Think what you want...but I feel much safer after 2 months of Trump than I did during 4 years of Biden.

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These Wall Street guys are all the same. What can you do for me next quarter? What is being done is a strategic, long term play. But these Wall Street ‘experts’ don’t get that. There is going to be pain, but it is the only way to right the ship. Don’t pay attention to all the hysteria.

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What do you mean with strategic long term play?

OWS? 14 days to flatten the curve and then we enter the golden age?

Aquisition of the resources, land and people of Canada and Greenland?

What is the difference between Russia, Israel, China and the US?

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Yep ~ Well said.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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Lotsa luck with that. 😄

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DUH ~ 100%

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Well, except for the "patience," unless literally making people sick is part of the strategy.

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In terms of their plan of depopulation, making people sick and/or dieing, IS their strategy. Worldwide we've lost many millions up till now

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Bob, doctors need patients so they can feed their families.

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Yes, of course. However, the medical field has taken a pernicious path. They are getting $atanic $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to play the game. So now it is like finding an honest God-fearing Doctor. It is getting very scary. Needle in a haystack. So evil.


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Going to take “Patience” and faith. Took 4 years of intentional controlled demolition of our country to be here, …..

Cramer best buckle up!!

America best buckle up, could be worse you could of been working for USAID.

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Bad time to be a grasshopper as the slimy globalists want to feed you to humans.

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Very clever, asking the Doc to have patients.

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Since we're talking about Jim Cramer here, I would not be too concerned. He's as correct almost as much as Paul Krugman. Which isn't often.

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Agreed. But they say even a clock is right twice a day

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A broken clock : )

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The only thing that matters is the requirement to eliminate Biden’s + 2 Trillion annual deficit spending, failure to do so will destroy America.

Of course when you take away 2 Trillion per year of spending there will be a period of adjustment

This has nothing to do with Trump, the forthcoming shit show is fully & completely the responsibility of the AHoles in the Democratic Party FULL STOP

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"This has nothing to do with Trump, the forthcoming shit show is fully & completely the responsibility of the AHoles in the Democratic Party FULL STOP"



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There hasn’t been any real price discovery in many, many years. The Fed bailed out Wall Street in 2008 and then pushed rates to around 1% and kept it there too long. The U.S. Gov’t has gotten too big and people have been steeling taxpayer money for the past 10–12 years. The Fed also bails out the stock market cause the top 5% own most of the equity markets. Why aren’t people and MSM getting pissed at Congress for absolutely no oversight? Trillions have been stolen and I don’t see the outrage. How many trillions have to be refinanced over the next 6-12 months? America’s been fleeced. The Fed has 1 more QE left or maybe people finally realize that the whole system is rotten and there’s no more trust.

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It is so hard to hear about everything that is wrong with seemingly no way of correcting. There are a couple of tv shows right now that allow citizens to take part in correcting the issues. One is "Tracker" who is paid to find people hurt or murdered by the bad guys. The other is "Equalizer." The theme is find the bad guys to keep them from hurting the vulnerable etc. Outside of voting (delete mail in) or participating in either local or state elections what are citizens to do? I am not the Equalizer or the Tracker and have no ability to take down anyone in any government. The only repeated theme I have heard for four years is "people need to wake up"! Just wake up and everything will be solved....People like Dr. Naomi Wolf was fortunate to have a staff that helped her thru FOIA to put together two books of Pfizer documents. There are hundreds of doctors, lawyers and scientists that are working around the clock trying to get to the bottom of what was in these vials. Many people with the right resources have made progress. That being said what about the every day person (with or without funds) who does not have a staff or the funds to provide services for solving some of these issues. If anyone has a brilliant idea I'm open...

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What's price discovery? I don't know

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It's been a rigged game for many years. Read the writings of Richard Ney. A true market has price discovery, meaning laissez faire, i.e., true supply and demand meeting at an agreed price with no intervention.

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How does Trumps protectionism plays into this?

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We were already in a recession last year. Remember, this Trump Presidency is all about taking down the deep state, and that includes the Federal Reserve and the IRS. The swamp will lie and fight back of course, and there may be a period of discomfort, but we WILL enter the Golden Age of America.

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The goal is to become China.

Golden Age of America.

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Sometimes that is referred to as a reset.

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Yes. Klaus's Reset. :/

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Quit fearing that twit, he has no power over himself besides anyone else. Buckle your seatbelt for the next month. https://x.com/JonathanBahai/status/1898175980285424120

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Musk was part of his program along with Ivanka and her husband. Trump thinks Klaus is a great man. I fear this connection. Not a good one in any way shape or form. Maybe not by himself an issue, but when you combine him with Gates, Fauci, the UN etc. etc. etc. think about it.

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I watched djt speak to the latest wef "conference" via zoom(?) or whatever. He MUST feel something towards them to give them his attention like that.

People better wake up, or they will be VERY VERY surprised even as they cheer on what's going on. smh

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Well we've got clowns in cahoots with the twit, Klaus.

I'm buckled up. Make sure you are too!

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Unless there is an assassination of Trump, he is the king of the world now. Watch the info I just shared. I'm buckled up for lots of chaos coming soon, but with popcorn for sure.

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I don't consent to kings ruling me. Do you??

Whatever happened to our republic?

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You need to stop seeing the fog,....I know it is thick. First off, Trump is not a king as you are thinking,...more like the largest lion in the forest. He plays 5D chess that few minds can read. If you have followed him and listened to what "he has said", not what others say he says, you will understand he wants it to return to a republic. That video I just shared proves he wants to go back even further than that. Are you aware that the US stopped being a republic after the civil war? Do you know the monarchy/Rockefeller bailed it out, installed the banks, incorporated the US (end of the republic) and the citizens have been paying off the never ending interest for over 150 years? Did you know the Masons and Zionists have run the country and used Epstein and many others to black mail every president and all levels of parliament to keep on keeping on by their rules? But they've got nothing on Trump. He is now the mighty lion bringing terror on them all because they can't control him. They can't touch him. Even the New York Mafia say he was straight up with them all,...clean as a whistle. Did you not watch his address to the world economic forum and was introduced by Schwab almost genuflecting? Trump is nice to everyone, doesn't mean he is not controlling them. He is the king of the jungle trying to free you, not rule you. Never forget the cabal and swamp hate you as much as they hate him. He told you that 4 years ago.

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As a veteran of following the Stock Market in the past, corrections and fluctuations are good thing.

The market was way up since it was known last October that Trump would win.

The market is currently overvalued and having a 10% correction NOW, would be a good thing for Trump long term. Thankfully, Trump 2.0 has learned not to boast about the stock market.

Thankfully the others at CNBC are Republicans, unlike Cramer who is still a Dem.

I trust Trump playing with Tariffs and the uncertainly it creates is why it will put fear into other countries. A recession is merely negative growth for 2 quarters. Its better to have one of those quarters now, so that Biden can be blamed.

It will take time to implement Trump's new policies, including Drill Baby Drill.

I don't know if either the 1st or 2nd Quarters will experience negative growth, but I expect big growth by Q4.

The Stock Market is forward looking, so unfortunately I don't see a big correction at the time.

If small investors can't handle some fluctuations, they don't belong in the Stock Market.

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"Its better to have one of those quarters now, so that Biden can be blamed. "

Convenient isnt it?

" Thankfully, Trump 2.0 has learned not to boast about the stock market."

Ehm.. ehm...

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I don’t really care as I’ve been expecting this house of cards to collapse a long time ago. It’s inevitable..

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It's exactly what they've built. And they're holding it together with bubble gum and string until they can't. Or it suits their timing

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We're a bankrupt nation. Soon the interest on the debt will swallow up all revenue the feds take in.

No one should blame it ALL on o'biden. Djt did alot of damage financially during the scamdemic. And by the way, we've been in a recession. Soon headed to a depression.

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We've been going bankrupt for 75 years.

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Why would Trump do that. Does it have something to do with creating a whole new monetary system maybe? I don’t want digital for sure. Let us have a choice.

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Digital it will be. I don't bet, but if you believe anything Catherine Austin Fitts has to say digital is closer than we realize. She had to move to the Netherlands because she was poisoned 8 times. She is a truth teller and knows money and worked for the Bush administration as Assistance Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. She found a lot of fraud and that was ages ago. Nothing new under the sun. She knows exactly what is going on. She has a website called Solari, but you have to pay for her expert financial opinions. It is always refreshing to find a truth teller...

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Jim Cramer is a blowhard looser. He even predict Kamala Harris would win the election. He is no economic genius. Try Howard Lutnick who says the US will NOT have a recession. Cramer’s bio on Wiki is critical of his stock picks. He is an attorney/showman, not an investment advisor or economist. https://x.com/WatcherGuru/status/1844867937280118811

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Let's stop this Chicken Little with the sky is falling. Please knock off your BS. Cramer is way off the mark!

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Could Elon possibly be having to much influence over Trump. I still think even though it appears he is doing good with DOGE he has an agenda at the end of the day that will serve him and his AI etc

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Elon is doing exactly what Trump expects him to do.

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That sounds scary to me.... being as I fear what he expects

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Is it possible they are removing all of these jobs to replace with AI? I am sure there are positions that needed to go, but this is a massive shift. We are in massive debt as well and no amount of cuts will come close to the debt we have. I have heard two hundred twenty trillion or 36 trillion? Which one? Musk said he wants to eliminate 1 trillion dollars from the debt in a year. That is like one drop of water in a large bucket. There is no easy way out of this and I guess we will become the crypto capital of the world. Trump knows the state of the dollar and so does China, Russia, and Iran.

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36 trillion.

"Is it possible they are removing all of these jobs to replace with AI?


The goal is to become modern, efficient, and digital. China.

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💯 I totally agree.

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Doc.. you gotta stop listening to these assholes.. at least just take them as stone liars and assume that whatever they say >> the opposite is true << .. In this case, that's either "Trump Energizes Economy" .. or "Trump Saves the World" .. Jim Cramer and his CNBC bosses have a sorry track record for truth-telling .. best to Block CNBC for your health and well-being

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Trump is forcing bond rates lower to roll over $7Trillion of debt at more favourable rates this year. He needs to scare people out of stocks to achieve that.

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