The Universities are using their Communist divisionary tactics perfectly it seems!!! How is this any different then using Antifa snd BLM to burn down cities, attack law enforcement, demonize law enforcement and Trump as the problem, defund the police, etc. It is not just more us against them propaganda being used to tear down society!!!

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It's been revealed that Ham-ass beheaded Shani Louk, the young German-Israeli woman in the back of the truck who they were spitting on after they butchered young people at a music festival. The MSM are covering it up, not saying in their headlines how she died. These representatives of the Palestinian people are as vile as any American sadist and serial killer. They are as evil as the Clintons. This middle east conflict cannot be allowed to put down roots in America. There wa a plan in the early 20th century to create a Jewish homeland in north-western Australia. It was called the Kimberley Plan. Israel should have been created from part of the US. North America is the perfect host continent. It's not too late now. Israelis in the middle east are vastly outnumbered and surrounded by people who hate them. Create a new Israel from part of the US. Get the UN involved. Cut NYS or Frlorida out of the US and turn it over to the Jewish people. Settle the current residents of NYS or Florida elsewhere in the US. Don't let them accumulate in refugee camps. It would be a massive undertaking but not unachievable. Schiff, Schumer, Nadler, Garland and many, many other top US leaders are Jewish. The new country would have friendly neighbors. The conflict in the middle east is not about to stop. It's costing the US a fortune to support Israel. The US should not be a vassal state of any other country.

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Oct 31, 2023
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It's hard to tell what is propaganda and what isn't

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All by design to divide and conquer.

So obvious the MO of the Evil Cabal.

Always the same formula. Please catch on everybody. They use False Flags. They pit us against one another so we are not United to fight THEM back and we are continually distracted by their CONTRIVED catastrophes.

Once you do see the pattern over the time, you will constantly be nodding your head knowingly, instead of shaking your head with a perplexed expression. It really helps the Psyche when you reconcile this phenomenon. The clarity actually will bring you more peace.


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This is how it started in Nazi Germany in the early 1930s.

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

-- Martin Niemöller

Niemöller was a prominent Lutheran pastor in Germany. After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Niemöller became an outspoken critic of Hitler’s interference in the Protestant Church. He spent the last eight years of Nazi rule, from 1937 to 1945, in Nazi prisons and concentration camps.

(source: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists)

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Very famous quote.....

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Yes, indeed. And I thought it was appropriate to repeat it. As a warning, if anyone is listening.

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Chaos in the USA seems the GOAL?

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Cloward-Piven strategy.

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Chaos and evil demonic devils worldwide.

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Evil totally unexperienced by any other age in the hisss-story of this world!!! <imhv>

Curious if the hadron collider (CERN) opened a Pandora’s box?

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It's as though it's opened up a portal in time. You can almost hear the screaming of the mothers and children slaughtered by the US in the kindergartens, schools and maternity hospitals in Belgrade when they were.carpet bombed by the US in 1944

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I am so sad….

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It's a sad thing.

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We all watched the videos of what happened years ago at Evergreen College, right? Brett Weinstein warned us that wasn’t an isolated incident. And, no, they will not grow out of it when they enter the “real” world.

We’ve read what Harvard is all about these days, right? We saw the stances most famous colleges too regarding covid.

Parents must’ve either brushed off the “indoctrination camp” thing as conservative ranting. Either that or they were proud of their offspring supporting the next big thing. So smart they’ve become, right?

Now that it’s led to a call for mass murder why in heavens name is anyone surprised?

Will parents wake up to the fact their sweet little baby’s are now trained to think like Stalin-esque revolutionaries? This is the tuition they paid for.

They have allowed themselves to be brainwashed to win at all costs. Respect for human life has been filtered out of them. The mantra is, it’s my way or the Highway and we’ll kill anyone that gets in our way.

What parents don’t realize is that under the right conditions and with the right triggers their cutie pies will kill them too.

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Yes.....the kids turned on parents in all communist countries.....and actually i believe a few years ago schools here were trying to get kids to do that too.....then Covid lockdowns came and suddenly some parents saw what their kids were being taught....well put.....

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They dangle their carrots to trick us. You want your kids to succeed, right? Be managers, leaders and entrepreneurs. Gotta go to college no matter the cost. They use these tactics with everything. Gotta have the latest iPhone, Alexa, etc. The safest car, the “smart” home. You want clean air and water, right? You want to be a good, accepting person dontcha? Those cameras everywhere in your city stop crime. You don’t want crime do you? On it goes… They’re doing the same with mRNA. You want to be healthy? You want your kids to me healthy? Wear your useless mask, comrade. It’s time we all say Fuck You! to their utopian visions.

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Yes…well put…..i watched all these things just get worse and worse….in fact i thought my liberal arts degree in1972 was not half as educating as really learning my stuff in high school….and on and on and on…..peace

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When Higher education ceased to be special due its “necessity” it became exactly what many people said it would become. The equivalent of a HS diploma. It was a sucker’s bet like cable TV in that something exorbitantly expensive replaced something that used to be free (paid for by taxes and commercials) and content became utterly mediocre in the process. College enrollment exploded during the Vietnam war as a legal draft dodge. Once they got all that newfound cash they made sure to keep it rolling by brainwashing graduates into elitist cliques that once in the work force would freeze out anyone with a lesser education. It was brilliant marketing. We can see where it led.

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Very well put…..but the draft to go to Vietnam in my recollection as my brother was in that pool of selection did not exempt college or even medical students…..that is why so many said they would flee to Canada….i could be wrong but i don’t think so…..either way what you say is very true…

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There’s also a line in the movie, Animal House when Dean Wormer is expelling the Delta Fraternity he says,

“You're out! All of you. And that goes for your two missing friends, too. I'm calling your parents tomorrow. And I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I've already notified your local draft boards and told them that all of you are now eligible for military service.”

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What do you expect from crazy liberals?

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Why are the "Jews" hated?

The Zionist Rothschild Jews want to take our guns away so they can commit Holodomor 2.0(already in progress) in the United States and the rest of the world. LOOK what they did in 1932 and 1933 (where they killed over 60 million people, mostly white Christians) in Russia and Ukraine. Later on, the "Jews" declared war on Germany who were just trying to protect their country from high interest rates and another Bolshevik genocide event. Then the Jewish Bankers dragged the United States into WW- 2 where hundreds of thousands of our soldiers died. They genocide people to carve out their empire by trying to kill off 90% of the world's population by wars, vaccines and starvation, just like they are doing TODAY in Palestine and Ukraine. These Rothschild Zionists are NOT God's People, rather they are of the Synagogue of SATAN! So it's a big mistake for Christians to think they are supporting the Judaic Jews of Israel. These Dual citizen Israelis have thoroughly infiltrated the United States Presidency and his support staff, Congressmen, Senators, FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, Homeland "Security" and most other Federal Agencies. Our military is staffed throughout with them. They buy off(George Soros, one of the main ones who does this) and/or infiltrate governors, lawyers, judges, district attorneys, prosecutors, doctors, university deans, instructors and law enforcement and on and on. They are behind the Covid, Jew-Jab, Bioweapon Killer, Clot-Shot, Quack-zines. These are evil bad people who need to removed from their posts and brought to justice for their uncountable crimes, treason and tyranny. They also steal our technology and sell it to their Communist buddies in the China CCP.

They also kidnap and rape our children and perform human sacrifice to their Satanic God, Lucifer, drain and eat the childs blood and cut out and sell their organs. Then the rest of the body winds up in your breakfast sandwich at McDonalds. WAKE UP AMERICA and the Rest of the world! Don't let them take the guns, but rather REMOVE these people from this country just like they have been removed from over 100 nations over the centuries for their EVIL practices! Look up videos on uncensored websites and read their Talmud book to see the evil they practice and that their Talmud book says if the people(Goyim) knew what we taught about them, they would kill us openly. They own and control the media so you don't hear these truths. They are major owners of our domestic businesses, stock market and Wall Street. They are behind the Porn Industry and promoting Gays, Lesbian and transgender movements. They are trying to genocide the white race. They were behind the slave trade of blacks, yet they enrage the blacks against the whites and support terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. These are the "people" trying to take your guns away and mandating the Covid clot shots to kill you. They try to say we are racist and we are Anti-Semite, but they are NOT Semites, they originate from Khazaria. Bebe Netanyahu and Zionist JEWs worldwide ARE NOT OUR FRIEND, PERIOD!

These people are a danger to the future of humanity and MUST be dealt with swiftly.

God's Kingdom will eventually remove these wicked people from the face of the earth if they don't repent!

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Well...thanks for only highlighting what we're talking about, which the unhinged hatred of Jews, and hiding behind debunked conspiracies and euphemisms like *the Rothschilds* and *Zionists*.

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The NWO is behind this, and the Rothschilds fund it, and the Zionists promote it. Be thankful that most Jews are not of this ilk. The NWO wants this slaughter, and for it to even expand so they can set up their World Gov't, where ? You guessed it...

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My my, you're ate up with it, aren't you?

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I like it. It’s the truth...antisemitism covers up what they really are.

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Too bad we can’t put them in a Time Machine and transport them to one of the Nazi prisons with an oven or an experimental surgery. Oh God I’m turning into one of them. Sorry Father. ❤️🙏🏼

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I get it.🙏🙏🙏

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I don't think it's antisemiitic. It's anti Israel. But that's not the same thing.

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Tell that to a Jewish victim. Their expressions of anti- Israel target Jews.

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Supremacists admire other supremacists:


“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.” 

—Ovadia Yosef, former chief sephardic rabbi (800,000 Israeli’s attended his funeral procession.)

We are all Palestinians…


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Then why are Jewish students on campuses being targeted?.....clean your lens of perception ....it is filled with dirt...... these things don’t stop at one group......someone above quoted this Pastor....

This is how it started in Nazi Germany in the early 1930s.

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

-- Martin Niemöller

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No. It's the same. Just as using *Zionist* is euphemistic for 'da Jooos'. It's definitely the same thing, when the Hamas charter explicitly stipulated the extermination of JEWS.

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No it’s not. Bringing up Hamas who talk about exterminating Jews has nothing to do with people protesting what Israel is doing to Palestinian civilians. It is NOT saying you are against Jews. It is NOT anti-Semitic to protest or be against Zionism expansion.

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Israel created Hamas and probably wrote the charter for them. It created a ready reason to genocide the whole population when the need arises.

If the notion that Israel would covertly operate other people’s terrorist organizations sounds strange or crazy, do some reading about Israel’s use of false flag terrorism. No one anywhere or ever has done more of it.

No stand down order, no breaches of the fence. No breaches of the fence, no dead Israeli citizens. No dead Israeli citizens, no justification for yet another murderous rampage.

Ergo, it appears to me, Israel (Or Mr. Netanyahu) willfully sacrificed a thousand people so that they could FALSELY CLAIM their premeditated slaughter of Palestinians is done in self-defense.

If Hamas was created by Israel, consider the possibility Hamas was created to misrepresent Gazans, and to act in ways that give Israel the pretenses to destroy and plunder Gaza.

Is there evidence Israel has done such things? Yes, plenty. Books on Israeli terrorism: these books establish the pattern.

Rise & Kill First

Ronen Bergman

Israels Sacred Terrorism

Livia Rokach

Hidden History of Zionism

Ralph Schoenman

Ben Gurion's Scandals: How the Haganah & the Mossad Eliminated Jews

Naeim Giladi

State of Terror

Thom Suarez

The IDF's fence was more instrumented, monitored and patrolled than probably any other concentration camp fence anywhere, ever. FIFTEEN breeches, explosives, trucks driving through... On every other day, if a dog touched the fence snipers would be alerted and jeeps dispatched.

The IDF stood down for seven hours. Israeli's who served that duty, securing the concentration camp barrier, are objecting and concluding there must have been a stand down order:


Consider a previous example of remarkable timing.

Netanyahu threatens France because they were considering recognition of Palestinian statehood.


Then, look at the tsunami of terrorism that began in France immediately after his threat:


Ronen Bergman’s book Rise & Kill First documents Israeli covert control over nominally Arab or Lebanese Terrorist groups in Lebanon. Bergman claims these groups were committing so many terrorists acts that they were a large fraction of planetary terrorism.

And Ostrovsky, in By Way of Deception, claims Israel was running the terrorist group that hijacked the Achille Lauro and killed Leon Klinghoffer.

With this as background, and with knowledge of Israel’s creation of and support for Hamas, is there a chance Israel pulled the strings on this Hamas attack? Consider the improbability that Hamas would pick THE single day when every instrument, vibration sensor, video camera and motion detection system failed. And not only do the Hamas fighters get through the fence, they are given HOURS, to do their dirty work. The shear improbability of this justifies speculation, especially when there are known precedents.

After all, wasn’t Israel always doing these remote control, false-flag, terrorist operations for political gain, to discredit Israel’s victims, to turn those victims into (apparent but not real) aggressors and thereby give Israel pretense to commit more massacres and more ethnic cleansings and more unrestrained violence all the while pretending to be victims?

If you own and control enough media, you can easily deceive the western world and have them clamoring, as after 9/11, for brutal vengeance against countries actually innocent of the accusations against them. And if there is no hell, they will get cleanly away with it because brainwashed people think they are acting justly and righteously when they are actually murdering innocents on behalf of masterful liars. And Netanyahu is a masterful liar.

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I agree. There is a lot of evidence for that.

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Quit sending your children and grandchildren to these colleges.

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Indoctrination Did That.

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Posting on Substack has become futile.

Take action plz

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That's why it's called the Poison Ivy League

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But it’s ok for Israel to do even worse to innocent Palestinians. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

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Hamas routinely and purposely commits war crimes by provoking the Israeli government into military responses and then using their citizens as human shields .

Many governments of Arab states treat Palestinians far worse than Israel does.

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BS from another Israeli apologist!

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NO, the BS is from you, a Jew-hating coward. How repulsive that any halfway educated human could and would deny history and replace it with one that makes the victims the bad guys.

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That the Jews were victims of the holocaust is not denied. That the Jews invaded, killed and evicted the Palestinians from their own homes cannot be denied either. This recent and on-going atrocity was instigated by the NWO in an effort to remove the Palestinians from their homeland, and in so doing, set the world on fire. They want one world gov't, and Jerusalem looks like the place for them to rule.

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Go back far enough in history, the Arabs were the first to invade, kill, and evict the Jews from their homes. Prior to that, the Babylonians invaded.

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Off the top of my head, the land changed hands at least the following ways:

1) Abraham, Isaac. and Jacob and his 12 sons bought a little land in Canaan and lived as nomads in the area

2) Jacob's descendants lived in Egypt

3) The land now called Palestine was inhabited by the Philistines and other Canaanites

4) The land was conquered over a period of centuries by the Israelites, who reached their apex during Kings David and Solomon

5) God split the kingdom into Israel and Judah due to Solomon focusing on living out the phrase "boys will be boys" rather than continuing to be a good ruler

6) Assyrian Empire took over the land of Israel (Samaria?) and deported the 10+ Israelites permanently

7) Babylonian Empire took over the land of Judah and deported the remaining 2+ tribes for 70 years

8) Medo-Persian Empire took over the Babylonian Empire's lands

9) Persians let the Jews return to Judea

10) Alexander the Great and the Greeks (Macedonians) took over

11) Romans took over, Roman empire split, the land belonged to the Byzantine empire

12) Arabians took over

13) Damascus-based Arabs assumed control

14) Baghdad-based Arabs assumed control

15) Turks took over and became the Ottoman Empire

16) Brits and French took over

17) Brits and French hastily withdrew from their Middle Eastern colonies, leaving a mess

18) UN partitioned the territory of Palestine...

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My comments were neither BS nor GS nor SS (remember, many people in that part of the world are more likely to encounter the excrement of goats and sheep than bulls.)

I have been hanging out with people who were Arab refugees my ENTIRE life. I have been to several Arab countries and never been to Israel. Close relatives of mine have been verbally abused by the Israeli military. I personally give HUGE support to organizations that give direct food aid to refugees in Arab countries, regardless of religion, national origin, or first language.

Perseverance and consistently applying the lessons in the Sermon on the Mount and adhering to the 10 Commandments has worked very well (in the long run) not only for my relatives from the Middle East, but also for my relatives escaping from repressive regimes located many thousands of miles away. I am not saying it was easy, and I am not saying that there weren't many unpleasant times being poor immigrants. Nevertheless, focusing on building a good future has worked many times.

The formula for dealing with refugees used by leaders in many Arab countries and Palestinian political leaders is guaranteed to maximize misery.

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Stop the lies. It's tiresome, and it only exposes your feral, irrational hatred. Israel has not *done worse*. To make such an easily refutable claim is obscenely dishonest. 90% of *innocent Palestinians* voted FOR HAMAS in Gaza. Those gleeful celebrations we see every time there is a murderous attack ON INNOCENT ISRAELIS should be a clue that it is baked into their charter, their religion, to hate and kill Jews. *Good Germans* like you are why there was a first Holocaust, and we are on the verge of a second and worse one, because not only does your ilk deny history and reality, you lie about it.

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FFS. Half the people in Gaza are kids who weren’t alive in 2006 when Hana’s was voted in and there hasn’t been a vote since. And adding up the numbers:

1,400 Israelis killed.

8,000 Palestinians killed and half of them were children. Boy that sure looks like worse to me. Not to mention how many people are buried under the rubble.

6 months ago Bibi held up a map that didn’t have Palestine anywhere on it. But you are right that there is another Holocaust happening. Israel has admitted that every person in Gaza will either be killed or pushed into the Sinai desert. You think that is right?

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The problem is these Palestinian 'kids" have all been brainwashed from birth to hate Jews and believe that killing them is next to godliness, or if they die as martyrs, just as well. Israel continues to bend over backwards to avoid killing innocent civilians, as opposed to Hamas going out of their way to deliberately kill innocent civilians. I seriously doubt that Israel's goal is to kill every Gazan. You're a example of a hysterical antisemite.

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Looking back at a previous massacre of Palestinians:

Going Crazy: An Israel Act

“In his retrospective analysis entitled “Parsing Gains of Gaza War,” New York Times correspondent Ethan Bronner cited the first day’s achievement as one of the most significant of the war’s gains. Israel calculated that it would be advantageous to appear to “go crazy,” causing vastly disproportionate terror, a doctrine that traces back to the 1950s. “The Palestinians in Gaza got the message on the first day,” Bronner wrote, “when Israeli warplanes struck numerous targets simultaneously in the middle of a Saturday morning. Some 200 were killed instantly, shocking Hamas and indeed all of Gaza.” The tactic of “going crazy” appears to have been successful, Bronner concluded: there are “limited indications that the people of Gaza felt such pain from this war that they will seek to rein in Hamas,” the elected government. Inflicting pain on civilians for political ends is another long-standing doctrine of state terror, in fact its guiding principle.”

All of this is normal, and quite frankly discussed by high Israeli officials. Thirty years ago Chief of Staff Mordechai Gur observed that since 1948, “we have been fighting against a population that lives in villages and cities.” As Israel’s most prominent military analyst, Zeev Schiff, summarized his remarks, “the Israeli Army has always struck civilian populations, purposely and consciously…the Army, he said, has never distinguished civilian [from military] targets…[but] purposely attacked civilian targets.” The reasons were explained by the distinguished statesman Abba Eban: “there was a rational prospect, ultimately fulfilled, that affected populations would exert pressure for the cessation of hostilities.” The effect, as Eban well understood, would be to allow Israel to implement, undisturbed, its programs of illegal expansion and harsh repression. Eban was commenting on a review of Labor government attacks against civilians by Prime Minister Begin, presenting a picture, Eban said, “of an Israel wantonly inflicting every possible measure of death and anguish on civilian populations in a mood reminiscent of regimes which neither Mr.Begin nor I would dare to mention by name.” Eban did not contest the facts that Begin reviewed, but criticized him for stating them publicly. Nor did it concern Eban, or his admirers, that his advocacy of massive state terror is also reminiscent of regimes he would not dare to mention by name.


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They voted for Hamas because, thanks to Israel they had the cash to supply needed goods and services.

I can also claim Israel should be destroyed because they elected the Lord of Darkness and his racist, psychotic, settler sidekicks.

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There are no Fakestinians.

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There are very few "innocent" Palestinians. The majority support Hamas. They elected them. What did they think would happen when they kill 1400 innocent people? This is war, Israel will eliminate Hamas, the same way the United States wiped out the Japanese in WW2

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Why did the IDF stand down?

No stand down order, no breaches of the fence. No breaches of the fence, no dead Israeli citizens. No dead Israeli citizens, no justification for yet another murderous rampage.

Ergo, it appears to me, Israel (Or Mr. Netanyahu) willfully sacrificed a thousand people so that they could FALSELY CLAIM their premeditated slaughter of Palestinians is done in self-defense.

If Hamas was created by Israel, consider the possibility Hamas was created to misrepresent Gazans, and to act in ways that give Israel the pretenses to destroy and plunder Gaza.

Is there evidence Israel has done such things? Yes, plenty. Books on Israeli terrorism: these books establish the pattern.

Rise & Kill First

Ronen Bergman

Israels Sacred Terrorism

Livia Rokach

Hidden History of Zionism

Ralph Schoenman

Ben Gurion's Scandals: How the Haganah & the Mossad Eliminated Jews

Naeim Giladi

State of Terror

Thom Suarez

The IDF's fence was more instrumented, monitored and patrolled than probably any other concentration camp fence anywhere, ever. FIFTEEN breeches, explosives, trucks driving through... On every other day, if a dog touched the fence snipers would be alerted and jeeps dispatched.

The IDF stood down for seven hours. Israeli's who served that duty, securing the concentration camp barrier, are objecting and concluding there must have been a stand down order:


Consider a previous example of remarkable timing.

Netanyahu threatens France because they were considering recognition of Palestinian statehood.


Then, look at the tsunami of terrorism that began in France immediately after his threat:


Ronen Bergman’s book Rise & Kill First documents Israeli covert control over nominally Arab or Lebanese Terrorist groups in Lebanon. Bergman claims these groups were committing so many terrorists acts that they were a large fraction of planetary terrorism.

And Ostrovsky, in By Way of Deception, claims Israel was running the terrorist group that hijacked the Achille Lauro and killed Leon Klinghoffer.

With this as background, and with knowledge of Israel’s creation of and support for Hamas, is there a chance Israel pulled the strings on this Hamas attack? Consider the improbability that Hamas would pick THE single day when every instrument, vibration sensor, video camera and motion detection system failed. And not only do the Hamas fighters get through the fence, they are given HOURS, to do their dirty work. The shear improbability of this justifies speculation, especially when there are known precedents.

After all, wasn’t Israel always doing these remote control, false-flag, terrorist operations for political gain, to discredit Israel’s victims, to turn those victims into (apparent but not real) aggressors and thereby give Israel pretense to commit more massacres and more ethnic cleansings and more unrestrained violence all the while pretending to be victims?

If you own and control enough media, you can easily deceive the western world and have them clamoring, as after 9/11, for brutal vengeance against countries actually innocent of the accusations against them. And if there is no hell, they will get cleanly away with it because brainwashed people think they are acting justly and righteously when they are actually murdering innocents on behalf of masterful liars. And Netanyahu is a masterful liar.

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Silence.. Is Complicity!

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How can educated people be so ignorant!

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They are not educated they are indoctrinated.

Google "filter bubbles" every person who uses it to have them exposed to one point of view only...theirs.

Please stop using all the obvious Cabal tools ie FB, Gaggle, X, Twitter, MSM, TV, etc. please somebody else finish.

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