Cogent arguments can be made that taking the present flu shot & thus antibodies to the flu strains (4 in number) will leave one at risk for severe illness from H5N1 avian flu that WHO warns about...
Original antigenic sin (immune priming, immune imprinting, immune fixation etc.) will play a 'recall' role for the flu vaccinal antibodies & thus leave one at risk for illness to H5N1; huge potential
I remain a student of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (GVB) and he is the expert but I understand immunology and virology and vaccinology enough today to hold my own scientifically and I wanted to make this statement. GVB no doubt can school us on what I am trying to say.
If we take the present flu shot and we know today that the annual flu shot is about 8-10% vaccine effective (VE) (does not work), then the induced vaccinal antibodies will be to the strain contained in the flu vaccine based on the prior year’s modelling (I think 4 strains). This means that if the Avian flu (H5N1 that WHO warns about) emerges (it is more virulent than annual flu) and you are exposed, the recall antibodies will be those induced for the flu shot you took (immune priming, fixation, prejudicing, original antigenic sin etc.). A mismatch. You will be very susceptible then to the more virulent H5N1 flu as the flu vaccinal antibodies will not be able to sterilize/neutralize the avian virus antigens (will not be able to bind/interface or effectively). You can become severely ill and even die, and I mean high-risk vulnerable persons especially e.g. elderly.
You must discuss this benefit-risk equation with your doctor.
Put it this way. I am not taking ANY vaccine OF ANY KIND from this time forth
I DO endorse the original science of vaccines. I do NOT reject the germ theory of illness.
BUT BIG PHARMA is CORRUPT and rotten to the core.
they have forfeited any trust any rational mind could ever have in them
I'll continue to decline the flu shot. Most likely for the rest of my life. It's good to have this scientific support for rejecting it.