As a GP working in Ireland for 40 years I knew with absolute certainty in February / March 2020 there was no highly pathogenic virus in the community worthy of the reaction of the Government implemented measures . I refused to wear masks ,social distance I examined my patients ,operated my clinic as I had done for the previous 40 years . I endeavored to educate my patients on the truth as I saw it ,which in retrospect turned out to be totally true. I used no special medication such as Ivermectin refused to send patients for PCR test and accepted any result with skepticism , I opened discussion with my academic college the IRISH COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS and the IIRISH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ,from whom I received no meaningful response or explanation as to measures they supported and implemented . SILENCE was their only option as they ,each and every doctor in those bodies knew I was right . I watched with horror as they participated in what I now know to be the murder of my fellow citizens. Naturally I refused to administer an unnecessary and potentially dangerous experimental gene therapy for which I was brought before the IRISH HIGH COURT and had my license to practice medicine in my country suspended . That being over three years ago I have deprived of all medical income since . My case has not been officially heard . The IRISH MEDICAL COUNCIL are doing everything they can do to blacken my name rather than admitting I was right about everything and they committed a heinous crime of treason on the Irish people . The pandemic of 2020 was a hoax based on a dishonest overcycled PCR test implemented by a medical profession who knew the truth , I did and tried to broadcast it. The media were the totally complicit in this crime . It was a highly planned genocidal totalitarian attempt at take over and must be treated as such by the courts of the future. Treason on the people no less.

Dr Gerry Waters . Celbridge . Co Kildare . Ireland.

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Thank you for standing for truth, and for humanity.

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Your clear Conscience is worth more than all the gold in the world.

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Thank you for your courage in the face of personal hardship. A good example for all of us to follow.

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The path of the Courageous is not easy. Thank you 🙏 Thank you 🙏 Thank you 🙏

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Well done Dr. Waters. I had the run around from the UK DWP for some moths. When I invoked the services of the Ombudsman's office nothing changed. Constituency MP, Minister for DWP, House of Lords DWP representative, PM's office. Then a lightbulb moment in my anger & frustration at their intransigence.

I copied in the European Court of Human Rights. 10 days later I had 3 years of withheld money in my bank account. A very polite & placatory phone call apologising for their "mistake"!

Worth a try Sir. Pls see here https://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=contact&c=

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Very interesting and valuable address which I have saved for future exploration . Thank you.

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Thank you Dr Alexander for your writing. You nailed it.

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I wish somebody, just one talking head on substack.com here would explain who wrote the grant so that "Every COVID death-certificate the Hospital got $10K cash"

That right there that ONE little provision is all it took the USA MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX to optimize murders on 100's of 1,000's of USA subject;

We all know that people who entered the hospital from gun-shot wounds and motorcycle accident trauma, on their death cause as "COVID"

The ventilator and Remdesivir is easy, billing $10K a day for an ICU bed before they're dead, the incentives were all there.

So who devised the payment schedule???

Ventilator $5k/day cash to hospital, we need to build more ventilators all of a sudden every CEO in the USA wanted to get into the ventilator biz

Remdesivir what was $1k dose, how many day, same thing somebody decided Remdesivir GOOD, and HCQ, & IVER bad

Who made up these terrible payout scams? WHO

Then there was the infamous PCR tests, where the cycle count was set to 45 insuring that even DOGS&CATS would get a positive result??? Again the hospital only got $1k cash for a 'positive' there was never a BONUS to the doctor or hospital for a negative, so of course their going to make sure that everyone has COVID

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I think the finger pointing goes to Dr. Falsi and the NIH working with Gates/WHO.

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Also Trump said in one of his interviews the people leading the world are not names you heard of. I think there are names behind this. Club of 300?

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He should name names...bring sunlight to disinfect the rot.

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I guess he wasn't ready to confront them.

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Who? Saw Walensky CDC try to explain it away I believe to congress as a way to help the poor

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I remember in the beginning Melinda Gates said the shots should first go to black people. WTH? I remember not believing that at first and had to see/hear the video.

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I saw that video...she hates black and brown people.

That is why the Gates Foundation "experiments" with their new vaccines in Africa.

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I had to play the video back a few times to make sure I really heard what she said. I couldn't believe she said that.

Yeah sure, the race they did the Tuskegee experiment on, would love to be experimented on again.

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Eugippius has a strong counter worth looking at:


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...more like to kill the poor.

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Eugippius has a strong counter worth looking at:


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In regard to Bill Gates and his TED talk about reducing 10% of the world's population...the only way to accomplish that is war, famine, or disease.

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Or harmful lockdowns and toxic vaccines...

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Sadly that was the intention behind those involved in creating a virus to try and do so, the the blocking of any alternative treatments to be used and forcing their preferred methods, and then ultimately the vaccine to achieve their goal in my mind of depopulation/eugenics.

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Sent yesterday to: Canadian and USA (“mostly bought”) media and politicians


Dr William Makis is highly competent. If he were appointed Chief Medical Offer of Alberta, he could help repair the carnage caused by the Kenney/Notley criminal Covid-19 Lockdown-and-Vaccine debacles - errors that needlessly destroyed businesses and jobs and killed ~10,000 Albertans to date. Below is Dr Makis’ assessment of Alberta’s latest major Covid error, which will probably result in more needless Covid-19 vaccine-caused deaths and injuries of our children. Alberta’s health authorities are dangerous and incompetent– the deadly, fabricated Covid disaster rolls on.

The Alberta Government, its NDP Opposition and Alberta Health authorities have been consistently wrong in their management of the Covid-19 Lockdowns and “Vaccines” and have been utterly INCOMPETENT throughout. The Covid-19 “vaccines” are NOT SAFE and NOT EFFECTIVE! This reality is now incontrovertible. REVERSE THIS DANGEROUS, ILLEGAL ANTI-CHILD POLICY NOW.

I published on 21March2020 that the Covid-19 Lockdowns were unjustified and destructive, and no rational person disputes that now – Sweden provides complete proof. On 8Jan2021 I wrote Kenney, Notley, all Alberta MLA’s and other politicians and media to NOT deploy the toxic Covid-19 vaccines. After ~13 million people have been killed worldwide to end2022 by the toxic vaccines, only the truly delusional still support the disastrous Covid-19 “vaccine” campaign. My ~13 million global vaxx-death estimate was independently verified by Rancourt et al (Feb2023).

Front-line Alberta physicians deserve credit for practicing competent, early treatment, such that Covid-19 deaths in Alberta to 1Jul2020 were no different from other flu seasons. Covid-19-related deaths started after the deployment of the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” and to date have killed ~10,000 Albertans. At current rates, these toxic Covid-19 vaxxes will kill another ~4000 Albertans by end 2023, unless prompt curative steps are implemented – as I’ve recommended to this government since 20Nov2022.

Avoidable Canadian deaths caused by the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled ~98,0000 to the end of 2022, twice as many Canadians as were killed in WW2. This Covid-19-vaxx-death toll will reach ~145,000 by end 2023. Through their Covid-19 Lockdown-and- ”Vaccine” frauds, Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh and their Liberal and NDP cohorts will become known as the greatest killers of Canadians for all time. Intelligent politicians and media should separate themselves from these woke leftist killers without further delay.

The following graph from Statistics Canada total deaths data provides verifiable proof of my above statements.

Source: Data: Provisional weekly death counts, by age group and sex (statcan.gc.ca)


I recently re-assessed my estimate of the deaths caused in the USA by their gross mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness. Incompetent, late treatment of Covid-19 patients caused 530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional 1.08 million American deaths. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled 1.61 million to end 2022, and it is far from over. The Covid-19 avoidable American death toll to date significantly exceeds the total 1.1 million American deaths in all their wars back to and including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.

The following graph of American total deaths data provides verifiable proof of my above statements.

Source: United States Deaths Per year, How Many Deaths in United States Per year


USA physicians practiced Late Treatment of Covid-19, toxic Remdesivir & ventilators and killed 530,000 Americans in 2020, and hospitals were awarded ~$30,000 per death.

USA deaths primarily attributed to the “Vaccines” in 2021&2022 totaled 1.08 million Americans, for a Covid-19 total of 1.61 million mostly-avoidable American Covid deaths.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary


Dr. William Makis MD


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did write a stack on this to add to William, he is a friend of mines, good great person, intellect...we will be sharing a stage over a week in Alberta...we speak together.


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Hello Dr Paul.

Where are you speaking in Alberta?


Allan MacRae in Calgary


I identified the Covid-19 scam in Feb 2020 and published on 21Mar2020. See CorrectPredictions.ca

I analysed the Covid-19 data in Feb2020 and on 21Mar2020 I published the following correct analysis – NO GENERAL LOCKDOWNS!:

Six months later on 4Oct2020, world-class physicians and researchers made the same recommendation in their Great Barrington Declaration.

Alberta had NO significant increase in total deaths to 1Jul2021, because our physicians performed early treatment of Covid-19 symptoms. No excess deaths means no dangerous pandemic!

On 8Jan2021 I wrote to every Alberta MLA and many federal and civic politicians the following strong recommendation, which has proved entirely correct – NO Covid-19 VACCINES!

Two years later, the Surgeon General of Florida published the same conclusion.

There was a large increase in total deaths for all ages after the toxic Covid-19 injections were deployed in early 2021 – deaths primarily caused by the toxic “vaccines”.


Based on Alberta total deaths and the increase post-vaxx, I calculated 12.9 million Covid-19-vaxx-deaths worldwide to end2022, increasing to more than 19 million by end2023.

That death count was just independently verified by Rancourt et al (Feb2023) based on Israeli and Australian total death data, at 13.25 million to 24Jan2023 – the same as my total.


These total global Covid-19-vaxx-caused deaths will increase by at least 1/2 million every month unless we take action.

I am trying to make inexpensive, voluntary, over-the-counter “Ivermectin plus” (IVM + Nattokinase?) packages widely available for treatment of the Covid illness and the vaxx-injured.

This low-risk, high reward “Ivermectin plus” treatment will save millions of lives.


Front-line Alberta physicians deserve credit for practicing competent, early treatment, such that Covid-19 deaths in Alberta to 1Jul2020 were no different from other flu seasons. Covid-19-related deaths started after the deployment of the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” and to date have killed ~10,000 Albertans. At current rates, these toxic Covid-19 vaxxes will kill another ~4000 Albertans by end 2023, unless prompt curative steps are implemented – as I’ve recommended to this government since 20Nov2022.

The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” have now killed ~98,000 Canadians, more than two times all the Canadian Armed Forces killed in World War II. If we continue as-is, and do not act to treat the vaxx-injured, total estimated Canadian vaxx-caused deaths will exceed ~140,000 by end2023.

Incompetent, late treatment of Covid-19 patients caused 530,000 mostly-preventable American deaths. The toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” caused an additional 1.08 million American deaths. The death toll in the USA from the mismanagement of the Covid-19 illness and the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” totaled 1.61 million to end 2022, and it is far from over. The Covid-19 avoidable American death toll to date significantly exceeds the total 1.1 million American deaths in all their wars back to and including the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.


"At a high level, corruption stems from the systemic disrespect of a nation’s institutions and legal system, especially by those in power. . . .The hallmark of virtually all corruption is “playing dumb”."

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ALL THE PROOF NEEDED for 1) the early outpatient treatment for covid, for 2) the asap covid treatment in the ER (or doctors' office outpatient "ER") which either stabilizes the the covid patient and sends them home with prescriptions or begins proper treatment prior to hospital admission and for 3) the best in hospital covid treatment, - all using combinations of safe and effective, low cost, available drugs etc HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED, from early in the pandemic, noised abroad to "people" in the cdc and niaid and all, and continually improved WITH THE PANDEMIC "GOLD STANDARD EVIDENCE" – THE RESULTS FROM REAL DOCTORS WHO TREATED REAL COVID PATIENTS.

Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr Zelenko, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson, Dr. Ben Marble and the doctors of “My Free Doctor”, Dr Darrell DeMello (who introduced early treatment, ER level treatment for the outpatient and long covid treatment to India), Dr Shankara Chetty with his outpatient "emergency room" 8th day protocol (teaching many Doctors and saving 14,000+ Africans and many others at a covid stage where they would be admitted to hospital then mis, dis and mal treated to either prolonged injury or death in most all US hospitals). Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik, Dr. Joseph Varon, (who developed the FLCCC protocols, for use for REAL in hospital covid treatments and then added FLCCC protocols for early treatment ) Dr. Syed Haider and other doctors using the FLCCC protocols, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Richard Urso and numbers of other REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS across the world. These Doctors treated 100’s of Thousands of high risk covid patients with near elimination of hospitalization and death with early treatment and with proper, asap, "ER" type treatment and these doctors demonstrated a great reduction of in hospital death with the best known practices which they had shown.

These DOCTORS TOLD THE TRUTHS, about covid treatments, with actually safe and effective, low cost generic drugs etc, TO THE POWERS THAT CHOOSE TO SUPPRESS AND SABOTAGE REAL TREATMENT FOR COVID. Powers that choose to push big pharma, not safe and not effective as used, high priced remdesivir etc and to push and compel a neither safe nor effective "vaccine" only path as a money maker and opportunity to force regulatory approval of the Mrna technology as a "vaccine" platform, not requiring further human testing, which they accomplished with the Mrna bi-valent covid "vaccine" shots

EVERY ONE OF THESE DOCTORS DEMONSTRATED AN END TO THE “PANDEMIC”. 100% EASY for fda, cdc, nih, who, niaid and fauci et al, as they were informed about working treatments, TO SEE AND KNOW the way to end the “pandemic”, which they, et al, willfully, with treatment knowledge presented to them, CHOOSE NOT TO HEED while “they” SABOTAGED effective treatment protocols and doctors using these life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (DEPRAVED-HEART (indifference) MURDER see definition from wicked-o-pedia below)


From wicked-o-pedia – “In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,”[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder. If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.”

PLEASE pass this on if you will.

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They will never kill the human spirit that burns for truth, honor and freedom. And when they lose, we, or our children, must show no mercy. Matter of fact, we must teach them to be orders of magnitude more violent. Retribution, vengeance, and anger, will keep them alive.

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Many deadly diseases occur in Africa and yet the population keeps increasing. Many die but many more survive.

HIV, AIDS, Covid and others were created and made into panic-driven mania since 1980.

There will be a next pandemic....the planning is already well underway, I presume. Drugs and Treatment beings in the billions...Why Not?

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The global elite aren't going to like the useless eaters population increasing.

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Yes that did happen to the only person that we know was killed by COVID. He had no cormobidities. While dying in the hospital they refused his wife from visiting him unless she had her shots....Cruel bastards....

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This rings 💯💯💯 from all that I observed from the beginning! The 60-90k typical annual deaths from reg flu not so subtly disappeared.

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I figured once people realized that their loved ones are dead because of these covid protocols and vaccines , there'd be an uprising. Turns out people are docile and need to be goaded by the cool kids. Like George Soros, Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters.

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MAGA - Like "To serve man" It turned out to be a cookbook;

Make America Great Again by engineering Mass Genocide on USA soil, and then say the Pied Piper was 'tricked'


Trump is the dupe, a man convinced to destroy the America that he promised to make great. Instead, he wrecked it. The fault lies entirely with the bad advisors Fauci, Birx, Kushner, Pence, and Gottlieb. And that is a compelling version of events. Trump was tricked!

That version of events – essentially confirmed by all accounts we have – offers an out for Trump. Maybe. After all, if he really is that gullible, does he not bear at least some responsibility for the decision?

The most plausible scenario is that everyone in that hot house of Oval Office power pretension was equally enthusiastic for the most catastrophic public-health decision in modern history.

If this alternative scenario is true, we have another layer of problems on our hands. If the whole thing was accomplished by Trump himself – and honest people have to admit that this is possible – the scenario in the Oval Office in those fateful days changes rather dramatically. It remains a possibility that Trump himself – not Fauci, Birx, Kushner, Pence, or Gottlieb – deserves the main blame for what happened to American rights and liberties. And this blame is deserved not because he was duped but because he was in on it the entire time.


Let's remember here in all of the ABOVE these are Trumps people he picked them he knew exactly what he was doing, and he had already fired people who didn't bend the knee, he has already forced his entire staff to signed a 'loyalty oath' that they would cover his arse until death;

What we now know is that TRUMP&POMPEO (CIA) orchestrated the ENTIRE COVID war on CHINA;

So the lockdowns like the mRNA were just frosting on Trumps Cake.

Even this Brownstone article fails to mention POMPEO the CIA director who had been running Trump from day one of him taking office;

Occam's Razor says that every decision Trump made during the COVID hysteria was orchestrated by CIA&DOD; Trump as the War-Time POTUS a role that ONLY he could love - MAGA;


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I am groaning reading this. there is a lot of sage in your writing. I want to comment. dont know how.

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I think we are covering this in bits...I dont see who, who is capable of making us whole again.

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People have been programmed. This was on a global scale. I have been trying to understand how people were brought out of "cults". Please understand that Smith-Mundt Moderation Act allowed our own government in America to program people when Obama change the Act during his Presidency. https://www.usagm.gov/who-we-are/oversight/legislation/smith-mundt-faqs/

However I wonder if that really need to be. We had people before the Smith-Mundt Moderization Act changed like Edward Bernays who said programming people is like taking candy from a baby. https://theconversation.com/the-manipulation-of-the-american-mind-edward-bernays-and-the-birth-of-public-relations-44393

Back in the 70's Ted Patrick who brought a lot of young adults out of cults and wrote the book Let our Children Go! said you have to be careful about bringing people out of that kind of mind control. That psychistrists even don't know how to do it correctly. He said he was able to bring people out of mind control in a few days, but it was an intense experience.

Ted Partick recommended the book: The Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing - How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians, and Medicine Men Can Change Your Beliefs and Behavior Paperback –by William Sargant

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He's repeating the story (above the link), and not writing it. Kathleen Talyor posted about in another article of yours earlier.

Jeffrey A. Tucker can speculate all he want's like he does in the stock market, it doesn't make him correct one iota!

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Do you recall which one?

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Everything under the four dots down to the link to the story he's quoting.

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I reject your hypothesis BB - it does not ring true - it reeks of bias and BS.

I think Trump was duped by those around him - Fauci and all, and he's too arrogant to admit it.

I lived in New York for a year and enjoyed it, but Trump is a typical New Yorker from off-Manhattan - blunt, even rude, very direct, and never apologizes or admits he was wrong. Many people are offended by this attitude - I found it amusing, and you always knew where you stood.

I was entering a deli on Times Square when I saw a very elderly tiny lady exiting, so I waited outside to hold the door for her. She slowly shuffled past me, height less than 5 ft, little tiny steps constricted by arthritis, Yoda's older sister, ravaged by time. I cheerfully said "There you do, dear!" A low-pitched voice from the grave wafted up at me, "DON'T CALL ME DEAR!!!" I laughed out loud – that’s New York!

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I was there that day Trump said "I could kill that old woman right here and not lose one member of my base"

Trump knows his lemmings better than they know themselves.

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Trump got a massive ego for sure. Yes we still should question his role in all of this. After Maddie Garay story, and others injured from the jab went public, with the Ron Johnson panel of injured people, Trump was still pushing the toxic mess in people's arms. Yeah I know, people still had a choice. Tell that to the young 20 something in college with only a semester to two to go that they had a choice to take it or not when their college mandated it. Tell that story to the worker who needed to pay his mortgage who had little kids. Are we supposed to believe Trump didn't hear about this panel when Ron Johnson did that?

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This is classic Trump Derangement Syndrome, IMHO. We know no such thing as 'Trump & Pompeo orchestartrated the entire COVID was on China.'

Fauci et al, had treacherously and treasonously funded the gain of function research and illegally out sourced it to China when it was made illegal to done in the US, and this all began before POTUS Trump was in office.

Trump was the first POTUS that began effectively countering the CCP's march to dominate the world. It remains to be known whether or not the virus was let out of the Wuhan lab by mistake or on purpose, but once out the CCP took advantage of it restricted travel within China but sent people from Wuhan throughout the world, sparking the plandemic. Their aim was to get rid of the only US leader who had effectively challenged their economic warfare against us. The lockdowns and subsequent economic fallout was a hoped for effect that would lead to his defeat in the 2020 elections, and install slo China Joe a bought and paid for Manchurian Candidate as POTUS. Subsequent world events validate my hypothesis, and invalidate yours.

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We know classic 'orange phallus poisoning' the victim has the orange-phallus so far up his rectum that he turns orange, and mumbles on about the 'orange man good', not until the victim has the orange-phallus surgically removed from rectum can the problem be cured.

Your an "MD" my arse, and if you are, then its problematic that guys like you is why MED in the USA sucks dick and always has since 1910.

PHALLUS YOU, USA has +700 MIL bases abroad and CCP has a big zero, funny how when the Nazi's expand its a-ok with NAZI-MDS, aka zionist morons.

Dr. Kimber here absolutely proves why BIG-MED & PHARMA USA sucks so bad, they're paid to talk shit 24/7, and not improve human health;

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Wow, Just Wow! Nazis and Zionists on the same side? So, the Holocost was an illusion, fake news, now fake history?

A total fact free rant.

BilboBitch as some issues with grammar and spelling, as well.

Listen, BB, we know that Hunter's lap top is real and that Slow China Joe is owned lock stock and barrel by the CCP and Ukraine -- he does have a little bit of a problem because his owners are on opposite sides of the current hot war.

Don't know what you have against POTUS DJT, unless you aren't an American, excellent economy, best black employment/and lowest black unemployment since records kept--maybe you are racist, but we digress from the issue at hand, which is COVID-19 and how the Medical Industrial complex mismanaged it (or managed it to their benefit at the expense of at least hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives in the US and certainly millions world wide.)

If you would read my other post 2 hours preceding this one, you would see that a) I do have some medical knowledge, and 2) that I am not a part of the Medical --Pharma complex.

But be that as it may, I work with and keep corgial relations with patients and providers on both sides of the aisle as per my Hippocratic oath, and with people of all political stripes of good will outside of the medical arena.

I hope that you can get the burr out of your saddle that is sticking in your butt.

Have a pleasant day.

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PCinsanity is the root cause of all of this madness...time for a global ban on the


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Thank you Dr. Alexander. Of note This fellow is attempting the legal route in UK over the scamdemic.


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Distrust doctors and nurses.

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Dr. Alexander,

While I agree that the government-medical-industrial complex completely mismanaged the 'plandemic' (or even managed it in such a way as to benefit themselves at the expense of the world population) I would have to disagree with you, in part.

From my experience and vicarious experience, COVID is/was a real thing. You are right that it was and is completely mistreated with toxic meds and interventions

It is clear that early treatment with Hydroxychlorquin and ivermectin would have kept most people out of the hospital (and this was known within the first 3 months of the pandemic from the French and Dr. Z's experience outside of New York for hydroxychlorquine, zinc and azithromycin, and within 6 months for ivermectin. Also the intensivists that formed the FLCCC figured out that titrated high dose methylprednisilone was effective for the pulmonary phase.

You are absolutely right that the Fauci protocols (particularly toxic and ineffective remdesivir--approved on the basis of fraudulent RCT unethically unblinded and endpoints changed mid study, as well as under dosed steroids, when they finally got around to incorporating them, inappropriate ventilator treatment, etc., etc.) killed people.

There may well have been false diagnoses due to PCR testing with too many cycles--I can't speak to that, but the real harm was in not instituting early effective treatment as outpatients, and not incorporating and innovating treatments as there were signals that they might be effective ( and subsequently proved effective(.

This was all in the service of protecting the fiction that there was no effective treatment for COVID so that big Pharma could use EAU to get expensive drugs to market quickly ( and to create the pandemic that would tank the re-election of POTUS Trump) while the 'plandemic' was still active.

As the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh demonstrated early use of ivermectin could have curtailed the epidemic quickly so that subsequent variants did not evolve, but that would have cut off a business opportunity. (Never let a crisis go to waste, and if you can create a crisis, so you can exploit it).

Also, if indeed the respiratory illnesses were not COVID, but some mix of other viral infections, ivermectin would likely been effective for them as well, so it really didn't matter whether COVID was over diagnosed or not (except for the hospital's financial bonus for treating COVID).

The fact that there was and is effective treatment that was actively blocked from being used makes the culpability even worse, It is/was unprecedented. Criminal.

Roger Kimber, MD

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