up! The new definition of a vaccine is any concoction they decide they want to jab into you. In the meantime they do everything they can to discredit the real doctors like Dr. Ladapo who questions government led healthcare. Healthcare management by politicians never results in creating greater individual freedom. Look at Obamacare. Everything liberals get their hands on means less freedom.

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What else can you expect! all accomplices to global genocide!

Doc’s apology? No way!



The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?


30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)


The SUPER drug

Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....


The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Doc’s apology? No way!


How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:


The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:





Open season for human culling:










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Doc, I agree with what you are saying again, but the real truth is this: when you fight THE CABAL in any way, stand up to anything they push as normal, e.g. the clot shots are safe and effective, Covid is deadly and you need a shot, lgbtqxyz should be celebrated and pushed on children, men can have periods and give birth, Joe Biden is a great president, trump is a criminal and the worst president ever, etc. ad nauseam... they will attack you!!! That is the real truth here! It doesn’t matter who or what Ladapo is, how he got his md or where he got it, skin color, manly man or soy boy; He came out during the planned Demic and fought their narrative from the start and they are attacking him for it!!! These people abhor reality and the truth! They live in their make believe upside down right is wrong matrix and if you attack it, watch out they will attack you!!! That is the truth!!!

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Ladapo didn’t need to alter anything to show the harmful effects of those shots. It’s all out there if people want know what’s really going on. Going after Ladapo was a cheap shot.

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With your adjectives to describe CNN I concur.

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criminal nuts nutwerk and they keep reiterating this fact of criminal psychos and chris licked them all or do you say licht

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How about the two of them have an open and honest televised discussion? I bet Dr. Ladapo would agree to it. He has courage and would admit to being wrong if it was so.

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Not the way of the bomb-throwers. They make an accusation and the rest of the media echoes it as if it is a conviction.

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Just how a civilized and democratic society should operate... it's absolute lunacy. No society can function like this, at least not without the draconian application of brute force.

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I pray that one day soon we will jail or worse the so called announcers, journalists of the

Left Marxist, Facist commies and traitors.....bunch of FN woke sickos !

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We love you Dr. Paul Alexander!! I really like your headline openers because they are true

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My guess is that the accusation is like a "fact check" audible. If you read a lot of the fact checks, you find out what was said was true. What they will say is something like "but the conclusions one can draw (and they will list a ridiculous conclusion) is wrong. So their made-up idea of what the data means is what they end up combatting.

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From here you reach further articles to understand how not to get sick, possibly how to heal. I also recommend reading James 5 to ask GOD.


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