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Or worse, require vax to drive

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Omg, Sherry! Horrible thought. But your comment reveals how suspicious we need to be of the motivation and funding behind these absurd publications.

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Well, I'm thinking that could be a motive in Canada, where the so called study was conducted. I don't think anyone's confident enough to think they can pull this over on Americans just yet.

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That may come sooner than you think. Insurance companies always looking for a way to rip of their customers.

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It appears the measurement was in the two weeks post jab

That is when any recipient is deemed "unvaccinated" but as we know thats when most vax deaths occur.

I know a care worked who died from a haemorrhage whilst driving shortly after her jab and of course crashed.

My view is the research is simply yet more data manipulation but that two week " unvaccinated" window is sure helpful.

A cynic would say it was deliberately designed policy to hide adverse effects.....

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And I definitely believe they were trying to get their propaganda out there ahead of all the died suddenlies while driving, so the sheeple will accept all the uptick in deadly car crashes as a repercussion of not getting vaxxed

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Regarding vaccine so called efficacy, this 2 week period was for the immunity to supposedly kick in. But this is a totally different kind of (air quotes) " study"... Regarding vaccine hesitancy. They never should have classified people within 2 weeks of the jab as "vaccine hesitant"... They got the stupid jab!!! That's not hesitancy! That's compliance. It's an all around horribly executed so called study and NEVER should have been accepted for publication

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Thanks for that info. My hunch was always that the finding had to be data manipulation and couldn’t possibly be factual, but I hadn’t taken time to look at the study to find out. I suspect the idea was to try to counteract the many reports of “vaccidents.”

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It’s been mentioned to me today this data may have been engineered to force higher insurance costs on to the un-vaccinated.

Fair point.

As I said one cannot be too cynical but hopefully the insurance industry is not so gullible.

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"I'm getting jabbed to reduce my risk of a car accident" said no one ever.

Actually this is proof positive that the authors are deranged, unhinged psychopaths.

If I was jabbed and read this moronic article I would be nervous. VERY nervous.

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Seriously... I'd be like "I listened to these idiots?". The worst thought I've ever had is someone waking up to the bs and thinking "get it out of me!" knowing that's impossible. I didn't fight the mask mandate bc I can always rip a mask off my face whenever I want. But there's no getting that poison out of your body once it's there. How could so many people not see that

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If they are allowed to publish such ridiculous information such as this, then perhaps the clot free people should show correlation between those who chose to be a spike protein factory to suffer from hearing loss, sight loss and the ability to reason. I have also noticed that some are displaying overt signs of loss of self control and have definitely undergone personality changes. Charts to follow 📈

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To thinking people this study was a farce from its first report. Agenda-driven science to try to villify the unvaccinated for being wise. Junk science like this would die on the vine if it weren’t for the complicit and corrupt media. Recently I read a NYT story summarizing a new study showing that we don’t need vitamin D for bone health. I feel for those that don’t have the skills to separate the BS from what might actually be true. Sadly, those people won’t be with us much longer ☠️

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They probably just want to keep people away from effective and super-cheap Covid therapies: https://c19early.org

In cost effectiveness in reducing Covid's harm, Vitamin D is second only to another substance that's free any time of the year humans can get sufficient sun exposure: Melatonin.

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Ahhh but thar

To why we take the time to educate these fools. They balk and call is crazy conspiracy theorists yet just like dealing with a rotten 12 year old eventually, reluctantly begin to look for themselves. Then though they won’t admit it usually they begin to question the narrative. This is how we beat these Basr$#&s with PERSISTENCE. The same tactic those Marxists and whatever else they are used on us. There’s one big advantage in that we are truthful unlike those vermin and the truth comes out faster .

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I can’t believe the degradation of medical science that I have witnessed. Have worked in the field (including 510k and PMA studies), for over 40 years and the last 3 have been utterly shocking to witness. This car crash paper is such an embarrassment... authors should be laughed out of business.

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The tyranny of a complete fusion of public + private sectors is a regression back to the pre-Enlightenment world. All the standards + ethics of the scientific and regulatory processes to preserve individual lives + liberties have been twisted into a sham to serve the tinpots.

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Brings to mind an old joke about stupid researchers. This one REALLY dates me.

Premise: Researcher studying frog jumping distances

#1) "Jump frog, jump"; Frog Jumps. Researcher records: Frog with 4 legs jumps 2 Meters

Researcher lops off frog's right front leg.

#2) "Jump frog, jump"; Frog Jumps. Researcher records: Frog with 3 legs jumps 1.25 Meters

Researcher lops off frog's left front leg.

#3) "Jump frog, jump"; Frog Jumps. Researcher records: Frog with 2 legs jumps .75 Meters

Researcher lops off frog's right rear leg.

#4) "Jump frog, jump"; Frog Jumps. Researcher records: Frog with 1 leg jumps .15 Meters

Researcher lops off frog's last leg.

#5) "Jump frog, jump"; Frog doesn't Jump. Researcher records: Frog with no legs goes deaf.

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Except in today's junk science, the researchers would probably jab half the frogs with needles and lop off the legs of the other half. Then they'd conclude: "Jabbed frogs jump farther than unjabbed frogs." Next they'd do some research that Alex Jones would report on :-)

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I believe that if other useless morons have nothing else to do they could look into rates of myopia and wearing glasses. I conjecture they will find the un-injected have higher incidence. BECAUSE WE ACTUALLY READ.

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This is actually laughable. The Chinese are laughing at all these nonsensical studies. They are so happy!!!!! My goodness what a bunch of morons.

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They are also freaking out at the rapid 180 turn their government just took.

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Discovery in South Africa is raising car premiums for the unvaccinated based on this study.

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What is being done to the great Boer people is a travesty. The same, jewish villains there, as behind 9/11, Convid, and every financial crime. Madoff. Epstein. Fried. Most expelled people in human history.

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The biggest villain was the Cecil Rhodes whose legacy left at the Royal Institute of International Affairs and creation of it's USA counterpart, The Council of Foreign Relations are both a nest of traitors that should be rounded up.

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Only Canadian researchers PAID BY THE TYRANNCAL LIBERAL PARTY would publish such drivel! With the high incidents of heart attacks and strokes among the vaxxed, they are truly the more hazardous on the roads. A friend's granddaughter was in a serious single vehicle crash when the young, recently vaxxed driver experienced an aneurysm. These people are the unsafe ones!

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Carolyn, I help on a jab death/injury data-collecting team. Can I ask how your friend's granddaughter (I hope she's recovering!) knew that the driver had been recently jabbed?

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A lady who lives in the community the young man is from provided that info. It's a very small community, so these things are easily known.

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Every person in my family and friend group that has gotten the shot has gotten very sick post shot. I know because they've told me. They missed work, stayed home and did not go anywhere. It happens after every booster they get. I have been unable to get them to see how ridiculous that is, to purposely make yourself so sick. They are so brainwashed, and keep repeating the propaganda they've been fed, "oh but it will keep me out of the hospital and I would be so much sicker if I got CV."

Despite the fact those of us who have not been injected did not suffer such a fate when we got the original infection and built our natural immunity.

It is far more likely the reason injected people are in accidents less is due to being home sick.

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Nothing will end until we physically force these people to end. Typing, and chronicling their crimes is seen as tolerance and appeasement by the Leftist deranged. It is time for MEN, to take up arms, and wage physical war. Hail Victory.

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Over Here, it was noticed that the data are skewed. Lies, damned lies, and statistics!

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Maybe all the vaxxed are sick or dead, so they aren't driving. 😉

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That was my initial response to this drivel: The dead don't drive.

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This shows what kind of pathetic ropes they are grasping for. Absolutely hilarious

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