You are a watchman on the wall, a warrior standing for truth & light.

I trust the God of Heaven will have special rewards for you & others that have cared enough to take this stand & proclaim this message for the children’s sake. ♥️🙌✝️

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In ANY children! Poison that damaged the immune system is not safe for ANY child!

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I agree that it is not safe. However, if a child has some medical conditions which make them at risk from covid, then it becomes unlikely, but plausible, that the vaccine could protect the child from disease from covid and thus the benefits could be weighed against the risks (and then we would all run away screaming, “HELL NO!” if we’re being honest). What about ivermectin, vitamin D, sunshine, colchicine, nasal spray, hydroxychloroquin, and zinc? I would suggest all of those before this jab.

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CDC can Leave Our Children & Pregnant Mother’s to be Alone!

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The COVID-19 experimental mRNA "vaccines" are TOXIC to everyone that gets them and EXTREMELY TOXIC to all children. The FDA and CDC and Big Pharma are EVIL and make Hitler, Lenin,Stalin and Mao look like saints. I will never every trust Big Pharma. I am 100% anti-vaccine and consider all vaccines toxic to humans and animals.

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They’re bad, but if you think they’re worse than those demons you listed then you need to crack open a history book.

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We are talking about billions of people globally that have been jabbed with mRNA gene therapies that have over 1200 known adverse reactions including permanent injuries and death. Big Pharma recommended their toxic concoctions to pregnant women, infants, children , elderly and everyone else. It's estimated that worldwide over 20 million people have died from their mRNA jabs. Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. believes millions and millions of the experimentally vaccinated will die around the world prematurely plus millions more maimed for life over the next five years. We are witnessing a global mass killing and maiming of possibly billions of people of all ages.

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In a sane world, every clotting-related death of a child within a month of vaccination would be investigated as, at the very least, negligent manslaughter.

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Be pro-active on this issue, not reactive. Individuals and groups need to act now. Tell State authorities, "no covid shot mandates for kids." Send letters and show up in person at local school and health dept meetings. If you need a template letter, with references and citations on why covid shots have no medical justification for mandates- here are two. Personalize the letters and send them to your local legislator, school superintendent, school boards, neighbor, principal, or vaccine decision-making board in your state.

1. (shorter) https://nursevoice.substack.com/p/11-reasons-not-to-add-covid-19-shots and

2. (longer, from Robert F Kennedy Jr)


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Thank you!

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They won't stop doing this injection madness until we stop them.

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Eliminate the most vulnerable and least able to defend themselves; infants and the infirm. The most primal of the animal mindset; “survival of the fittest”.

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I see no other way of understanding this tragedy against humanity. Does anyone have a semi-accurate count of the depopulation success since 2020? We have to be making headway with the culling. I wonder if greenhouse gases have shown reduction? Has humanity’s carbon footprint been minimized at all? Is the planet healthier after two years or does it take longer to show the effects of removing “useless eaters”? Where’s the updated data? I haven’t seen Greta in awhile; was she unfortunate loss in the grand plan? When will we hear of the environmental achievements? Surely, there are some as touted by the experts.

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Kinda new here. Anyone see how to flush or remove the spike protein after Covid infection as quickly as possible? Fasting? Keto? Links would be great if possible. Ty.

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There is NO verifiable clinical evidence to ever give healthy kids ANY VACCINES OF ANY KIND. None whatsoever. No studies that show vaccinating a child is healthier than not vaccinating a child. Don't you think that after over 60 years of vaccinating children on a regular schedule, there would be dozens of studies showing how great vaccinations truly are or how they improve long term heath?

There are none because the truth is just the opposite...vaccines are destructive and will never offer your child better health prospects. Wake up. The pushing of mRNA gene altering injections upon children is just another cog in the big pharma wheel of complete medical tyranny staring in the first 6 months of life and continuing until the day you die.

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Oct 25, 2022·edited Oct 25, 2022

They don't care one whit what the data show, nor what any of us has to say when pointing out the virtually zero risk to children of the so-called viral pathogen (i.e.,the bio-weapon) vs the obvious harm resulting from the otherwise useless & unnecessary (unsafe/ineffective) injections. "Nothing to see here move along..." But WE care, and that is why we are here continuing to push back against the blatantly obvious depop anti-human agenda. Not everyone was able to see what was going on from the outset, some of us were admittedly more prepared to pass the mass intelligence test as some have called it and opt out of the psy-op. We all know many, or know of many more, who have been harmed, their lives irreversibly altered (or ended!) and have felt indescribable pain for their crime of having misplaced trust in those in authority, wanting to do the right thing not only for themselves but for everyone around them. The scale of the real crime committed against humanity is beyond our collective capacity to grasp and there is no judgment, none!, in recognizing our friends' and loved ones' having been played. There is sadness and anger, but having thought long & hard about things I feel we must channel those feelings into non-stop action, for them and for all of humanity, there is no other option but to fight back with all our might and strength. This is truly the hill we must be willing to die on. Thank you Dr. Alexander and to your brave colleagues we've all come to know and have learned so much from. It is a great honor to fight along side of you all.

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Dr Alexander, thank you for putting it that simply. One sentence of powerful truths.

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