Mask Wearing and Occult Ritual Symbolism

"How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order"


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Now, after the pandemic, there are some kids afraid to NOT wear the mask. They fear disease in fresh air. Very saddening to witness.

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This insanity mask nonsense is still going on in Texas... medical career home State of Dr Peter McCullough. Thank you Dr Paul for posting this... because this article is so current, had I received it yesterday, I may have printed it out, ready for my doctors appt, although, I didn’t expect the medical group was still forcing the masks, until I checked in. I’m going to vent, hope it’s ok.

How many of you would have stood up with me, spoken out, if you were in the room with me yesterday at the Drs office? … So, the waiting room was full. Everyone was wearing the China blue paper muzzles. I escalated from, no… to no... to nooo I will not put a mask on my face, to.... NO... I will NOT put on an oxygen inhibiting face muzzle. Of course, the manager was called, the “but we just want you to be safe” litany began, rebutted by consistent, no, no I will not. Than a loud disgusted waiting room patient, a super “Karen” chimed in like a bull horn, “it’s the LAW AND YOU’RE DANGEROUS!“ My husband then chimed in, “mind your own business”, then the Mgr said if you’re going to harass my other patients…, “EXCUSE ME!?! I did NOT address that woman… “ then the Mgr pushed the mask at my face again and said, put it on, or you will be removed from the building. I handed her the intake tablet, and said, “cancel my appt, take me completely out of this system, and YOU will tell the doctor why his 2:15 cancelled!” She retorted begrudgingly, let’s get you signed in, but you’ll have to wait outside. I ended up waiting in the car, then finally, 30 minutes past my appt, they insisted I enter through the side door… and I said… “oh, so anyone can enter the wide open Texas border, no masks and who knows what diseases, even tuberculosis, but you treat me like I have... what… leprosy!?!

The doctor was in the hall ‘unmasked’.... he smiled as if amused, winked at me like he had just heard the whole sordid story, which was, I guess, expected. Once in the room, I’m sure I was still decompressing, I said, I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!! .... “how can I trust the medical establishment anymore, mandates that have never been applied to healthcare before, senseless protocols, even you… how can I trust you?” ( He knows I’m a retired CCU-ICU nurse). He said, well I hope we have the answers in 30-40 years. I said the answers are “out there” now, but you’re afraid listen, read, rock the boat; you’re stooping to the CDC instead of thinking and treating the individual, all for a mass experiment?! You know masking is zero rational science against this nanotechnology! I then asked, “have you listened to Dr Peter McCullough? The Front Line doctors? ( Hello… Texas!?! ) Answer… “no… I’ve never heard of them.” 😱😱 “OMG... See?… so I said, McCullough spoke to our Texas senate, to the US senate, to warn us, help us… and because of his bravery, his license and thousands more are threatened, for standing up for sane functional integrative medicine, for early treatment, for the use of approved repurposed medicines like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. McCullough and others spoke out about precautions, against political mandates, against mandating an untested mRNA technology…. I beg of you, look up his name, and not the google media crazy nut hit job on him. Calmed down, I wrapped up the now opened Pandora’s box between us, and said....”How can I trust a system and doctors that refuse to hear and refuse to listen to one of the most renowned cardiologist in Texas?!? Please look him up and find out what you are ~not~ fully informed on…” Knowing his time and mine were already exhausted in the waiting room, I added, you know this “group” has one of the worst reputations for testing, locking down patients and forcing remdesiver and vents… , then I asked him… how can I trust these protocols won’t happen to me the next time I faint or worse and end up in an ER…. I can’t even trust you’d protect me… “He looked down… stood, and said, let’s hope not… Then the appt resumed to his leaving the room, the norms, blood draw and ekg… but, he did stop me in the hall after labs and shook my hand… 👀🤔 Why didn’t I just put it on? Isn’t this about “If we don’t stand up... it continues and worse?” Thanks for reading.

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People have to say a very loud ‘NO!!!!!’ Time to go to the nth degree and stop these ‘evil’ intentions!!!

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Excellent! Very glad to see a transcript. Relatedly:



March 29, 2021



[scene is of protestors many carrying with signs: NO MASKS ON KIDS; IT'S CHILD ABUSE; FREEDOM PROTEST]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Guys, we have a 93 year old Holocaust survivor. [passes microphone]

OLDER WOMAN IN BLUE SCARF [taking microphone]: Thank you very much. I am in fact a survivor of the Holocaust. And the first thing I have to tell you, that even then nobody told us it was done for our own good. We all knew what was happening. And when I think today, when I see people masked, I think of the yellow star, which gave everybody liberty to aggress me, to insult me, to call me a carrier of disease.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Oh my love.

OLDER WOMAN IN BLUE SCARF: To spit on me even.

WOMAN'S VOICE: I love you!

OLDER WOMAN IN BLUE SCARF: I would like to tell you that this is worse. This is more insidious, it concerns more people. It is, it is, there is a hypocrisy in the public narrative that is absolutely unbearable, to say that we're doing this to protect the old. I would love to die in a state that gives me freedom than this.

[cheers, applause, horn blowing]

I have already outstayed my welcome by many years and my life expectancy is probably not great. But I would gladly exchange it for the lives and livelihood and happiness of generations that come after me, to live their lives as I have been.


MAN'S VOICE: Thank you!

OLDER WOMAN IN BLUE SCARF: To have masks, to see people defile their children with masks, is something totally unbearable to me.



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plus it violates osha standards. https://www.bitchute.com/video/H5LAwYDHX6Mq/

if more refused at the start of the scamdemic we would not be where we are today. once you take a stand it's easier the next time. https://haveyenotread.com/occult-ritual-transformation-and-coronavirus/

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An initial ritual.

Along with "6 feet" social distancing.

There is near zero medical reason for masks.

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Veterans are denied medical care at the VA if they don't wear a mask.

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What an eloquent speech. I know from child development classes that toddlers' neurons are pruning and organizing at such a rate that what we used to think of as the terrible twos and tantrums are really just kids sort of shorting out at the rapidity of change in their brains. What happens when you force a kid already going through that to wear a freaking mask, which deprives him or her of oxygen and stops him from the social learning of nuanced facial expression? This is a purposeful evil. I still see people trapped in mortal fear, outside, wearing those blue plastic masks that never had a chance of stopping even one viral particle. Still. In January 2023. This is evil.

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Dear Dr. Alexander,

I can only hope that you have time to regenerate your spirit daily with the intense work you're dong for all of us. May the less than efficient and laughable self have as much space as the fierceness. Thank you.

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I am going through a lot of harassment with V.A. Hospital, Docs and Clinic about wearing a restrictive mask even though I have pretty serious breathing problems Without a stupid mask . Was told to get a waiver from primary care doctor but his office called and said the doc won't give me a Waiver. What a bunch of crap. I am very angry about the whole thing. I am a vocal chord cancer former radiated patient, 30 treatments and I have emphysema and am not on oxygen nor have I been offered oxygen. Depriving me of the necessary oxygen for brain and other body parts to work properly. I also have very high anxiety and stress and having to wear masks doesn't help. Anyone have any good answers for me? I would like to give All of my Docs copy of this story from Dr. Alexander. I usually don't wish bad things on people, BUT, when someone or a group of people take my ability away to breath oxygen knowing I have a breathing problems, Well, that changes everything so, I do hope the people or groups of people NOT ALLOWING ME AND OTHERS WHO ARE HAVING BREATHING ISSUES, EXEMPTIONS, YES, I HOPE THAT THEY FIND THEMSELVES ILL AND DEVELOP BREATHING PROBLEMS AND ARE THEN FORCED TO WEAR A MASK SO THEY CAN UNDERSTAND WHY I AM SO FURIOUS! Stop the Insanity!

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They were already stupid and then they deprived their brains of oxygen.

Beyond help these MORE-ONS

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And further the boxes the obnoxious blue-white disposables come in quite clearly have the disclaimer to the effect the masks are not for use in viral protection. Not only art wearers gullible sheep, they can't or don't choose to read. Pure virtue signaling not to mention the masks likely have decades-long half-lives in landfills which is ignored by the wearers who are probably also climate freaks.

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I have for many decades been interested in different Breathers.

1] Those who inhale through the nose and exhale throught the mouth

2] Those who inhale and exhale through the mouth

3] Hybrid Breathers, more easily seen in Smokers, who exhale through both the Nose and Mouth

How much Carbon Dioxide is inhaled by Smokers of Tobacco or Weed?

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Revelations from the BIBLE against dictatorships




We must demand the visura, the publication of the assets of the high offices, of the judiciary by virtue of transparency


If instead of bullets or atomic bombs the obligatory vaccine for everyone with toxic


The CIA and its massacre protocol


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