December 2019 I got texts from many people who said COVID-19 stands for, “certificate of vaccination ID 2019“ don’t do it, don’t fall for it. I didn’t. I never once wore a mask and never once took a shot of any kind. I tried to warn everybody, but nobody listened. I’ve lost over 21 people and that’s not counting the people who are disabled from the shot. The vaccine companies and scientists should be put to death for what they’ve done to the public. From what I understand they’ve killed over 20 million people and disabled more than 20 billion people. I don’t believe there is any forgiveness for that. And now the children. How many children have died because their parents were too ignorant? Many more will die.

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Not only that, fertility dropped 20% or more if vaccine covered 80% or more of the population. Possibly, entire generations will be infertile, at least until the spike production by the hacked cells stops (hasn't yet).

COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


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It wasn't 100% false. Follow the money from Fauci to Wuhan: they were really engineering the bioweapon, the spike protein, then expanded in the haccines.

1. The ethnic bioweapon wasn't ready when it leaked in August 2019: it wasn’t as lethal as desired, and that’s why they had to use massive fear mongering and lockdowns to push the haccines.

2. The manufacturing capacity for the haccines needed about 10 extra months.

3. The accidental release forced them to apply a year-taine instead of a quaran-taine (40 days), yet it was still a blessing: it showed the lies even more obvious, and allowed the freedom movement to grow bigger and less people went to the slaughter vax-house!

4. Possibly, they were planning the release for a year later (Aug 2020?), to guarantee the absentee-ballots and allow election stealing in the USA, Canada, Europe, etc.

COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


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While the money is important to the psychopaths, I still believe there’s a bigger agenda. We are living through a mass extermination event.

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There was no mNRA vaccine just an mNRA experiment!

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Yes you are right. And today I heard one of the best speakers at this time, Gregg Braden talk about covid as though it is real. I was so disappointed. What is the deal with these people? They purport to have wisdom and yet they believe the hoax? We should be making much more of a fuss. Most people have no idea how dangerous the covid vaccines are. We ought to be shouting it from the rafters. But we must do it with a few people not on our own otherwise they will trounce us.

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You too, sadly, say "covid vaccines" whereas they were "fake vaccines" or "experiential vaccines". Lots of misnomer out there legitimizing the fake flu and fake vaccines...

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I get it!

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Thank you. Interesting site.

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"mNRA vaccine"? Should not all professionals and layman stop using this term & perpetuating & misleading the public when the term "mNRA experiment" would be more appropriate & correct?

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C0V💉D is merely a common cold~: Credit by most medical dictionaries.

Your government lied; moreover, the biggest deception, being called a "Vaccine" Spikeprotein💉+ a lethal biological weapon, being used in the fall of Western Societies; for a depopulated One World Government. Do not comply to the #NWO

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Covid was basically a test to see who will be sheep. You all past with flying colors.

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Not all, thank goodness!

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This is true; however, the ones who did not take the drug still were compliant.

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The situation is worse than anticipated. To quote Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, "This is not good!"




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He won’t step down- his ego is too big and he likes the game. Should he win next time, we know it’s been fixed. What a poor sample of a human being!!!

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To quote Jordan Peterson, "Get the damn vaccine".

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About Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his views on the COVID-19 vaccine:

"According to the web search results, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson did say that he got vaccinated and he wanted the government to leave him alone1. However, he also expressed his frustration with the vaccine mandates and the travel restrictions in Canada. He recently refused to get a booster shot and said “you’d have to kill me first” in response to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s plea."

- Luc

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Why are you quoting yourself? Are you claiming JP didn't say what I said he did?

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