I’m old...post menopausal a good 15 years - anything that shortens that crap i would welcome...even FIVE MINUTES is too long, and I was begging for a hysterectomy at age 16....

and yes I’m unJabbed, and my friends dtr who is a PICU nurse jabbed all her beautiful young children and I’m worried about them!

Another friends teenage granddtr has developed POTS!!! Do you think they are crediting the 💉???? Nope!

I’m sorry for all the children and parents who really did do it in good faith ... we C-19 single-agains took our loved ones in good faith to the hospital; most never to be seen alive again - it’s all a game of Russian roulette

Sorry,,, was I off topic? I guess I just picked here to go ramble a few minutes... sorry, I’m no kin to the Rambler-in-chief.....😜

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Thirty day periods equals no pregnancy

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We can only hope that it is temporary. This also happened to many women that were not vaccinated but around vaccinated people. I am curious how serious that is as well.

I really hope that the unvaccinated women do not have their fertility affected. The depopulation notions floating around certainly are scary.


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It’s fine 🤨

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Referring to ‘damage’ Paul, is exactly what it is. I admire the calling a spade a spade.

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I've seen it mentioned that some women's whole uterine lining was being shed with these huge fist sized clots. The doctors who would know and who are gynecologists are Dr. Christiane Northrup and Dr. Naomi Wolf. (at least In i think they are both gynecologists)

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This happened to my friends 14 year old daughter. Vaccinated just for her holiday 😢

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I'm proud to be a co-author on this manuscript with Dr. Thorp, McCullough, Tankersly, Megan Redshaw, etc... Explore best VAERS Interactive Dashboard that helped me run some analysis for the research portion of the paper.



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