Absolutely. I have thought that all along. The piss poor deadly CDC Hospital protocols were what killed the people. I personally know very few who died, but not a single one died that first week of the virus at home. They all died after days in the hospital with the dangerous protocol wreaking havoc in their bodies. I don't know how we'd ever prove it but I'm willing to guess at least 80% died because of their treatment in the hospital. Not from the virus. And if the government had provided early treatment we would have had very few deaths. Also the numbers were wildly inflated to suit their purposes. Anyone who died of anything was counted as a covid case . And they are probably regretting that now. No matter the truth the US has some of the highest death rates per million in the world. Yet there seems to be no curiosity about that and no willingness to see what they could have done differently. I am heartbroken for our country and for all the people who needlessly died and suffered horribly in the hospital

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UNC Chapel Hill developed Remdesivir.

This is the same lab that worked with the bat lady in Wuhan to weaponize the coronavirus into a bioweapon.


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My brother thought he has a flu and went to a hospital ,6 days later he was dead .We lived 800 km.apart and I did not know what he did .The treatment protocol with heavy sedation ,Remdesivir and ventilators was used on him . His son told me after his death that is what they did .. The people close to him there have no idea that the treatment given is deadly ,They are not informed .If I would have known I would have done every thing to prevent him from going to that hospital and use remedies we used before for a cold or flu at home .He may still be alive if it was done my way .It did not take long for me to realize that he was murdert and I can't do nothing .I keep thinking of that crime often during the day .and would give part of my life if he was still here .

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Fauci and NIH developed that protocol for Remdesivir. The drug had a 54% death rate in Ebola trials. It causes the kidneys to shut down, the lungs fill with fluid, the patient is put into a coma and then a ventilator.

Fauci and NIH knew exactly what they were doing. Remdesivir was developed at UNC Chapel Hill...the same lab and scientists that worked with the bat lady in Wuhan weaponizing the coronavirus into a bioweapon.

Here are two attorneys who are suing on the families' behalf when they had loved ones die from Remdesivir.


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I am profoundly sorry Joe that you lost your brother in such a way. I would say your assessment is correct but this is not your fault. This is a failure of the system at every level. If you knew then what you knew now of course you would do things differently. Although there's always the possibility your brother would have wanted the hospital protocol. What I find most astonishing is all the nurses that stood by watching patient after patient die with their protocol yet being completely militant at hearing that there was a better way. It's all so very sad. I'm so sorry about your brother and I know you miss him. But it's not your fault so let that part go

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Thank you for your kind words ,What I wrote here is just one of many tragedies .That we will dye is Gods will ,but how it happened is the doing of evil forces ,a crime .As I wrote we lived 800 km.apart and had no idea ,what is going on there ,they did not tell me .His wife and grown kids may have been afraid of the yruss ,not wanting me to go there .I was also told I may not have been able to see him .His son had a hard time to be in there with him for a very limited time .I believe they don't want relatives present,so no one can observe the crimes committed in there .Thanks again Joe

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Denis Rancourt PhD : Data Proves COVID-19 Is Actually An Illusion


It was never about a virus,humanity is a virus they want to eliminate



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I believe these people were purposely put on a ventilator and then Remdesavir for that reason$$. How did the health officials know we would need all these ventilators ahead of time? And then not allow anyone in to sit with their sick relatives? No witnesses. My friend was put on one and he died a month later. He was 66. No family until the last day. Horrible way to die. Really despicable. He died Feb 8/21 and I still can’t handle it. He’s on my mind everyday.

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Convenient they does alone; no willing witnesses to horrible practices(can’t say treatments bc they weren’t)

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They died

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So sorry for your loss. 🙏🏼💓They killed your friend (and probably millions of people) but they didn’t kill their souls.

We can never allow this to happen again!

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My hubby and I got Covid Jan 2020. We did not know then it was Covid. I had gone into the ER for severe GI issues resulting in an appendectomy Christmas Eve. They had SARS of some kind in the ER and fumigated it while we waited to be seen. We spent hours being exposed to "whatever" which we thought couldn't be SARS Cov 2 because there were no cases in our state yet. But less than a week later, we both came down with the crud. We had three days of mild illness which did not produce fever or cough, but included sore throat, body pain, chills, and bizarre fluctuations way down into the low 80's on our pulse oxi readings. We treated like we do for all viral infections, including quinine syrup, throat disinfectant, heating pads, asprin, my hubby who has half a heart, two stents and COPD took Zithromycin and Prednisone as well. And in a week we were better, however our hair fell out over the months, and my hubby's grew back curly from rod straight. He also suffered bizarre wildly fluctuating BP, heartrate, and blood oxygen for many months. SO even though these symptoms were not publicized at the time of our illnesses, they were later. And there is no doubt in our minds that we had Covid.

We had a lot of trouble getting oxygen, but that was the treatment for my hubby, who had his trusty CPAP and could just hook it up at night.

Here's the point of this post:

Hubby is in his later 70's, I'm in my mid 60's. We both have a plethora of co morbidities. Had we KNOWN to seek medical care for a disease which did not cause a cough, our pulse oximeter readings would have resulted in us being rushed to ICU and VENTILATED. Their cut off was like 92 on room air, and we were 82 much of the time. And I doubt either of us would have survived that. Especially in hospitals concentrating coronavirus exposure, as where we were sickened anyhow. How can anyone recover from a viral infection in the presence of constant exposure? Especially elderly, immune compromised individuals?

I'm certain beyond a doubt that their protocols are deadly, in addition the denial of medical interventional care at the first sign of illness. In those days, you could get hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, but NOW it's like CONTRABAND. Your doctor won't write a scrip, and your pharmacy won't fill it or they will put the practitioner through hoops to discourage them. I'm certain if my hubby and I didn't have the Zithromycin and Prednisone and quercetin and vitamin D & C & Zinc and quinine syrup, the course of our illness would have been much worse. But I'm equally certain that if we had ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to take at the first sign, perhaps we would not have endured long term symptoms like POTS, hair loss, disregulation of vitals, etc.

As for giving the elderly downers when they are that sick, why that is simply a kind of "nod nod wink wink" euthansia of the sort they administer to terminal cancer patients. It's appalling. I know people who lost their parents and grandparents this way. If we don't stop this kind of thing, our kids will be learning how to goose step in school. They will grow up to be OK with getting rid of the "useless eater" class of people, which this kind of "health care" is apparently designed to accomplish.

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I thought this back when it was happening, too many elderly dying, especially in NY at the time. I never fell for the pandemic crap, it didn't even sound right or make sense. When they started jabbing everyone I said to my husband, are they crazy, what the hell are they doing that for. I haven't so much as had a cold through out this entire time, I trust my God given immunity and I take vitamins to stay healthy. The monsters who are killing people right now today will pay for the murderous acts they're committing and I can't wait.

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Yep! All the wrong moves by brain dead medical gurus who never treated a patient!

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And compliant hospitals & docs

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No question! Not rocking the boat to keep the revenue stream up!

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Thinking people are totally aware of the AGENDA! The rise in the number of deaths up to 40% per insurance companies... had little to do with the virus. There were a number of factors involved.

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This is exactly how they killed my perfectly healthy 74 year old husband of 50 years. Kaiser and the government murderered him. I’m pissed. Someone needs to pay.

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We are sorry for your loss.

Was Your husband a Christian?

if so do not fear we are seeing the judgment of God played out in real time actually it’s always play that real time but it’s being played out while we’re alive.

if your study the Bible you will find that God will send his delusion and fears upon the people he is judging for they forsake his law

he will also remove the righteous from the troubles to come

those he does not remove he will see through the trials not necessarily kept from them but he will see us through them

God will vindicate and destroy the evil doers

take time to read your Bible and find this for yourself

go to sermonaudio.com, in the topics search for the subjects that you are led to

follow along in your Bible and ask God for wisdom

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I think it was the way Covid was "managed" by healthcare workers at the time that caused a lot of fatalities. I saw a video last year (can't find it now) where retired male nurse (respiratory specialist) said the reason he thought covid patients were dying was because they were isolated and not treated properly: needing movement, walking around, breathing treatments, steroids, antibiotics, isolation and fear. He said, literally, they were put in a room and were never even moved.

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Yup. Medical malpractice and neglect. Going to the hospital BC (before covid) was dicey at best. Now it is a death wish.

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I'm convinced many covid deaths were due to egregiously mandated treatments that were fatal. How many deaths occurred at home? I haven't heard of any despite the pictures from China of people collapsing in the streets which I'm 99% sure were staged..

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The only people I've seen dropping dead suddenly were jabbed athletes on the soccer and rugby fields and basketball courts.

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And Tiffany Dover. And several of my healthy jabbed friends died suddenly this year

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I'm very sorry to hear that. It must be difficult to accept when it need not have happened.

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Same here; lost 3

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True. And there's been a lot of them. The mysterious Sudden Adult Death Syndrome that has the medical bureaucracy flummoxed.

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Please try to develop your micro communities where people help each other out like the old days. Please try to keep your parent at home instead of in a "nursing home."

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Yes. Try to keep everyone at home instead of medical facilities.

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and not to forget...administrators making staff tick the "convid" box in certificates, so as to claim a bounty??

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Yes they killed all those poor elderly just for money .😡😡😡

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You know it is. Add that to the way the vax kills the natural immune system. Perfect storm.

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Just a reminder about my article re Northern Italy (which I know you had kindly promoted already thanks).


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