It’s called stirring the pot and part of why many of us won’t pay for this drivel. It’s polarizing and will set some people off as it is a horrific story, if true. Extremely dark and negative.
No, it's called not being a cowardly, amoral *good German*, who are happy to allow the sequel to the Holocaust unfold. The past and current victims didn't have the luxury of whining about *dark and negative*. Real life is not Disney.
You are absurd. You are triggered, no *point* was proved, hence the whiny, infantilism of *leave me alone*, when you can't defend a statement that you put out there. But, no, hun, when you defecate Jew-hatred and shades of Holocaust denial...nope, you are accountable for what you say. Own it.
Would you believe if he did? As deniers also continue to deny footage taken by the damn terrorists themselves, or video taken by them of victims and sent to victims' families? IDF is *lying*, but the jihadists are never...let's keep being *good germans*...
Dr Alexander sounds very controversial here, but it doesn't mean he accuses Palestinians of such brutal murder originated from Auschwitz. He is just a feelings free reporter of whats going on with this zionist hutzpah.
I'll try and contain my amazement. No way of knowing if this particular story is true or not, but history has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the Islamic religion is the most dreadful and monstrous of all the man made religions. For these mentally damaged cold blooded mongrels to actually believe that they are somehow special above all others is the pinnacle of hypocrisy and absurdity.
To think that Americans are supporting them too, in our Country. The worse thing to happen to our Local, State, and Federal Governments are voter frauding people in like Omar, Tlaib, and Cori Bush. So, many more, too.
Islam is not even a's a life-system, a cult, hiding behind a veneer of religion, and not very well, given the sum total of its existence is to exterminate every Jew. If people would actually read the Quran and the hadiths, they would understand that very quickly---but still deny, because *the Jews*. It's everywhere, the Jew-hatred, and the denial of history.
As soon as you put it out there Paul, it cannot be unseen, or the damage undone.
It's like me saying: "gay man cuts off child's penis and flambés it in a South African cabernet sauvignon, serves it up with mushy peas and raspberry jus".
You somehow missed the footage, some taken by the terrorists themselves, in an orgy of braggadocio about their atrocities? You missed the phone call from one jihadist---recorded proudly---as he told his parents how he had personally massacred 10 Jews? Guess what, sweetheart...the Islamists hate you as much as anyone. Denying will not save you, when it reaches here.
Were those "Jews" combatants, or innocent civilians? In any case I don't trust audio recordings from either side they are confirmed independently.
On the other hand I have seen recent video - proudly taken and shared - of "settlers" stabbing the dead bodies of Palestinians and poking their eyes out with sticks, p1ssing on them, torturing West Bank workers, stripping people naked and kicking and abusing them. Others dragging their dead bodies behind trucks. Uncountable videos of IDF committing war crimes over many years, killing 9 civilians and injuring 50 of people on boats in international waters in 2010 as part of an unarmed peace flotilla, attack and attempted sinking of the USS Liberty - including the machine-gunning of deployed lifeboats(!), killing around 30 and injuring many many more. Torturing and raping of prisoners, illegal and non-consensual harvesting of organs of Palestinians.
You are obscenely dissembling. Of course, they were innocent civilians, but nice effort to deflect by implying that Israel's mandatory 2 years of military service for its citizens, somehow negates their subsequent lives as civilians.
You are an utterly contemptible coward to justify the massacre of 1400 Jews, by such absurd *whataboutisms*, buttressing your Jew-hatred with the standard, cowardly reliance on standard-issue Palestinian propaganda videos.
And, hunny...were those videos you cite as the basis and fuel for your inhuman support for jihadists intent on the extermination of Jews, even non-fabricated, they would still not justify your avarice for the genocide of Jews. You can play *whatabout* all you want, like a 5-yr-old at Candyland, but I don't play by your unhinged rules, so you can tantrum all you want. The adults in the room---who have literacy, honesty, and basic human decency on our side, will continue to push back, regardless of what deceitful, malevolent tactics you use to try to bully into acceptance of your genocidal hatred.
It's become apparent they killed around 600 people and the IDF killed the rest, and their main aim was to take hostages in order to do a prisoner swap. Why is there a CONSTANT need by Israel to stretch the truth? JUST TELL THE TRUTH!
What is happening NOW is a massacre.
And "hunny", where have I expressed an "avarice for the genocide of Jews"? WTF?
You don't mention the stealing of land, the theft, the killings, the imprisonments, nothing. Do the Palestinians "have a right to defend themselves", or is that only reserved to "God's chosen people".
If you think killing 10,500+ people is a reasonable response to what happened on 7th October you need your head read.
As usual, your ilk is projecting all the things they do and think themselves onto others. It is YOU who want to genocide others and has genocidal hatred, it is YOU who are a coward, it is YOU who uses malevolent tactics and it is YOU who bullies.
No, it was not. There is video footage, for those with the maturity to confront the evil and not hide behind denial. Moreover, the baby in the oven was a calculated act to allude to the concentration camps. Subhuman beasts who would behead babies, incinerate their parents, after torturing them, would have no compunction about perpetrating that atrocity.
Tori, you are a liar. There is no video footage . Only Eli Beer telling what he thinks happened. He was not there at the time. Then you make up a narrative about something that probably didn't happen. All you have done is to destroy your credibility.
Actually, you are a liar, cowardly hiding your Jew-hatred behind a demand to view the sick, subhuman porn of incinerated babies. But there is bright spot for you---you can view the incinerated bodies of the baby's parents and those of their kibbutz neighbors. And then you can deny the footage filmed BY THE JIHADISTS THEMSELVES, sweetheart. What the heck,just go whole hog, and deny the Holocaust. BTW, when I need *credibility*, vile, cowardly Jew-haters are the last source I would look to, dear. The hubris is delightful, though, of you assuming the role of arbiter of *credibility*!
At this point she is the only one on the planet still pounding this story. Eli Beer has backed away and Asher Moskowitz, the only other source has admitted he never saw the oven when he was on the scene 4 days after the event. Nobody in the IDF is claiming it took place.
I saw the video yesterday. An old Jewish man was recounting what he saw. He said they made a father throw his baby boy into the oven. Then they threw the father into the oven. The old man was weeping uncontrollably.
Gisela Watson, I think you are lying. There is no video of the baby being put in the oven. The only video is of Eli Beer, who was not there at the time telling what he thinks happened. He he is a very bad witness. He tells his conclusions after the fact rather than what he saw. Conjecture and speculation.
Apparently the story is BS . Why don't you spend a few seconds looking into things?
Eli Beer, the guy who first said it later walked it back. He jumped to a conclusion on something he did not know. No evidence to back it up. A baby was found in an oven 4 days after the attack. May have been hidden by parents. The building was burned down. nobody knows what happened. All the people who were there are dead.
Watch. “Israel” is always accusing Palestinians of what they do/have done. Kinda like the left does with your hero, Trump. (Hint: they are both controlled by the same evil.)
Chuck Holton is given much respect by Michael Yon.. among only about a dozen journos he wouldn't spit at. I wouldn't dismiss Holton relating this "story" out of hand 'cuz it doesn’t help your side.
What's so hard about believing it..??
"Necklacing" ..shoving a gas drenched tire around some guy's neck and lighting him up.. hell, there are videos. Happened so often, it got to be a thing. Somebody invented it. There was a first time.
Also from Africa, they rape babies as there's less chance of getting the clap, syphilis or just for the sheer exhilaration. Undeniable.
But Westerners have trouble accepting that sometimes they may have been nailed to a handy kitchen table.? Actually, makes sense.. holds 'em still while you cum and the crucifixion metaphor adds zest to the act.
Skull Cairns from one end of Cambodia to the other. Most killed with clubs to save ammo. Really quite beautiful as an idea. Monuments as Warnings.
Japanese staged beheading contests in Nanking.. going for the record.
Dropping A-Bombs on Hiroshima/Nagasaki mainly just to see results.
Clinical trials are common during war.
All this Refusal to Believe in comments looks like Denial.
First lets get the source of where this story came from. Then we can look and see if there is any credible evidence. Horton doesn't even mention where he got it from.
Making up unfounded lies only undermines the narrative. There were plenty of real atrocities. No need to make up stories.
Dr. Paul this was know many days ago... The demon savages must be wiped from the face of this planet... We cannot share a planet with them let alone a small patch of land.
If that's what you say, then list all the Angel Mom's in the United States that lost
loved ones killed by Illegal Aliens:? What about all the US Citizens killed by
Illegal Aliens? What about our own Federal Government that killed people with
the COVID 19 JAB, my Brother included? The trouble with the United States is they are concerned way too much about other countries. But, they use taxpayers money to
fund other countries while the USA is going down the abyss.
*Good German* looking the other way, in the pretense that this savagery doesn't impact you personally. Playing *whatabout* is not acceptable in the face of a genocidal Holocaust that the Jew-haters have explicitly made their goal, even unto their own death. Wake up.
We are Hungarian. Don't call me a German. My husband who was born in Budapest, Hungary can tell you about what real Communist rule is all about. His Mother who is a Doctor had to take the pressure from Communists, because she refused their ideology. That's why she brought her son to the US and became Citizens. They lost everything to the Communists.
My husband's Father's construction business was nationalized 3 times. After the 3rd time
he died of a heart attack at age 50. For your information, Hungary was occupied by
USSR for 45 years. The US said they were coming and never showed up. Not like the US
showed up for Ukraine. Taxpayers are bankrolling Ukraine. His Mother saw the Communists
taking young men and boys away on trucks never to be seen again. So, don't you tell me
to wake up. Israel isn't the only one that suffers.
Uncover your eyes and ears. It IS necessary, as we witness the rebirth of 'Never Again' into 'here, right now'---thanks to those like you who find reality too unsavory.
Why post this unless you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it’s true? You’re just fanning the flames. I’m disappointed in you 😞
It’s called stirring the pot and part of why many of us won’t pay for this drivel. It’s polarizing and will set some people off as it is a horrific story, if true. Extremely dark and negative.
No, it's called not being a cowardly, amoral *good German*, who are happy to allow the sequel to the Holocaust unfold. The past and current victims didn't have the luxury of whining about *dark and negative*. Real life is not Disney.
Triggered… proving my point. Now leave me alone.
You are absurd. You are triggered, no *point* was proved, hence the whiny, infantilism of *leave me alone*, when you can't defend a statement that you put out there. But, no, hun, when you defecate Jew-hatred and shades of Holocaust denial...nope, you are accountable for what you say. Own it.
He’s a virtuoso click bait a teller of truth
So you know the truth?
That's a beautifully written sentence. Love the musical metaphor. Well done.
Would you believe if he did? As deniers also continue to deny footage taken by the damn terrorists themselves, or video taken by them of victims and sent to victims' families? IDF is *lying*, but the jihadists are never...let's keep being *good germans*...
Dr Alexander sounds very controversial here, but it doesn't mean he accuses Palestinians of such brutal murder originated from Auschwitz. He is just a feelings free reporter of whats going on with this zionist hutzpah.
The classic cowardly euphemism for *I hate Jews* = *Zionist*.
I'll try and contain my amazement. No way of knowing if this particular story is true or not, but history has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the Islamic religion is the most dreadful and monstrous of all the man made religions. For these mentally damaged cold blooded mongrels to actually believe that they are somehow special above all others is the pinnacle of hypocrisy and absurdity.
To think that Americans are supporting them too, in our Country. The worse thing to happen to our Local, State, and Federal Governments are voter frauding people in like Omar, Tlaib, and Cori Bush. So, many more, too.
Islam is not even a's a life-system, a cult, hiding behind a veneer of religion, and not very well, given the sum total of its existence is to exterminate every Jew. If people would actually read the Quran and the hadiths, they would understand that very quickly---but still deny, because *the Jews*. It's everywhere, the Jew-hatred, and the denial of history.
… unless, of course, as with many others, dumb terrorists posted video(s) of their vicious crimes …
Like every story the CIA put out about beheading babies, I call bullshit on this story...
Me too. Total 🐂💩
Fascinating revelation that you don't call BS on the Jew-hating jihadists' stories.
Well, if people can pull babies apart, limb from limb while in utero, I'm not sure why THIS report would shock.
As soon as you put it out there Paul, it cannot be unseen, or the damage undone.
It's like me saying: "gay man cuts off child's penis and flambés it in a South African cabernet sauvignon, serves it up with mushy peas and raspberry jus".
It's fucked up.
The story, true or not I do not know is this.
Hamas entered a Jewish home, shot and killed the father, put the baby in the oven and raped the mother then killed her.
Sick on all levels
Sounds exactly like something the Israelis would do.
What a cowardly, vile blood libel. Karma will be most unkind to you.
They do like to accuse others of everything they do themselves.
You somehow missed the footage, some taken by the terrorists themselves, in an orgy of braggadocio about their atrocities? You missed the phone call from one jihadist---recorded proudly---as he told his parents how he had personally massacred 10 Jews? Guess what, sweetheart...the Islamists hate you as much as anyone. Denying will not save you, when it reaches here.
Were those "Jews" combatants, or innocent civilians? In any case I don't trust audio recordings from either side they are confirmed independently.
On the other hand I have seen recent video - proudly taken and shared - of "settlers" stabbing the dead bodies of Palestinians and poking their eyes out with sticks, p1ssing on them, torturing West Bank workers, stripping people naked and kicking and abusing them. Others dragging their dead bodies behind trucks. Uncountable videos of IDF committing war crimes over many years, killing 9 civilians and injuring 50 of people on boats in international waters in 2010 as part of an unarmed peace flotilla, attack and attempted sinking of the USS Liberty - including the machine-gunning of deployed lifeboats(!), killing around 30 and injuring many many more. Torturing and raping of prisoners, illegal and non-consensual harvesting of organs of Palestinians.
The list is so long I could go on for days.
I know who the real animals are, "sweetheart".
You are obscenely dissembling. Of course, they were innocent civilians, but nice effort to deflect by implying that Israel's mandatory 2 years of military service for its citizens, somehow negates their subsequent lives as civilians.
You are an utterly contemptible coward to justify the massacre of 1400 Jews, by such absurd *whataboutisms*, buttressing your Jew-hatred with the standard, cowardly reliance on standard-issue Palestinian propaganda videos.
And, hunny...were those videos you cite as the basis and fuel for your inhuman support for jihadists intent on the extermination of Jews, even non-fabricated, they would still not justify your avarice for the genocide of Jews. You can play *whatabout* all you want, like a 5-yr-old at Candyland, but I don't play by your unhinged rules, so you can tantrum all you want. The adults in the room---who have literacy, honesty, and basic human decency on our side, will continue to push back, regardless of what deceitful, malevolent tactics you use to try to bully into acceptance of your genocidal hatred.
It's become apparent they killed around 600 people and the IDF killed the rest, and their main aim was to take hostages in order to do a prisoner swap. Why is there a CONSTANT need by Israel to stretch the truth? JUST TELL THE TRUTH!
What is happening NOW is a massacre.
And "hunny", where have I expressed an "avarice for the genocide of Jews"? WTF?
You don't mention the stealing of land, the theft, the killings, the imprisonments, nothing. Do the Palestinians "have a right to defend themselves", or is that only reserved to "God's chosen people".
If you think killing 10,500+ people is a reasonable response to what happened on 7th October you need your head read.
As usual, your ilk is projecting all the things they do and think themselves onto others. It is YOU who want to genocide others and has genocidal hatred, it is YOU who are a coward, it is YOU who uses malevolent tactics and it is YOU who bullies.
And don’t forget 9/11.
I haven't. And I haven't forgotten 10/7, nor the Holocaust, nor the Olympics massacre of Jews., nor 3000 years of Jew-hating diasporas. Have you?
I am praying this is NOT true.
The beheading babies story was fake.
No, it was not. There is video footage, for those with the maturity to confront the evil and not hide behind denial. Moreover, the baby in the oven was a calculated act to allude to the concentration camps. Subhuman beasts who would behead babies, incinerate their parents, after torturing them, would have no compunction about perpetrating that atrocity.
Tori, you are a liar. There is no video footage . Only Eli Beer telling what he thinks happened. He was not there at the time. Then you make up a narrative about something that probably didn't happen. All you have done is to destroy your credibility.
Actually, you are a liar, cowardly hiding your Jew-hatred behind a demand to view the sick, subhuman porn of incinerated babies. But there is bright spot for you---you can view the incinerated bodies of the baby's parents and those of their kibbutz neighbors. And then you can deny the footage filmed BY THE JIHADISTS THEMSELVES, sweetheart. What the heck,just go whole hog, and deny the Holocaust. BTW, when I need *credibility*, vile, cowardly Jew-haters are the last source I would look to, dear. The hubris is delightful, though, of you assuming the role of arbiter of *credibility*!
Okay, where is this? Until you show it, you are still a liar.
She can't produce it because it does not exist. All she can do is call you names and call people "sweetheart" and "hunny".
And why do they always need to bring up the holocaust??? The two have nothing to do with one another. The Palestinians had NOTHING to do with it.
At this point she is the only one on the planet still pounding this story. Eli Beer has backed away and Asher Moskowitz, the only other source has admitted he never saw the oven when he was on the scene 4 days after the event. Nobody in the IDF is claiming it took place.
Okay, Where is it? I was talking about the beheading of 40 story. If you have video of that, show me a link. Don't confuse it with this other story. unexpected that you would deny both, hun. Your addiction to murder porn is showing. Don't wiggle out of your Jew-hatred.
Just show the evidence. That is all I ask.
BTW, the IDF and the Defense Minister deny that these happened.
I saw the video yesterday. An old Jewish man was recounting what he saw. He said they made a father throw his baby boy into the oven. Then they threw the father into the oven. The old man was weeping uncontrollably.
Gisela Watson, I think you are lying. There is no video of the baby being put in the oven. The only video is of Eli Beer, who was not there at the time telling what he thinks happened. He he is a very bad witness. He tells his conclusions after the fact rather than what he saw. Conjecture and speculation.
Apparently the story is BS . Why don't you spend a few seconds looking into things?
Eli Beer, the guy who first said it later walked it back. He jumped to a conclusion on something he did not know. No evidence to back it up. A baby was found in an oven 4 days after the attack. May have been hidden by parents. The building was burned down. nobody knows what happened. All the people who were there are dead.
That video was him describing Israelis doing that to Palestinians in 1948.
Crisis actors.
Through Deception Thou Shalt Do War
You are worse than even the *good germans* who looked the other way, in the first Holocaust.
TRUTH is the first casualty of war (that includes FALSE flags)
Dr. Alexander, have you found any more information? It's now 2025. I missed this email from you and just found it. Thank you.
Watch. “Israel” is always accusing Palestinians of what they do/have done. Kinda like the left does with your hero, Trump. (Hint: they are both controlled by the same evil.)
First time I heard this was Chuck Holton Sunday Update.
At 4 minute mark:
Chuck Holton is given much respect by Michael Yon.. among only about a dozen journos he wouldn't spit at. I wouldn't dismiss Holton relating this "story" out of hand 'cuz it doesn’t help your side.
What's so hard about believing it..??
"Necklacing" ..shoving a gas drenched tire around some guy's neck and lighting him up.. hell, there are videos. Happened so often, it got to be a thing. Somebody invented it. There was a first time.
Also from Africa, they rape babies as there's less chance of getting the clap, syphilis or just for the sheer exhilaration. Undeniable.
But Westerners have trouble accepting that sometimes they may have been nailed to a handy kitchen table.? Actually, makes sense.. holds 'em still while you cum and the crucifixion metaphor adds zest to the act.
Skull Cairns from one end of Cambodia to the other. Most killed with clubs to save ammo. Really quite beautiful as an idea. Monuments as Warnings.
Japanese staged beheading contests in Nanking.. going for the record.
Dropping A-Bombs on Hiroshima/Nagasaki mainly just to see results.
Clinical trials are common during war.
All this Refusal to Believe in comments looks like Denial.
'Cuz it don't help Your Side.?
He doesn't provide any source or evidence at the 4 min. point.
True. That doesn't mean it didn't happen. And I didn't say it did.
Lotta yak about it. Seems most are pre-disposed.
Prejudice "decision formed without due examination of the facts or arguments necessary to a just and impartial decision."
I haven't made any such decision. Run through the comments and you'll see most have.
Mark Lane. 1966.. First out of the gate debunking official story on JFK.. titled his book: "Rush to Judgement"
First lets get the source of where this story came from. Then we can look and see if there is any credible evidence. Horton doesn't even mention where he got it from.
Making up unfounded lies only undermines the narrative. There were plenty of real atrocities. No need to make up stories.
First paragraph I agree with.
2nd paragraph has problems. No way to know Horton "is making up unfounded lies" or making up stories.
Repeating hearsay.?.. Being inflammatory.? Maybe.
Still doesn't mean it didn't happen. We don't know.
P.Alexander asked for info, so I went digging around Substack & Rumble to find where I first heard the Baby in Oven story.
True or not, time will tell. Or not. Can't trust UN or some Judicial War Crime entity on Ukraine. Don't expect this to be different.
Are you expecting time-stamped photos of Baby in Oven along with Gaza/Tunnel/Tomb Horror.? Not happening.
More about Ben Gurion Canal, Leviathan Gas Field. And Greater Israel.
In my view the Israel/Gaza Hullabaloo was planned months before October 7th by US & Israel. Iran (and Russia through them) probably kept up to speed.
$35 Million DOD Barracks approved months ahead. 20 miles from Gaza. US Radar Installation doesn't need more barracks.
US Creep State has this all planned out. Several moves ahead .
Oct 27
I would bet my house, my entire possessions that this is a complete lie by Israel.
I hope you back up your bigoted bravado by doing that. But you won't.
It's not bigoted. It comes from observation of their behaviour over more than two decades.
Could very well be. That’s what the good Dr. Paul is trying to determine.
Dr. Paul this was know many days ago... The demon savages must be wiped from the face of this planet... We cannot share a planet with them let alone a small patch of land.
Must the HORRORS be imbedded for all to remember. When is enough....enough.
Yes must. If we do not remember the odds of repetition increases
If that's what you say, then list all the Angel Mom's in the United States that lost
loved ones killed by Illegal Aliens:? What about all the US Citizens killed by
Illegal Aliens? What about our own Federal Government that killed people with
the COVID 19 JAB, my Brother included? The trouble with the United States is they are concerned way too much about other countries. But, they use taxpayers money to
fund other countries while the USA is going down the abyss.
*Good German* looking the other way, in the pretense that this savagery doesn't impact you personally. Playing *whatabout* is not acceptable in the face of a genocidal Holocaust that the Jew-haters have explicitly made their goal, even unto their own death. Wake up.
We are Hungarian. Don't call me a German. My husband who was born in Budapest, Hungary can tell you about what real Communist rule is all about. His Mother who is a Doctor had to take the pressure from Communists, because she refused their ideology. That's why she brought her son to the US and became Citizens. They lost everything to the Communists.
My husband's Father's construction business was nationalized 3 times. After the 3rd time
he died of a heart attack at age 50. For your information, Hungary was occupied by
USSR for 45 years. The US said they were coming and never showed up. Not like the US
showed up for Ukraine. Taxpayers are bankrolling Ukraine. His Mother saw the Communists
taking young men and boys away on trucks never to be seen again. So, don't you tell me
to wake up. Israel isn't the only one that suffers.
Answering your question... "Must the HORRORS be imbedded for all to remember."
It's not necessary.
Uncover your eyes and ears. It IS necessary, as we witness the rebirth of 'Never Again' into 'here, right now'---thanks to those like you who find reality too unsavory.
We don't even know, if it is true. Blame Netanyahu. He knew this was going to happen. No way he didn't. With their security and they didn't know.