Still pushing it everywhere. Hospitals and pharmacies. Criminal.

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yes, many of these people should he hung

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It's absolutely NUTS!!!! Both the pushers and the victims. STOP!!!!!!!!

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Elusive1 i just posted an article on my homepage which states:

HEALTHDisturbing COVID Vaccine Reality Unfolds on Children in These States

Dr. Peter McCullough explains.

The CDC now recommends THREE Covid-19 jabs for 9-month-old babies, and they are effectively mandated to take them in states like California and New York.

This is child abuse.

Dr. McCullough says “hundreds of unnecessary childhood deaths” have occurred “as a result of the vaccine.”

Elusive1, if this doesn’t help make your daughter understand how dangerous these shots are, nothing will! As Dr McCullough says;

“This is child abuse”! Additionally, Dr McCullough has an extensive history of “peer reviewed” studies to his credit.

He’s not a fly by night doctor by any means!

It would make sense for your Daughter to read a few articles Dr McCullough has written and has referenced, especially “peer reviewed” studies.

There’s no way your Daughter would want to inject her child regardless of what the state is saying. Did the states care about anyone? Not one leftist state for certain cared about children or their citizens.

I do pray your daughter wakes up! For that matter all parents contemplating injecting their kids with such toxic unknown substances which has been associated with death! AYKM? Death? Yes Death! And still they the states are reluctant to admit the facts! The TRUTH!


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At this point there is a special place in Hell for just about all involved. I will cut the parents some slack because they have been schooled most of their lives and not educated. That said, the pediatricians who push this and other poisons should be tried by a jury of their peers as they should know better....but like the parents, they have been schooled. They really don't practice medicine but manage to an algorithm. This is where we are folks.... a sad state of affairs. Pax

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so right Roger but I think if Trump gets back in and he fails to handle the wrongs, we will have to...we will not back down and we will get the accountability...his admin and Biden's

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It's certainly not "health care."

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healthcare in USA today and Canada is deplorable...but if you are an illegal just go to any NY hospital, will go front of the line and get Cadillac care and for free

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Our country hasn't had that in a century(?) Unbelievable!

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And the CDC wants / is requiring 3 covid shots by 9 months of age! AYKM? Something has to be done with these rotten no good evils!


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yes, we will go after them AJR, we just got to get 45 in...and it will not be up to him...but we need him to have our back as we go after them

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I agree Dr. there’s a case pending before the Supreme Court presently, if I remember correctly, which would give Americans an option to vaccinate or not too. I’ll have to look it up.


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Sadly, my only grandchild so far is being subjected to this. As per the "SCHEDULE".


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Elusive1 Please try and STOP THEM! My only Grandson hasn’t been subjected as of yet, my son and his wife are stubborn and will fight if necessary to! The only concern is the state “WACKADOS” who will try and impose their will upon them and myself!

I won’t allow them to inject anything into his little body at this point! He’ll be 5 years old this month and hasn’t started first grade. Next school year will become problem is something isn’t done.

If you can help your grandchild do what you can. We must all stand up for our children and grandchildren however necessary!

Thank you Elusive1. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers! This isn’t about luck, it’s about a child’s life potentially!


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this is the hill you must defend AJR

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This is the hill I will absolutely die on if I must! Then will never touch my grandson with a single needle ever again!

Yes Dr. Alexander, they may have more than I have, be it money, influence, you name it. What they do not have, is my PASSIONATE “STEADFAST CONVICTION” to fight for the welfare and safety of one little boys wellbeing and or life!

Not now, NOT EVER! They will have to imprison me, otherwise they will have to kill me! Mark my words!

That is a PROMISE, I have made to my Son & Daughter-Law and my most precious “Grandson”!

Thank you Dr. thank you so very much for all your hard work!


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and Elusive1

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in some regards some parents put their lives on the line

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some move

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I've tried AJR!

Daughter must be in a hypnotic trance of some sort. I get no place! I get the standard line, "We will follow what the pediatrician recommends/says."

Period. End of story.

Thank you for prayer!

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You’re welcome Elusive1. Look into Dr Francis Boyle’s information might help you. I have some of his stuff on my profile page.

Talk about “straight from the horses mouth”?

Dr Boyle wrote the

“Bioweapons Act” of 1979.

It’s still in effect today, this may help convince your daughter and why.

Good God Elusive1, I feel your pain! My Son’s mother-in-Law has taken 5 shots! Same with her boyfriend! Both are drastically sick!

My Son’s mother-in-law has had 4 veins on the left side of her head tied with “titanium thread” for a series of clots and most recently, she needed to have open brain surgery on the right side to bypass 3 more clots!

She’s made it through the surgery thankfully. She’s not right to say the least. She’s lost herself, almost like a stroke victim does.

According to her and her boyfriend, it’s not the JAB so stop blaming it! According to her and her boyfriend! By the way her boyfriend can’t remember anyone’s name today! He’s all “fusuckedup” mentally! Excuse my use of descriptive language?

I don’t know what else to call the two of them other than “deniers”. They believe MSNBC, to the letter! They think it’s the “unvaccinated” that got them sick! Ignorance doesn’t begin to define their “WACKADO” ignorance!

Don’t stop trying Elusive1. Please don’t and if anything, try to convince your daughter, with the mountains of evidence available today!

I know it’s not your decision to make ultimately, nor mine! I do believe as a grandparent, it is your responsibility to help your young grandchild!

Not in a legal sense, this isn’t what I mean whatsoever. Steve Kirsch’s substack has released relevant information about young children unprecedentedly dying of heart attacks associated with the “Bioweapon”, I’m sure you’re familiar with.

Dr Alexander posted Steve’s article today. Anyway, don’t give up the fight and try every which way you can, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

You have the will you’ll find the way.

The upside is far greater the sum of all the downsides combined!


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(Don't forget the homeschooling option.)

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Yes that’s the only option at this point. Problem is with the state trying to subvert the entire homeschool curriculum.

One year to get it together is where I’m at.

Thank you Kathleen.


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Dr. McCullough says “hundreds of unnecessary childhood deaths” have occurred “as a result of the vaccine.”

I forgot to add this most important part of the article Elusive1. In case you aren’t able to open it from my homepage on substack.


Equally troubling, Dr. McCullough explains, “There is at least one paper suggesting that the genetic code of Pfizer or Moderna may be installed into the baby’s genetics permanently. We have no information on long-term outcomes, and the children don’t have a significant risk from Covid-19.”

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Another reason to get rid of brain ded bye den and knees

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Biden's history. He was an embarrassment to the US in the eyes of the world and was going to lose to Trump. That's why the US upgraded to Harris. Rasmussen polls, which was correct in 2016 and close in 2020 and is disparaged as a "conservative" and "Republican-leaning" polling organization, has Harris leading Trump in its latest poll. The Ametican people are falling for the Harris scam and Harris as POTUS will mandate jabs for kids.

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This is a dire yet honest prediction.

I personally have rejected participation in polls. And though I text back MAGA to every invitation to respond, I do not expect that is taken into account. Having taken part in the past, I know polls are manipulative rather than straightforward.

Most people here have historically ignored televised debates but I suspect more will watch than usual -- even internationally. Given the attention given the Trump v Biden debate and the stunning consequences, there should be a wider national audience. But I despair of believing any Harris supporter will consider the repercussions of her policy statements.

The news coverage of her campaign appearance in NH showed her zombie supporters cheering at each of her nonsensical statements. She has no capacity to comprehend the disastrous effects of her economic or border policies. I doubt she even knows what she's reading and suspect she's often misreading. The audience only hears "abortion and free stuff."

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I think that creepy Joe was a place holder of sorts, same as I believe kacklin is now. For someone wayyyy worse.

Mandates are probably in our future. :/

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I know Teri something tells me they’ll be elected! Not by voters, by way of everything else they’re about “lying cheating and stealing” their way into power!

This has to stop! It must stop! They must be stopped!


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we are going after them...they fear me...folk like me...for we cant be bought.

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“Honorable” is an understatement for your convictions Dr Alexander and the list is of adjectives doesn’t end there!

I’d run out of words describing how deeply I believe in your integrity and sincerity, to do whatever’s necessary for what’s “right and fair”!

Especially when you believe as passionately, about something as dangerous and destructively deadly as these

“Bioweapons” have proven to be!

Thank God for your diligence Dr Alexander and your unwavering dedication to all peoples of this planet!


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Stay safe Doc!

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By this time it is abundantly well known and documented that these jabs are harmful and even lethal. Tens of millions around the world have been hurt and killed. Okay, enough talk!

How about starting at the beginning. Name the criminals and their crimes. Who were directly responsible for the scamdemic, the mask and distancing mandates and, lastly, for the shots themselves?

Oh, but wait - WE ALREADY KNOW THEM!!! We know who ordered the lockdowns, who gave Big Pharma billions with which to develop the shots, who gave them 100% immunity from liability, who allowed the fearmongering and the indirect pressure ("take the shot or lose your job"), ... we **KNOW** who they are!!!

So isn't is well past the time for the next step - indictments, prosecutions, sentences and hangings?

Are we just going to keep talking about this for months and years to come? blah-blah-blah ...

If so, trust me - NOTHING will be fixed and there will be a next attack - guaranteed!

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Whether they change the liability factor, OR NOT.




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the liability protection reversal is so that we can enter courts and retroactive sue these beasts

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No more. NONE!

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According to the “Defender” article:

Nine-month-old babies must receive multiple doses of an unlicensed mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to be considered “up to date” with their COVID-19 vaccination, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Ok, fine but first whoever’s dictating this nonsense must take 4 shots prior / child injection before any child receives 3…How about that?

It’s as ludicrous as making new borns and up to nine months take 3 shots! Give me a break!


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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Hi Doc -Got a call to estimate a job today for a couple I knew. We got onto the jab topic.

-her husband had two jabs and had a stroke soon after each jab.

-her daughter took it and now will never be able to travel with her mother again

-she herself declined it

I gave her some info and she told me that she was sure the jab had caused both strokes her husband has. She said after the jab he was never the same.

There are mountains of proof it is dangerous (React19) but still the murderous bastards continue all across the spectrum of the CYSTem.

And for those spying on me I did file for a lawsuit against someone and involved is a lying corrupt pig of the OPP. My big interview happens as scheduled this week. Make sure to tell the OPP that five of the corrupt bastards are gong down and I have the first all lined up with 14 CCC charges.

If one lets the CYSTem run all over him, it will never know any different.

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Edward, you are 100% correct....on the vaccine...bang on...huge praise

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Hi Doc

I referred her and her husband to "React19" to see proof of the scamdemic and the dangers of believing political hacks like turdo. My OIPRD complaint to the pig headquarters details 14 CCC as well as theft by OPP waifs, all provable. The two very serious crimes are reckless endangerment and criminal negligence. With the timing of Singh a song exposing turdeau to expulsion as PM the stage is set for me to also politicize everything to discredit a corrupt fake law enforcement "megamolignant " agency.

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Dr. P has a story about an Estonian athlete fighting to regain his former strength after a jab injury. I decline to read it because I hear time and again of people who took the human guinea pig jab and suffered death but also many others have suffered debilitating adverse effects. Damn the lovers of money sacrificing the lives and happiness of men, women and children on the altar of their idolatry worshipping Molech. Damn this cesspool of craven misfits. I despise them.

I need not damn them for God in His omnipotence knows His business far better than I and needs not me in the "c" section. (condemnation) I have three sibblings I estranged for their own love of money, fraud, lies and criminality. I do not entertain nor have "respect of persons" in my existence nor do I make excuses for miscreants. One of them took the jab as did his greedy wife. The clock ticks for us all.

Their own mother well noted this to her displeasure.

I have already heard another sad story yesterday from a woman who confessed her intuition had warned her. Last time we talked she unloaded more regrets, more pain, and more emotional suffering.

The best I could do was to tell her I would have done the same thing because if we cannot trust our doctors, who can we trust? It was happenstance based on the medical expertise of three virologists who set me straight, with one, a woman becoming very angry and telling me before she got her medical degree that she did a paper (thesis) on natural immunity and emphasized my natural immunity trumped any jabs, any time, any place. She had never been so angry over all the years of my serving her in my profession.

Search "React19 website" for many sad stories for they are poignant. The one that got to me was of a mother and wife articulate and possessed of loveliness/femininity on a grand scale. Her life was ruined and listening to her I wanted to do what I could not as she was hundreds of miles away, out of reach. (reassure her and hold her forever)

What can one do in the helplessness one feels hearing all these stories and seeing little children with serious ailments but also the many who have been laid in small white coffins with mothers and fathers and sibblings crying as they are lowered into graves. The only good news is that their gentle spirits have separated at the moment of their deaths and gone to God who knows each one from the moment of their conception when he gave each a unique spirit.

Do not believe that? It is your God given privilege. But I happen to know that it is true. The attributes of God alternate between Wrath and Mercy and the end of each of us will see one or the other of those attributes applied to all.

In my existence, He has been merciful. Why? Because I was not ever an ingrate. He loves and accepts gratitude, and those who oppose evil openly. I warn of the verse in Revelation that places heavy emphasis on being a coward, or being "fearful" and Jesus made it clear that we are either ALL for Him or against Him. Being a coward qualifies one for the "Second Death" which is in itself condemnation to hell.

Read Revelation Chapter 21 verse 8 noting the first category of the damned is being "fearful." The placement of this word first before the "unbelievers" and "whoremongers" and adulterers" and "abominable" and murderers, and idolators" and "sorcerers" and all "liars" places that as a high if not the highest sin!!!

"Many are called but few are chosen," Do any comprehend that being a coward is a very serious sin? So staying in the background, avoiding the battle, being silent when one should be outspoken, will damn us to hell?

"Thus saith the Lord" and NOT ME.

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Not sure what it requires... mass causality event where body bags are piled up on street corners with little kids getting heart attacks.. Would that get anyone's attention. I truly don't understand how a Democide now in its 5th year is still not being recognized and no one has been held accountable

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I know. Mass formation psychosis, I think. It is beyond belief!!

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Going take people standing up for their kids..they won't touch my grandkids tell you what..email the CEOS of CVS, WALGREENS call your local drug store. We the people need to get going

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Alarming, indeed. To say the least.

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Please address Mike Yeadon’s comments that Ivermectin is a huge anti-fertility drug. What is your assessment of this? I can’t find much that would indicate that it is true, so I will rely on your comment. Thank you for your attention to this….

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do you mean that it reduces fertility? can you attach the study please? Yeadon is a giant, very smart man. I will like to review the evidence.

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Why does it kill some only

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As soon as you realize this is depopulation then it all makes sense.

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Sad thing is that the BARBARIC treatment of people by the so called elite is world wide!?

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Yeah, it's one of the worst parts of these "medical emergencies." I barely scratch the surface, and I can't go a week without reading about some youth suffering from cardiac arrest. About three weeks ago was one of the worst I can remember. Three high school students, two middle school students, and a 4th grade girl all collapsed on campus and later died. The little 4th grade girl collapsed during recess from a massive heart attack.

Anyway, here's that one.


It's brutal out there.


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Murder by using vaccines and now mRNA poisons has been acceptable for over 70 years.

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The assessment using 2020 data is extremely important, without which it would not be possible to make assessments of infection mortality not conflated with infection and side effects of the shots. Approving the shots for children in a short time period essentially would have covered up the innate immunity of children and indirectly creates for children a new deadly disease of childhood that didn't exist before, owing to the similarities of 'Covid-19' and increased susceptibility to Covid-like illnesses that are promoted by the shots.

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