What an in-depth comprehensive, essay and overview on the last few years since 2019 to present. Excellent findings from various sources. Bravo!

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what a compliment, I am just ensuring we do not forget. thank you Mary Lou for being with us daily, you make a huge difference.

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An Australian professor revealed that his government was turning a blind eye to their administration of over 60 million contaminated vaccines which led to alarming new cancer trends and genetic disorders. How many millions of contaminated vaccines were given to Americans? Was that the cause of a drastic rise in cancer rates?

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This is what we need to remember...

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

King James Version

16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

We need to listen to God...Not man or non humans.

He gave us -

B basic I. Instructions B before. L. leaving. E earth


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What the non humans are working to accomplish is to defile, change and destroy the God given mechanisms for the miraculous functioning of the Human Body. In other words...to Destroy Everything that God Made.

Through the food supply, through media lies regarding pandemics and injections, through making fake food and things such as giving cows 3-NOP (Bovaer), trying to grow vegetables and fruits & foods with vaccines already in them and the people won't know...and they will be laughing.

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All fake pandemics can go to the birds. And all of them have been fake since the beginning of time otherwise none of us would be here...just the birds would remain.

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Great elaboration! You missed just one word: EUGENICS. Also, the "vaccines" SAFELY deliver profit and are quite EFFECTIVE method of DEPOPULATION.

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"If a vaccine does not stop transmission, it cannot be mandated as confers no societal benefit. "

So it can be mandated if it confers societal benefit?

Why mandate if people can just protect themselves if they freely get injected?

This is the real question and fundament. Many people say "I am not anti-vaccine, only anti-unsafe-vaccine", so they might gladly mandate "safe vaccines". Are they held accountable if their "safe" vaccine harms or kills you? One RCT is enough? Does RCTs give you even comprehensive (or total) evidence? If not, why should you force-inject healthy humans with vaccines that are safe on paper but not really safe in nature? Paper economics? Metrics, dashboards, powerpoint graphs, managing society through a public health lense? Free humans only objects of state actions? There are no free humans?

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A former classmate of mine David Baker , just received the Nobel in chemistry for artificial protein design , genome sequencing and research. I wonder . I believe my impression that he's just grateful & enthusiastic about his work overshadows most concerns about how this technology may be applied .. This is a common scenario in the field.

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Still dont see how ANY of the technology described in your article meets the US Code (meaning legal) definition for vaccine.

Here is US Code Vax Definition:

26 U.S. Code § 4132 - Definitions and special rules


The term “vaccine” means any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases.


So how did the FDA create this vax definition that is NOT codified in US Code? 👇


Vaccine or Vaccine Related Product

A vaccine is an immunogen, the administration of which is intended to stimulate the immune system to result in the prevention, amelioration or therapy of any disease or infection.


Last I checked the recent SCOTUS decisions clearly state that federal agencies cannot simply create regulations or rules that are equivalent to laws.

The FDA added "...amelioration or therapy...". Neither is listed in the US Code above.

Only Congress can add to or subtract from the US Code... the FDA has ZERO authority to do such (there are caveats to this but those caveats are not applicable to the vax definition).


Remember, the vax definition was changed by the FDA.... not Congress.... BEFORE the mRNA gene therapies BLAs were submitted to FDA to allow for the "therapies" to be filed under vaccine BLAs. If the definition was not changed then the shots would need to be submitted as a gene therapy BLA with a VERY long approval process.

Everyone get that?

The FDA altered a US Code (Law) without Congressional action in order to allow for gene therapies to be fast tracked as EUA vaccines. The FDA has ZERO legal authority to do that in this case.

Cant make this shit up if I tried.

Yet, not one lawyer says anything about this issue....

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller....?

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agree, none of the mRNA technology platforms et al. are vaccine in the classic sense, NONE.

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"Get familiar with these mRNA technology vaccine related technical terms for they will rule humanity long-term whether you like it or wanted it!"

Fab advice can't agree more so why are folks still saying vaccine not mRNA Transfections?

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mRNA transfections is 100% correct too...as are platforms, gene delivery platforms, inoculations etc. but in the purist sense it is transfections...

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You are being hornswoggled as usual. What you should have been following from McCollough et al is his barking about "surging excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths"...

and then you would understand where they are going with the next phase of the extinction event.

The topic you cover here - undoing the damage caused by the phony vaccines' is but a smokescreen to divert attention from the real action. Right now, billions of "philanthropist" bucks are being poured into "pig farming" - NOT for meat, you understand, but for "organs." The madmen are busy with creating human/porcine 'chimeras'.... and with the massive amount of new born and subsequent aged heart problems now being revealed... are looking at a 'ready' market for their "product."

The race is on...to see who produces the first 'ready to go' heart transplants' using human/porcine chimeras...to create a subhuman entity which they hope to replace "us" with.

And when they are ready, you can depend upon your boy - the Puppet Potus - to get up on a stage and announce it as "the best thing since Warped Speed vaccinations rollout!'

Wake up and smell the kofveve boyo!

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hhhmmm, you need a stiff drink my homie

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Not my chosen prescription for avoiding the facts, squire. But if it's yours. by all means, indulge.

Those facts aren't going away though. For those who 'need to know' - you are welcome to read my "Heart of the Matter" or "Pig in a Poke" posts. Terrific antidote to the "Trump will lead us to the Promised Land" foolaid.

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we will read...but lets keep the statements correct...you said I am diverting...where and how? we are saying same thing is different ways too so dont insult me...thats all I ask...I am sensitive

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Eh, where is the perceived insult in letting you know that your well-intended opposition to the phony vaxx program endorsed and operated in the ist Trump iteration will be returning in a newer, much worse form in the second? If I didn't admire and support your stand I wouldn't be wasting my time giving you something to consider...

now that it's abundantly clear that the "amok, no joke" guy has been leading you down the path all this time. HE actually let you know on yesterday's post that you can expect 'regular shots' to be part of the new "MAHA" program.

That's why I consider him "Colonel House" to you're benighted "Woodrow Wilson" replication.

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Dr Paul, thank you for a well-written report that provides such detailed information on different delivery systems within their crisco-enshrined homes with those crazy protein enzymes. You inspire me to continue in my quest for knowledge. Thanks once again for your inspiration of what was long ago forgotten.

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