We would have never known but for the Internet and the ability of individuals to communicate with millions at once.

The Covid Scamdemic was bold because it was built upon a foundation of frauds, of long cons going back 100 years and more. Only the wealthy and powerful are able to pull off such grand schemes because they control governments and the media. And they tried to completely control the internet, alternative news media and social media. But they've failed. The truth has spread like never before. All of their attempts to censor the truth is evidence enough to alert many people. Once alerted, they started paying attention and noticing more and more things that didn't make sense. Then they started digging and networking, sharing theories and hard evidence to support them. A recent poll shows that 54% of the population, a majority of people in the US think Covid vaccines are dangerous and cause injury and death. The uptake of Covid boosters is less than 10%. The flu shot is being avoided. Parents have stopped getting their children vaccinated.

But, this all is not enough. 54% is not enough. There are far too many people in power (and supporters) that still believe that there's a Covid virus and that vaccines are necessary. We all need to do more to reach then and break the spell. Same with Climate Change. And Illegal immigration. DEI. Depopulation. Wars. And other major scams. We're at a tipping point but need to keep pushing until the Covid scam topples, and knocks over the others like dominoes.


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America must hold all guilty responsible.

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This utter hatred of humanity is the very definition of demonic crime.

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I agree, but the simple fact that our trusted and highly respected DOD holds the cards! All of the cards! Which is why and how an “untested” injection was pushed or should I say, forced upon the world population! Yes they needed fear tactics and an entire army of “useful idiots” to toe the line, nevertheless it worked to perfection! If your goal was to de-populate, kill and disable! And then finally take complete control of those left behind! I can’t agree taking out Trump was their main objective, I believe the leftover and new found “communists” living in our midst have been controlling Americas elections and have figured how to win corruptly, long ago. I will agree however that Trump was lied to and misled, although he’s not perfect, I ask anyone today, “was the better President”? The simple answer is unequivocally, President Trump! IMO, Trump is still Americas President! Our election was so corrupted and rigged, mis-aligned to “the people’s votes” which is exactly why America and the world have fallen into the crapper! Not because of incompetence, or lack of understanding and knowledge, no, no no, the worlds in the toilet by design! There’s too many destructive elements happening simultaneously to say any of the above haven’t caused the world’s demise! That’s exactly what’s causing the world’s demise! When the WEF along with all the asinine and regurgitated statements made by this illegitimate administration, such as, “build back better” bull crap, speaks the exact statement made by the WEF, none of this happening, is by chance! Not in the slightest sense! Same as the novel coronavirus, NOT IN THE LEAST! Covid was a planned attack and so were the “BIOWEAPONS” promising “safe and effective”bull shit! Lie after lie after lie! Yes, IMO people were murdered and deliberately killed by these injections! Look at the numbers people! Look at how many people are disabled now! Look how many people in your immediate circle have been injured and or murdered! So where, as Americans, do we go from here? Every agency has been hijacked! Nearly every medical institution and nearly all higher education institutions also hijacked! Even local libraries have been, yes hijacked! The list is endless, the biggest threat is “wide open borders”! Unvetted illegals from countries “HATING AMERICA”! What could possibly go wrong? This is all intentional, everyone knows it but all we can do, myself included is vent! Write posts and vent some more! I am not in any way shape or form, financially stable and literally I live paycheck to paycheck, as nearly 60% of Americans do today! Fortunately I fix broken things! So maybe just maybe, I’ll make it through this. Nothing is guaranteed for anyone! Regardless of how much money one might have! This is all about money and power, only for those forces perpetuating these heinous acts! Even the “useful idiots” will eventually be shackled! Yea the MSM useful idiots” and “the Former Harvard President Useful Idiot” and the likes of her Bull Crap BullShit hacks! As I said, the list is endless as in, January 6th, once again hijacked! All are intended to keep people’s “eye off the ball”! It’s a numbers game on every level. Not for the better, for the worse! When I hear how we need to hold those people accountable, at times I want to laugh, most of the time I have a glimmer of hope someone will be held accountable, a dim glimmer I might say, that’s because there’s so much shit being thrown at all of us, intentionally, deliberately and maniacally! Good God look at what’s happening to former and I believe still Americas President Trump! “Find me the man and I’ll find you the crime”! I believe Stalin coined that wonderful phrase! That’s exactly what they are doing to President Trump! Literally the “NUTS ARE RUNNING THE ASYLUM”! Have we ever had so many nut jobs running loose and drunk with power? I honestly say “no we haven’t”! Not in my lifetime have I ever witnessed so many “nut-jobs” and in power all aligned with one goal in mind, “DESTROY THE WORLD”! Of course America is the biggest and strongest or should I say, was the biggest and strongest. We are being systematically, destroyed! Intentionally! I believe America still is the BEST PLACE ON PLANET EARTH TO LIVE, but not when lunatics are running the show! And they’re lunatics all the way, through and through and they’re everywhere! So I loose any hope of anyone being held accountable. Until the SHTF I believe God fearing, God loving Patriotic Americans will be cleaning up lots and lots of “CRAP OFF THE WALLS”! If we even get the chance. As pessimistic as this all sounds, it’s all true and it’s all happening, in real time each any every day. More crap at the wall, more people tune out, shut down or give up. Exactly what the enemy wants to have happen. They want everyone so distracted and so desperate for a helping hand that in time, that’s exactly what will happen! I call it “coordinated and planned destruction”! Make everyone need the government and all we’ll have is well, government handouts online up for! Sort of like what we already have now. Actually, this is exactly what we have now, except for those people like myself who get up every morning and work a full day! Sun up to sun down. The problem I see is, if the “evildoers”succeed, it won’t be Americans decisions where to go out for dinner anymore! Or what time to wake for work, it will be forced upon all of us remaining, that I guarantee! Everyone can bank on this happening if WE DONT FIGHT BACK! Their ultimate goal is “100% Complete Control Of The Masses”! This is why “WE CANNOT LET THEM WIN”! We all must fight and fight hard! Help those who see not the light, guide those to the right side of history, give someone a hand up! We all must and I mean must, work together or our kids and grandchildren won’t and I mean they won’t, “have a chance in hell”! Because that my friends will be what’s it like, “HELL”! Hell on earth like never before in our lifetimes!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Considering that The US Military failed to level The CCP within 2 weeks of the 2019 release of C19 and resulting mRNA JABS is clear evidence of US Military involvement in the Plandemic. If I were president, The CCP would have been reduced to rubble within 2 weeks if not less. Barry and Tony started the research in china after banning Gain of Function research in the USA. I wouldn't doubt for a second that Barry S. ordered the release of C19 on US to disrupt Trump's 4th year in office as part of the Coup. The whole world knows biden lost. Somehow DC didn't get the message.

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A million % correct John! Without any doubt in my mind, what you’ve said is exactly what Barry and company have done! There’s clear evidence the DOD ran this operation and because they ran it, immunity! Unreal that without any “act of war” declarations, these untested and unproven “shot to the heart” shots have killed far more people than COVID has! I believe it will continue to kill and maim and God knows how many have been affected without lining up and rolling up their sleeves! Shedding is very real, even Pfizer’s own documents state it. Whether DC got the message IMO is irrelevant because the election system has been compromised beyond repair and we’ll see it happen again coming up soon. There’s no way in hell these evildoers will relinquish power now that they have a taste of complete control over the masses! God Bless America and The Entire World!


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It is highly unlikely that the next "Selection" will solve the problems that The USA faces. #Fix2020 #Reinstate45now

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I can’t agree more with you as well in your point and it’s highly unlikely Trump can undo the deep damage done. Some yes but it will take years to rid all the institutions already infected with outright “hatred for America”! Which is why I continue to call this “ illegitimate administration”, exactly that! This is “

“I Hate America” Obama without a doubt and he has never left or stopped destroying the best country on earth! His distain is so obvious and 3/4 of this illegitimate administration are from Obamas leftover hacks / newly appointees. I believe with the court system so infected and every branch of government infected coupled with the private BlackRocks of the world assistance, the damage done will take decades I believe to correct, if at all possible? There’s common ground in so many people I meet each day through work and far less “destructors” IMO. No one President can drain this “stench of a cesspool” called Washington DC, not to mention all the NGO’s, etc. I’m not sure what can be done at this point. When I heard those words “Fundamentally Transform America@ uttered years back I knew then America is in deep trouble as millions of people also felt. Reality sucks but I am fighting for my only grandson and only son who both deserve all I can give to try and help fight back this cancerous virus called “Government Overreach”, as well as all the other God fearing Patriotic Americans!


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I believe nobama was installed just like traitor joe. I worked the 2008 Selection as an Election Judge. I knew no one who voted for nobama.

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Congress backs, to the man/woman, the genocide in Gaza. What more do we need to realize our Congress is littered with fools and desperate men/women? You think our congress people are sincere and honest? You think that Rand Paul's diatribes directed at the Lilliputian Fauci were legit? Any prosecutions from those interrogations? Congress is no better than CIA/FBI deceptors. Another government department gone amuck, awry, and awful.

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You’re 100% correct Michael! Without any doubt in my mind, you’re spot on! The entire so called Washington DC war zone needs to be abolished IMO! Every damn one of them! Oh I’m certain one or two unexpected consequences will occur, but the ends justify the means, now doesn’t it? That’s exactly what’s being done to us and that’s exactly what needs to be done to them! I’ll end with this, “Find me the man and I’ll find you the crime”! “

Washington DC is the man”!


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I knew it was a fraud the moment I heard that Coronavirus was "new." It is not new, having been discovered in the `1930s and being the 2nd leading cause of the common cold. I then saw those absurd video clips of actors suddenly falling down "dead" in China. Was there anyone who thought that was real???

But the thing that solidified it for me was the email that I received as a licensed MD circa March 22, 2020 which later disappeared from my computer. It stated that when filling out death certificates we were to enter CV19 as the Underlying COD, as oppoased to the Proximate COD if there was any suspicion that it MAY have contributed to death.

No proof needed - just a suspicion while the CARES Act was reimbursing hospitals for every CV19 diagnosis and giving the state 150K for every Death Certificate with CV as the COD.



Then by May I did my own research and learned that this was not a vaccine at all but mRNA being injected to hijack your immune system to produce VIRAL PROTEIN!! HOW COULD THIS HAVE BEEN ANYTHING OTHER THAN A SCAM AND THE BIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY WAS SO COMPLEX THAT MOST PEOPLE (including most doctors) WOULD NOT QUESTION WHETHER IT WAS OR WAS NOT A VACCINE.

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G-d bless those medical doctors, scientists and conscientious public servants who resisted this malevolent fraud. And may His curse be upon those who knowingly and willingly took part in this abomination.

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💯I agree

With the evidence of pathogens like SARS, the clear evidence of frequency manipulation, not to mention the poison ☠️ in the water, food and the chemicals by the military industrial complex world wide it’s extremely difficult to pin point the precise cause

So many options to choose from or is it all working together as one to give the effects it’s having on the human race !

It’s my belief it is

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My governor and his health commissioner are still laying waste by insisting and promoting the toxic, dangerous vaccines. My recent visits to my medical GP and to a specialist I was referred to have shown me that both those towers of power believe in the vaccines despite no research paper indicating that the vaccines were effective and safe. "I've been feeling a bit weak so it's time to get my booster" sayeth the specialist. The fool doesn't realize that his diminished immunity and feelings of being weak are tied together by the vaccine. I just loved the way he defended the vaccines. Never, ever going back to that stiff, never.

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I hope that in response to the specialist you didn't say this:


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There never was any pandemic of any kind. Since there is no big pharma vaccine, serum or mRNA substance that can protect anyone from anything, a true pandemic would wipe out most of humanity. Of course, if we keep on pissing off Mother Nature with human silliness, she just might oblige.

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Yep and the big lie of the PCR was not just fear mongering hype, and contaminated toolkits but gene bank data harvesting under a false pretence. Human Genome Project its been the incentive for decades, funded by both Kissinger and Rockefeller as well!

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The deep state missed their window of opportunity to usher in the New World Order goal of DIGITAL I.D. and ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT when enough of US woke up to their agenda. Criminal politicians in 182 countries who ALL have trade deals with china attempted Global Genocide via C19 which failed to kill enough of US. The same criminals in bed with Communist China created the January 6th Fedsurection as they hid video for a couple of years that should Free every single J6th political prisoner. It is clear that Barry S. and Anthony Fraudci partnered to attack the US with the help of big PHARMA and MANDATES. It beyond time to deliver 11 Criminals to The International Criminal Court to face charges of Crimes Against Humanity. In December 2021 charges were filed. Why no arrests more than 2 years later? WTF?

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Agreed. But what will you all do about it?

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Dr Alexander - Doc Malik is interviewing Robert Malone and he is asking what questions he should ask him. I thought you might have a few:


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