I’ve been thinking more and more about all those weapons and ammo the Obama administration bought for non police federal agencies. How easy would it be to provide this to military age illegals immigrant males in a new summer of love.

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i hope everyone is able to find the brand and type of milk they want....

i had to wait until more stores opened up to get exactly the type of milk i wanted.

however in the past, i have found that substituting ice cream for milk works reasonably good for cereal.

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It’s an honor to be in this fight for freedom with you 🇺🇸

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When do the hangings begin?

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Oh well, thanks to the endless boosting with leaky vaxxs, new SARS-CoV-2 variants will keep emerging, according to GVB.

Now the worst kept secret about "COVID-19" is out, which is that you only need to have gotten infected once to be staring down the barrel of heart failure, although repeat infections may help to bring it on quicker.

The good thing is that vaccination will not have protected infected dumbf*cks.

It might actually have made things worse.

Also, many of the 1.9 million military age men who entered the US during the 3 years of Biden will have caught "COVID-19" since coming to the US.

This may mean that, as a result of having had "COVID-19," their hearts are now about to fail so being of military age will not be of much benefit to them and they won't be much of a threat for very long.

The only thing that might have further weakened these 1.9 foreign military age men who have been pouring into the US under Biden would be if they were jabbed, just like Americans.

Are they jabbed?

Experts Claim 'Heart Failure Pandemic' On Its Way


Predicted risk of heart failure pandemic due to persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection using a three-dimensional cardiac model


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Good job on the info Doc...all true. Trudeau is busy paying tax dollars to sharpshooters in helicopters to kill deer in Canada. He apparently wants to leave no options for harvesting meat...it will be bugs for everyone except Trudeau and his comrades. Maybe the deer farts occasionally, like a cow, destroying the earths ability to sustain life...??????? (how do you spell 'bullcrap?) By the way, a bug of some kind was included in the President's Choice Fruit Cocktail ingredients, shown to me recently. Why would there need to be an ingredient of bugs in fruit cocktail? The madness is worsening in Canada. Folks better start reading those labels, and fastening letters of rejection to the doors of the CEO's of the companies obedient to the WEF'S sick agenda. The politicians, CEO'S and doctors should be the first to be eating the bugs...I would suggest bottle feeding them at two hour intervals for about five years, just to be on the safe side, before the citizens accept their word on anything remotely to do with our health. Happy New Year Doc.

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