Naomi Wolff has done a deep dive into who manufactures the C quackzines and PCR tests.


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And this is just what the globalists want. Another excuse to try and lock people down again, it's on the horizon, for sure.

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Here in Ontario it’s a rise in mild cases not severe cases as predicted. Just sayin…

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Yes, well this is being sold to the converted, not us......their focus is to keep the sheep following the narrative...they have moved on from us a long time ago....their only mission is to keep the followers in the cult......believe me..... they are using the cult playbook to keep people coming back to boosters...they are not going to bother with us non-vaxxed, they want us out of the way so they can continue selling the shots/boosters to all the believers ........ https://culteducation.com/warningsigns.html

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Fauci knew this could happen, because it happened BEFORE. He even talked about it, early on.

Dr Fauci Discusses Vaccine Safety (2 minute video)


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Fascinating, it's like the shots are causing this. What an amazing monopoly! This will never stop. They put too many years into it!

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Thank God I’ve never shoved that crap up my nose!

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Again, it is notable that we are not in the cold and flu season in the NH. This should not be happening and did not in 2020.

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thanks for info

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Few nations are even returning to baseline between waves! And Pfauci is plugging his poison. How much longer until the damage is so great, they can’t hide it anymore?

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Last sentence in the article, another counterfactual lie, “Universal masking and widespread use of testing are effective tools for reducing viral transmission.” These people don't have a clue what they are doing and should all resign as they are all incompetent. As Paul said, non-neutralizing vaccinal antibodies which are present in every vaccinee is what is driving new variants and new waves of infection. As long as they push these gene therapies, the problem will never go away. It's just like feeding a stray cat. It won't leave. It's a great revenue stream for Bourla and Bancel because with ever new variants being wired into the most dangerous drugs in human history, Covid will never go away. The more we vaccinate, the more new strains will arise, the more waves, hospitalization and death, the more infections among the vaccinated, the more "vaccines" will be pushed. It's an unending circle. Under normal circumstances, virus's devolve in attempt to survive and they get less complex not more and eventually die out so to speak. But here, with vaccine pressure, the same Wuhan strain is still changing. It's basically reinventing itself over and over again and finding new ways to change with the ultimate goal of invading the lower respiratory track right back to where the original strain so effectively penetrated ultimately leading to blood clotting in the lungs. This is the goal of the virus. It already appears to be succeeding.

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Dr. Alexander.Would you tell the world about the PCR test not proving anything about covid yet world uses this test everyday. Wake the sheep up!

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It´s so striking how the highly vaxxed countries have the highest number of COVID cases, whilst the so called third world countries with a very low vax rate are almost COVID free. Not that this would be mentioned or discussed in the highly vaxxed and infected countries, they are doubling down and recommending the fourth shot.

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