CNN — The US has intelligence that Iranian-backed militia groups are planning to ramp up attacks against US forces in the Middle East, as Iran seeks to capitalize on the backlash in the region to US support for Israel, according to multiple US officials.
This doesn't take any special "intelligence" to figure out, Iran has been doing this a long time now. DOD acting like they discovered this - oh noes! It is dang convenient ramping the hoopla up NOW. OGUS* and the neocons are going to get their REALLY BIG war- the CIA has been hard at work engineering a long time. Pretty much all the turmoil in the ME is CIA/OGUS generated. Israel might actually get some real collaboration from OGUS for a change. Obama and Valerie Jarrett are going to have a FIT if Iran is hit preemptively. Israel can involve OGUS but must NOT give them the targets and the times, because of the Iranians and sympathizers in DOD and elsewhere (I don't have their names and positions at immediate hand, but this was pointed out by Just the News recently.) Valerie Jarrett is the brains behind everything ISIS, Iran. She will be told, and Obama will gift the information. Even without the Iranian open placing in DOD, too many interests in supporting the Ayatollahs.
*OGUS = Occupational Government of the United States
I like OGUS, neat.....your comment is well said...........thank you........the thing is and I am pro Israel.....I think Netanyahu is part of the elite just as is Obama and all those disciples of the devil.....this needs a cease fire.....not WW3........if our own leaders want us destroyed who is to say that leaders in other countries don’t want their country destroyed also if the leader is part of the global take over.....i have heard from David Icke that once you are approached by satanic forces, you cannot refuse or they will go after your family...
I would guess, they are going to ramp up targets against Americans, IN America. That's the goal of the deep state/CIA, have some kind of major terrorist attack inside America, maybe even a dirty nuke explosion. This is all they have left against Trump. The only way they can maintain their illegitimate power in DC is to cause something they can use to stop the election in 2024, since they know that Trump will win.
A war with Iran is not just a war there, it's here too. Our open borders have made it easy for the enemy to slip their people into our country. Imagine what happened to Israel on October 7th, but happening here on steroids.
Exactly, they need to create a major crisis so they can suspend elections and steal another one.
They know that the indictments against President Trump have not worked. The creation of political prisoners to scare the population, also hasn't worked.
If someone calls me a "dog" I ignore it. If a second person calls me a "dog" I shrug that off too. If a third person called me a "dog" I'd be checking to see if I have a tail. Isn't it strange how people in so many countries throughout the middle-east, in Africa, throughout Asia and in South America and even in parts of Europe hate the US with a passion when it "dindu nuffin wrong." What could explain this pattern? Do they envy the US for the quality of life or crime rate in cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore etc or aspire to have a similar healthcare system, homeless encampments and drag queens in schools? Am I missing something? Is there some common denominator?
Sometimes hate is just passed on from generation to generation with only hearsay behind it.....Iran has been saying Death to America since Reagan....the people in Gaza too....and these people are not Palestinian ....that term is made up so that they can be used as political pawns (and since before Arafat one of the criminals who used his own people) the people in Gaza were and are Egyptian....has Egypt helped them no...anyway back to what you were saying....the US has committed many crimes but this political Islam is something more than just having enemies of countries that we have wronged because we could always make or could have made things right or better......Political (emphasis on political) Islam is barbaric and savage .... these male leaders cut out the sexual genitalia of women....FGM......give me a break.....and it happens under our noses right here in the USA with the law on its side.....little girls being mutilated.....little boys at Mosques right here being given guns and told to hate America, their true childhood stolen from them......i guess this is not such a linear situation.....
You may know more about Semites than I do. All I know is that the people who are called "Palestinians" are arabs, as are the Egyptians, Jordanians etc as well as many of the people in what is now called "Israel" and what some people call "Occupied Palestine." Some of the arabs who are called Palestinians are Christians and many of them are muslims. A proportion of them would be atheists. Iran is not arab but it is muslim. There are different sects of islam. Some of the Jewish people in Isreal are Semites but many are apparently not. The roots of many of the Jewish people are in Europe. Arabs and many Jewish people have a similar genetic make up. Many arabs hate their Semitic Jewish brethren. Israelis are surrounded by people who hate them, many of whom would like to kill them. This includes not only the arabs but also the Persians in Iran. The situation has been made worse by American foreign policy, which has caused danger to and led to attacks on Westerners all around the world. I have no Semitic ancestry and am not a muslim. One Semite is much like another to me. I don't have a dog in this shitfight. I do think most of the Israeli people are good people but are victims of historical decisions, of their government and the US as well as barbarous muslims. They are not wanted in the middle-east by their neighbors and not wanted in Europe. It would be better if Israel had been created from part of the US. It is not too late now to create anither Israel now by slicing off Florida or NYS and giving it to the Israeli people to create a new country. There would be merit in doing that. I share Richard Dawkins' views of islam. It looks to me like a religion of hate containing many admonitions to kill the kafir. I wish all of these islamofascists could be debrainwashed. Thanks to the Israeli- arab conflict, islam, and the meddling and incompetence of the US, Westerners around the world are in danger and under attack. This is not likely to change any time soon. America will continue perpetuating the problem and others in higher IQ Western nations will, as usual, pay the price for tha American stupidity along with Americans themselves.Sadly, Canadians and other innocent people will suffer because of the US.
Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks with current weapons technology. I don't think US citizens support a war in the Mid East. Is our military leadership expecting support for war to change if an aircraft carrier was sunk? I would not put it past these psychopaths.
The Americans are aghast when they are attacked by brutal militants. But look at all the conflicts in the world. America, through the CIA, State Dept and NGOs are in the thick of it. Who funded ISIS? Who set up Hamas to counter the PLO who wanted a peace treaty with Israel? US and Israel. (Watch Judge Napolitano and his guests on YT.Get a history of the ME on the Duran.) Remember the lie re-weapons of Mass Destruction to invade Iraq? There weren’t any. But thousands died and who cares? 800 billion spent for what?Why is the US in Syria? Why did the US encourage NATO to expand eastward towards the Russian border? Why did the US engineer the coup in Ukraine in 2014 and then place bio labs close to the Russian border?The good old military/ industrial complex. Agitate, topple the government or cause a civil war, sell arms, kill people (who cares as long as they are not American), steal oil, gas, resources to pay for the war the US created and then get US firms to come in and reconstruct at the expense of the host country. Russia has natural resources! What country would think nothing of printing billions of dollars to pay (on their behalf) somebody else to kill over 500,000 people and consider it ‘value for money’ because American soldiers aren’t being killed in Ukraine? The breakaway regions in the Donbas have been bombed for 9 years. Civilians are killed everyday but not a word from western media. If civilians get killed in Ukraine it is a war crime but if the U.S. or Israel retaliate and civilians die (note they are not killed), that is justified. Before trying to incite the population to war, America needs to have a look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Are we the goodies or the baddies?”
Machiavelli said it is better to be feared than loved but he also said the worst and weakest position to be in is: "hated, not feared." The US and Americans are vehmently hated in many places around the world because of US history and foreign policy. That so many jihadis are willing to die in order to inflict harm on the US and on Americans proves that they don'tfear the US and Americans. Thus the position the US is in is "hated, not feared."
But and i am not saying i totally element of the equation is totally left out.....Political Islam based on the wrong interpretation of the Koran.....the battles that are spoken of in our great scriptures of all cultures are really the inner battles of good and evil inside us.....but Political Islam has made it an outside battle and rewards killing both on earth and in heaven.....that is an important factor too........but the US has not been on the side of righteousness ....than again I really believe it is a larger plan.....the satanic worshipping global elite .....they even set up the state of Israel to foment hatred and divide the globe....we are being played by the elite who run our government and most governments across the globe...they want us all dead.....
I am not sure I it or not the world is divided into alliances.....Israel is an ally and part of NATO and i am not saying this is all legitimate the way it works today.......but also don’t forget, we don’t need their oil as Trump proved....
No, Israel is not part of NATO. I am not going to endorse JoeMichel's comment that someone should force the USA out of the middle east but it is true that the USA has no business in the middle east and are only there for oil and resources and it would be best if they left voluntarily. The US is hated throughout the middle East and in Africa and in most of Asia and Eurasia and South America and even in parts of Europe because of its history and foreign policy. Unfortunately, the US is also not feared because it is now defeated routinely in wars with the small, weak countries it picks on and many of those who hate the US think they will get 72 virgins if they die fighting the US. Hated and not feared is not a good status. It invites attack. Unfortunately, many of these attacks are on innocent non-US Westerners who do not share the US' history of butchering the civilians of foreign races. Thatis the real tragedy in all of this.
Of course they are going to continue to escalate themselves and through their proxies just as the US Imperial War Machine desires with fanatical Islamic fundamentalism encouraged through funding by US taxpayers with the goal of the destruction of the state of Israel and of opening another decades long campaign of death and destruction to secure the necessity of an omnipotent security state
This doesn't take any special "intelligence" to figure out, Iran has been doing this a long time now. DOD acting like they discovered this - oh noes! It is dang convenient ramping the hoopla up NOW. OGUS* and the neocons are going to get their REALLY BIG war- the CIA has been hard at work engineering a long time. Pretty much all the turmoil in the ME is CIA/OGUS generated. Israel might actually get some real collaboration from OGUS for a change. Obama and Valerie Jarrett are going to have a FIT if Iran is hit preemptively. Israel can involve OGUS but must NOT give them the targets and the times, because of the Iranians and sympathizers in DOD and elsewhere (I don't have their names and positions at immediate hand, but this was pointed out by Just the News recently.) Valerie Jarrett is the brains behind everything ISIS, Iran. She will be told, and Obama will gift the information. Even without the Iranian open placing in DOD, too many interests in supporting the Ayatollahs.
*OGUS = Occupational Government of the United States
Exactly. Right on everything.
What happened, Milton? I missed it.
It must have been pretty bad.
I like OGUS, neat.....your comment is well said...........thank you........the thing is and I am pro Israel.....I think Netanyahu is part of the elite just as is Obama and all those disciples of the devil.....this needs a cease fire.....not WW3........if our own leaders want us destroyed who is to say that leaders in other countries don’t want their country destroyed also if the leader is part of the global take over.....i have heard from David Icke that once you are approached by satanic forces, you cannot refuse or they will go after your family...
I would guess, they are going to ramp up targets against Americans, IN America. That's the goal of the deep state/CIA, have some kind of major terrorist attack inside America, maybe even a dirty nuke explosion. This is all they have left against Trump. The only way they can maintain their illegitimate power in DC is to cause something they can use to stop the election in 2024, since they know that Trump will win.
A war with Iran is not just a war there, it's here too. Our open borders have made it easy for the enemy to slip their people into our country. Imagine what happened to Israel on October 7th, but happening here on steroids.
Exactly, they need to create a major crisis so they can suspend elections and steal another one.
They know that the indictments against President Trump have not worked. The creation of political prisoners to scare the population, also hasn't worked.
But the US is illegally occupying Iraq and Syria - why don’t you mention that? You’re lack of perspective and context diminishes your claims.
Since when does CNN tell the truth? How can anyone with 2 functioning brain cells believe ANYTHING they say?
All nothing but “fear porn”, and a distraction. After the last 3 1/2 years, you should certainly understand that.
We listened to experts and “ the Science “ during the pandemic. Now we are going to listen to the experts again? Are you out of your tiny minds ?
If someone calls me a "dog" I ignore it. If a second person calls me a "dog" I shrug that off too. If a third person called me a "dog" I'd be checking to see if I have a tail. Isn't it strange how people in so many countries throughout the middle-east, in Africa, throughout Asia and in South America and even in parts of Europe hate the US with a passion when it "dindu nuffin wrong." What could explain this pattern? Do they envy the US for the quality of life or crime rate in cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore etc or aspire to have a similar healthcare system, homeless encampments and drag queens in schools? Am I missing something? Is there some common denominator?
Sometimes hate is just passed on from generation to generation with only hearsay behind it.....Iran has been saying Death to America since Reagan....the people in Gaza too....and these people are not Palestinian ....that term is made up so that they can be used as political pawns (and since before Arafat one of the criminals who used his own people) the people in Gaza were and are Egyptian....has Egypt helped them no...anyway back to what you were saying....the US has committed many crimes but this political Islam is something more than just having enemies of countries that we have wronged because we could always make or could have made things right or better......Political (emphasis on political) Islam is barbaric and savage .... these male leaders cut out the sexual genitalia of women....FGM......give me a break.....and it happens under our noses right here in the USA with the law on its side.....little girls being mutilated.....little boys at Mosques right here being given guns and told to hate America, their true childhood stolen from them......i guess this is not such a linear situation.....
You may know more about Semites than I do. All I know is that the people who are called "Palestinians" are arabs, as are the Egyptians, Jordanians etc as well as many of the people in what is now called "Israel" and what some people call "Occupied Palestine." Some of the arabs who are called Palestinians are Christians and many of them are muslims. A proportion of them would be atheists. Iran is not arab but it is muslim. There are different sects of islam. Some of the Jewish people in Isreal are Semites but many are apparently not. The roots of many of the Jewish people are in Europe. Arabs and many Jewish people have a similar genetic make up. Many arabs hate their Semitic Jewish brethren. Israelis are surrounded by people who hate them, many of whom would like to kill them. This includes not only the arabs but also the Persians in Iran. The situation has been made worse by American foreign policy, which has caused danger to and led to attacks on Westerners all around the world. I have no Semitic ancestry and am not a muslim. One Semite is much like another to me. I don't have a dog in this shitfight. I do think most of the Israeli people are good people but are victims of historical decisions, of their government and the US as well as barbarous muslims. They are not wanted in the middle-east by their neighbors and not wanted in Europe. It would be better if Israel had been created from part of the US. It is not too late now to create anither Israel now by slicing off Florida or NYS and giving it to the Israeli people to create a new country. There would be merit in doing that. I share Richard Dawkins' views of islam. It looks to me like a religion of hate containing many admonitions to kill the kafir. I wish all of these islamofascists could be debrainwashed. Thanks to the Israeli- arab conflict, islam, and the meddling and incompetence of the US, Westerners around the world are in danger and under attack. This is not likely to change any time soon. America will continue perpetuating the problem and others in higher IQ Western nations will, as usual, pay the price for tha American stupidity along with Americans themselves.Sadly, Canadians and other innocent people will suffer because of the US.
Aircraft carriers are sitting ducks with current weapons technology. I don't think US citizens support a war in the Mid East. Is our military leadership expecting support for war to change if an aircraft carrier was sunk? I would not put it past these psychopaths.
The Americans are aghast when they are attacked by brutal militants. But look at all the conflicts in the world. America, through the CIA, State Dept and NGOs are in the thick of it. Who funded ISIS? Who set up Hamas to counter the PLO who wanted a peace treaty with Israel? US and Israel. (Watch Judge Napolitano and his guests on YT.Get a history of the ME on the Duran.) Remember the lie re-weapons of Mass Destruction to invade Iraq? There weren’t any. But thousands died and who cares? 800 billion spent for what?Why is the US in Syria? Why did the US encourage NATO to expand eastward towards the Russian border? Why did the US engineer the coup in Ukraine in 2014 and then place bio labs close to the Russian border?The good old military/ industrial complex. Agitate, topple the government or cause a civil war, sell arms, kill people (who cares as long as they are not American), steal oil, gas, resources to pay for the war the US created and then get US firms to come in and reconstruct at the expense of the host country. Russia has natural resources! What country would think nothing of printing billions of dollars to pay (on their behalf) somebody else to kill over 500,000 people and consider it ‘value for money’ because American soldiers aren’t being killed in Ukraine? The breakaway regions in the Donbas have been bombed for 9 years. Civilians are killed everyday but not a word from western media. If civilians get killed in Ukraine it is a war crime but if the U.S. or Israel retaliate and civilians die (note they are not killed), that is justified. Before trying to incite the population to war, America needs to have a look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Are we the goodies or the baddies?”
Machiavelli said it is better to be feared than loved but he also said the worst and weakest position to be in is: "hated, not feared." The US and Americans are vehmently hated in many places around the world because of US history and foreign policy. That so many jihadis are willing to die in order to inflict harm on the US and on Americans proves that they don'tfear the US and Americans. Thus the position the US is in is "hated, not feared."
But and i am not saying i totally element of the equation is totally left out.....Political Islam based on the wrong interpretation of the Koran.....the battles that are spoken of in our great scriptures of all cultures are really the inner battles of good and evil inside us.....but Political Islam has made it an outside battle and rewards killing both on earth and in heaven.....that is an important factor too........but the US has not been on the side of righteousness ....than again I really believe it is a larger plan.....the satanic worshipping global elite .....they even set up the state of Israel to foment hatred and divide the globe....we are being played by the elite who run our government and most governments across the globe...they want us all dead.....
All of these governments are leading us straight to hell on earth.
CNN...oh PLEZZZZ!!! Say it isn’t so! Doc A...really???
The USA has no business in the middle East.
They are only there for oil and resources.
If they won't leave willingly then someone should force them out
I am not sure I it or not the world is divided into alliances.....Israel is an ally and part of NATO and i am not saying this is all legitimate the way it works today.......but also don’t forget, we don’t need their oil as Trump proved....
No, Israel is not part of NATO. I am not going to endorse JoeMichel's comment that someone should force the USA out of the middle east but it is true that the USA has no business in the middle east and are only there for oil and resources and it would be best if they left voluntarily. The US is hated throughout the middle East and in Africa and in most of Asia and Eurasia and South America and even in parts of Europe because of its history and foreign policy. Unfortunately, the US is also not feared because it is now defeated routinely in wars with the small, weak countries it picks on and many of those who hate the US think they will get 72 virgins if they die fighting the US. Hated and not feared is not a good status. It invites attack. Unfortunately, many of these attacks are on innocent non-US Westerners who do not share the US' history of butchering the civilians of foreign races. Thatis the real tragedy in all of this.
Okee doekey… mistake on the NATO…
I don’t believe we have intelligence.....i believe we are part of what Iran is doing.....we are part of the planning by Iran....give me a break....
I hope our forces are unleashed and destroy any Iranian.
Of course they are going to continue to escalate themselves and through their proxies just as the US Imperial War Machine desires with fanatical Islamic fundamentalism encouraged through funding by US taxpayers with the goal of the destruction of the state of Israel and of opening another decades long campaign of death and destruction to secure the necessity of an omnipotent security state