And yet despite the brightly lit road you show him Trump refuses to recant. Tell me what inspires your confidence in this con man? What inspires confidence in further elections that are entirely fraud, like the fraud of our sham government and our Potemkin Heimat.

9/11 put us firmly on the totalitarian superhighway and Covid was the toll bridge at highway end.

Now carbon free we whimper and walk once Biden signs the treaty into the Radiant WHO future under an Ethiopian communist bribed by China and Gates.

No election will make us free then, and no election did before, but each election continues to destroy the land of liberty.

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Hysterical to think that people today still put their faith in this man who orchestrated operation warp speed on the bioweapon, who wrote. All kinds of incentives in the cares act for provisions to push the remdesivir murder weapon. A man who is also pushing to incentivize digital tracking at airports. Either you are as big of an idiot as trump claims to be or your paid control opp. Which is. Trump is the swamp just like the rest of them. And it’s pure idolatry to think one man can save everyone from the same clusterfuck they put us in. People no one is on our side. These shills have all been paid off of threatened to fall in line. The war machine DoD has been experimenting on the American people for longer than you have been alive the whole system including the UN WEF WHO. All need to be eliminated and hemp necks passed out. That is the only way forward. History is a lie they fabricated everything. Hollywood is in control and these people writing this BS are either ignorant to it. Or are paid to be in on it.

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I'm not going to view the Rumble video...

I understand that corrupt politics and greed played a heavy hand in the mess we find ourselves in. Politics will NOT get us out of this hole. Makes no difference who steers in 2024.

We are all at sea on the Titanic...

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I support Trump for president, but he really needs to come out and fully condemn the Covid vaccines that have killed and injured so many people world wide.

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Paul - you’re right

POTUS Trump has to step up to all that you have listed .

So why hasn’t he ?

A very bad sign

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I think that Trump has good instincts, and had, for the most part, done a good job as president in spite of the non-stop Russia gate accusations. However, he did make a few HUGE mistakes, which I think he needs to acknowledge before I could support him for president in the future. The biggest mistake being his support of the Warp Speed vaccine development and deployment, and continued support for boosters. To this day it seems that he still believes the delusional idea that the vaccines saved millions of lives, and he still seems to want to take credit for them. Until he acknowledges that the vaccines have been a failure, I don't think he is worthy of severing another term.

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People are tired of Trump. He's proven to the max that he's a self-aggrandizing egotistical braggart. It's too bad but he can and will not change this personality. I understand one's willingness to adore Trump but unfortunately he turns off as many as he inspires. He is blind to this and will not change. I suggest we move on and stop living and adoring what Trump could have been. I may change my mind when he admits that his support for OWS and the mRNA shots was a big mistake.

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Did you have Trump's ear in 19 and/or 20?

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Why do you call Trump a con man? Who did he con? He has good intentions for Americans and America. He didn't make the jabs. Covid was used for these reasons:

1) For the deep state to create the narrative that Trump was responsible for the deaths, they used the msm to post the deaths 24/7 on screen, which made those viewers hateful and accusatory of Trump and because they felt he caused the deaths, they wouldn't vote for him

2) The hype was to drive people into panic and a rush to get the jabs so big pharma and their investors could make their billions. They fear mongered the sheep to run and get injected with a bioweapon created jointly with the labs at Fort Detrick and Wuhan 4

3) Trump made it freedom of choice; Biden made it jab or be jobless.

4) The social media giants and left wing mainstream media censored doctors and virologists from all over the world from speaking out against the jabs. Doctors were stripped of their licenses if they spoke out about the dangers of the jabs and jailed. They were accused of being frauds. Videos were taken down from you tube and Twitter, both left wing media that censor the truth. They even removed evidence of election anomalies from 2020...I know because they removed videos I saved. This should never happen in a constitutional republic where we have freedom of speech.

Biden is the chronic liar and con man, getting his 10% from Hunter's business dealings with companies tied to the Chinese Communists (CEFC, CHINA NUCLEAR ENERGY GROUP, CHINA MOLYBENDUM) and the very corrupt Ukrainian Energy company Burisma. Look how he is destroying our country!

Trump is a good guy who has been accused of fake crimes for 6 years. What policy of his hurt Americans? We were richer under Trump and safer because world leaders fear and respect him. No one respects the lying child trafficking career politician who did nothing for the people in 50 years. Biden is demented, incompetent and not the true president elected by the people for the people. He was installed by the deep state and it's actually Obama's third term. Democrat communists cheated and it hurt the entire country. Under Trump, the haters did fine... their hate was built up by the lying left wing anti Trump propaganda. But under Biden, we all are doing worse... worst border crisis, worst economy, worst unity of Americans, worst lies and gaslighting, worst admin, worst security, highest gas prices and food prices. Worst drug problem, worst division, worst media liars, worst wokeism, worst sexual deviant behavior and worst gaslighting

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I have relatives who won't vote for Trump when he first ran or today and I can't for the life of me understand their reasoning of he is arrogant and high on himself. Well when I saw Hilary Clinton running I knew no matter what Trumps personality was he was by far the best for president. After his accomplishments in the time he was in power I knew of no one who has done better. Now as far as I'm concerned he is still the best person at this time for the position just because of his accomplishments. Who in the past kept the country out of war situations? We have not really seen what the people running now are capable of or if they have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the corrupt in both sides of the government and bring back sanity to the system, we must have Trump for now.

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Paul could expound on this topic.

What’s happened to our world in the last three years is madness. In this article, I try to identify some of the big themes and developments that explain HOW this madness ensued. My readers have already identified explanations I didn’t mention. Reader feedback is appreciated.


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Trump is not in office and he can do nothing but bloviate and his hot air will not stop WWIII. 69 House members voted against Ukraine military aid. There is some hope but it is not Trump.

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Thanks Dr. Alexander. I know you get a lot of flack for speaking positively about President Trump.

I suggest that people read Derek Johnson’s 700 page document linking President Trump’s Executive Orders to Military Law. The US has been under Military Occupation since 2016. The ‘Real President Trump’ has been in the Cheyenne Mountain Military Complex since 2019. There were two vaccines: Trump’s and DeepStates. Trump’s had Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Doxycycline and Zinc in it.

Go on Truth Social and follow TommyMac171, Dean1776NCSWIC, Quarham17, The 17thLetter etc.

Find out how many indictments there have been. Research into the expansion of GITMO. Go on Telegram and follow RattleTrap1776 and others. Go on Rumble. Research on how many military planes are up daily. Do the research on everything and everyone.

Respectfully J.

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I blame Biden (paedophile meat puppet of the Deep State).

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HERE ARE SOME TREASONOUS FACTS atheists are communists, majority of demonicrats Did NOT TAKE AN OATH OF OFFICE ALL THE WAY UP TO vice president and we know joe biden is a USURPER

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The Liars must be put on Trial and Punished.

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