Our world is being transformed by this technology & not underpinned by the proper studies to prove concept, to exclude harms, any ethical debate etc.; just money-making malevolence, $, power, control
On the jab topic, try this link from React19 and Elaine, if you would try it. Your little grand daughter will need it. I have 6 grandchildren and took two of them out of the damned public school CYSTem when the school started teaching anal sex in grade 2. Put them in a private school.
You were the first one I saw Warning the world about the ACAM2000 Deadly vaccine that can kill unvaccinated from just being around them. This interview below with Maria Zeee & Dr. Rima Laibow is Extremely Important, and goes more indepth as to exactly what the UN plans are for their genocidal depopulation of the planet, and how We can help to Stop their insanity by Spreading and Sharing this information to others who will Act on it and do their part to pass it on and whatever else they can do. Our U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie is fighting against the UN agenda to overtake every country, and ler it be known that treaties don't overtake Our Constitution! I'm proud of Rep. Massie for standing up for the Truth.
The seriousness of this planned genocide is that you could die just by standing in line at the grocery store around somrone who took this ACAM2000 vaccine OR your child or grandchild could die just by being in a classroom where a teacher had taken the vaccine. This is an Immediate Threat to Humans that MUST be extinguished.
Emergency! FDA Approved “Vaccine” Causes Death to Unvaccinated – Rima E. Laibow, M.D.
Linda, good post, this is a very serious issue with the ACAM2000 and is a threat...its a cell culture-based live vaccinia smallpox vaccine to deal with monkeypox but it can threaten unvaccinated...
it is important that people know that 'ACAM2000 contains live vaccinia virus (a “pox”-type virus) that can be spread to individuals who have close contact with the vaccinated individual. ACAM2000 can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus has spread.'
And the move against gun owners in the USA has started. Look at the ugly Camelthing who yaps about CYSTem stooges invading the homes of gun owners. The USA has the Second Amendment though as well as the NRA to repulse this hoplophobic stalinist witch uglier than Maxine Waters and Whoopi put together and looser than a size ten shoe on a newborn baby's foot. (my but I am a terrible man...however, the truth is the truth and I do not shirk from stating it.)
I love this post and keep speaking out, we need brave people...and someone need not agree with you or me, but this is the magic of freedom, and speech, I dont give a fuck what they say about disinformation...who gives more disinformation than the legacy media and our governments.
Hey Doc, it is worldwide in scope to seize ALL firearms from ALL civilians in EVERY nation of the world. Britain is not so "Great" anymore as all guns are stolen and have been for years there and Australia using the same formula. Here in Canuckistan it started decades ago with the LPC leader Chretien (cretin) and currently with turdo. The corrupt CYSTems in every nation will continue thus giving all power to the NWO and the mechanisms of CYSTem to totally control everyone. (enter the KGB in every nation as the bad guys)
The corrupt CHRC, by way of a delusional bureauCRAP who died last summer, aided and abetted by the OPP, 2 corrupt JP's liars and criminals in uniform, and another bureauCRAP have tried to silence me for decades but never will because I would rather fight even if it means being imprisoned, fight and defend against stalinist sops like biDUMB, turdo, macron, etc.
How can a citizen trust a gubmit that does not trust us? They can all f8ck off with their BS!
I did it for all the lovely conservative women here and especially Elaine and all the other lovely nurses I adore here in the real world, who patch me up after car drivers do not see me and either rear end me or pull in front of me. Of course there are benefits. Last time I was hit from behind, totalling my motorcycle but netting me a $150,000 lawsuit settlement. My cycle was totalled and I was thrown forty feet down the pavement with a broken heel. There is a current one that I have already started in the first phase I think if it goes will add a lot more to my bank account easily but the starting stage is the critical part. It all depends on a scan of my knees. Sliding down the pavement and garnering traumatic injuries to my body is not a pleasant experience but I had no choice....take it down or get killed and I chose the first option. It was almost worth it to meet some more lovely nurses that made a big deal of things and waited on me hand and foot. A throng descended on me patching the areas denuded of good skin and I did my best to make them laugh. I thought I had died and gone to heaven with all these dolls surrounding me, an experience I will not soon forget.
I'm honored to repeat your words: "Our world is being transformed by this technology & not underpinned by the proper studies to prove concept, to exclude harms, any ethical debate etc.; just money-making malevolence, $, power, control" This is exactly where all intents and purposes go. Rise and shine folks...
On the jab topic, try this link from React19 and Elaine, if you would try it. Your little grand daughter will need it. I have 6 grandchildren and took two of them out of the damned public school CYSTem when the school started teaching anal sex in grade 2. Put them in a private school.
You were the first one I saw Warning the world about the ACAM2000 Deadly vaccine that can kill unvaccinated from just being around them. This interview below with Maria Zeee & Dr. Rima Laibow is Extremely Important, and goes more indepth as to exactly what the UN plans are for their genocidal depopulation of the planet, and how We can help to Stop their insanity by Spreading and Sharing this information to others who will Act on it and do their part to pass it on and whatever else they can do. Our U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie is fighting against the UN agenda to overtake every country, and ler it be known that treaties don't overtake Our Constitution! I'm proud of Rep. Massie for standing up for the Truth.
The seriousness of this planned genocide is that you could die just by standing in line at the grocery store around somrone who took this ACAM2000 vaccine OR your child or grandchild could die just by being in a classroom where a teacher had taken the vaccine. This is an Immediate Threat to Humans that MUST be extinguished.
Emergency! FDA Approved “Vaccine” Causes Death to Unvaccinated – Rima E. Laibow, M.D.
Thursday, October 3, 2024 10:06
Linda, good post, this is a very serious issue with the ACAM2000 and is a threat...its a cell culture-based live vaccinia smallpox vaccine to deal with monkeypox but it can threaten unvaccinated...
ACAM2000 carries a Boxed Warning for myocarditis and pericarditis.
it is important that people know that 'ACAM2000 contains live vaccinia virus (a “pox”-type virus) that can be spread to individuals who have close contact with the vaccinated individual. ACAM2000 can cause serious complications in vaccinated individuals and in their close contacts to whom the vaccine virus has spread.'
Every existent entity can be and is hijacked by what God calls "The workers of iniquity and identifies in scriptures.
That I found to be true of the OPP, political parties, industry, bureauCRAP agencies, the prejudicially biased courts, etc
exceptional sharing
And the move against gun owners in the USA has started. Look at the ugly Camelthing who yaps about CYSTem stooges invading the homes of gun owners. The USA has the Second Amendment though as well as the NRA to repulse this hoplophobic stalinist witch uglier than Maxine Waters and Whoopi put together and looser than a size ten shoe on a newborn baby's foot. (my but I am a terrible man...however, the truth is the truth and I do not shirk from stating it.)
I love this post and keep speaking out, we need brave people...and someone need not agree with you or me, but this is the magic of freedom, and speech, I dont give a fuck what they say about disinformation...who gives more disinformation than the legacy media and our governments.
Hey Doc, it is worldwide in scope to seize ALL firearms from ALL civilians in EVERY nation of the world. Britain is not so "Great" anymore as all guns are stolen and have been for years there and Australia using the same formula. Here in Canuckistan it started decades ago with the LPC leader Chretien (cretin) and currently with turdo. The corrupt CYSTems in every nation will continue thus giving all power to the NWO and the mechanisms of CYSTem to totally control everyone. (enter the KGB in every nation as the bad guys)
The corrupt CHRC, by way of a delusional bureauCRAP who died last summer, aided and abetted by the OPP, 2 corrupt JP's liars and criminals in uniform, and another bureauCRAP have tried to silence me for decades but never will because I would rather fight even if it means being imprisoned, fight and defend against stalinist sops like biDUMB, turdo, macron, etc.
How can a citizen trust a gubmit that does not trust us? They can all f8ck off with their BS!
Tell it Edward! Great post.
But I digress to do my duty in telling you that you are another lovely conservative gal.
I think it is my unpredictability that in essence arouses the curiosity of readers.
I have seen and do see many examples especially targeting patriots, conservatives and gun owners. (Bruce Montague, Ian Thompson, etc)
I did it for all the lovely conservative women here and especially Elaine and all the other lovely nurses I adore here in the real world, who patch me up after car drivers do not see me and either rear end me or pull in front of me. Of course there are benefits. Last time I was hit from behind, totalling my motorcycle but netting me a $150,000 lawsuit settlement. My cycle was totalled and I was thrown forty feet down the pavement with a broken heel. There is a current one that I have already started in the first phase I think if it goes will add a lot more to my bank account easily but the starting stage is the critical part. It all depends on a scan of my knees. Sliding down the pavement and garnering traumatic injuries to my body is not a pleasant experience but I had no choice....take it down or get killed and I chose the first option. It was almost worth it to meet some more lovely nurses that made a big deal of things and waited on me hand and foot. A throng descended on me patching the areas denuded of good skin and I did my best to make them laugh. I thought I had died and gone to heaven with all these dolls surrounding me, an experience I will not soon forget.
you do love the women...you are a gentleman I sense too. I like that. Respectful too. Tremendous.
I'm honored to repeat your words: "Our world is being transformed by this technology & not underpinned by the proper studies to prove concept, to exclude harms, any ethical debate etc.; just money-making malevolence, $, power, control" This is exactly where all intents and purposes go. Rise and shine folks...
thank you
Yup....keyword "control" and add freaks plus leftist loons.