Covid must be so fatigued. It keeps trying to establish herd immunity and big pharma keeps sabotaging covid’s efforts. How much longer do we need to watch this 🤡🌍? Anyone else had enough?

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Yes, I have had more than enough.

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Finally! A perpetual motion machine!

People get vaxxed --- that drives more variants -- people get boosted because they are afraid of the variants.. that drives more variants... people get boosted again ... being afraid of the new variants... and so on forever.

All we need to do is harness the stupidity and we'd have free energy!

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Immunity is not possible. This is a manmade substance. Some may develop a tolerance level though like happens with alcohol until scientists change it again. In 2020 before the shot rollout, many were infected multiple times with symptoms while people like you preached natural and herd immunity.

Humans have been creating and spreading diseases to sicken and kill their own species since before Christ was born. The practice will probably continue forever because it's become so profitable and the primary income for so many.

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Dead on Mary...The vaxxed keep it going which is actually thinning the herd...Not exactly like herd immunity, but perhaps better overall because it culls the stupid from the herd...!

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One need not be a world renowned expert like Geert Vanden Bossche, Mike Yeadon, Peter McCullough, Roibert Malone, Ryan Cole, or you Dr. A (as well as others of your stature, humanity & integrity) to recognize the obvious here, though many of us have gained enormously in our understanding thanks to your collective efforts to inform & educate. Fear, more than anything else I think, hammered non-stop into people's psyches day after day by the complicit media has sadly made many otherwise rational individuals impervious to experts' clearly articulated and reasoned pleas & warnings. As a result no group has suffered more already, let alone the harms to be inflicted on them going forward, than the children whose only transgression was to be defenseless against adults' misplaced trust and abject abandonment of any vestige of reason vis a vis the human immune system's capacity for innate response as well as adaptation. Mass Formation, surrender to authority in white coats (think Milgram experiment), and related elements of a well planned psy-op have brought us to this 'lemming moment' it pains me to say

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Exactly. How can they use the propaganda of fear to keep injecting that j@b while people don't notice this is exactly what exposes them to more immune deficiency problems while keeping the bug mutating.

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Bourla and Bancel have barely gotten started. This is utopia to them. They're raking it in and justifying vote by mail and the big guy is getting his 10%. It gets no better than this.

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That’s why this scamdemic goes on well past the Spanish Flu span of time

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Yep....this should have been done by summer 2020

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Spamish Flu (H1N1) is still with us today though.

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I don't think it's same virulence though which is what is supposed to happen to allow herd immunity to develop. This did not happen in 2021 like it should have

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Exactly people that recovered from the Spanish Flu in 1918-1920 had immunity when H1N1 flu came back in later years.

Thing is with Covid, each variant is like another "new disease" which seems to mean that people can catch each and every one of them.

I wonder if there is any documented proof of somebody having the same Covid variant twice?

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I’ve noticed that the change of season has many people “under the weather” but thanks to the modern wonder of PCR testing CoVid is now the culprit.

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Exactly what happened when the last round of boosters were rolled out. You’d think ‘Science’ would learn. Hopefully folks watch ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ movie, that will wake them up, but it will be too late in many cases.

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I have to question the testing … is this fear porn to justify mail-in voting etc?

Sanger Sequencing Provides Definitive Evidence that RT-PCR Use with No Internal Control Applied to the Problem of Diagnosis of COVID-19 is Fatally Flawed


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The late Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR, repeatedly stated over the years that his tech should not be used to diagnose diseases. He said there are very few molecules that we don't have at least one in our bodies. A positive doesn't mean whatever causes any illness or harm. The results are interpreted or inferred. This is done by compromised "health" authorities who of course kept using it as a diagnosis tool. Almost everyone on both sides of the COVID shot issue fully embraced these tests give accurate results.

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There might not even be an overarching goal or a big conspiracy, by now, it is just plenty of little opportunists who have found ways to use testing for their own purposes -- generating an income, or keeping inquisitive people away.

Covid testing is an industry in NYC. From what I've been seeing, there must be hundreds of testing stations.

Also, requiring a negative test is a good way to keep pesky visitors out of bad nursing homes, by handing out expired tests.

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So now we have BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 spreading in NYC. Let’s pray the deadly GoF Covid created at Boston U. has not escaped. It will be an interesting Winter.

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I think it has already escaped. Seems everyone in upstate NY is sick. Then there's NYC, which is always sick.

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If the B.U. Strain has escaped, based on what I’ve read, hospitalizations will rise. Let’s hope not.

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Exactly what vetted, pre-tested-pre-trialed, accurate testing methods are they using? This is nothing more than the flu being relabeled as covid for some nefarious reasons.

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For the last two years, Covid testing has been an industry in New York City. Every other street corner has a kiosk/testing tent, with up to three workers doing nothing but play on their smartphones all day. Nearby institutions require a negative test to enter. There are also tons of new walk-in clinics while thousands of small businesses vanished.

The Upper East Side Nursing Home is pretty much the worst nursing home in the city, a tower block with 700 beds that the city cannot afford to close because it is so big. It had the highest death rate during the pandemic, as they have been horribly understaffed since forever. Don't believe me, look up reviews. This place requires visitors to show a negative test not older than 1 day. Can you imagine the testing volume?

I was made take a test right there, which came out inconclusive both times. They were going to make me repeat the test, and waste another 20 minutes, but I pointed out that the test kit was expired -- all of them were, and some had the seal broken, or the entire outer package missing. Turns out all their home test kits have been expired for months, and they lie that "the law" requires them to have visitors tested. I've been to other nursing homes, and they did not require tests.

So, one hour each way on the subway, plus 40 minutes for testing, only to be told I cannot visit? Who has lunch breaks that long? Nice way of keeping visitors out, too.

I bet there are similar places in all neighborhoods that take part in this insanity and drive the numbers up.

I did get to see the friend I had failed to visit at the nursing home. The care at the Upper East Side Nursing Home is so bad she boomeranged back to the hospital, where no tests are required to visit.

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People are still getting tested? Fools!

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Plenty of places force you to. Want to visit your aunt in a rehab center? They might require a test not older than a day. And they will call security on you if you point out that their test kits are expired.

Testing is a massive industry in NYC.

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This is all about vote-by-mail. Even dead dogs are being sent Register to Vote-by-Mail Application forms.

DEAD DOG Receives Register to Vote-by-Mail Application From MI Dem Party…Homeowner’s Response Is PRICELESS!


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The vaxxed keep covid going which is actually thinning the herd...Not exactly like herd immunity, but perhaps better overall because it culls the stupid from the herd...!

I kinda like removal of the truly stupid as in makes for safer driving on the roads and freeways...!

Just kinda curious when someone with some real brain power will develop a cure for wokeness...

Oh wait, maybe that's what the vaccine is actually doing...Problem is I believe America is toast as "it" is not working fast enough...But wait, it's just been approved and mandated for the very young...!

Dr. Donnie Smith

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The reason so many continue supporting these shots is because they or someone they know have been harmed by the spread or shed versions. Per a recent US Census Bureau's Household Pulse Survey, an estimated ~29% of infectees have been suffering symptoms three months or longer. Around 4 million have been severely impaired. Some have been bedridden since early 2020.

No one has offered effective alternative treatments to them. The so-called experts won't even recognize the spread, shed, and injected versions of this stuff have been triggering thousands of wide-ranging adverse reactions. Only those who have a small collection of chosen symptoms exist.

Repeat shot takers don't recognize each injection inserts more poison. Almost everyone has been programmed since babyhood to wrongly believe vaccines are safe and effective. Meanwhile, you've been programmed to have eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear, and a hardened heart. The main component of these jabs is the same or similar (or instructions to make it) as what has been spread since the beginning. Either both are dangerous, or neither are.

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Serena...You nailed it...I vote you to head-up the FDA, CDC, and the FBI...

I bet you can handle it...


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Since they knew this would happen, the technocrats had the perfect weapon to sustain their power under a declared continuous state of emergency. I sense they will bring on their own downfall by doing so. Hasn’t anyone learned from the French Revolution?

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I feel sorry for the naïve people who keep going for boosters. There is here in Montreal a rise in cases, I had it 3 weeks ago (first time sick in 3 years). But all the jabbed, 1, 2 to additionnal boosters are just as infected. Canada suggests a booster every 6 months. Are you kidding? Most Canadians have had the 2 first "mandatory" ones, and a few are waking up to the fact that "they don't seem to be working, But , to ease their frustration, they cling to the belief that: "at least the boosters keep us from developping more severe symptoms and keep us away from hospitalization". Question is: how long will it stay on a "recommendation" basis? when will the mandates be back? will we be enough people to raise our voice and finally say "enough is enough"!!!

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Thanks For Sharing much appreciated 👍

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