this was early MARCH 2020, a few days before the most inept, stupid, bogus, incompetent, arrogant so called scientist reared his slimy head, aka Neil Ferguson??? (sp)...that partner of Fauci & Birx
Seems to me that it’s an admission that the only way to herd immunity is natural immunity. It’s what we have been saying since March 2020. By the way- I agree with everything you said. Thank you!
The problem with the ICL/Ferguson modelling, is that they can always excuse any divergence from their dire predictions by saying, yes, you locked down, isolated, masked so you took the right steps to avoid the worst.
But there is never any control: no way of knowing, if nothing had been done, what the result would be.
You need to look at this shocking UK FOI request which has been quietly released by the UK Office of National Statistics in the past 24 hours.
It shows that between February 2020 and December 2021 JUST 6183 people died where covid was the only cause of death on the death certificate.
This is 0.01237% of the UK population.
The media will ignore this.
You can download the Excel spreadsheet at:
Look at the high number of over-80's death figures - how many of them were euthanised in care homes with Midazolam?
It was care home death numbers that drove the fear and the lockdowns.
Seems to me that it’s an admission that the only way to herd immunity is natural immunity. It’s what we have been saying since March 2020. By the way- I agree with everything you said. Thank you!
Thank God for doctors with brains that actually work...They also have hearts of GOLD...!
The problem with the ICL/Ferguson modelling, is that they can always excuse any divergence from their dire predictions by saying, yes, you locked down, isolated, masked so you took the right steps to avoid the worst.
But there is never any control: no way of knowing, if nothing had been done, what the result would be.