I am sharing the tweets and any intel on this, of course we are trying to verify this but we always take any evidence, including anecdotal into account as we understand what is happening and COMING!
Where are the paediatricians, the hospitalists, the paediatric nurses? The flipping parents. Why is second hand gossip, that no one appears able to be able to validate, so popular? And yet real world data so difficult to obtain. Hard to believe no one in the medical profession are raising red flags. What is really going on?
I keep wondering this too. With all the thousands of medical staff, pharma employees, funeral people, life insurance numbers, there should be more “chatter”.
When nurses wouldn't take the jab and were terminated, no one asked them why they wouldn't allow themselves to be vaxxed. Not even independent media. It seems like some subjects are off limits and cannot be discussed.
You will only hear why people are refusing the vax on alternative media sites like Substack, telegram, MeWe, Truth social and GETTR. I voluntarily left my nursing job in an outpatient clinic. Could have applied for a religious exemption but it also violated my principles when my religious faith is being challenged and you had to complete something like 9 pages of Essay questions to justify your faith, and why it goes against your faith to have mRNA injected. A close friend tells me it has become unbearable in my former Hospital. Administrators keep a close eye on everyone listening to conversations, anti vax or discussion of early treatment protocols are forbidden. They are horribly understaffed, and working conditions are becoming intolerable. She just took FMLA due to severe migraines unresponsive to medication and she believes it stems from vax injury . She had a bad reaction to the Pfizer 2nd dose. Refused the booster. I am trying to redirect her to the FLCCC i recover protocol but am walking her carefully so as not too intrusive as she is under the care of a neurovascular surgeon.
These people make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from death and disease, and they LOVE murdering babies and children. They ALL know what's going on. They are "afraid" of losing their job of MURDERING people, and many of them are financially benefitting from all of this.
This is what I think is going on. People only talk about what the news mentions. If they don't mention children's deaths, geoengineering, blown up food processing plants, etc, the people think it's not happening. But the biggie here is that people who do know (such as us) are not saying anything to the people who only talk about subjects that are on the news. We need to make a fuss. But few want to disturb the comfortable. So the comfortable end up ignoring genocide. That's how deep it goes.
I heard about this previously and read Etana's post. I don't think we need to wonder here at all, as you yourself remarked in an earlier post... It's the vaccine, stupid. God help us.
THANK YOU for reporting about these postings. Then, I see these postings are either false (which does not seem to be the case) or that they indicate a massive amount of fear, in that the casket makers are not reporting this giving their identities. If these posts are telling the truth (which they appear to be), what are the people posting afraid of? I also see your courage in speaking out - yours and the courage of those around you.
I saw that harrowing news from Etana and found it so chilling, I added it to the Retrospective in Whys I wrote in preparation for my recent Corona Investigative Committee interview:
You can bet any reports of child deaths will be vigorously suppressed by the big tech and media companies.
I’ve heard 2nd hand reports of deaths of family members in my circle of friends, and yet when you point out it’s too coincidental that someone in their prime suddenly drops dead or dies of a previously unknown cancer all you get back are blank stares or looks of anger.
I got one comment back saying “Now’s not the time to bring up your filthy anti-vax conspiracy theories” when a family member of an acquaintance died suddenly from a heart attack, when there was no previous history at all of heart disease.
I’m sorry to say this but many of these parents have bought into the lies so completely that even if their child dies they will never make the connection and never believe it was the vax.
They will look everywhere else but right in front of them, I think the guilt will be too much to bear if they even got a glimpse of the truth.
As for the authorities and ‘experts’ promoting these suicide shots, Nuremberg 2.0 is coming.
And the excuse “I was just following orders” didn’t work then and it wont work this time around.
Unfortunately if you’ve ever looked into the original Nuremberg trials there were quite a few doctors and scientists who were completely unrepentant for their actions. They maintained right up till they were hanged that they were completely justified in their actions.
This is the type of mentality we are dealing with, don’t expect these monsters like Fauci to ever admit they are wrong because they’ll never believe otherwise.
I saw stats, albeit not vetted by me, yesterday that said that only 1% of US parents have vinjected children under the age of 5. Thank goodness. The source also showed the States and the percentages.
USA/Canada Gain of function experiments, RBaric -> Transfer all data and work to China, Fauci -> Military Games in Wuhan -> Event 201 -> People supposedly dropping on streets of Wuhan and "leaked" to the west (along with suicides, mass arrests, welding, fleets of trucks spraying something on main arterial city streets, 24/7 mass cremation trucks...) -> China sends people overseas--no lockdowns -> 3 major cities experience massive covid epidemic (Wuhan, Lombardy Italy, NY) -> early treatments banned -> China CCP provides the magic viral code -> vxx "rapidly developed" -> massive Pfizer fraud with clinical trials -> push to get everyone vxx globally -> vxx mandates pushed throughout west -> massive vxx deaths -> covid illness waves increasing new variants, growing ADE and the dropping dead around the globe -> push to vxx children = democide
Not doubting the vax injuries and deaths in the least, but it is interesting to note...these posts seem to be from the same name of SonovAbeach and they have given different time lines for their business: 37+, over 30 and almost 50 between April & July.
I am sure the pro-vax lobby is capable of spreading disinformation to discredit their opposition. These reports from the funeral industry should definitely be vetted thoroughly.
That said, there are widespread public health sources also reporting increased child deaths after vaxxing. Not surprising, as children hardly ever die from covid, so the the death rate can only go up from the shots.
As Canada decides to approve the first Covid vaccine for its youngest children, I want to thank you for your daily warnings. We are truly watching our babies being thrown into the lions’ den. Dr Alexander, your pain is palpable- you are so admired for your dedication to all these matters, but please know that the world is full of people who send you not only gratitude but love and sincere wishes that you are able to find some peace for yourself and your family too. A very dark day for us in Canada.
Where are the paediatricians, the hospitalists, the paediatric nurses? The flipping parents. Why is second hand gossip, that no one appears able to be able to validate, so popular? And yet real world data so difficult to obtain. Hard to believe no one in the medical profession are raising red flags. What is really going on?
I keep wondering this too. With all the thousands of medical staff, pharma employees, funeral people, life insurance numbers, there should be more “chatter”.
When nurses wouldn't take the jab and were terminated, no one asked them why they wouldn't allow themselves to be vaxxed. Not even independent media. It seems like some subjects are off limits and cannot be discussed.
You will only hear why people are refusing the vax on alternative media sites like Substack, telegram, MeWe, Truth social and GETTR. I voluntarily left my nursing job in an outpatient clinic. Could have applied for a religious exemption but it also violated my principles when my religious faith is being challenged and you had to complete something like 9 pages of Essay questions to justify your faith, and why it goes against your faith to have mRNA injected. A close friend tells me it has become unbearable in my former Hospital. Administrators keep a close eye on everyone listening to conversations, anti vax or discussion of early treatment protocols are forbidden. They are horribly understaffed, and working conditions are becoming intolerable. She just took FMLA due to severe migraines unresponsive to medication and she believes it stems from vax injury . She had a bad reaction to the Pfizer 2nd dose. Refused the booster. I am trying to redirect her to the FLCCC i recover protocol but am walking her carefully so as not too intrusive as she is under the care of a neurovascular surgeon.
They are being told to stay quiet or they will lose their jobs and possibly their licenses.
These people make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from death and disease, and they LOVE murdering babies and children. They ALL know what's going on. They are "afraid" of losing their job of MURDERING people, and many of them are financially benefitting from all of this.
This is what I think is going on. People only talk about what the news mentions. If they don't mention children's deaths, geoengineering, blown up food processing plants, etc, the people think it's not happening. But the biggie here is that people who do know (such as us) are not saying anything to the people who only talk about subjects that are on the news. We need to make a fuss. But few want to disturb the comfortable. So the comfortable end up ignoring genocide. That's how deep it goes.
Agree. This has been 20 years in the making, if not longer.
I heard about this previously and read Etana's post. I don't think we need to wonder here at all, as you yourself remarked in an earlier post... It's the vaccine, stupid. God help us.
THANK YOU for reporting about these postings. Then, I see these postings are either false (which does not seem to be the case) or that they indicate a massive amount of fear, in that the casket makers are not reporting this giving their identities. If these posts are telling the truth (which they appear to be), what are the people posting afraid of? I also see your courage in speaking out - yours and the courage of those around you.
I saw that harrowing news from Etana and found it so chilling, I added it to the Retrospective in Whys I wrote in preparation for my recent Corona Investigative Committee interview:
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)
And no mention of these sort of increases in numbers on “The News”.
People, of all ages, are only important if they're involved in a "mass" shooting.
You can bet any reports of child deaths will be vigorously suppressed by the big tech and media companies.
I’ve heard 2nd hand reports of deaths of family members in my circle of friends, and yet when you point out it’s too coincidental that someone in their prime suddenly drops dead or dies of a previously unknown cancer all you get back are blank stares or looks of anger.
I got one comment back saying “Now’s not the time to bring up your filthy anti-vax conspiracy theories” when a family member of an acquaintance died suddenly from a heart attack, when there was no previous history at all of heart disease.
I’m sorry to say this but many of these parents have bought into the lies so completely that even if their child dies they will never make the connection and never believe it was the vax.
They will look everywhere else but right in front of them, I think the guilt will be too much to bear if they even got a glimpse of the truth.
As for the authorities and ‘experts’ promoting these suicide shots, Nuremberg 2.0 is coming.
And the excuse “I was just following orders” didn’t work then and it wont work this time around.
Unfortunately if you’ve ever looked into the original Nuremberg trials there were quite a few doctors and scientists who were completely unrepentant for their actions. They maintained right up till they were hanged that they were completely justified in their actions.
This is the type of mentality we are dealing with, don’t expect these monsters like Fauci to ever admit they are wrong because they’ll never believe otherwise.
Time to wake up people not the WOKE. Wake up. Thank you Dr. Alexander.
I saw stats, albeit not vetted by me, yesterday that said that only 1% of US parents have vinjected children under the age of 5. Thank goodness. The source also showed the States and the percentages.
you, Geert, Del, Fuellmich and many others have been warning of this happening but witnessing it unfold is heartbreaking
USA/Canada Gain of function experiments, RBaric -> Transfer all data and work to China, Fauci -> Military Games in Wuhan -> Event 201 -> People supposedly dropping on streets of Wuhan and "leaked" to the west (along with suicides, mass arrests, welding, fleets of trucks spraying something on main arterial city streets, 24/7 mass cremation trucks...) -> China sends people overseas--no lockdowns -> 3 major cities experience massive covid epidemic (Wuhan, Lombardy Italy, NY) -> early treatments banned -> China CCP provides the magic viral code -> vxx "rapidly developed" -> massive Pfizer fraud with clinical trials -> push to get everyone vxx globally -> vxx mandates pushed throughout west -> massive vxx deaths -> covid illness waves increasing new variants, growing ADE and the dropping dead around the globe -> push to vxx children = democide
Not doubting the vax injuries and deaths in the least, but it is interesting to note...these posts seem to be from the same name of SonovAbeach and they have given different time lines for their business: 37+, over 30 and almost 50 between April & July.
I am sure the pro-vax lobby is capable of spreading disinformation to discredit their opposition. These reports from the funeral industry should definitely be vetted thoroughly.
That said, there are widespread public health sources also reporting increased child deaths after vaxxing. Not surprising, as children hardly ever die from covid, so the the death rate can only go up from the shots.
Dark times, y'all.
As Canada decides to approve the first Covid vaccine for its youngest children, I want to thank you for your daily warnings. We are truly watching our babies being thrown into the lions’ den. Dr Alexander, your pain is palpable- you are so admired for your dedication to all these matters, but please know that the world is full of people who send you not only gratitude but love and sincere wishes that you are able to find some peace for yourself and your family too. A very dark day for us in Canada.
Just wait until diesel engines can't get the DEF or fuel. FEMA might be the only one with fuel and caskets.
Warned of this back when Mr. T did corona briefings. Really sad. Parents needs to wake up quickly and say NO...