Corporal punishment, hitting your children, beating them to comply; I come from the British System where children are beaten & it is felt the 'best' thing; NO, it never was, I NEVER laid a hand on my
kids, I despise anyone who does this, this dehumanizes a child, person, woman, an adult, this is why shackling was not enough in slave times, they were beaten to strip all power; dehumanize; NEVER do
IMO it is criminal to hit a child or threaten to, in any manner, not even in a joke, it denigrates them and lessens them and scars them, forever, never fall victim to it, do not do it, I grew in a society and family even where this was done, in islands, British nations etc. deemed acceptable. No, never do it. It never was, it was just you had power over a little person and that was the message. That they could do nothing. In response.
I beg, do not do it. This is my opinion and my sharing with you. We parent with love and understanding. Compassion yet leadership and firmness. You do not need beat another person to get them to listen. Do not shred another of their humanity.
In the spirit of Mother’s Day, this is my sharing.
Can you give us your definition of “beating?”
There is a difference between “beating” a child & giving them a “swat” on their bottom when nothing else works.
My brother never spanked his kids, he liked to “reason” with them.
I witnessed them treat him like crap, especially as they got older with talking back and ignoring them.
They’re older now and they have very little to do with my brother.
On the other hand, my wife and I raised four kids that are productive members of society that respect us to this day.
I guess giving our kid’s an occasional swat on the rear was a bad idea? 🤔
Prov 13:24 - Whoever spares the rod hates the child, but whoever loves will apply discipline.
So again I ask, what is your definition of “beating?”
Pretty pious and all-around condemning to a constituency determined to make sure their children were disciplined (in the best sense of the word) and respectful. I don’t begrudge your style, assuming it paid dividends. Don’t begrudge me mine. As a cop, I’ve seen more legacies of a lack of discipline than you could ever imagine.