Didier Raoult, the world's most cited virologist, said this about mRNA vaccines before they came out. For that he was doxxed and removed from his own virology institute by the French government.

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Huh! Could they have made it to fail on purpose? To then blame on Trump's Warp Speed when they failed? Now, that would be a conspiracy!

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Dr Alexander,

I have become a huge fan of your work but there is no way for me to stay subscribed without my inbox being full of posts. I would look into less posts in general, but keeping up your voice on social media platforms such as Minds, Gab, Gettr, etc.

Don't stop putting stuff out, but substack emails are becoming a lot to handle. I would rather read longer posts on Minds/Gab than having to wade through emails.

Much love and God bless

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Some of us are not on Minds, Gab, Gettr ;-)

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then a lot is being missed out upon

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