created ginned up chimeric pathogen (likely with DoD application, understandable), a pathogen that was ALWAYS circulating (Menachery, Baric 2015) used it to topple POTUS Trump with a hobbled response
All pandemics are fake. Pandemics assume that there are going to be a mountain of deaths and that some action is needed to prevent them. That is the lie people buy into for the fear of death makes them seek the very thing they fear by going along with vaccinations, lockdowns masking and other anti-human negatives. As we have seen with mRNA experimental injections, some have been murdered trying to avoid death from an imaginary viral based pandemic.
You've got it, doc. Boom! That damned PCR being falsely used. Demonization of effective disease control. Dismissal and demonization of Real MDs like yourself and Trozzi et al. Censorship. State-bought mass media. Fearmongering... very effective! "Disappearance" of normal seasonal diseases. Repeated slogans, a handful of them all ready, one by one out of the mouths of those in power and influence. Fascist relationship big corporations-government. Failure of Trudeau to bother to engage with thousands of protestors. Abuse of those protestors. Jailing of dissenters to this day. These heroes of Canada.
I could go on and on. Peacefully
standing on overpasses. Getting the message out. I do not suffer the delusion of an expected result. It cannot be measured anyway. ( but look at that petition!!)
It is what I do on my little piece of ground that matters. A soldier among soldiers in this spiritual battle, first won in my mind long before winning in the illusory material world.
God bless the truthseekers. The Oath holders. The Principled and the Civilized unbrainwashed, unindoctrinated, the freely critically thinking people of the world.
You have already won. Paradoxically, that gives you and I the courage, the quiet strong tenacity of conviction and purpose. To envision a new Canada. Where all people live free of authoritarian influence, live without fear of government's abuses. And love guides us.🚚🚜🇨🇦🌎🙏🏼
Let's assume the pandemic was created to topple Trump. In order for this theory to make sense we would have to not only find the motive, such as political power grab, but more so, how to convince most world powers to go along with it. "They" (Fauci and others) could have just focused on U.S. and make Trump look bad every step of the way there.
So, my questions are:
1. Why did the whole world go along with U.S. propaganda to topple Trump?
In many countries, including US, hospitals were empty with few covid19 positive patients (Canada). Who was pulling the strings to continue with the agenda?
My personal opinion is that some "dark forces" must have been behind it all this. There is just no other way to explain how the so called experts, like almost all respiratory infection doctors, agreed that PCR test can now prove there's a new pathogen in circulation. Previous flu symptoms became covid-19 symptoms and upper respiratory infections and pneumonias became covid-19 pneumonias almost overnight and none of the experts ever wondered how the flu seasonal respiratory infections vanished worldwide for 18 months as soon as the RT-PCR test was implemented.
Along with cheating with Mail in balllots, changes in rules that were not authorized, etc. it was also a way to get rid of Trump without having to kill him...although they dosed him with the engineered bioweapon and tried to kill him.
If the Covid was just to get rid of Trump, why did the entire rest of the planet go along with it at great expense including America’s enemies.
The reason is because the DEBT crisis is global and affects USA and every other Country.
Factories of an entire planet do not get shut down for what amounts to a local election in one country.
The problem is a global sovereign DEBT crisis.
Covid allows politicians in every country to blame a Debt crisis that they and the international banksters use to shift the blame onto a supposedly lethal virus while it’s survival rate is more or less 99%.
The average age of fatalities was 83 yes old.
And if younger, they had one two or three co-morbidities.
Or had the flu but on entering hospitals in USA were told to go home without any care, then put on a deadly protocol on return when barely alive, only to succumb and become a falsely attained statistic used to propagate fear and compliance.
Yes Dr. A, you will say Trump affects far more than locally if in a position of power, but he decidedly did not drain the swamp. And it’s not like he couldn’t recognize the swamp creatures.
His prime business is swimming around in the NY real estate swamp of snakes not of the garden variety.
And that ponts right to every central bank in the world all headed by BIS, who have already said they need to have control over what you spend. Hence CBDC for everyone...
If what you are saying is true this debt crisis will affect the elites and the rich the most. Why would they make their money worth less, or nothing, at the end of the day?
During the great depression members of the elites were jumping of the rooftops and not those already poor...
This makes no sense to me similarly to the depopulation claims. Most of the West already has a " natural depopulation" crisis where they have to rely on external workforce (immigration) to prevent their economies from collapsing.
I've traveled the world recently and I have observed that people not born in the West provide most services at the airports, hotels, hospitals, stores etc.
No it won't. They OWN the CENTRAL BANKS. THEY Have already taken their ill gotten gains and invested heavily in BLACKROCK, STATE STREET AND VANGUARD. They own 40 percent of all single family houseing, all the cattle ranches and farms, all the biggest industries in every category.
Dn't be silly. Only a few oligarchs own the world...and everything in it.
They are NOT in the stock market, because they have rewritten the rules...everything you own in the market be it stocks or bonds, goes to them as collateral. Its called the GREAT TAKING.
I think you've forgotten that the monetary system is an illusion we all agreed upon. It is "sustainable" as long as the majority agrees to play the game of transferring numbers from one perception to another. There is nothing real about unless we agree it is. It's like playing poker game with chips. Unless someone is willing to agree to place "value" on the chips they are worth nothing.
Whatever you wish to call it, the great taking or the great illusion, as long as the majority agree this illusion is real, the game can continue... but nobody can make the illusion to become real. The game is a zero sum game; somebody wins and somebody loses.
The problem always begins the same way when the balance of the illusion is shifted to one side too much. The game collapses and new rules have to be agreed upon. This time however there will be no chance for new rules because one side greedily decided to keep both the chips and the value behind them to their liking and therefore there will be no way back. Both sides will lose big with no point of return anymore....
Of course you're right Dr Paul; the worldwide reluctance to initiate real investigations (except honest Georgia Meloni's Italy) is all the proof we need! They're all running for the exits, especially here in covid-addled Australia, where we're having the investigation you have when you're not having an investigation!
Doc...don’t you find it 🤔 amazingly coincidental how Dr. Mullis (PCR inventor) dies right before the so-called, “pandemic.” And...Mullis dies of some respiratory infection? How strange that is!! He would’ve been so up in Fauci’s face! Call it what you want, but Mullis was a very smart doctor and looked like he took great care of himself. Something isn’t right with the timing of his death. Here’s Mullis early on ragging on Fraud Fauci...
All pandemics are fake. Pandemics assume that there are going to be a mountain of deaths and that some action is needed to prevent them. That is the lie people buy into for the fear of death makes them seek the very thing they fear by going along with vaccinations, lockdowns masking and other anti-human negatives. As we have seen with mRNA experimental injections, some have been murdered trying to avoid death from an imaginary viral based pandemic.
It’s been proven to be engineered a lethal bioweapon.
No that was the jabs.
The coronovirus itself is a bioweapon, but like the NHS said in 2015...HCQ is a potent inhibitor of it.
So is ivermectin.
Healthy people didn't die from it...only the over 80's.
Everyone now is dying from the damn jabs.
The so called bioweapn countermeasure. More than ever died from
missclassified positive PCR tests .
corony sc2 was a spectacularly rubbish bioweapon. Fairly sure I could genetically engineer a considerably way more lethal fart
I like how you stuck to the topic of pandemics.
Well said! Truth. 😏
You've got it, doc. Boom! That damned PCR being falsely used. Demonization of effective disease control. Dismissal and demonization of Real MDs like yourself and Trozzi et al. Censorship. State-bought mass media. Fearmongering... very effective! "Disappearance" of normal seasonal diseases. Repeated slogans, a handful of them all ready, one by one out of the mouths of those in power and influence. Fascist relationship big corporations-government. Failure of Trudeau to bother to engage with thousands of protestors. Abuse of those protestors. Jailing of dissenters to this day. These heroes of Canada.
I could go on and on. Peacefully
standing on overpasses. Getting the message out. I do not suffer the delusion of an expected result. It cannot be measured anyway. ( but look at that petition!!)
It is what I do on my little piece of ground that matters. A soldier among soldiers in this spiritual battle, first won in my mind long before winning in the illusory material world.
God bless the truthseekers. The Oath holders. The Principled and the Civilized unbrainwashed, unindoctrinated, the freely critically thinking people of the world.
You have already won. Paradoxically, that gives you and I the courage, the quiet strong tenacity of conviction and purpose. To envision a new Canada. Where all people live free of authoritarian influence, live without fear of government's abuses. And love guides us.🚚🚜🇨🇦🌎🙏🏼
Fauci and Birx should be the first up the gallows.
Mass murder is a felony…right?
Kerri Mullis told it all many years ago. Then he suddenly got sick. 🤔
Got Sick.. or ..”Was Taken Out”?
With an unknown August 2019.
The sheep will be sheep.
Whatever they have planned for us in 2024 will make 2020 look like a rained out picnic.
There is nothing they can do, short of spraying us with agent orange or some deadly chemicals. There are no pathogenic 'viruses'.
Dr. Paul, please speak to the new Japanese peer reviewed study that confirms ALL the covid VARIANTS including the ORIGINAL strain were man made.
Malone told Steve Deace that omicron was released to end the Bio Weapon attack.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Angry Steve
Remdesivir Malone is probably covering up for his own secret bioweapon.
Let's assume the pandemic was created to topple Trump. In order for this theory to make sense we would have to not only find the motive, such as political power grab, but more so, how to convince most world powers to go along with it. "They" (Fauci and others) could have just focused on U.S. and make Trump look bad every step of the way there.
So, my questions are:
1. Why did the whole world go along with U.S. propaganda to topple Trump?
In many countries, including US, hospitals were empty with few covid19 positive patients (Canada). Who was pulling the strings to continue with the agenda?
My personal opinion is that some "dark forces" must have been behind it all this. There is just no other way to explain how the so called experts, like almost all respiratory infection doctors, agreed that PCR test can now prove there's a new pathogen in circulation. Previous flu symptoms became covid-19 symptoms and upper respiratory infections and pneumonias became covid-19 pneumonias almost overnight and none of the experts ever wondered how the flu seasonal respiratory infections vanished worldwide for 18 months as soon as the RT-PCR test was implemented.
Bingo !
Along with cheating with Mail in balllots, changes in rules that were not authorized, etc. it was also a way to get rid of Trump without having to kill him...although they dosed him with the engineered bioweapon and tried to kill him.
There is no 'virus', there never was ..
PCR is not a diagnostic tool, as Larry Mullis said. It was simply misused.
There is another insurance policy, or many of them, waiting to make sure either never an election, or Trump doesn’t win. Or both. What will it be?
Was the so called virus not used as a bioweapon then??
It was an engineered bioweapon.
Didn't work as advertised. If it did there would be no need to hire chinese street actors
If the Covid was just to get rid of Trump, why did the entire rest of the planet go along with it at great expense including America’s enemies.
The reason is because the DEBT crisis is global and affects USA and every other Country.
Factories of an entire planet do not get shut down for what amounts to a local election in one country.
The problem is a global sovereign DEBT crisis.
Covid allows politicians in every country to blame a Debt crisis that they and the international banksters use to shift the blame onto a supposedly lethal virus while it’s survival rate is more or less 99%.
The average age of fatalities was 83 yes old.
And if younger, they had one two or three co-morbidities.
Or had the flu but on entering hospitals in USA were told to go home without any care, then put on a deadly protocol on return when barely alive, only to succumb and become a falsely attained statistic used to propagate fear and compliance.
Yes Dr. A, you will say Trump affects far more than locally if in a position of power, but he decidedly did not drain the swamp. And it’s not like he couldn’t recognize the swamp creatures.
His prime business is swimming around in the NY real estate swamp of snakes not of the garden variety.
And that ponts right to every central bank in the world all headed by BIS, who have already said they need to have control over what you spend. Hence CBDC for everyone...
So, what you are saying is the whole world go along with the fake pandemic agenda that was orchestrated by US and Fauci to cover up the debt crisis?
Didn't the US and the rest of the world spend few trillion dollars on the pandemic, which further worsen the debt crisis?
Printing trillions to bail out the system and kick the can down the road IS how you deal with a global debt crisis.
Refer to 2008 where that exactly took place.
This time the people won’t know that it’s the bankers fault because the elites got smart and blamed the crisis on a virus.
And Fauci was their used car salesman paid handsomely to take the heat.
If what you are saying is true this debt crisis will affect the elites and the rich the most. Why would they make their money worth less, or nothing, at the end of the day?
During the great depression members of the elites were jumping of the rooftops and not those already poor...
This makes no sense to me similarly to the depopulation claims. Most of the West already has a " natural depopulation" crisis where they have to rely on external workforce (immigration) to prevent their economies from collapsing.
I've traveled the world recently and I have observed that people not born in the West provide most services at the airports, hotels, hospitals, stores etc.
No it won't. They OWN the CENTRAL BANKS. THEY Have already taken their ill gotten gains and invested heavily in BLACKROCK, STATE STREET AND VANGUARD. They own 40 percent of all single family houseing, all the cattle ranches and farms, all the biggest industries in every category.
Dn't be silly. Only a few oligarchs own the world...and everything in it.
They are NOT in the stock market, because they have rewritten the rules...everything you own in the market be it stocks or bonds, goes to them as collateral. Its called the GREAT TAKING.
I think you've forgotten that the monetary system is an illusion we all agreed upon. It is "sustainable" as long as the majority agrees to play the game of transferring numbers from one perception to another. There is nothing real about unless we agree it is. It's like playing poker game with chips. Unless someone is willing to agree to place "value" on the chips they are worth nothing.
Whatever you wish to call it, the great taking or the great illusion, as long as the majority agree this illusion is real, the game can continue... but nobody can make the illusion to become real. The game is a zero sum game; somebody wins and somebody loses.
The problem always begins the same way when the balance of the illusion is shifted to one side too much. The game collapses and new rules have to be agreed upon. This time however there will be no chance for new rules because one side greedily decided to keep both the chips and the value behind them to their liking and therefore there will be no way back. Both sides will lose big with no point of return anymore....
Not a bad explanation.
Trump Already Won.. and So Have We.. THEY can try Anything.. But .. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING.
What is coming exactly?
Total Technoogical control of everything you do...via the programmable CBDC.
June 2024.
We'll probably know if and when. :)
Of course you're right Dr Paul; the worldwide reluctance to initiate real investigations (except honest Georgia Meloni's Italy) is all the proof we need! They're all running for the exits, especially here in covid-addled Australia, where we're having the investigation you have when you're not having an investigation!
Doc...don’t you find it 🤔 amazingly coincidental how Dr. Mullis (PCR inventor) dies right before the so-called, “pandemic.” And...Mullis dies of some respiratory infection? How strange that is!! He would’ve been so up in Fauci’s face! Call it what you want, but Mullis was a very smart doctor and looked like he took great care of himself. Something isn’t right with the timing of his death. Here’s Mullis early on ragging on Fraud Fauci...
FEAR, False Evidence Appearing Real.
FEAR, Fear Everything And Run.
They’re using it again on the environment and the bulk of the population has bought it. The future is looking dim for sure.