Myocarditis? In a 22-year-old? And 22 is the median onset of same? Doesn't anyone else find this finding both horrific and highly suspicous?

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I do but I'm not a cardiologist.

Dr. Peter McCullough certainly finds the data concerning and has for some time.

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🤣is this a joke, mocking Supreme Court justice comment, “I cannot define woman, I’m not a biologist”? It doesn’t take a cardiologist to understand that children and young adults previously healthy should not develop myocarditis - damage of the heart muscle, at any age, for any reason, and should be avoided at any cost.

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"Lost in Translation..." 😉

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I don't. These researchers conducted a literature review of studies and found 276 cases diagnosed with myocarditis. Okay, so. It's tragic this happens to anyone, but the reality is it's only in a very small percent of predominately young men. This set of shots is not unique in inducing the condition.

Almost all vaccines have been triggering hundreds to many thousands of adverse reactions in some number of recipients. Some develop myocarditis after receiving the flu shot, MMR shot, chickenpox shot, and others. Listen to how prior injections have been screwing up the bodies of American children: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vZq4pZyQ03ei/

Seems like no one wants to analyze individual cases to learn why do these issues happen in some but not in everyone. The new science is to stir up endless fear and outrage, make minds jump to the wrong conclusions, and assume everybody not in one's tribe dies early.

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When will litigation prevail? If Republicans lose in November can litigation prevail in regards to forced injection? Surely everything is suborned by the Prince of this world. Courts, Corporations, Congress, Candidates for public office and governments too.

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Courts are referees in disputes related to laws. Does any existing law or the constitution forbid forced injections? If not, lower-level courts will rule based on their own bias. If the case rises to the Supreme Court, at least some of the justices will look back in history while the rest will rule based on their own bias.

Smallpox was the first vaccine deployed in the US in the early 1800s. Back then, the country was decentralized with a weak federal government. State and lower-level governments first encouraged then forced these shots on the public. This created a far worse nightmare than now. I haven't researched the lawsuits that were filed. Some attorneys have interpreted the results that the government does have the power to mandate these things while others have interpreted the same info in the opposite direction.

Everyone needs to stop expecting the Executive Branch (which signs and implements laws) and the Judicial Branch (which referees laws) to save us. The Legislative Branch (which creates the laws) is supposed to represent and be the voice of the people. The Evil One inserts one of his followers in every position we don't fill with an honest and good person.

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