
there is good and evil and we cross into evil with this mRNA technology

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was not needed in no fraud COVID

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this is about power, money, control...re-designing humanity...made to order.

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tremendous research and questions to be answered before we ever take a look at this again and still, it is an ethical issue in terms of do we tamper with human DNA or leave it to evolutionary forces and time...I say come back in 100 years. we will take a look then...

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today for the next 100 years, complete total ban

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I can't help wondering whether unleashing this damnable "technology" on mankind wasn't the entire purpose of "covid."

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I believe it was and more are planned.

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you dont get to be part of the problem then play a game as if you are on the other side.

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There are still so many being brain washed by big pharma propaganda. Highly educated people with Masters and Doctorate degrees.

My sister is one such person who ran out and got the double jabbed because they are apparently now telling the masses that it will protect them from dementia. đŸ¤¯đŸ¤¯đŸ¤¯đŸ¤¯

Sure it will !! You won’t get dementia if you are dead đŸ˜µ

I restacked this article in a note with my sisters message.

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A cheaper alternative would be to demolish all the labs, lock up the mad "scientists", and declare the death sentence for anyone adulterating food or medicine for the purpose of sickening anyone, then providing a "cure", or "treatment". (Bill Gates?) All of these genetic therapies are fraught with risk...particularly the phenomena of protein misfolding...misfolded protein aggregates, causing plaques...heart attacks and aneurysms follow, along with dementia. I hear very little mention of this very real problem. Dr. Byram Bridal mentioned it early on, and one Pediatrician from Calgary warned of it...was fired for it. Who is going to answer for the FACT that the human genome is now altered with unclean protein, making every "vaxxed" person a CHIMERA...i.e. part human, and part bat? (The Bible says that bats are "unclean".) I think our Creator will have something to say about THAT issue...injecting His children with unclean bat spike protein? How many Jewish people (Judaism), now are "unclean" without their consent?

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yes, Putin helped by demolishing in Ukraine etc...I love it, death sentence for those who continue this madness....yes, all are fraught with risks

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excellent post David, Bridal I know well, great guy, smart, leader...

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Hope Kennedy can push hard to ban Mrna crap and we also from Trump

1. Ban WHO/UN from interference in our helthcare

2. Shut down of all refugee/migrant programs

3. Same rules as many countries have, if u want to come here u must have a real job and take language class and pass health test.

4. Shorten bills in congress to manageable reads. NO hidden laws, no stacking of pork and crap in bills.

5. Must make new icebreakers, Russia is dominating this. We are way behind.

6. Remove chemicals from food.

7. Ban flouride from water. Get it from toothpaste if u want it.

8. Ban flouride coming in from China contaminated with other metals.

9. Move prescription and other med manufacturing here asap.

10. Ban selling adversaries like China our oil.

11. Need new massive lakes/hydroelectric for emergency water storage/recreation

12. Start building new shipbuilding facilities immediately, China has 30x ? capability.

13. Ban DEI, racist classes, etc from military

14. Rearm B1 bombers to make nuke capable.

15. Do not sell A-10 Warthogs. We WILL need them. China WILL start the big war soon.

16. Creation of food, meds, equipment, tool n die, etc stockpile in bunkers programs immediately. Russia stores this stuff in bunker.

17. Immediate reaction of civil defense programs, stocking shelters/subways at least.

18. Ban WEF/UN etc from interference in our policies and laws.

19. Ban blocking of sunlight by air flights.

20. Ban the weather mods going on inside/0CONUS. I've seen flights right before bad storms/hail on monkeywerx utube.

21. Establish "nerd"? Overweight kids programs for military and use these as desk jobs, IT, light maintenance, cooks. U don't need to be 100% skinny physical fit to cook. It would boost military numbers.

22. Massive bump in military pay. Must get numbers up now war is coming w China

23. Ban all govt funds in gain of function, shut down our foreign biolabs

24.Our rail system sucks. Need nicer "bullet" trains to get people to take vacations, etc using rail and also shitty rails are a national security issue as is shitty roads

25. I don't see anti missile systems on our coasts?? We need many more now.

26. We need cheap ways to shoot down drones not a $4 million missile

27. Remove red tape, fast track military research on new projects . NO reason to be behind in nuke tech and hypersonic like we are.

28. Remove Chinese from sensitive positions. Their everywhere.

29. Ban China from buying US land, kick out current owned land..

30. New high fees on US money the illegals wire out of country every day. Imagine how much leaves the country with millions sending money out weekly.

31.Get rid of the NGOs , stop funding them. We give to UN which gives to ngo to bring in illegals and refugees.

32. Shut down ALL freebies to non citizens. I see them getting phones, ebt cards and people show their grocery receipts with $12000 food credit left and $4000 cash left in govt account, see these on utube where they drop/throw away receipt.

33. Establish HS programs like Scandinavia that train for jobs. Everyone doesn't need college degree.

34. Deport, shut down all immigration for a while, citizens and infrastructure first.

I could go on and sorry this isn't related

Changes must be made if we are to survive /thrive as country.

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yes shut down immigration, not deport, we need it stopped for a 'season'

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yes, BI B with nuke capabilities...and run bullet and missile assembly lines 24/7 to restock...

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Yes we are so far behind. Read it would take 7 or 8 years just to get those shoulder fired tank busters back up to where we were, can't think of actual name, most went to Ukraine.

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Chad, what an outstanding issue.

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Thank you. I appreciate it!

ABC news/ Muir should be charged with election interference.

New rule, no earrings or ear pieces allowed.

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this is really one of the best posts by a subscriber, thank you thank you...

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it is incredible

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add voter recall and judge recall

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judge impeachment

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2017 study: Utilization of miRNA in hybrid crop breeding.


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superb sharing Pond.

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Thank you Dr Alexander

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And WOW! This is a good article. I had found a video from before the covid fraud started where Bill Gates (or someone) was talking to a group of cia agents telling them about the CRISPR technology in what they called FUNVAX where they would be able to cut out the "God Gene" or Vmat2 gene to get rid of the religious zealot tendencies in people.

You won't believe what has been going on in DUMBS Deep Underground Military Bases which are run by reptilians. They are putting animal parts on babies and putting insect dna and animal dna into women. (If they are "military" bases, it would be the military industrial complex or bad military) Reference: https://m.beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2024/09/lt-col-riccardo-bosi-the-intel-drop-everyone-needs-to-hear-has-been-hoping-for-video-3820947.html. at appx. 10 minute mark.

I totally Agree with This - I continue to call for a complete ban, not a study of, not a review, but a 100% ban on all RNA products, any mRNA product, LNP product, or any such OWS ‘countermeasure’ product as part of any human vaccines e.g. the current mRNA COVID related vaccines must be stopped in full. All the evidence to date shows these mRNA gene-based technology vaccines to be ineffective (negative effectiveness, non-sterilizing/non-neutralizing) and harmful, deadly. Must be stopped in toto. And if I can get it back into the genie box, then forever! It has no place

And may I add, ban them putting any type of vaccines or RNA product into food of any kind that is sold in the grocery stores.

These people hate God and Humans is why they are doing all this stuff, but they love chimeras and demons and evil, so these (I'll call them non-humans) are trying to destroy EVERYTHING God made. It is up to us to STOP them because our children and grandchildren are innocent and don't even realize what is going on. The non-humans are using sterilizers in food, body products, etc. And doing everything they can...vaccines with Hcg, etc...,spike protein which attatches to the cyncitin receptors in women and destroying the sperm in men to try and wipe out humans. It's Serious!

Thank you again Dr. Alexander for your work and bringing the truth to light!

God Bless You and Your Family and Friends and All Good Humans!

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your reminder of Syncytin is tremendous...critical in pregnancy and in utero development...Syncytin, a retroviral envelope protein, is specifically expressed on trophoblast cells and mediates formation of the syncytiotrophoblast through fusogenic activity. Decreased expression of Syncytin was found in fetal growth restriction placentas.'

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exceptional post and yes, thank you for reminding us about not putting in food...yes, they hate God and humans.

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It's all a part of the plan to slowly and painfully kill while making money. I fear none of this will stop at this point. The WEF admitted a few days ago that covid was a test to see how many would obey. We know it was also for depopulation. Many of us stood strong against with some losing their jobs. We are trying our best to avoid doctors and hospitals for a few years now. I do not have a degree, etc in natural care but since losing a kidney to cancer you can bet I've studied and studied. We take many supplements to try to avoid even the sniffles. It's working for us but one day supplements will not be available as they're slowly trying to eliminate them. Here is the link to the Gateway Pundit article about the WEF: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/world-economic-forum-finally-tells-truth-about-covid/

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yes, it is a slow kill bioweapon...I studied biowarfare at Johns Hopkins in 2001 short cert program...under DA Henderson...this is a bioweapon

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There is only 1 reason they never did test these poisons and went with emergency use only. TO CONTINUE WITH THEIR PLANS TO REDUCE POPULATION!! You are the carbon they (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schwabs, WEF, UN, Satanists, etc.) want eliminated! They did do a short stint of testing on the wrong animal, mice, they all died! We are the 3 blind mice. Sv40, lipid nano particle, mRNA, spike protiens triggered by body, nanobots self assembling, hemoglobin spike enduced clotting, polyethylene glycol, giant clot strings...we are the carbon THEY want eliminated. They who have denial of this, well, bye, it's been nice knowing you. You are the carbon! They want you and your family dead, they want your land, gold, and soul. You will be carbon in a concrete box 6 feet under where they want you. You decide which side you are on, there is not much time! Many of you family members have given their carbon to these evil bastards! Don't be useless carbon!

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exceptional post, thank you and I too believe this has a depopulation aspect.

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Thank you Dr. Alexander for being the tip of the sword against this agenda by these evil people and institutions rotten to the core.

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I stand on your shoulders...we are in this together as we try to save USA, Canada, all God fearing people, law abiding...justice loving etc. I really am fortunate to have people like your here...thanks

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so very correct

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Exactly! People have got to wake up. They're still lining up for boosters, flu and pneumonia shots! Here's more and I wish it could be published daily in the newspaper and posted at pharmacies: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/world-economic-forum-finally-tells-truth-about-covid/

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this is what is stunning...but when we crunch numbers, we see only about 2%...should be zero...so we are seeing but it is near dead...so stand by the vaccine makers, these mRNA dogs are coming again

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they are capable of manipulating in the lab and bring a deadly something next...to bring us into line

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I've read some states are suing. I'm praying that stops some of the madness. I also read there's lawsuits in Canada.

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yes and we need lawyers to stand up...

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“And all of this work remains on emergency use (EUA) because FDA knows if they put these through their proper regulatory assessment framework, their BLA process, that they will fail. So, these MUST remain on EUA. “ Bobby Kennedy ::::: these vaccines are a Pentagon operation and bypassed our regulatory agencies. Basically DOD paid Pfizer and Moderna to print their logo on the labels :::::::

Is anyone willing to clear the smog or call RFK jr wrong?

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