We have to investigate every single person connected to the mRNA, lipid nano particle vaccine, all, Fauci, Baric, Birx, Francis Collins, Daszak, Bourla, Bancel etc., all, everyone, investigate, & jail
So good when a brave, brave man stands up for truth and honesty against the overwhelming odds of being taken down, risking his future, and perhaps even his life, to push the corrupt leaders and his own government to stop killing the population of the United States, and to tell the world!
I agree but I don’t agree with just jailing them! They’ve all committed crimes against humanity and have knowingly murdered millions of Americans and have severely injured millions more! We need to have a Nuremberg 2.0 trial with severe penalties, including the death penalty for those who were most responsible, like Fauci, the heads of Pfizer, Moderna and others at high levels who are involved in this. Many of these crooks don’t deserve to live. They are psychopaths who didn’t hesitate to kill millions of people, including children and babies! The majority of the injured will die within the next few years!
Ohio did legislation to stop this. The POS RINO Governor just bribed private businesses to do their mandating and out Republicans support business rights not individual rights.
Nice try but it is not possible to prevent this from happening again. Remember we have been here before: After WW2 everyone agreed this must never happen again, so we had the Nuremberg trials and also the Nuremberg Code. But now they basically tore the Nuremberg Code apart, urinated on it and threw it into the trash and the so-called "president" of the so-called "European Commission" is openly talking about abolishing the Nuremberg Code. No matter how many bills and laws may or may not come out of this: We are doomed to repeat all of this again at some point in the future because humanity is inherently stupid and never learns from the past.
Side note - your emails were in my junk mail again & one from Mike adams the health ranger.It’s a sneaky trick! & I don’t use google mail. Subtle sneaky way to censor!
Even if this was to become law, it will be declared invalid when the next fake medical emergency is thrust upon us. They will call a non emergency an emergency just to bypass the law. You can never trust these medical terrorists again under any circumstances.
It will never pass and Pedo Joe will never sign it. No hope unless they get caught in the act of stealing the 2022 Midterm and get stopped in time.
We need a million patriots to sign up to be Poll Watchers, and many thousands more to monitor every single drop box 24/7.
There should be no drop boxes. You show up in freaken person with a GVT id
Exactly! But as of now, the Demonrats are arranging for many more of the drop boxes than even were used to steal 2020!
They'll dio whatever evil necessary. They are possessed
Bandit, I'm so un knowledgable . what does hands mean?
I'm A caveman
Hee Haw, you did it again, John. LoL, LoL, LoL
When does your book come out? I want to read it.
Have you checked out Randy Stewart on Substack, some really off the wall political cartoons, when he's not being serious.
You should have seen me on Twitter talking to Cuomo ... Can't anymore... Banned for life.
ill check him out!
Here's me, first dog. Awhile back!!!
It's a hands up clap. "Praise the Lord!" Because you are speaking the truth.
Gotcha! My daughters mock me...but hey, I can destroy them in dialing a rotary phone!!!
Technology ended in 1967... We'd be a lot better off. Mr. Luddite speaks
I love that their are politicians that see the need for this.
So good when a brave, brave man stands up for truth and honesty against the overwhelming odds of being taken down, risking his future, and perhaps even his life, to push the corrupt leaders and his own government to stop killing the population of the United States, and to tell the world!
Nuremburg code violation is death penalty offense. Raoul Wallenberg saved 73k Jews threatening Nazi General with hanging if he let slaughter occur.
Always and everywhere invoke Nuremberg gallows. It spooks. We don't use enough. Make a t shirt.
Death penalty scares hell out of folks
Speaking of which: have you watched this video John? Very troubling, as I live in the actual area it's happening in.
No Unjabbed, but it's bookmarked for Monday.
Dr. Hoffe is old friend (he doesn't know me.. I mean a trusted doctor from early days. Have not seen him in a good time).
Thank you, ill see monday!
I agree but I don’t agree with just jailing them! They’ve all committed crimes against humanity and have knowingly murdered millions of Americans and have severely injured millions more! We need to have a Nuremberg 2.0 trial with severe penalties, including the death penalty for those who were most responsible, like Fauci, the heads of Pfizer, Moderna and others at high levels who are involved in this. Many of these crooks don’t deserve to live. They are psychopaths who didn’t hesitate to kill millions of people, including children and babies! The majority of the injured will die within the next few years!
Ohio did legislation to stop this. The POS RINO Governor just bribed private businesses to do their mandating and out Republicans support business rights not individual rights.
Ohio has some fighters. I admire. San Diego too
NW Ohio has a fabulous Health Freedom Group!
The corrupted state of “ILL”inois is deeply struggling.
This will go no where.
Death is the only thing that will stop this madness. Either death of the citizenry or ???
we have to support this
We must try. Goid things even out of failure
Nice try but it is not possible to prevent this from happening again. Remember we have been here before: After WW2 everyone agreed this must never happen again, so we had the Nuremberg trials and also the Nuremberg Code. But now they basically tore the Nuremberg Code apart, urinated on it and threw it into the trash and the so-called "president" of the so-called "European Commission" is openly talking about abolishing the Nuremberg Code. No matter how many bills and laws may or may not come out of this: We are doomed to repeat all of this again at some point in the future because humanity is inherently stupid and never learns from the past.
Thank you Congressman Dr. Paul Gosar! I'm at the VA and still under the vaccine mandates.
Side note - your emails were in my junk mail again & one from Mike adams the health ranger.It’s a sneaky trick! & I don’t use google mail. Subtle sneaky way to censor!
Agree! Also, the population has to become more educated about these things and not fall into a ‘puppet’ role!!!
Even if this was to become law, it will be declared invalid when the next fake medical emergency is thrust upon us. They will call a non emergency an emergency just to bypass the law. You can never trust these medical terrorists again under any circumstances.
Ot, we need an anthem. This?
You would have to go after the DOD. Who in the DOD is behind all this mass destruction?
I wonder if the Dr, "Congressman" was prophylactically taking ivermectin & HCQ while everyone else was worrying if they were going to live or die?