The EMERGENCY is B.S.24.7/1984

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That is why Whoppie is pretending to have covid1984 now.

And a school in West Palm Beach Fl. When questioned really could not come up with anybody that was sick.

These adults love to play pretend games. They are truly, insanely " sick " people.

May they go straight to where they belong, and soon.

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The FDA is solely owned by Big Pharma, and works for THEM, not for the American people. Hence the fraudulent EUA again for a non-existent threat, another money-making scheme/scam that furthers the globalist agenda.

Abolish the FDA. And the CDC.

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Dave: You have really been on a roll these past few days. I truly enjoy your comments.

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Dr. Alexander...

These monsters know 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 what they're doing ... 🤔

How could they not? ...

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Same old plan:

1. Put out the scare that an "emergency" is coming and we have to do something.

2. Take a small problem and "save the day" with something that doesn't work and turns the problem into something much worse.

3. Once you've made things sufficiently bad, claim there is an emergency and say "See, we told you so".

4. Put out the propaganda that "Our fix wasn't perfect, but It would have been so much worse if we hadn't saved the day".

5. Repeat ad infinitum.

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Ridding the Human race of the Elderly, Sick,Disabled,and Retired. Clearing the Govt. rolls,freeing up monies to be used for other purposes, (Ukraine, Bidens projects?)

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People actually trust a Public Health system? Sad

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Is it legal to do an EUA without the emergency? The good thing about this is that it isn't legal to mandate them. But, where are the courts?

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None of this has been legal

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Seems like Fraud to me. For a gov official to declare something exists when it doesn't to benefit from it personally and professionally and hurt others. Total fraud. International Wire Fraud. Charge and prosecute.

Hello DOinJ?

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EUA, rinse/repeat until we are at final population count of roughly one million people left on the Earth (slight bit more than the Kissinger-Davos group would PREFER BUT...)😑

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People think and say, "The Govt. wouldn't do that" explain all the " Died Suddenly's"? Actors, and performers, were told; Get the Covid "Vax", or no work, how many Died, or now fighting Cancers, MS, other Diseases? Police, Firefighters, Commercial Pilots, the Military, Athletes anyone who needed to keep bring employed, got the Jab, now regretting, and paying for it....

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Dagnabit! What will it take to bring down this damn wall.

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Hope these previous people who accepted the shot give a resounding ‘NOooooooo!!!’ Once burned, twice shy!!! Your family wants you here for Christmas. Say NO!!!

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WE are. By refusing to comply.

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so the new booster gets worse...

the fda approval paperwork is only EUA for kids.

they gave full formal approval to the adult cominarty and spikevax flavors of booster koolaid, and to add insult to injury they did so without any test results on even small live critters.


from the High Evil Ones at https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines

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Today - CTV Calgary Poll Question:

"IF Health Canada approves an updated Covid vaccine this fall, will you get it?"

...why not look up the results yourself; scary

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It could be a fake poll. Just like they do in the elections to get people to try to follow the crowd. Lemmings love to follow the crowd. So more gov Propaganda more then likely since Canadian gov owns and runs Canadian news stations and the PM is totally financially vested in the Bioweapon Injection.

Simple, follow the money...

Hope the trusting citizens don't fall for more of the Dictators evil traps.

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IF that wef led corrupt shitshow in ottawa we call a government is behind it, you know it is dodgy as F...But, I'm at the point that IF that many sheeple want that jab - GO AHEAD!!!! Please, we need a solution to the housing crisis, since we have so many 'irregular' immigrants that are going to FREEZE soon...

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Here's what I posted on another article you wrote that questioned the "emergency":

I think the emergency is still on. I'm rough on the details, but I read over at BailiwickNews substack--Katherine Watt is a legal researcher and says that the Director at HHS has all the power, and what Biden did, did not actually change the emergency. I'll see if I can find a link

(people should really read over there--Katherine Watt has outlined all the public health laws and regulations they put forward so they could start killing us with their kill shots. She says public health has been militarized and they are using public health laws and language to carry out a military campaign of global genocide via the bioweapon injections.

Here it is:

Biden rescinding Trump-Biden Proclamation 9994 under 1976 National Emergencies Act does not terminate Azar-Becerra’s Public Health Emergency authorities under 1983 PHE amendment to the 1944 PHSA.

Becerra and his successors will extend the PHE until they no longer need it to kill people with pseudo-legal impunity. Or until Congress, federal judges or states repeal or nullify the enabling acts.


The reader asked:

Does the PHE actually expire? It appears that they are extending most of the PHE provisions with other mechanisms, [including] free vaccine and PREP Act protection. Can you tell whether the HHS Secretary "Tyranny Powers" are being released on May 11?

My reply, revised and expanded:

No, the HHS Secretary PHE powers are not terminated on May 11.

There are at least three interlocking frameworks for the consolidation of power in executive hands during declared emergencies: the 1976 National Emergencies Act, the 1988 Stafford Act, and the 1944 Public Health Service Act as amended in 1983 to add the Public Health Emergencies (PHE) program.

Congress and Biden have rescinded the emergency proclamation issued under the 1976 National Emergencies Act, but the Public Health Emergency declaration issued by then-HHS Secretary Alex Azar on Jan. 31, 2020, effective Jan. 27, 2020, remains in force, along with the Stafford Act determination Trump issued on March 13, 2020.

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