Cornell University has gone INSANE, as there are now student groups at Cornell calling for the killing of Jewish students, to blow up Jewish centers, where is kosher dining etc. in the university etc.
Why? What is Cornell doing about this? This is insane and places like Cornell must stamp this out immediately; I would be angry if same was said about Palestinian students, so why attack Jews?
This antisemitism is catastrophic. The left and media and islamic leaders etc. have done a good job poisoning the minds of young people who have no clue about what happened in WW II and who was gassed and killed. Harvard, Cornell etc. must stamp this out, this hate. We must not stand silent.
The Universities are using their Communist divisionary tactics perfectly it seems!!! How is this any different then using Antifa snd BLM to burn down cities, attack law enforcement, demonize law enforcement and Trump as the problem, defund the police, etc. It is not just more us against them propaganda being used to tear down society!!!
All by design to divide and conquer.
So obvious the MO of the Evil Cabal.
Always the same formula. Please catch on everybody. They use False Flags. They pit us against one another so we are not United to fight THEM back and we are continually distracted by their CONTRIVED catastrophes.
Once you do see the pattern over the time, you will constantly be nodding your head knowingly, instead of shaking your head with a perplexed expression. It really helps the Psyche when you reconcile this phenomenon. The clarity actually will bring you more peace.