Where Lee goes wrong (or attempts to mislead?) is that she suggests the Chinese are behind this and that they will release Phase 2... to kill vaxxed Americans...
That makes no sense as it would kill all vaxxed globally (nearly 6B) and even if it did only affect Americans that would be killing your customers + tipping over the global economy with chaos ensuing.
Where Lee goes wrong (or attempts to mislead?) is that she suggests the Chinese are behind this and that they will release Phase 2... to kill vaxxed Americans...
That makes no sense as it would kill all vaxxed globally (nearly 6B) and even if it did only affect Americans that would be killing your customers + tipping over the global economy with chaos ensuing.
Where Lee goes wrong (or attempts to mislead?) is that she suggests the Chinese are behind this and that they will release Phase 2... to kill vaxxed Americans...
That makes no sense as it would kill all vaxxed globally (nearly 6B) and even if it did only affect Americans that would be killing your customers + tipping over the global economy with chaos ensuing.
They will have an empty continent to expand into.