And yet despite the brightly lit road you show him Trump refuses to recant. Tell me what inspires your confidence in this con man? What inspires confidence in further elections that are entirely fraud, like the fraud of our sham government and our Potemkin Heimat.

9/11 put us firmly on the totalitarian superhighway and Covid was the toll bridge at highway end.

Now carbon free we whimper and walk once Biden signs the treaty into the Radiant WHO future under an Ethiopian communist bribed by China and Gates.

No election will make us free then, and no election did before, but each election continues to destroy the land of liberty.

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tell me who else would you put now, facing what we face. I am open. you have to understand, it is about who is best able at this time. you may feel hurt and betrayed. thats not the issue. you may not even like him/them. IMO, he has the mentality to take it down to the studs for what they did and we need that now, even if holding the nose.

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Btw. If you want to know the way forward we confiscate every land sold to outside forces. Namely gates farmland and resdisteibute it to farmers who will farm in this country. Not based on color either like these jackasses feel at the wef. It’s pipe dream only a war will eliminate this crap.

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I've wondered for many years why we would EVER allow the sale of our land to foreign countries or companies especially when they are communist. NEVER would the USSR have been allowed to buy land here in the US so why was china allowed? So many things never made sense until now knowing who's behind it all.

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Kissinger was the front man to open up Chinese cheap labor in the 1970's. Kissinger's Tribe, was the funder and advisor to Mao, in the 1940's. EVERY TIME you see subversion of a formerly white nation's sovereignty, morality and money supply...the most expelled group of people in history show up. Including Laura Loomer, a Mossad grifter.

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Never heard of Laura Loomer. kissinger was a rockefeller agent and schwab was chosen by kissinger. nixon was also a rockefeller agent. I knew there was some connection between the US and china in the early 70s but I'm not clear what that was. So, kissinger was integral in creating what china is today. Do you know how soros plays into all of this? I've seen that he's a rothschild agent and is tied to china as well. It's not clear how all of this is tied together.

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Loomer was a minor e-celb in the so called alt-right. Populated with neocons and jews, Milo Yannapolis and Mike Cernovitch were early luminaries. Milo, a gay jew married to a black guy, somehow started to show up at white nationalist meetings in 2016-2018. Infiltration agents. Always fed by Mother Israel.

Here is Loomer hitting on an Aryan guy, properly disgusted by her visage! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnUbeQYZ9a4

Like Milo Yannapolis, these people are always discovered, disgraced, and come back a few years later, with nose jobs and a belly flattened by the ketogenic diet!

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https://imgur.com/a/IsVYd6n I believe Kissinger was merely the point guy to normalize trade relations and get Most Favored nation status, so that a group of "communist" jews that had invested under Mao could get their payoffs. Of the Mao acolytes, Israel Epstein is prominent, and few US State Dept. folks who later were caught by Joe McCarthy.

I do believe the various NWO factions occasionally jostle for power, the Rockefeller faction has lost much prestige since the 1940's to 1970's.

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By your comments, you're no anti communist, you're a nazi.

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Genius, who did the NSDAP (National Socialists) hate the most? COMMUNISTS, also known as, jews.

My comments, are truth. I notice people call me a "Nazi" but never a liar. If you care to debate facts, feel free, if not, well, your Tribe is famous for subterfuge. And, other degenerate behaviors.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

Dump the anti-Jew shit.

It's the homos who have swarmed across OUR society, joining with our other Mortal Enemies -- Wokes, new world order globalists, metooers, antifa, blm, crt-crappers, reparations-beggars, climate change lunatics, drug addicts, open border criminals, and the demonrats of every stripe who support them.

If you want to pick on a demographic that blankets all these different categories of termites, pick on white upper-class females of all ages.

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Khazarians are NOT Jews they only started calling themselves such in 12AD because at that time only "Jews" could charge usury, christians & muslim were forbidden and Khazar's wanted to get into the bank biz, which they did, and by 17th cent UK they took over world-banking

Zionism is NOT Judaism; Stop offending good Jewish people by associating them with psychopaths and sociopaths. Khazar & now Zionism is Satanic;

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That still lets the soy-boys off the hook... 🤔

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The soil has been fucked with...

"Organic" is now code for toxic.

Just what do think is being done to our water, soil, air, livestock, milk, blood supply, etc?

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I respect your feelings. However, I don't believe that "organic" is now code for toxic. The only way to really know that for sure it to test yourself if you do eat 99+% organic or biodynamic and see the levels of toxins you have in your body. I have. I have tested myself and yes, I've got some little bit of glyphosate in my body but that's because it's everywhere. You can't breath without some getting into your body. However, I don't have the amount that is in a person who does not eat organic or biodynamic and I'm now working on detoxifying my body of those toxins which is possible. So there is hope.

Although I totally agree that they have destroyed our world with toxins (don't get me started), there is hope because it can be cleaned up with natural solutions. We, as citizens of this wonderful country, must be able to come together and understand how vital cleaning up the country is (the soil, the food, the air, etc). Unfortunately, I don't believe that most people understand the severity of the problem or even care (I know a few).

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“Just what do think is being done to our water, soil, air, livestock, milk, blood supply, etc?”

Things far worse than we can imagine.

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Socialism and abrogattion of landowner rights. We can't win by playing their stupid games.

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Trump doesn't have the guts to take this bold action.

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You assume naively that 1 man can disassemble the bs we are in. He can’t. Everything has to be dissembled starting with the federal reserve. Bringing us back to the gold standard. Declaring the Rico act on every politician that ever existed and taking their funding. The shit show has been going on for to long and they have drained this country.

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One man can’t do it alone. The people he chooses can’t be attached to the deep state again.

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Well, from my understanding from reading over at Conservativetreehouse, part of the reason Trump nominated so many deep state swamp rats is because of the Senate approval process--so even if Trump wants to pick someone like Catherine Austin Fitts for Secretary of Treasury, or Rudy Guiliani for AG, the approval has to go through the Senate, and McConnell controls that--he just tells Trump "oh, there's no way I can get them through, ,try the people on this list" So, yes, one man cannot do it alone. And from watching what happened with Trump, they blocked him at every step, and I'm talking about his own party. Speaker Rat Ryan and a bunch of other GOP decided not to run in 2018, so they could deliberately lose control of the House and make way for impeachment.

And the reason there are so many deep staters in Congress is because our elections are rigged (this goes back decades--the Collier brothers wrote the book Votescam, which is online at archive.org---apparently the Collier brothers took their evidence of stolen elections to the FBI and the FBI ended up starting an investigation of them!!)

Also, I think Pence proudly admitted in his book that behind Trump's back he was sabotaging him and his plans to open the country back up. Trump wanted to open up, so Pence and Birx went around the country to the GOP Governors telling them to stay shut down.

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Take some time to watch the old BBC mini-series, "I Claudius" -- available on YouTube for (of course) a modest fee... 🙄


As you're watching, consider, that that was Ancient Rome at the height of her power, and that the corruption of Modern Washington -- now well into its senescence -- is far, far worse.. 🤔

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One man! Really!

Schools, universities, big business, media, doctors, hospitals, drug companies, military, churches, homo-cabal, banks, government at all levels -- These and so much more are all infected with festering termites. And one man, or a thousand, are going to regain OUR country? Never!

Attila and Our Huns, in forces of millions, must sweep our country clean of our Mortal Enemies.

Lock and Load.

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Yes, I agree they have to get rid of the Federal Reserve, but I think that takes an act of Congress, and most of them are WHORES. But maybe if/when some of them wake up and learn that the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE bank (it's is as Federal as Federal Express--the name was deliberately chosen as part of the deception), and that they plan on enslaving the American people with their CBDCs, then maybe they will actually do something and End the Fed!!

I think a few of them are starting to wake up to the scam:

https://www.zerohedge.com/crypto/us-legislators-introduce-bill-would-prohibit-creation-american-cbdc So it looks like Rep Tom Emmer (R-MN) and Rep Andy Biggs (R-AZ) know about the Federal Reserve's plan for CBDCs and are trying to stop it.

And Rep Mooney (R-WV) introduced a bill to return us to a gold standard (which would be great--anything but the CBCDs/cashless society)


And Senator Lankford (R-OK) introduced a bill to allow us to keep cash and not go cashless. https://news.bitcoin.com/us-senator-introduces-no-digital-dollar-act-to-prohibit-treasury-and-the-fed-from-interfering-with-americans-using-paper-currency/

So these are signs of hope, but we have to get our Representatives and Senators to sign onto these bills.

And for anyone who does not understand the Federal Reserve and central banking please watch these documentaries:

Bill Still's The Money Masters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlnM481Gcg&t=668s (a follow the money approach to history, going back to Rome, then Bank of England, how Rothschilds took over Europe and then America with the Federal Reserve, though this is long, you will understand how and why we have wars and how ultimately benefits) If you don't have time for the documentary, just reading the quotes here will give a sense of how the corrupt and evil system of enslavement works: https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Banks/Money_Masters_quotations.html

Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrKf9nYeXT0

Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism https://www.bitchute.com/video/5ZZGuhe039QJ/ (this goes over the banker takeover in 1913 and the illegal income tax)

F. William Engdahl | The Gods of Money – How America Was Hijacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHs55X0K9dU&t=1374s

And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt (http://www.webofdebt.com/excerpts/introduction.php)- an easy quick read, or G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island.

A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/page/n9/mode/2up

And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt (http://www.webofdebt.com/excerpts/introduction.php)- an easy quick read, or G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island.

Watch Greg Mannarino on youtube--he understands the system and what the bankers are up to. They have literally taken over the world by getting the power to create money out of thin air and getting the entire world enslaved to debt. (they are now buying up the stock market and the debt market with money created out of thin air)

And sometimes a little truth slips out from Hollywood--here's a segment from The International: The Essence of the Banking Industry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_ZpXyrFSds&t=5s "The IBBC is a bank. Their objective isn't to control the conflict, it's to control the debt that the conflict produces. You see, the real value of a conflict, the true value, is in the debt that it creates. You control the debt, you control everything. You find this upsetting, yes? But this is the very essence of the banking industry, to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt."

Thomas Jefferson - I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.

James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.

Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s - Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the slick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue as the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.

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Fantastic list Sandra, I do hope some of the normies find it a soft gateway to the starck truth. It is very hard to cast off shibboleths, drilled in to people since birth. And many, prefer the comfort of fictions.

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You have to wonder what Andrew Jackson knew about central banks and central bankers, that we don't... 🤔

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He knew they were a den of vipers!!!

Wish more people knew about central bankers!!

Former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul is the one who woke me up to the central bankers and the Federal Reserve--I wish more people listened to him!

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Well said Doc. And the group behind the Federal Reserve, of which Laura Loomer is a member.

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Yes, I've noticed that members of that group never call out the Federal Reserve. At first, I thought that perhaps they didn't know (for most of my life I had no clue about the Federal Reserve until I started listening to former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul and Alex Jones--back then he used to talk about the bankers) but now I'm not so sure. I've sent people like Mark Crispin Miller information on the Federal Reserve and the central bankers, but he never talks about it. Until we get to the root of the problem, nothing will change--the people ushering in the Great Reset became the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world by getting control of the global financial system (taking over central banks, nation by nation). Larry Romanoff at unz.com has written about the amount of wealth they have amassed from this money scam.

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Last time I heard the Rothschilds hold half the world's wealth -- something on the order of 500 trillion dollars. They want it all of course.

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Yes, I've heard similar numbers. Larry Romanov has written about the amount of wealth the banking families have amassed (most have no clue!): https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-richest-man-in-the-world/ A number of his articles are certainly worth a read! Also, fwiw, John Coleman, author of Committee of 300, also wrote a book, The Rothschild Dynasty (I haven't had time to read it yet)--its online archive.org and if you go to the last page, he basically says that the world could be plunged into a brutal one-world govt dictatorship by 2025 (so looks like he was pretty on target)

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Just found this--good quick 3 min explanation:

What is Usury


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Mark Crispin Miller banned me on SubStack! Gatekeeper extraordinaire! :-) The Rothschildean wealth is in the $200 trillion range. Isn't it interesting how easily we assimilate this info, and how most virulently oppose it?

Not sure how our discoveries will ever become more mainstream. I think it will have to be a well known, very high level member of these ancient orders to do it, and that person will live a very nervous existence afterwards.

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If it will make you feel better the great, compassionate anti-vaxxer Steve Kirsch banned me. "You've been banned from comment for 99 years" -- no responses to my emails as to why, mind you... 🤔🙄💩

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Wow, but I'm not surprised--he likes to pretend that he's open minded, but he's too into his ethnic clique and the lies they tell themselves. Though he presents himself as anti-war, he's unwilling to look at the root cause of the wars, which are the bankers. I sent him tons of links (all the ones I regularly post, All Wars Are Bankers Wars, Bill Stills The Money Masters, Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism, etc.) but he just ignored all the information. He never talks about the bankers. Maybe he's been brainwashed by his ethnic group into thinking it's "antisemitic" to talk about the banking cartel. Or maybe it's because he's a lefty, and somehow in their circles they never talk about the monetary system or all of these global elite think tanks (Bilderberg, Club of Rome, etc.) With all crimes, you have to follow the money.

I haven't listened to Alex Jones in years, but when I first woke up (early 2000s) he used to talk about the Federal Reserve and the bankers all the time (I even bought the Bill Still and Aaron Russo documentaries from him). And back then, people used to make copies of the DVDs and hand them out--there was a real movement to wake people up to the central bankers and End the Fed (we used to chant that at Dr. Ron Paul's rallies). But I guess when Dr. Paul retired, that whole movement kind of died.

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I constantly drop links about the banking cartel all over the place, but so many have no clue.

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Most of humanity is beyond redemption. Don't waste your breath or your time; do what you can to help yourself. That's what I finally grasped in 2014, at the tender age of 55..

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No man elected President to date in American history has been one man. Therefore, Trump had a chance to try , except as a CIA asset since time out of mind one man in power he was not. Suppose though some Popular Personality broke out? A Hjp Hip personality. Political. Hip. Popular and elected, Rich like Trump. Further right than Trump.

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I agree President Trump is the best positioned to fix things -- except for the elephant in the room: he refuses to admit the shots are extremely toxic and a complete failure. Instead, he long has touted them as one of his greatest achievements. Millions of his supporters take him at his word and have taken and will take the shots because he touted them. That means President Trump's continued failure to admit he was duped, denounce the shots, and warn people away from them causes more harm everyday. The longer he waits the worse it is. His continued failure to denounce the shots causes fervent supporters like me to look for alternatives, like Gov DeSantis who has been more proactive than any politician at calling out the Covid scam.

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working on it

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Doesn't some blame go on Pence--he was the one in charge of the Corona Committee and they took info from people with a long track record of over exaggerating threats.. If Pence was not in on the scam (and a deep stater) he would have looked into the track records of these people. Also, I'm pretty sure Pence admitted (proudly) in his book that he deliberately sabotaged Trump. Trump wanted to open the country up, so Pence and Birx went around the country telling GOP Governors to stay locked down (at least something along those lines--I did not read his book, but heard from someone who did)

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Yes Pence is awful. Wikileaks exposed emails between him and Paul Ryan, attempting to assassinate Trump. I can't stand Paul Ryan and Mike Pence. Pence was in charge of the coronavirus task force.

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Dr. Paul, in 2014, Trump was properly anti-vax, and called out the massive autism rates Big Pharma's jabs were causing. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/449525268529815552?lang=en Along with his intent to release the JFK files, these are two of the reasons I switched allegiance from Rand Paul to DJT in 2015.

He also MUST explicitly call out the plight of middle class and lower whites in this nation. The constant financial and spiritual support for wealthy Israel, Hispanics and blacks, gets really old. WE built this country, and are being replaced. Ignoring it, will piss us off until war is inevitable. We are close.

Thank you.

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It's amazing war hasn't broken out yet.

I'm beginning to doubt that white males will ever do anything but whine, and then go hunting or fishing. Or nowadays, spend their time and money on sports betting.

What are their guns for? To kill innocent animals? Or to execute our Mortal Enemies?

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Gave you a like, and I do understand my primal responsibility as a male. Further, I understand the denatured diet, gaslighting and chemical attacks on testosterone have taken a toll. Not to mention, jewish precipitated wars that took out the white race's best warriors in the 20th century.

Still, what is stopping you from picking up a gun? Or, like the "White Feather Girls" who encouraged their men to go die in WW I trenches, do you just talk a good game too?

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Don't under estimate Trump supporters. At one of his rallies, when he told the crowd to get vaccinated, he got booed. He made it freedom of choice. Everyone is responsible for their own decisions. He is entitled to make mistakes. De Santis is young and is best in Florida for now. I do not like the fact that Soros endorsed him. Trump is wiser now and I think he'll be even better this time around, now that he knows how bad it really is. He needs to get us out of the WHO once more and also the ridiculous green new deal. China is our real enemy and they are getting out of hand and he's the only one who will stop them.

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No, everybody is not "responsible for their own decisions", not when "experts" conspire to deceive us. They fabricated data, they covered up information, they lied, they conspired in every possible manner to deceive us. They must be properly punished (executed) for these crimes against humanity.

Never Forget!

Never Forgive!

Never Again!

Lock and Load!

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I live in Florida. I voted for DeSantis but I have since learned he is a fraud. He is a liar and corrupt and please look at who is supporting him. One issue maketh not a leader. Be aware, DeSantis changed a Florida law without letting we the people know in order for him to be able to run for president. In Florida any official holding office is Not allowed to run for another office while still holding any office. Don’t delude yourself.

Both RFK Jr and DeSantis are globalists. This one issue important as it is is Trump’s weak area and so this is the area DeSantis has taken up knowing people feel betrayed by Trump. Yes Trump MUST do all the things suggested in this article but switching to either DeSantis or RFK Jr is a huge mistake. Again. One issue maketh not a great leader. Both are globalists. DeSantis before governor voted against the wall at our southern border. RFK in his newsletters supports global warming while the government creates our climate. I could go on and on but I suggest you do way more research. Listen to Nino. Listen to Juan. Listen to Kerry Cassidy. Listen to Silk. Peace be with you.

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Is your opinion based on talking to him or reading what people write about him?

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You forget one major stumbling block Paul.

The "players" that control the Republican party do not want Trump and were in on his 2020 election theft.

They are Uni-Party.

Trump does have a base. But as you can see by the comments, if Trump cannot demonstrate through actions in a very narrow window of time as you and comments indicate in ths article, the Republican base will be splintered and the Uni-Party marches forward.

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I think you are wrong. People know the Rhinos and so they don’t have the power they used to. People know Bush Sr killed JFK.

People have left Fox which has shown it is a BorgDem station now (and for a long time) and that Rhinos are globalists. Plus The House is making headway.

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I'm sorry Dr. Paul: But that isn't Donald Trump. Read this, first posted in November 2006, and weep:

"Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion" - https://infrakshun.blogspot.com/2012/01/waiting-for-clarity-on-brink-of.html

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Was watching a video and in it there was a short piece on the Bohemian Grove (very weird stuff there). The person who spoke said that it was there that nixon and reagan spoke and decided that nixon would be the next president. Don't forget that the rockefellers were behind nixon, ford, clinton (a rockefeller got him into the governorship in Arkansas) etc. The bushes have been so evil for so long with the father of the first bush president, prescott bush trying to take over the US back in the early 1900. These are evil psychopathic individuals who believe in eugenics and have backed every war and created the wars as well (rockefellers created the Vietnam war again for oil - http://www.masterjules.net/oilinvietnam.htm ). They play both sides and they have played most of us. We need a new system for REAL freedom and humanity.

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It goes back way further than that, and likely further back than what is described in "The Man Who Saved Europe". I pass it on to you, with considerable trepidation... 🤔


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You are right. It's a combination between the Jesuits, Freemasons, Catholic Church, Rothschilds and who knows what else. They are still working at pilfering us and destroying us.

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Capt. Devon Stack's Blackpilled on odysee kept me up late last night! Hail Victory Brother!

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Alas, his presentations suddenly became so unbearably long I stopped listening to him.. I'll check that one out though..

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Very weird and spooky psychopaths each and every one who is behind and involved in all of this carnage.

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Nobody is the best choice in every election for time out of mind. Nobody listens. Nobody cares. Nobody never would demand mandates despite doubling and tripling down support of toxic injections. Nobody would end all war and heal all victims of the injections and bring racial justice about. Criminal government is always Nobody.


January 2020, Pottinger unilaterally called meetings and ratcheted up alarm about the new coronavirus in the White House based on information from his own sources in China, despite having no official intelligence to back up his alarmism, breaching protocol on several occasions.

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on a good track here

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Especially considering (Fauci) the director of NIAID wields enormous power and influence over which research projects receive that funding, which scientists will be paid to continue their work, and which therapies, vaccines, diagnostic tests, and other technologies get developed in the competitive field of infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. And Fauci is the longest-serving head of NIAID, having been appointed director in 1984 and supervising research both within and without the agency from that position for nearly four decades since.

So, while the average American might never have heard of Dr. Anthony Fauci prior to sometime in February or March 2020, the people who study viruses for a living certainly had. Not only had they heard of him, but they were also acutely aware that he was in charge of the funding upon which a significant portion of their livelihood depends. Risking the disfavor of Fauci was not a move many in the field of infectious disease research would make.

Another important individual in that field was Dr. Jeremy Farrar, director of the megacharity known as the Wellcome Trust. With an annual total disbursement budget of over $11 billion — a significant portion of which is spent on infectious disease research — Farrar also represented an enormously important gatekeeper of medical research funding. The Wellcome Trust had a financial endowment of £29.1 billion, or just over $40 billion, in 2020, making it the fourth wealthiest charitable foundation in the world.

Both Fauci and Farrar would play key roles in shaping the public response to questions about the origins of COVID-19. And they would serve — whether willfully or not — to stamp out questions that would have tended to implicate recipients of their funding largesse — and thus ultimately themselves. Somehow, very few people in the media found this worthy of curiosity, much less rigorous investigation.

Indeed, when Fauci finally faced aggressive questioning on the subject, from Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul, CNN's Jake Tapper exemplified the approach of most of the media by treating Paul's questions as scandalous in and of themselves and not worthy of even being repeated on air. Thus has our watchdog media completely failed to fulfill its responsibility to hold powerful bureaucrats in government accountable.

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Yes, this need to get more attention!!! Deep staters placed all around Trump to move this plot forward.

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Trump does not have the judgement to fix this shit show. He has done a lot of stupid stuff. I’ve listen to his recent interviews, don’t hear any change in his approach. He is still toxic, undisciplined, irratic. How can you trust any of these people that had anything to do with the botched Covid response? The damage they caused, Trump caused, disqualifies them. Besides, Trump simply cannot fix this he does not have the acumen to do it.

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I think that Trump has good instincts as it relates to foreign policy and keeping us out of war, except as it relates to his stance with Israel/Iran, and killing of Soleimani. . Overall I think that Trump did a fairly good job as president, considering the non-stop fake Russigate allegations. But, Trump made one HUGE mistake, which is he gave the green light to the warp-speed development of the COVID vaccines. And, he still has not acknowledged that mistake. If he denounces the COVID vaccine, I will forgive him, but until that day, I can't give him my support.

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I think your perception is alas, accurate. The terrible truth is you'd need to be a Hitler or a Stalin -- or Jesus Christ the Righteous -- to deal with this hideous mess, and these hideous, far too powerful people...

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The solutions will not come from the political arena. You are welcome to admire Trump, a lot of Americans do, I'll never understand it. The answer has to come from the People themselves. We, the people have given our power to the authorities (and there seems to be many authorities) and we have to take it back! Stand in your power that is our call of duty.

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"The answer has to come from the People themselves."

Nothing could be more true!

But the people are too comfortable. Once China Joe has destroyed our entire economy, perhaps the people will awaken, become The People, and act accordingly. Now, they're more concerned about killing innocent deer and bears, rather than using their guns for good purpose -- cleansing Our country of the termites who occupy it.

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I think Ron DeSantis would be a better man for the job than Trump.

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DeSantis is someone to be wary of. He's got his ppl working on saddling his state with blockchain. There is no protection from bigtech helping themselves to students data, like it or not. Soon, it will be easy to apply social credit scores.

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Acutally, I am starting to have second thoughts about DeSantis too. Another possibility is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. I like him a lot.

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Please note that cyotosolve is not genetic editing, and I don't believe Dr. Shiva is a supporter of genetic editing, as he is strongly anti-GMO. Cytosolve is a program that he designed that allows one to enter in a combination of drugs or herbs and it searches through all of the published literature to see how those drugs or herbs might interact. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOnP8_kD3MM

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What's the diff? Anybody above dog-catcher in the USSA is vetted by Deep-State, now uni-party; But essentially 'the mob', aka kosher-nostra; Given the fact that FBI is still operating same as birth in 1920's with the same exact obsession with homo anal rape, and only puts rapists like J-Edgar-Hoover in charge, what's changed? Say since 1910's?? Nada They create these options or choices, sadly OP here says "Trump is our best choice", so you have a choice several torture options; How about "none of the above", how about turning off your TV and stop ingesting "THEIR BULLSHIT"?? Why is that all our choices are +80 year old criminals, who will soon be dead??? I would look closely at the selected VP's.

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Yes, I am having second thoughts on Desantis lately. I heard that Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is considering running. I think he would be great. He was not born in the US though, so might be a deal breaker.

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For sure not possible if not born here. He is a brilliant guy.

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I agree, but that is not going to stop him from trying. He is very persistent.

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Pleas se my other reply. Dr. Shiva is strongly anti-GMO, and I suspect anti-gene editing as well.

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It's very simple.

We The People.

Armed to the Teeth.

Lock and Load.

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Read Camus at COMBAT or other French Resistance writers and then reflect upon 1946-2023.

In this USA real conflict between states can be brought about to make Ft. Sumter silly. And the highest irony is military strife or even reduced to a police action across several states with Federal help like a narcotics task force but better armed and very paramilitary will find talking heads supporting it.

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"Please understand: THERE ARE NO POLITICAL SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEMS THE U.S. IS FACING. The outcome of this election is meaningless, one way or the other. The more you keep grasping for glimmers of hope within the political system, the worse off you will be."

-- Kevin Flaherty "Waiting for Clarity on the Brink of Oblivion" - First posted online, November 2006.

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Your land of liberty came to an end almost 60 years ago my friend, in the streets of Dallas Texas, on November 22, 1963. I was 4 years old.

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kind of agree

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Actually, it came way before then when the evil john d rockefeller was born, when the evil prescott bush (yes - the father of the first bush president), was born, and when woodrow wilson gave up our financial system (maybe by threat to his life or something) to the federal reserve. rockefeller destroyed any hope of alternative medicine in the main stream due to his corruption along with carnegie and their flexner report in 1910 and has manipulated the medical complex to be what it is today with their hand in most pharma companies. In 1913, the federal reserve took over our money and in 1971, thanks again to the rockefeller agents fiat money was born in this country through the rockefeller puppet, nixon.

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PS. But the world agenda WEF started hundreds of years ago.

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Yup. The rothchilds, the catholic church, jesuits, freemasons, etc. all involved in this insanity way back when. I don't know the history at all well but I do know these evil doers have been involved for a very long time and helped start it all. Other oligarchs as well.

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Yes. To all you say. You are greatly informed. I appreciate the information which I did not know, though did know most of it. So did Eisenhower.

FDR loved Hitler. And we brought all the Nazi scientists (plus others) to this country. The Nazis won WWII.

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Thanks. I know some but not enough. I didn't know about FDR. I'm not sure if I'm surprised or not. It did take a very long time before the US entered the war and many American corporations (IBM, Ford, so many more I can't think of right now) were involved in helping Germany. It's sickening.

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Yes. One company built the RR tracks to Auschwitz. I am pretty sure FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack us but did nothing. He sacrificed all those heroes. Yes, it’s sickening. But what’s just as is that the books that Hitler used for eugenics sterilization and murder were written at Berkeley in CA. And in fact we sterilized tons of people back then. When these people asked for reparations Dem states (especially CA) refused yet Republican states gave. The horrors of the earthly plane are unbelievable. God bless you. Sleep well. Peace too.

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Not sure if it helps, but most of this stuff is published; If something is missing let me know, maybe I can write up something that is missing;


Like Boris Johnson of UK say's the only job of 'world government' is to keep pedophiles out of prison, once you understand that point of view, then the entire basis of modern government will be clear. Even the MURDER is UKRAINE is largely to protect the UK royals from the peasants, look over there, go over there and die; Like BOJO say's his only job is keeping the 'owners' out of prison, and away from the guillotine.

These people have ruled the earth +1000 years, their only worry is staying in power and passing the torch to their spawn. The problem is their fetish, craving infant blood and fucking children ( Google Peter Thiel human vampire, Bilderberg President USA chapter, owner of PALINTIR #1 murder face database on earth for CIA )

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Of course, I remember some 20 years ago cleaning out a 'rental' found all the newspaper during that first 3 days after the murder of JFK; Every single paper had eye witnesses that saw shooters at the 3 different locations on the ground; By the 4th day all storys were same-same oswald alone; by the first month all witnesses were dead;

Years ago I went to 'sniper-school' our first field-trip was we were taken to daly-plaza to plan a hit at that location; The consensus every time was triangulated fire at exactly the locations where the eye witnesses had said they saw shooters; Simultaneous triangulated fire, all shots at the same time, all shooting in different directions so teams don't shoot at each other;

IMHO USSA died after civil-war when UK (city of london) took ownership of DC, from that point forward USSA became a corporation of city-of-london. It's also when they had to kill Lincoln and put in their own people to run USSA in DC;

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Your comment was straight out of Orwell's "1984".😱 The Media did a swell job memory-holing that event.

In other news I heard from Mike Adams that Robert F Kennedy Jr. may be making a bid for the Demoncratic ticket in 2024.. if so? I may be Canadian, but I'll be sending him a letter warning him not to... Their memories are very, very, long...

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Yeah, I think RFK Jr might have a substack now--I was going to post my worried about that too, then got distracted and lost the link---IMO, it would be very dangerous for him. I could just see TPTB taking him out just to traumatize the nation further. But I do think he should try to start come kind of Make Americans Free Again movement on the left, with the focus being on free speech, free from medical mafia mandates, etc.

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The Left in America seems to have gone completely off the rails. Once upon a time it was for the little guy, the poor and powerless... Now, I don't know what the F***... 🙄😳

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Left has always been nutz, as much as the 'right', always led by the nose by the owners;

All left&right, all capitalism vs communism, all -ism was published by Rothschild from 1840's to 1880's, they didn't even translate 'communist manifesto' to english for 40 years, these people are patient;

All nazism, facism financed by Rockefeller post 1920's in UK; Every 50-100 years the torch is passed from one elite family to the next; 1800's banking rothschild, of course what rothschild really did was set the foundation for permanent war, by creating all the left/right paradigms.

Regarding the idea left/democrat is party of peace, bullshit; In the time of HL-Mencken 1930's everybody knew Dem's got you into wars, and rePugs stole your money;

Today we're just back to the 1930's all over again in paradigm

All bankers care is to have wars, make people hate each other justify destroying country's, so that investors can buy-low/sell-high so the next generation of elite can get rich;

Just like anti-fa burning down USSA citys so SOROS can buy real-estate cheap and build condos, and push the poor blacks on to the street;

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Yes, now the left is 100% captured by the oligarchy/WEF/Davos crowd! I can't believe the left wingers are so brainwashed--kind of like a cult at this point, as long as there is a D after the name, they will support it.

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Yes, I think the takeover was back then too, though definitely by 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. I actually listened to a very interesting guy, Dr. K.L. on Crrow777radio, talking about how banking cartel took us over from the beginning---he says that the US govt never paid off the debt to the bankers from the Revolutionary War and it kept getting pushed off into the future. And then there would be resets (yes, there have been lots of "resets" in the past that we didn't know about, with "reset" having to do with the debt to the banking cabal) at key historical moments, including at the Civil War. He said at such times, the US govt would put up collateral (I can't remember the details, maybe at first land of national buildings, then land of state buildings, then us with Social Security). It was very interesting and definitely left me with the feeling that this is why they act like they own the whole world (as in they probably used this MO with all other nations). Anyway, if you are interested: https://www.crrow777radio.com/256-a-path-to-freedom-for-those-fictitiously-lost-at-sea-free/ and https://www.bitchute.com/video/5fjIzrpBsqO5/ (and there's something about Admiralty Law in this too. Apparently, this also has to do with Trust law. And in case you're interested, there's more on this here: "They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency" http://newpeopleorder.com/

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America was taken over by international bankers in 1913 with the Federal Reserve (it's as "federal" as Federal Express--the name is part of the deliberate deception). Our founding fathers knew that the international bankers took over nations by getting the power to issue the national currency (printed/created out of thin air and loaned to governments at interest, so the government ends up in debt to private bankers for money it could have printed itself). This is why the founding fathers specifically gave Congress the power to coin money, but the whores gave this power away in 1913 and that's when the bankers took over (borrower is slave to the lender). For more on central banking and the Federal Reserve please watch:

Bill Still's The Money Masters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlnM481Gcg&t=668s https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Banks/Money_Masters_quotations.html

Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism https://www.bitchute.com/video/5ZZGuhe039QJ/ (this goes over the banker takeover in 1913 and the illegal income tax)

F. William Engdahl | The Gods of Money – How America Was Hijacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHs55X0K9dU&t=1374s

And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt (http://www.webofdebt.com/excerpts/introduction.php)- an easy quick read, or G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island.

A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/page/n9/mode/2up

Even Robert Reich has admitted that the bankers run America:


Robert Reich understands the current power structure of the U.S. because he was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a member of the CFR, and he was Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration. Robert Reich's January 7, 1999, article in USA Today states:

"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress." [23]

And I saw this was true years ago when I lived in DC prior to the war on Iraq- I was friend with a woman who was married to a guy at the State Dept. And she told me long before it was ever voted on that it had already been decided- that the war was definitely going to happen. They just have those votes to fool the sheep into thinking we live in a democracy--it's a two party dictatorship controlled by the banking cartel.

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Totally agree.

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Some say it was the Acts of 1871, when a highly diminished by Civil War nation had our sovereignty legally stolen. Others point to 1913, some to 1933, I feel either JFK or the even worse Immigration Act of 1965.

I just know one thing, every time we find a dagger in our heart, it is crusted in shekels.


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Yes, that's definitely IT, JFK murder was just more of the same McKinley was same, same for all political murders post 1871 era; What matters is that 'USA free people" is 100% bullshit, its why I always say USSA which means United Slave States of America; Post Civil-War blacks may have been freed but all people became property of the 'corporation' which at the time was East-India Company that ran opium into China on behalf of UK (LONDON), today we call the company CIA&MI5/MOSSAD;

Carrol Quigley (Chief historian for CIA) wrote 12 books on how anglo-elite took over the world, he starts in the cave when man dragged women by their hair, and ends in 1985; Bill Clinton said at inauguration that he would not be POTUS if not for being mentored by QUIGLEY at Georgetown; The point here is you can't teach people shit with a few sentences, you must read all of Quigley's books, he caught shit by CIA for publishing, but his point is/was his books were for the eltite future children they needed to understand how their familys got the power to control the world, in order to HOLD that power; Clinton Got the message 100%;

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Agree--we were taken over a long time ago. We're taught fake history, the hidden history is the real history. On the British East India company, when I saw that the American flag kind of looked like the British East India company flag, it made me wonder whether they controlled us the whole time. Anyway, good post. I have a couple of Quigley's books. There used to be some youtubes with him speaking years ago, but they have probably disappeared. But he did warn about exactly what is happening, how they planned on taking over the world, controlling the world by the central banks and having an almost feudal system.

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Carrol Quigley was chief historian for CIA; He taught foriegn-affairs at georgetown for future state-department leaders;

State-Dept USSA is the worlds best wet-ops; I used to teach knife-fighting to special forces when young, and I learned quickly that the best of the best were kept in embassy's worldwide to do up & close killings with knives;

Just like snipers the best of the best were DOE dept-of-energy who were responsible to safe-guard all the USSA worlds nukes, and nuke-plants, and now bio-weapons; The DOE recently admitting they 'lost some bio-weapons' aka covid-release is unheard of, when I was involved at no time in history had the DOE every lost a bio or nuke weapon; Most delta, rangers and navy-seals retire at 35 where they're hired by DOE for security and then double-retire at 55; So its the best trained men on earth;

BUT the State-Dept has the world BEST trained killers, Carrol Quigley wrote their books

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Is clinton a rockefeller? If not, who is he the son of that he was put in power?

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NONE of this CRAP is complete without an understanding that

Rothschild created marx&engles, capitlism, communism, socialism, ... anarchism

Rockfeller created modern Russia&China, they made Stalin & Mao, just like they made Hitler in 1920's ...

Right now the west is to be genocided per Deagle-Report, JC-Deagle was Rockefellers chief planner from 1950's, think NWO Hitlers grand-plan for world domination post ww2, its written by Rockfeller in 1920's; Per deagle 90% reduction of human population in USSA by 2025; Everything is on schedule.

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Hitler had NO plan for world domination. He even stopped at Dunkirk when he could have obliterated his Anglo brethren. Now, the ComIntern, they had/have an international plan for dominion, and yes, the real movers and shakers are dynastic, monarchic and financial cabals with Jesuits, Khazerians/jews and other assorted detritus pulling all of our strings. We are all puppets, a few of us can at least see the strings.

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CLINTON is the bastard child of Viginia Kelly, a common whore kept in the Trailers behind Arkansas whitehouse of Winthrop Rockefeller; Old man Rock had like +10 sons, they all became senators and/or governors;

Winthrop like Bill was a pussy-hound said to have a harem of women in trailers behind his white-house; Bill was spawn and would ride his trike through the halls at night, Winthrop took a liking to Bill; Put him through college and paid his way through Oxford to be a Rhodes-Scholar;

Rockefellers not unlike Musk now, Musk has +10 kids; He's deBeers south-african heir, billionaire from birth and plans to have +20 offspring to become political elite to rule the NWO.

Then of course there is Chelsea Clinton who as promised long ago to be Treasurer for the NWO, post reset world-gov; Rockefeller Planning going back to pre-1920's when they brought HITLER to power from UK banking (BUSH);

Ran from RCA-UK now called SERCO-UK, control the worlds private prisons & ATC (airplanes), Serco owns ABC-MEDIA-LTD, which owns zerohedge; Which is why all left/right, alt, up/down bullshit is all same-same; 100% nazi-zionism going back to Rothschild

Big-Banking to big-oil 1880 to big-pharma 1930, to big-computation post 1990

rothschild to rockefeller oil/pharma to gates/musk computation

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Here's most of the history;

Something missing, then let me know; I haven't wrote up anything for a long time;


But real understanding to buy all 12 of carrol-quigleys books, but the problem is he sanitizes, the reality is a few people rule the world, lust for power, but why? Mostly sex, and the forbidden fruit of fucking children, which has always been the past-time of the elite; Now of course like Peter Thiel says, childs-blood is the most valuable commodity on earth $1,000/pint, that kissinger, Trump, Pelosi, all the centarians who want immortality can have it now;

So now its an elite twofer, pedophilia & immortality; They have always murdered children, but the tech for transfusions and keeping the blood fresh is all new tech;

Regarding CLINTON I find him as boring as TRUMP, which explains why TRUMP&Clintons were all best friends before Trump ran for POTUS, just assholes; All connected to Epstein, another pedophile, but a sodomist, not unlike Clinton, Epstein argued that raping little girls in the rectum was not sex;

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Yes, I've heard about the Act of 1871 (Lisa Guiliani wrote something up on that, and then it was put into a y/t video). 1913 was definitely a banker coup--beginning of the end for America. But I've also been listening to others who say the banker takeover has been going on for many hundreds of years or more. John Titus (he works with C. A. Fitts) has a video "NWO bankers and the American Revolution" on his Best Evidence y/t channel and he talks about the books of Alexander Del Mar, monetary historian from the late 1800s, and Del Mar tracks these banking families and their takeover all the way back to the 1600s. And I've also listened to the guys at American Intelligence Media and they think this goes all the way back to the Venetians and even Babylon (same for Joseph Farrell and F. William Engdahl)

I've also looked into Common Law vs Admiralty law, and those people suggest that the bankers have used other legal tricks, in addition to controlling the monetary system, to take over humanity (like trusts and legal strawmen https://famguardian.org/Subjects/Taxes/Articles/trust%20fever.pdf There's a guy who goes by "KL" who says that the US govt never paid it's debt to the international bankers for the Revolutionary War. They kept pushing it off into the future and putting up more of the nation (including us) as collateral. He says that there have been other "resets" (reset is all about restructuring debt) in the past at key historical times and that the people weren't even aware it was happening. It was fascinating info (https://www.crrow777radio.com/256-a-path-to-freedom-for-those-fictitiously-lost-at-sea-free/ and https://www.bitchute.com/video/5fjIzrpBsqO5/). All I can say is that we have been lied to about everything--our entire history is a lie. And if people don't wake up soon (turn of the TV, turn off the sports), it will be too late.

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Thank you so much for still more great links! At times I have followed or viewed most of these. I should revisit. Presently, I care very little for current events. ALL the answers, are in the antecedents, as you correctly identify!

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Yes, it's really amazing how much has been hidden from us!!

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One more for you:

Book: "They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency"


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Thanks for what you've written. I've learned a bit about how this goes back very far but I'm not sure of the details. I'll look into the links you provided. I haven't heard of most of these people you mention but I think William Engdahl is fantastic.

I'm still trying to figure out how all the history all comes together into this horrific disaster now. I have pieces but not the whole picture. I understand it's because they've stolen the money and now want us either dead or as their slaves but how have they gotten so many to follow them. It's a fascination to me that humans allow themselves to be so manipulated AND stupid and follow evil rather than good. (I'm not bringing religion into this as so many do. It's totally not related).

I totally agree with you about people needing to wake up. I never know exactly how to approach those who are literally in lala land and are watching sports. If you have any advice, I'm all ears.

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OMG, finally!! someone else knows about William Engdahl--yes, he's wonderful. I've learned so much from him. His talks online are excellent and all of his articles (posted at his site or on globalresearch) and books.

Truthfully, I kind of think the best way to wake people up is to 9/11 (if they haven't already)--that's what woke me up. Once I learned the truth about that, I immediately thought "okay, what else have they lied about" and I started questioning and researching everything.

They way I look at this is a global takeover by the banking cartel--this debt based model of banking started with the Bank of England and then moved from one nation to the next, and to us in 1913. I think the best documentaries on all of this (to get a full picture) are Bill Still's The Money Masters (long but the best history lesson, you will understand wars and how they are orchestrated and who benefits), Mike Rivero's All Wars Are Bankers Wars (45 min), and Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism (on banker take-over, including the income tax/IRS, and loss of freedom). If you don't have time for The Money Masters, if just scroll through the quotes here you will get an idea of how the system works: https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Banks/Money_Masters_quotations.html Plus that site has tons of more info--lots of book excerpts so you don't even have to go out and buy books. Same for this site--just scroll down, excerpts from tons of researchers on the banking cartel plot to take over humanity https://www.plutocracycartel.net/

In terms of getting ready for the coming collapse, I'd recommend listening to Greg Mannarino (y/t and substack https://gregorymannarino.substack.com/p/on-the-brink? ), Lynnette Zang (y/t) Jeremiah Babe (y/t) and Bill Holter (he's a guest---his prediction for how this goes down is the same as what Mannarino posted in his substack). The banking cartel are the most powerful people in the world--the control the global financial system and rule nations from behind the scenes.

Good luck spreading the word!


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Also, I forgot to add, Money as Debt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nBPN-MKefA (45 min on the debt based monetary system, which is what the financial system is--money is issued as debt. If we pay down the debt, there will be no money in the system. It doesn't have to be this way--Lincoln broke free and issued greenbacks, which is why they killed him.

Ellen Brown's Web of Debt is also a quick read on this: http://www.webofdebt.com/excerpts/introduction.php

Bottom line: we are up against the most evil people on the planet. They have literally taken over the world with money created out of thin air. Now that they own it all, they consider this planet theirs and they want to get rid of most of us -- I think they want only a billion of us left and they want us enslaved in their digital slave grid (digital ID, and CBDCs). There's even a former member of Russian Military Intelligence who has spoken about this--that the pandemic was fake and that the goal was depopulation, with those who survive to serve as slaves.

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You're first sentence made me laugh. I try to tell others about him. He is wonderful, indeed. Did you know he's in a wheel chair thanks to the evil rockefellers and their polio vaccine? I think all of that spurred his interest into investigating further.

I don't think anyone I know would believe the truth about 9/11. My husband and I were very close to all of that when it happened. The town I grew up in wasn't very far from it and it was a very strange day and aftermath being in the vicinity.

I know. It took me a while to understand the basic aspects. I also found this which was shocking at first but unfortunately makes total sense once you know what's going on. http://www.masterjules.net/oilinvietnam.htm Love to hear your response on that article. If you click on the links on that page, you start going down a bit of the rabbit hole. Same names constantly reappearing.

Thanks again. Will definitely check out the new links you sent as well. This is simply overwhelming. Reading and watching all of this crap because of a few thousand psychopathic monsters.

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I fear this stratification of humanity is endemic to species. There are rulers, followers and watchers. We are currently watchers, I very much hope to flip the switch to ruthless warrior. Better to be dead, than so easily manipulated.

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I appreciate your information but not the slur on any particular group of people. Let's try to keep that out of the conversation and education. There are only psychopaths involved in this destruction of humanity no religious group or people.

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But it is precisely groups we fight against. They are no longer individuals, they are identitarians, who refuse to let us form our own.

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Lock and Load.

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Agree. This will cost him the election if he doesn't wise up, FAST. We assumed he was a smart man, so not to recant and apologise in the fact of overwhelming data of death and harm, he is either too stupid or too proud/block headed. Either way, it will disqualify him and I won't vote for him, and that's me being VERY patient.

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And so.? Take a higher moral stance than ordinary man.. No God, no master, so anything goes experts I am obliged to work with and consulting with me utter. To have this office I please not the ignorant voter but agreed upon globalist elites. My faction has an observation but I rise above nationalist party to say let us deal

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Hysterical to think that people today still put their faith in this man who orchestrated operation warp speed on the bioweapon, who wrote. All kinds of incentives in the cares act for provisions to push the remdesivir murder weapon. A man who is also pushing to incentivize digital tracking at airports. Either you are as big of an idiot as trump claims to be or your paid control opp. Which is. Trump is the swamp just like the rest of them. And it’s pure idolatry to think one man can save everyone from the same clusterfuck they put us in. People no one is on our side. These shills have all been paid off of threatened to fall in line. The war machine DoD has been experimenting on the American people for longer than you have been alive the whole system including the UN WEF WHO. All need to be eliminated and hemp necks passed out. That is the only way forward. History is a lie they fabricated everything. Hollywood is in control and these people writing this BS are either ignorant to it. Or are paid to be in on it.

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Fraudci, Birx and others lied to Trump and the world about Covid. It will take an army of patriotic Americans to turn this around.

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I'm not going to view the Rumble video...

I understand that corrupt politics and greed played a heavy hand in the mess we find ourselves in. Politics will NOT get us out of this hole. Makes no difference who steers in 2024.

We are all at sea on the Titanic...

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BOOM but we do not give up and we need you in the crew to sail this ship.

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Boy a whole lot of crap being said here. I guess everyone forgot that every shot of anything that was put out by CDC, FDA was NEVER tested! We were all told that they were all safe, even when autism showed up, it was not caused by any of the approved shots? Well that is bull crappie, we all know now that none of those shots were studied, or looked at for long term problems. So as far as I'm concerned, WE the PEOPLE have been handsomely paying those CHEATS for over 50 years for not doing their jobs! That is 1, 2 is biden mandated (ILLEGALLY) an EXPERIMENTAL DRUG!! Illegally is the right word! There is a Federal Statute stating that EXPERIMENTAL masks and vaccines cannot.. CANNOT BE MANDATED. All you had to do is stick to your right to say NO!!! 3- I DO NOT CARE how you feel about TRUMP, HE IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT IN MY LIFETIME that HELPED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! !! TELL ME ANOTHER????

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The Government did not mandate it. It was the crony Corporation structure that issued the mandates at the company / employee level.

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here's Clarissa Pinkola Estes on ships:

"....I grew up on the Great Lakes and recognize a seaworthy vessel when I see one. Regarding awakened souls, there have never been more able vessels in the waters than there are right now across the world. And they are fully provisioned and able to signal one another as never before in the history of humankind.

Look out over the prow; there are millions of boats of righteous souls on the waters with you. Even though your veneers may shiver from every wave in this stormy roil, I assure you that the long timbers composing your prow and rudder come from a greater forest. That long-grained lumber is known to withstand storms, to hold together, to hold its own, and to advance, regardless.

In any dark time, there is a tendency to veer toward fainting over how much is wrong or unmended in the world. Do not focus on that. There is a tendency, too, to fall into being weakened by dwelling on what is outside your reach, by what cannot yet be. Do not focus there. That is spending the wind without raising the sails.

We are needed, that is all we can know. ...."https://www.awakin.org/v2/read/view.php?tid=2195

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I support Trump for president, but he really needs to come out and fully condemn the Covid vaccines that have killed and injured so many people world wide.

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Paul - you’re right

POTUS Trump has to step up to all that you have listed .

So why hasn’t he ?

A very bad sign

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we are working on this

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I think Dick Morris has his ear, and Dick Morris (at least when I heard him on Newsmax and ABC talk radio) does not seem aware that there is a problem with the poison kill shots.

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Dick Morris is all about getting his man or woman elected. No moral compass at all last I knew.

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I think that Trump has good instincts, and had, for the most part, done a good job as president in spite of the non-stop Russia gate accusations. However, he did make a few HUGE mistakes, which I think he needs to acknowledge before I could support him for president in the future. The biggest mistake being his support of the Warp Speed vaccine development and deployment, and continued support for boosters. To this day it seems that he still believes the delusional idea that the vaccines saved millions of lives, and he still seems to want to take credit for them. Until he acknowledges that the vaccines have been a failure, I don't think he is worthy of severing another term.

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People are tired of Trump. He's proven to the max that he's a self-aggrandizing egotistical braggart. It's too bad but he can and will not change this personality. I understand one's willingness to adore Trump but unfortunately he turns off as many as he inspires. He is blind to this and will not change. I suggest we move on and stop living and adoring what Trump could have been. I may change my mind when he admits that his support for OWS and the mRNA shots was a big mistake.

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I dont adore Trump, I wrote this piece with information for all sides and have said he did wrong. You loved him to Feb or so 2020 and we all did. agreed, he has to step up. he has his personality and I am interested in that. its who can get the job done and before that pandemic, what he was doing was good. the 2nd term he would have sealed the deal. if someone else is more capable, I would go with them. more capable than he at this time, with his ego an all. let us focus on who you will want dealing with Putin, Xi, Ukraine and the crap at this time. who?

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Trump is the only one trying to stop WW3

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Dealing with Putin? How is this an issue!

I want to know how he or anyone else will deal with China-Virus Fascists, Wokesters, Homo-Cabal, CRT, DEI, FBI, CIA, DOJ, FDA et al. Tear it down to the studs?

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Okay you make a good point. I like what he says about Ukraine and the mess that Obama and Neuland got us into and that Biden is amplifying. Unfortunately I cannot stand listening to him any more with his braggadocious, stable-genius, approach to everything. Who else? I do not want Haley, Pence, Pompeo. I want a Trump without the off-putting ego. I want a Trump that does not increase the national debt by $7B during their term. Could it be DeSantis? Time will tell.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

You mistake his persona for ego, and you don't get the act. The act hasn't changed in decades. There was no EGO in Ohio, just to reference his last public appearance. Just his magnanimous persona. The persona works in good times, it works from a position of strength, it rallies people and buoys them up. It doesn't work from a position of weakness, which is where he is at this juncture.

That being said, he MUST find a way to address the jab injuries/deaths - his base is falling ill along with everyone else. He MUST find a way to address the level of evil that smothered him in 2020. He had dealt with corrupt people in business his entire life. But I don't think he had ANY comprehension of the depth of depravity that drives the DC/NWO evil. He has to show that he gets it NOW.

Just an aside, I assume that in your list of negatives the $7B was a mistake. $7B is pocket change.

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Did you have Trump's ear in 19 and/or 20?

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Good question Steve and I would be interested to get an answer Dr. Alexander!

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Well, Carolyn, I guess the good Dr. doesn't want to answer this simple little question. I must conclude that he did, so the next question become, "What were you telling him then, and if it's the same message as now and he didn't listen, what makes you think he'll listen now." But by all means, keep working on it Doctor.

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Why do you call Trump a con man? Who did he con? He has good intentions for Americans and America. He didn't make the jabs. Covid was used for these reasons:

1) For the deep state to create the narrative that Trump was responsible for the deaths, they used the msm to post the deaths 24/7 on screen, which made those viewers hateful and accusatory of Trump and because they felt he caused the deaths, they wouldn't vote for him

2) The hype was to drive people into panic and a rush to get the jabs so big pharma and their investors could make their billions. They fear mongered the sheep to run and get injected with a bioweapon created jointly with the labs at Fort Detrick and Wuhan 4

3) Trump made it freedom of choice; Biden made it jab or be jobless.

4) The social media giants and left wing mainstream media censored doctors and virologists from all over the world from speaking out against the jabs. Doctors were stripped of their licenses if they spoke out about the dangers of the jabs and jailed. They were accused of being frauds. Videos were taken down from you tube and Twitter, both left wing media that censor the truth. They even removed evidence of election anomalies from 2020...I know because they removed videos I saved. This should never happen in a constitutional republic where we have freedom of speech.

Biden is the chronic liar and con man, getting his 10% from Hunter's business dealings with companies tied to the Chinese Communists (CEFC, CHINA NUCLEAR ENERGY GROUP, CHINA MOLYBENDUM) and the very corrupt Ukrainian Energy company Burisma. Look how he is destroying our country!

Trump is a good guy who has been accused of fake crimes for 6 years. What policy of his hurt Americans? We were richer under Trump and safer because world leaders fear and respect him. No one respects the lying child trafficking career politician who did nothing for the people in 50 years. Biden is demented, incompetent and not the true president elected by the people for the people. He was installed by the deep state and it's actually Obama's third term. Democrat communists cheated and it hurt the entire country. Under Trump, the haters did fine... their hate was built up by the lying left wing anti Trump propaganda. But under Biden, we all are doing worse... worst border crisis, worst economy, worst unity of Americans, worst lies and gaslighting, worst admin, worst security, highest gas prices and food prices. Worst drug problem, worst division, worst media liars, worst wokeism, worst sexual deviant behavior and worst gaslighting

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So how do we recover?

A few million well-armed, well-organized, well-led citizens. Torch light parades.

J6 people were well-intentioned, but horribly misdirected, absurd with their cell phones, hopeless in their targeting. We need competent leaders.

The Gestapo who raid our people all have families. Softer targets.

Never Forget!

Never Forgive!

Never Again!

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I have relatives who won't vote for Trump when he first ran or today and I can't for the life of me understand their reasoning of he is arrogant and high on himself. Well when I saw Hilary Clinton running I knew no matter what Trumps personality was he was by far the best for president. After his accomplishments in the time he was in power I knew of no one who has done better. Now as far as I'm concerned he is still the best person at this time for the position just because of his accomplishments. Who in the past kept the country out of war situations? We have not really seen what the people running now are capable of or if they have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the corrupt in both sides of the government and bring back sanity to the system, we must have Trump for now.

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Paul could expound on this topic.

What’s happened to our world in the last three years is madness. In this article, I try to identify some of the big themes and developments that explain HOW this madness ensued. My readers have already identified explanations I didn’t mention. Reader feedback is appreciated.


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I will post this as a separate stack in a couple days in cue.

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Awesome. Thank you for all you do, Dr. Alexander. Your site has allowed my site to experience pretty impressive growth.

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I am Paul and am so indebted to you and your depth.

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Trump is not in office and he can do nothing but bloviate and his hot air will not stop WWIII. 69 House members voted against Ukraine military aid. There is some hope but it is not Trump.

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Thanks Dr. Alexander. I know you get a lot of flack for speaking positively about President Trump.

I suggest that people read Derek Johnson’s 700 page document linking President Trump’s Executive Orders to Military Law. The US has been under Military Occupation since 2016. The ‘Real President Trump’ has been in the Cheyenne Mountain Military Complex since 2019. There were two vaccines: Trump’s and DeepStates. Trump’s had Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Doxycycline and Zinc in it.

Go on Truth Social and follow TommyMac171, Dean1776NCSWIC, Quarham17, The 17thLetter etc.

Find out how many indictments there have been. Research into the expansion of GITMO. Go on Telegram and follow RattleTrap1776 and others. Go on Rumble. Research on how many military planes are up daily. Do the research on everything and everyone.

Respectfully J.

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YEP!!! You are exactly right!

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I blame Biden (paedophile meat puppet of the Deep State).

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Of course you do - and, alternatively, your fellow "deep thinkers" blame Trump.

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Trump should rethink his unmerited endorsement of the clot shot even though it wasn't mandated as under Biden (Obama's meat puppet). Likely the elites all get Saline injections, not mRNA kill shots...

Clearly you are a deep thinker.

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All I know is that when Ivanka got the jab it was a media event. Surely Daddy wouldn't subject her to the shot to prove her loyalty and it proved for sure that the jab was perfectly safe. Last I knew she is still amongst the living. There was even talk of Ivanka running for POTUS one of these days.

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She's a libtard Democrat

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HERE ARE SOME TREASONOUS FACTS atheists are communists, majority of demonicrats Did NOT TAKE AN OATH OF OFFICE ALL THE WAY UP TO vice president and we know joe biden is a USURPER

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The Liars must be put on Trial and Punished.

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