The Universities are using their Communist divisionary tactics perfectly it seems!!! How is this any different then using Antifa snd BLM to burn down cities, attack law enforcement, demonize law enforcement and Trump as the problem, defund the police, etc. It is not just more us against them propaganda being used to tear down society!!!

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All by design to divide and conquer.

So obvious the MO of the Evil Cabal.

Always the same formula. Please catch on everybody. They use False Flags. They pit us against one another so we are not United to fight THEM back and we are continually distracted by their CONTRIVED catastrophes.

Once you do see the pattern over the time, you will constantly be nodding your head knowingly, instead of shaking your head with a perplexed expression. It really helps the Psyche when you reconcile this phenomenon. The clarity actually will bring you more peace.


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This is how it started in Nazi Germany in the early 1930s.

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

-- Martin Niemöller

Niemöller was a prominent Lutheran pastor in Germany. After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Niemöller became an outspoken critic of Hitler’s interference in the Protestant Church. He spent the last eight years of Nazi rule, from 1937 to 1945, in Nazi prisons and concentration camps.

(source: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists)

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Chaos in the USA seems the GOAL?

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We all watched the videos of what happened years ago at Evergreen College, right? Brett Weinstein warned us that wasn’t an isolated incident. And, no, they will not grow out of it when they enter the “real” world.

We’ve read what Harvard is all about these days, right? We saw the stances most famous colleges too regarding covid.

Parents must’ve either brushed off the “indoctrination camp” thing as conservative ranting. Either that or they were proud of their offspring supporting the next big thing. So smart they’ve become, right?

Now that it’s led to a call for mass murder why in heavens name is anyone surprised?

Will parents wake up to the fact their sweet little baby’s are now trained to think like Stalin-esque revolutionaries? This is the tuition they paid for.

They have allowed themselves to be brainwashed to win at all costs. Respect for human life has been filtered out of them. The mantra is, it’s my way or the Highway and we’ll kill anyone that gets in our way.

What parents don’t realize is that under the right conditions and with the right triggers their cutie pies will kill them too.

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What do you expect from crazy liberals?

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Why are the "Jews" hated?

The Zionist Rothschild Jews want to take our guns away so they can commit Holodomor 2.0(already in progress) in the United States and the rest of the world. LOOK what they did in 1932 and 1933 (where they killed over 60 million people, mostly white Christians) in Russia and Ukraine. Later on, the "Jews" declared war on Germany who were just trying to protect their country from high interest rates and another Bolshevik genocide event. Then the Jewish Bankers dragged the United States into WW- 2 where hundreds of thousands of our soldiers died. They genocide people to carve out their empire by trying to kill off 90% of the world's population by wars, vaccines and starvation, just like they are doing TODAY in Palestine and Ukraine. These Rothschild Zionists are NOT God's People, rather they are of the Synagogue of SATAN! So it's a big mistake for Christians to think they are supporting the Judaic Jews of Israel. These Dual citizen Israelis have thoroughly infiltrated the United States Presidency and his support staff, Congressmen, Senators, FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, Homeland "Security" and most other Federal Agencies. Our military is staffed throughout with them. They buy off(George Soros, one of the main ones who does this) and/or infiltrate governors, lawyers, judges, district attorneys, prosecutors, doctors, university deans, instructors and law enforcement and on and on. They are behind the Covid, Jew-Jab, Bioweapon Killer, Clot-Shot, Quack-zines. These are evil bad people who need to removed from their posts and brought to justice for their uncountable crimes, treason and tyranny. They also steal our technology and sell it to their Communist buddies in the China CCP.

They also kidnap and rape our children and perform human sacrifice to their Satanic God, Lucifer, drain and eat the childs blood and cut out and sell their organs. Then the rest of the body winds up in your breakfast sandwich at McDonalds. WAKE UP AMERICA and the Rest of the world! Don't let them take the guns, but rather REMOVE these people from this country just like they have been removed from over 100 nations over the centuries for their EVIL practices! Look up videos on uncensored websites and read their Talmud book to see the evil they practice and that their Talmud book says if the people(Goyim) knew what we taught about them, they would kill us openly. They own and control the media so you don't hear these truths. They are major owners of our domestic businesses, stock market and Wall Street. They are behind the Porn Industry and promoting Gays, Lesbian and transgender movements. They are trying to genocide the white race. They were behind the slave trade of blacks, yet they enrage the blacks against the whites and support terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. These are the "people" trying to take your guns away and mandating the Covid clot shots to kill you. They try to say we are racist and we are Anti-Semite, but they are NOT Semites, they originate from Khazaria. Bebe Netanyahu and Zionist JEWs worldwide ARE NOT OUR FRIEND, PERIOD!

These people are a danger to the future of humanity and MUST be dealt with swiftly.

God's Kingdom will eventually remove these wicked people from the face of the earth if they don't repent!

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Too bad we can’t put them in a Time Machine and transport them to one of the Nazi prisons with an oven or an experimental surgery. Oh God I’m turning into one of them. Sorry Father. ❤️🙏🏼

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I don't think it's antisemiitic. It's anti Israel. But that's not the same thing.

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Quit sending your children and grandchildren to these colleges.

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Indoctrination Did That.

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Posting on Substack has become futile.

Take action plz

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That's why it's called the Poison Ivy League

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But it’s ok for Israel to do even worse to innocent Palestinians. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.

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Silence.. Is Complicity!

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How can educated people be so ignorant!

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