Well written post. We’ve, my wife and I, have been through almost everything mentioned in this article. I have a hard time cutting anyone slack that would not do their homework anywhere besides the Main Scheme Media. The truth is there for the finding.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

I now reserve my condemnation to the following groups...

- World and industry leaders, heads of corporations and institutions who mandated the jabs

- WHO, NIH, CDC, FDA, the Presidency, most of US Congress and Senate

- Doctors who should have known better

- Those who scorned and condemned us...they deserve their fate

I understand billions were misled, lied to, forced to, etc. For them, I express my sympathies though it may be too late to save them. Dr. Mylo Canderian, inventor of graphene oxide says...ALL will die over the coming ten years. That means 5,000,000,000 i.e. 5 billion across the world may die.

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I had a brother in law tell me I was holding the entire country hostage (OUR DEAR LEADER HERE IN CANADA 🇨🇦 would not lift restrictions for ANYONE until a certain percentage, of people took the shot) Even though the percentages kept going higher, and the goal posts kept changing, so many people could not see that THE LITTLE SHIT OF OTTAWA was USING them to CAJOLE and BULLY others to do as HE said. It was unbelievable that the so called SMART ONES could not see through just what was happening. I had people tell me to my face they hoped the UNVAXED WOULD DIE. I was actually fearful of living in this country, not sure what else would come out of the mouth of OUR DEAR LEADER that would further pit citizens against one another - and what actions the pro Vax crowd would take, FOR THE GREATER GOOD - OF COURSE.

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The outcome of covid/vaxx societal division follows the precise plan of the globalist communist cabal....Divide and conquer, as is also happening under the guise of 'climate change' and more recently perhaps the inane deep wedges being driven deep into society by the gender/trans/pedophilia proponents. No longer is political division alone sufficient to destroy western democratic societies, as we are now sadly witnessing on so many varied fronts.

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Which brings us to:

Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Doc’s apology? No way!


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Don't expect an apology any time soon! It's just part of the plan:


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But those who perpetrated this crime against humanity and profited far beyond their wildest dreams require punishment AND condemnation. Like Hitler and Mengele, they are unforgivable.

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I have lost relatives not to death as much as ideology. Either way, they’re quite dead to me.

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Maybe the higher death rate in Australia in 2022 was at least as much attributable to the increased rollout of 5G in that year. That is when I (unvaxxed) was hospitalised with something potentially lethal that they called covid, and that is when 5G was switched on around me. I have since fallen into "long covid" which is undoubtedly a collection of symptoms related to electromagnetic stress, and not anything contagious or infectious.

If we start to look at covid and long covid together instead of separately, it becomes clear that both covid and long covid could be the end result of the collapse of the autonomic nervous system. And no bug does that.


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I don’t trust or support that guy at all. He is self serving. You give him a break but not Malone? Not me.

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

In simple terms, the globalists (WEF, Club of Rome, technocrats like Blackrock, Vanguard, MSM, most world governments) have pulled off Orson Well's version of "War of the Worlds". Experts like Jonathan J Couey point to no novel corona virus, just a lab created version released in 5 major centers around the world to give the impression of a natural novel virus. The fear that followed was "War of the Worlds" like, the true pandemic. The real kill weapon is the gene therapy disguised as a vaccine to save the planet from the invading Martians, sorry, corona virus. Look at the final solution in progress everywhere, agenda 21/30. Once you accept the game that's been played, not hard to connect the dots. Everything else is distraction noise.

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Well said and spot on. The more research I put in on the idiot box, the I’m able to see this.

I guess why I’m immune is is don’t watch them, lol 😂.

Today I believe all the-lie-visions need to come with warning labels. “Can and will cause permanent brain damage”.

Although I will admit, the closed captioning did teach my daughter to read at a very early age.

Who knew Barney the purple dinosaur was actually good for something besides a distraction, so I could get some work done?

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To be fair I unsubscribed from Berenson a while ago. Seems like he changed his tune on a few things. Wonder how many people he apologised to?

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I tried reconnecting with a couple I’ve been close with for almost 40 years. She’s an RN so really hopped on the Covid train. We met for lunch after 3 years. She said she was first applauded and then shunned just because she is a nurse and her family & friends thought she might have germs. So sad. When asked how it was for me I told them I kept my life as normal as possible. Family gatherings, big weddings, traveling, mask free, injection free and just living my best life. I said I thank GOD my big, freedom loving family (& a couple of friends) all stayed normal. I said I’ve found loads of awesome new awake freedom fighter and prepper friends. I guess I said too much. They hate me now and won’t talk to me. Oh well. Feck them all.

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Red pills are large, and they don't go down easily, hence many people foolishly gag on them. Alas.

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We can type, pray and vote for 10,000 years, and remain slaves. Or, white men can unite, and defeat/expel/destroy the very, very obvious enemy. Hail Victory.

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Amen!! Thank you, as always for sharing, questioning and enlightening!

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