Doc, it's been this way for a long time. Nothing is going to change. The supposed representative is nothing more than a pawn to their masters, their campaign donors. Our government is a crony capitalist structure now. It's corruption is beyond repair. This is the basic problem with Republics, Rome had the same problems as every other republic, they all fail because of the representative corruption.

The only non violent fix is that we weaken the federal government and bring back the power to the individual states. The Supreme Court has already started this process or maybe they've given us the roadmap to further what they start. In the recent Row v Wade decision they gave states the power to decide. We need that type of change to everything and allow the federal side to engage in protection and trade agreements with other nations only.

It's really that simple. The states, if they can form a large enough group, can make that happen. Therefore our focus should be on engagement with our states to get the voters behind shunning all federal offers of free money and any other federal programs. We need our representatives in the House to stop funding the government agencies.

It is things like the above where we have the best chance for a move back to a constitutional republic that was first intended by the framer's.

Otherwise, things will get violent and even a civil war perhaps.

Politics at the federal level is useless currently, the state assembly halls are where our true power lies.

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Our Government hires people that industry rejects. We elect people that we remember as losers and high school nerds........We Reap what We Sow.

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I don’t think our federal govt is fixable. The solutions to fix the rot can only happen at the state level. Convention of states. State level laws to defy the feds. Mitch and the gang are owned by corporate interests, CCP, etc and power hungry. They don’t care about us. Wish we could have an entire govt of Massies and MTGs.

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No COS...We don't need a new Constitution, the old one is fine, it's just not in use anymore. There are serious dangers galore on COS.

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There are so much better people but never get the chance because they lack the guile and glitz that soaps so many politicians. We overlook them and so our political class is full of shysters. That's why Justin Trudeau was elected over our steady hand Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2015.

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They also lack the money to get their word out to the populace at large. People that don't know what they stand for, because they haven't heard them, don't know what they're missing.

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True. It's too dependent of having lots of money which hands it over to rich donors who want favours. We keep talking about getting money out of politics but with all the vote rigging, elections are swung by other means.

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Someone is paying those who rig the votes.

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Clean house and demand term limits

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Tried "demanding" anything lately?

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In my dreams

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Starting a new party won’t work in the short term. The whole system nationwide is based on a 2 party system. It will take literally years to do the groundwork for a new party.

I think that our best bet is to try and pressure new representatives (after all, if there is a landslide many will be Trump supporters) to vote out the current Republican leadership. We need to get as many RINOs out of leadership as possible. It will take a lot of work...phone calls, emails and snail mail. But first we need to win.

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we need to start

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Need all paper ballots, no machines, 1 day voting, small precincts, Voter ID. Make vote fraud a capital crime, well enforced. Can do that at a state and local level. Need to dump the fed money ... for those things that are legally state owned. Elections, education, and policing.

Refuse and nullify fed mandates, they are the opiates of the states.

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maybe just corrupt, opportunistic, greedy, perverted and compromised?

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Congress, no matter the spineless, cowardly politician we are referring too, does NOT want any outsiders wrecking their little-old-guy-club and organized theft mafia. I think 2/3 of Congress is now over 70 years of age and they have had it so good for so long, they do not want Trump to derail their gravy train.

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There is no difference between the two parties. They all work for the same people, including the mole in at Mar a Largo......

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The last two years are proof that there is a HUGE difference between the two parties.

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That's the scam!

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Sorry to tell you this but ALL of the Republicans voted against it......in both the House and Senate. I just double checked it. Look it up......

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And that’s a talking point. Just helps the dims. I’m not going to change your mind and you’re not going to change mine.

I’ll leave you with this....If there is no difference between the two parties, then why are most people far more miserable now than they were a short two years ago?

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I leave you with this... How many republicans voted against the insanity of the "Inflation reduction act" which among other things calls for the hiring of 90,000 irs agents willing to carry firearms and use deadly force (they removed the ad now but there are copies around, check Judge Napolitano's youttube channel)

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Sadly, Texas is stuck with Sen. Cornyn for 5 more years.

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Make his life a living hell, and recruit Kyle Bass to run.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. Hope your back and neck are improving! Keep fighting the good fight!

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They don’t want Trump in office. They would actually have to work and do things for the American people. Their Israel money might run dry.

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That says it all. Weasels would be another description word.

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Honest people like Kandiss Taylor in Georgia and Tina Peters in Colorado are massively defrauded out of government. The only reason Kari Lake won in her primary was because the fraudsters couldn't muster enough fake votes, like in 2016 with Trump. Anybody that the DS sees as a threat to the complicit ruling class has zero chance as long as the massive election fraud mechanisms (electronic algorithmic vote swapping and mule ballot stuffing) remain in place. Only when Constitutional Sheriffs grow a pair and decide enough will this stop, and so far the real emasculation has been among those sheriffs.

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Right on!!!! For many years I've simply referred to congressional Republicans as the CASTRATI

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How many are being blackmailed or paid off?

Enough to completely put control of the country in the hands of our enemy. WEF

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