I am sharing with you and your readers an important EMAIL that I wrote to The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology the Executive Director Dr. George Wendel who is a contemporary of mine. This goes to your very point that you make in your article this evening Dr. Alexander….

Dear Dr. Wendel,

I hope you are well. I am very concerned about the recent email that both you and I were sent from “Torres”? If you have not, I urge you to review it with your counsel and address safety concerns. I have no knowledge of who this Torres is. I CONDEMN his tone, anger and foul language. This is completely inappropriate and does not engender collegial academic discussion of data. While ABOG is well aware of my position on the safety and efficacy of C 19 injections in pregnancy, I never condone this type of behavior, anger and tone.

I hope that you have continued to follow the avalanche of data documenting the proven fact that the C19 injections are NOT safe, NOT effective and NOT necessary. There are now almost 2,000 peer reviewed medical journal publications documenting severe adverse events including death after the C19 injections.

I have completed a study documenting severe adverse outcomes in women of reproductive age and in pregnancy associated with the C19 injections including: an increase in menstrual irregularities, spontaneous abortion, cystic hygroma, fetal malformations, fetal karyotypic abnormalities, fetal growth restriction, abnormal fetal surveillance, oligohydramnios, feral arrhythmia, fetal cardiac abnormalities, fetal cardiac arrest, placental vascular thrombosis, fetal vascular perfusion abnormalities and fetal death. All of these are statistically significant at p values < 0.001.

The VAERS pharmacovigilance tool has been flashing significant danger signals since the C19 injection rollout. Despite the CDC, FDA and other vaccine pushers attempting to delegitimize this federally mandated monitoring system, it is corroborated by over 20 plus other independent sources. In fact other independent sources suggest a much worse safety signal than VAERS. This is consistent with the World VAERS expert Albert Benevides who convincingly presents data showing that as bad as VAERS is, it is being purposely throttled and manipulated.

Does ABOG choose to ignore the concerning safety signal from VAERS and 20 plus other independent sources? If so would you believe Pfizer’s own internal documents that prove extremely severe adverse events in the first 90 days of rollout? Pfizer tried to block this FOIA release for 75 years. A Federal Judge mandated the release. Check out Pfizer’s April 1, 2022 release which now is public record. https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

Go to page 7 and look on Table 1. Dr Wendel there were 1,223 deaths in 90 days December 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021.

Remember the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 when it was immediately removed from the market for 26 deaths? Now go to page 12 and look at the outcomes of 274 pregnant women that is disastrous: a 45% (124/274) complication rate including 75 “serious” and 49 “non-serious” complications. The C19 injections should have been removed from the market in December 2020.

Every day more condemning data pours forth and yet “the band plays on”. Please read the recent Yamamoto article published in Virology Journal June 5, 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9167431/

The author states “According to an analysis published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a recent study available in the prestigious Lancet peer-reviewed journal reveals COVID-19 vaccine booster shots may be harmful to the immune system and cause significant adverse reactions.”

Dr. Wendel I again extend an invitation to meet and the both of us attempt to reconcile this data together. A collegial academic discussion among researchers with different opinions is extremely important. I am always open to changing my opinions if you can convince me with safety data that has evaded my intense research efforts. I have been wrong before and I make it my practice to admit it when I am confronted with honest data; I apologize and do an academic metanoia. Anyone that can do this has a crown of academia and has proven their own ethical, moral and intellectual integrity.

Unless you can prove the data wrong we must unite and jointly call for a worldwide moratorium on the use of the C19 injections in pregnancy.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration with this very serious issue. I wish you and your family and ABOG all the best.


James A Thorp MD

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can I share it on stack openly and elsewhere?

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You are the type of MD the world needs. Thanks for doing this! 🙏🤗

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Thank you for speaking out!

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Thank you sir. One of the most heartbreaking events of the past two plus years has been my near total revulsion & distrust of the medical profession. I am a retired PT & had always loved & respected most doctors for their devotion to their art & thur caring for humanity. To know doctors like you still exist gives me hope. You are a hero God bless you.

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Thank you for sharing this letter and for speaking out, Dr. Thorp.

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Dear Dr. Thorp - the reason for all this is graphene - "Covid" is graphene toxicity poisoning - it is oxidative stress. It is a wrongly defined disease (but how the hell doctors could know people have been poisoned all over the world?)

I am happy to share my vast research.

Same for vaccine injury - they used toxic graphene and sorts of other garbage. It is done for blockchain, for Internet of Bodies, Viruses and Things, and for other evil reasons (including sterilization).

I am happy to see the works like this finally hit the light - just SO LATE !

View of Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna


Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna | International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (ijvtpr.com)



Riccardo Benzi Cipelli (0000-0003-3030-8594) (orcid.org)

or this: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/alarming-new-report-from-working

But this crime from the beginning is based on the toxicity of graphene (in masks, tests, flu vaccines, chemtrails - but we also know in food and drugs, everywhere).

Covid is a misdiagnosed disease. It is graphene toxicity poisoning with all the outcomes that come from toxicity such as physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. Those are causing blood clots, organ failure, strokes, and many other injuries, including death. Graphene can result in acute inflammation response and chronic injury by interfering with the normal physiological functions of important organs. Studies regarding risks of graphene in the brain show that graphene application leads to harmful effects on brain tissue development and the atypical ultrastructure was observed in the brain. Graphene demonstrates its toxicity in the central nervous system and toxicity in reproduction and development system. In the animal studies the pregnant mice had abortions at all doses, and most pregnant mice died when the high dose was injected during late gestation and the development of offspring was delayed during the lactation period. The high dose reduces milk production and postpones the growth of offspring. The developmental toxicity of graphene induces structural abnormalities, growth retardation, behavioral and functional abnormalities, and even death. Graphene induces the lung injury with inflammatory cell infiltration, pulmonary edema and granuloma formation in the lungs. Graphene causes cytotoxic effects and mitochondrial injury, leads to inflammations, induces DNA damage, decreases cell adhesion and induces cell apoptosis - cell death. Graphene inserts between the base pairs of double-stranded DNA and disturb the flow of genetic information at the molecular level, which is the main cause of its mutagenic effect. It is hemotoxic, cytotoxic, cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, harmful to reproductive system. Graphene sharpened edges cause physical destruction... Graphene oxide causes oxidative stress and acute oxidative stress causes blood clots, but graphene is also cardiotoxic and acute oxidative stress (free radicals) causes organs failure, autoimmune diseases, rashes and allergies, mess up with immune system, etc. The key word is OXIDATIVE STRESS caused by graphene toxicity/cytotoxicity.

There are other toxic ingredients and heavy metals in those vials, that we already know about, such as cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti)), rare earth metals such as cerium (Ce) and gadolinium (Gd), barium (Ba), cesium (Cs), aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), sulfur (S), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) have already been found by those researchers. There is also toxic PEG! All of them will result in oxidative stress or acute oxidative stress. Seems like for treatment Glutathione precursors are the most important ones. But in addition, people can take other ones.

Antioxidants are the key treatment for survival of graphene injured people.

Graphene and oxidative stress cause amyloid formations. NAC dissolves blood clots, but also amyloid plaque. It is Glutathione precursor and glutathione is THE MASTER of all antioxidants. Basically, all other will work when Glutathione is in place.

The study by CHOP researchers suggests NAC may block the precipitation of amyloid plaque deposits, as well as help break up their formation, which could make a dramatic difference for those living with HCCAA. The study’s lead author, Dr. Hakon Hakonarson, director of CHOP’s Center for Applied Genomics, said in a news release:10

“Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug [NAC] that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients.

Additionally, since we already have genetic testing available to identify these patients, we could conceivably give this treatment early in life and potentially prevent that first stroke from ever occurring.”

In the Pfizer Document - Postmarketing Experience, different Amyloidosis as an adverse result of vaccination is mentioned as well - including Cardiac Amyloidosis and Renal, Skin Amyloidosis - etc.

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So is this why the FDA tried to ban NAC?

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Outraged Human

Thanks for this.

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I looked at the trials of Pfizer and I was shocked by deaths and adverse reactions in the "placebo" group. In my opinion there was NO placebo group. Hospira most probably contains GRAPHENE.

https://www.alltherisks.com/trade-secret -


I know, not only graphene is toxic - aluminum, etc. - all those elements are toxic. This is why today I understand that of course autism is caused by vaccines!!! Why? Because of their toxicity and acute oxidative stress, they cause autism and many other disorders. Everything became clear. But graphene has been widely used through and just before this pandemic (in flu vaccines).

Oxidative stress is where the causation between this so called "vaccine" and all injuries is - but also toxicity of graphene and so called Covid. It is THE SAME MECHANISM.

When acute oxidative stress occurs, blood clots form, organ failure occurs, strokes, heart attacks, etc. There is also PEG, also toxic (cardiac arrests in pigs - I can send you studies, especially after another exposure, after being sensitized to PEG - that's what shocking: FDA decided no more studies needed for any future boosters! Where is the SCIENCE??? They are responsible for this! )

Virus is IRRELEVENT. This is nanotechnology that crosses all blood barriers, is toxic, causes oxidative stress and injures/kills people.

When Pfizer was asked how/where, for how long "Spike Protein" is being produced, they admitted they have NO IDEA. The Spike Protein is just a cover up to inject people and to create pandemic. It doesn't mean that in those vaccines there may not be also used some protein, or even Spike Protein, but if it is used, it functions has nothing to do with creating antibodies to a "virus".

First of all, I studied toxicity of graphene and I realized that Covid aligns 100 % with toxicity of graphene poisoning. I understood people do not die of virus. At least no more than usually, every year the fragile people may die of it. But if they have low saturation, they die because they've been poisoned by graphene in chemtrails, masks, food, flu vaccines, PCR tests - and whatever other way those toxic substances got delivered. Plus, they don't get right treatment, but instead they get protocols that kill them - especially Remdesivir, intubation, etc.

They should be given antioxidants. Oxidative stress is the key word. It needs to be addressed. Free radicals and oxy radicals are doing this damage in people's bodies because of toxicity of those undeclared ingredients in those "vaccines", because they're being poisoned - this is really what Covid is. It is oxidative stress.

Long Covid - is OXIDATIVE STRESS (Fatigue, Memory loss and/or brain fog, organ failure, Muscle and/or joint pain, Susceptibility to infections or whatever strange symptoms people have).

This is also demonstrated here:


After over two years, one would think doctors should be able to recognize disease. Covid is not a virus, but yes, people who are poisoned, are susceptive to infections and those infections, as additional oxidative stress - and hardship for their already struggling organism, may be lethal for them.

Why Ivermectin works? Because is one of Zinc ionophores

ZINC inside of the CELL does 2 functions:

1. It stops the viral replication


Why Azithromycin works? Because it has antioxidant properties https://rosacea-support.org/azithromycin-zithromax-is-anti-oxidant.html and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4368079/ - same for Doxycycline.

Graphene oxide crosses the blood brain barrier and has exactly the same bio-distribution as what we saw from the Japanese documents got by the Canadian Dr. Bryam Bridle - in ovaries, spleen, bone marrow, etc.

For treatment and just to keep people ALIVE: Antioxidants are the KEY: NAC dissolves blood clots, but also amyloid plaque. It is Glutathione precursor and glutathione is THE MASTER of all antioxidants. Basically, all other antioxidants will work when Glutathione is in place.




This is important - lists many antioxidants and Myeloperoxidase biodegrades graphene https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.00433/full - Medicinal Herbal Compounds With the MPO-Inhibiting Activity Showing Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammation, and Neuroprotective Effects - https://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/528444/fphys-11-00433-HTML/image_m/fphys-11-00433-t002.jpg - Table 2. Natural compound inhibiting MPO for protecting ischemic stroke injury.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7172740/ - Efficacy of glutathione therapy in relieving dyspnea associated with COVID-19 pneumonia: A report of 2 cases

We hear a lot about prion disease: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/twitter-made-a-huge-mistake-i-was?s=r - Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/two-new-studies-show-link-incurable-degenerative-brain-disease-experimental-covid-19-vaccine/ ) " https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1365-2990.2002.t01-1-00410.x " The present findings demonstrate oxidative, glycoxidative, lipoxidative and nitrative protein damage, accompanied by increased oxidative responses, in the cerebral cortex in sporadic CJD. These results provide support for the concept that oxidative stress may have important implications in the pathogenesis of prion diseases." -

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0197458005003350?via%3Dihub "

Although the mechanism of neuron death in prion disease was not fully understood, brain inflammation and oxidative stress were widely considered to play an important pathogenetic role. Uric acid, a natural antioxidant in the serum and brain, was found to have a neuroprotective effect in several neurodegenerative disorders. A growing number of evidences have correlated higher serum uric acid levels with a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, a slower rate of disease progression and better cognitive performance [5], [7], [8]."

The Role of Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases - PMC (nih.gov) / https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26713080/

All those diseases, vaccine outcomes have one common factor OXIDATIVE STRESS - but I know it, because I understand graphene toxicity mechanisms and one of the main one is oxidative stress, acute oxidative stress

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30641367/ and https://www.hindawi.com/journals/neuroscience/2019/7547382/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6500609/pdf/NEUROSCIENCE2019-7547382.pdf and https://madsa.org.my/how-nac-should-be-part-of-stroke-prevention-diet/ and https://jessicar.substack.com/p/an-incredible-paper-was-just-published and https://jessicar.substack.com/p/i-dont-think-its-myocarditis-i-think

The study by CHOP researchers suggests NAC may block the precipitation of amyloid plaque deposits, as well as help break up their formation, which could make a dramatic difference for those living with HCCAA. The study’s lead author, Dr. Hakon Hakonarson, director of CHOP’s Center for Applied Genomics, said in a news release:10

“Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug [NAC] that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients.

I personally think that those fibrous "clots" found in vaccinated people ( https://rumble.com/v1bs0fr-structures-form-inside-the-bodies-of-the-fully-vaccinated.html are amyloids formations - other people have other ideas, but I have been directly also having a group of severly vaccine injured people, and they are recovering and didn't die. I see especially NAC working (Ivermectin also works but the more research I do, I think precursors of glutathione are a must plus other antioxidants would be helpful too.

So I have the same experience - I had people after this injections with blood clots, pre stroke condition, with acute oxidative stress, people, who felt so bad and close to death, that they were sure they won't make it.

NAC, Ivermectin, Quercetin, Vitamin C, Zinc and all other antioxidants worked. But people MUST take higher doses of NAC (at least 2-3000 mg)

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Also, Zinc ionophores stop apoptosis of the cell, so by themselves they work against oxidative stress. That's why Ivermectin works or HQC and other Zinc ionophores.

Glutathione gives energy to mitochondria

The oxidative stress situation is a thin balance and when supported by those supplements, people will be recovering and prevent damage.

So many people have short breath, Tachycardia, etc., after these shots - again, antioxidants are the key.

And detox - all needs more reasearch, but this is a base and is working already

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Human Energetics is the basis of disease. Most physicians don’t recognize that the reigning theory of disease since creation treatment has been through hierarchical energy endowed by our creator. Rockefellers turned it into profiteering for corporatism and squashed the other disciplines that promoted this cheap and effective in the early 20th Century.


Thorp KE, Thorp JA. Ozone

Preconditioning: Waking up the dragon. G Med Sci. 2021;

2(3): 010-039.


Thorp JA, Thorp KE, Lile EK,

Viglione J. Unexpected magnetic attraction: Evidence for an

organized energy field in the human body. G Med Sci. 2021;

2(4): 001-015.


Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Thorp EM.

COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine - Part

III. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):118-158.


Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Walker PR.

Aether, fields & energy dynamics in living bodies - Part I. G

Med Sci. 2021; 2(5): 014-025.


Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Walker PR.

Aether, fields & energy dynamics in living bodies - Part II. G

Med Sci. 2021; 2(6): 001-020.


Thorp KE, Thorp JA, Walker PR.

Aether, fields & energy dynamics in living bodies - Part III. G

Med Sci. 2021; 2(6): 021-047.


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Seems like they try to destroy any subtle knowledge and treatments, (even if they themselves are using them and have an understanding of) - I am talking about energies, magnetic fields, antioxidants, herbs, way of life, etc.

Interestingly, Dr. Young for detox advises up taking French Montmorillonite Terra pHirma Clay, that can absorb negatively charged graphene-based materials.

Some people are so arrogant because of their position, their illusion of being higher, better, smarter - but in fact we may try to discover all those mechanisms, but we did not create them. We truly are placed on a tree of this body and aren't even aware of complex processes involved. Praise the Lord - the Genius, the Creator, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omni knowing; the talent in the man.

I am thinking, Dr. Thorp, we can see this sad time also as an opportunity on the spiritual path - to surrender, to trust, have faith and hope and to love. Build on principles.

A war survivor, a small child told me a story how her family was escaping perpetrators and had only a small amount of food and water. A man approached them, begging for some for his dying because of hunger and thirst, daughter. They shared. And this little girl still remembered how happy it made her...

Regarding UV light - it is used now:

https://www.instructables.com/Intelligent-Street-Light-Using-LoRa/ This prototype works on Master-slave configuration, where each street light acts as slave, and LoRa Gateway acts as the master. As Lora gateway has longer range compared to other communication services like wifi, Bluetooth, NFC etc.. Though GSM has the longer range it includes subscription charges which are not there is LoRa (Free of charge)and also LoRa consumes very less amount of power during operation. Master is connected to the internet so that user can remotely monitor street lights. So Large number of street lights can be connected and controlled from the Master gateway.


https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/local/2022/02/08/why-some-streelights-appear-purple-northeastern-and-central-wisconsin/9225015002/ , https://www.wfla.com/news/local-news/why-are-some-street-lights-in-tampa-tinted-purple-teco-explains/ , https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/purple-street-lights-apple-valley/ , http://www.abilene-rc.com/news/some-abilene-streetlights-have-turned-purple-here-is-evergy-s-explanation-for-the-color-change/article_d5f55584-58ff-11ec-ab8d-bb745a683c80.html

So this is why:



Controlling self-assembly of nanocomposites is a fundamental challenge with exciting implications for next-generation advanced functional materials. Precursors for composites can be generated photochemically, but limited insight in the underlying processes has hindered precise hands-on guidance. In this study, light-controlled nucleation and growth is demonstrated for self-assembling composites according to precise user-defined designs. Carbonate is generated photochemically with UV light to steer the precipitation of nanocomposites of barium carbonate nanocrystals and amorphous silica (BaCO3/SiO2). Using a custom-built optical setup, the self-assembly process is controlled by optimizing the photogeneration, diffusion, reaction, and precipitation of the carbonate species, using the radius and intensity of the UV-light irradiated area and reaction temperature. Exploiting this control, nucleation is induced and the contours and individual features of the growing composite are sculpted according to micrometer-defined light patterns. Moreover, moving light patterns are exploited to create a constant carbonate concentration at the growth front to draw lines of nanocomposites with constant width over millimeters with micrometer precision. Light-directed generation of local gradients opens previously unimaginable opportunities for guiding self-assembly into functional materials.

In their experiments, the researchers tried firing near-field radiation at sample human proteins and found that and fibrils present would emit a dim, near-infrared signal. This was important, because unlike UV light, near-field radiation can penetrate relatively deeply into tissue.

So NAC prevents aggregation of amyloid formations


Next, the researchers genetically developed an Alzheimer's mouse model, opened their skulls and fired near-field radiation at living brain tissue, observing a near-infrared signal. They suggest that in the future, it might be possible to use their technique to test for Alzheimer's disease in humans—currently the only way to do so is by using cognitive tests. How such a test might work, though, is not clear. With present technology, such a test would involve opening the skull and inserting a probe—an option most patients would not choose. The researchers acknowledge such roadblocks, but suggest that in the future, new technology could allow such a test without surgery. They report that the unique properties of amyloid fibrils could lead to new biophotonic devices.

Precise control over biotic and abiotic self-assembly processes is of fundamental interest with practical impact for simple and scalable routes toward complex 3D architectures with advanced functionalities.[1-8] A simple and highly versatile bioinspired self-assembly process is the co-precipitation of barium carbonate nanocrystals and amorphous silica into nanocomposites (BaCO3/SiO2).[9-15] In short, carbonate ions trigger the precipitation of BaCO3, which in turn causes the polymerization of SiO2 in an acid-regulated feedback loop. This coprecipitation can yield a wide diversity of 3D shapes such as corals, vases, and helices. Already, post-synthesis functionalization and ion-exchange reactions of such architectures have enabled shape-preserving conversion into chemical compositions with photovoltaic, magnetic, and catalytic performance.[16-23] Moreover, rudimental patterning and shaping of these composites has been demonstrated by modulating the reaction conditions either dynamically and globally, or statically and locally, leading to similar shapes, but not yet following exact user-defined designs. Unlocking the full potential of this self-assembly approach will require the ability to control chemical gradients both dynamically and locally—instead of statically and globally—for precisely guiding both nucleation and growth to guide assembly according to user-defined designs.

From this perspective, photochemical reactions offer attractive possibilities for modulating local gradients.[7, 23, 24] Specifically, the photochemical generation of carbonate via photodecarboxylation of ketoprofen (KP) can onset precipitation of BaCO3/SiO2 composites,[24] but precise control over nucleation and growth, let alone assembly according to user-defined designs, is not possible yet. In particular, it remains unclear how the intricate interplay between photogenerated precursors, crystallization, reaction, and diffusion processes affect self-assembly.

Based on fundamental insights in the roles of reaction and diffusion rates, we here study the spatiotemporal photogeneration of carbonate for light-controlled nucleation and growth of BaCO3/SiO2 composites. By controlling reaction temperature, light intensity, and other crystallization conditions such as surface free energies, we position single composites in preassigned locations, sculpt fine details and contours, and command the assembly of lines over millimeters with micrometer precision, thus introducing assembly with unprecedented spatiotemporal control.

Look at figure 4 B...

Can you imagine - so much suffering for THIS?

other links to glance


Moreover, our results once again highlight the close link between the formation of amyloid aggregates and protein damage resulting from oxidative stress, as these neurotoxic aggregate species are found to contain damaged residues.



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Dear Dr. Thorp,

In regard with this your paper:

COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine - Part III

This is worthy of looking at:


"Intravenously injected nanomaterials can adsorb a wide range of proteins in the blood (39). The bio-corona of blood proteins is rapidly formed, and it has been shown to affect hemolysis and thrombocyte activation "


biomedcentral.com - https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y


I think you have seen this one:



Veklury© or remdesivir is an altrononitrile.

Remdesivir is a nitrile. More specifically, an altrononitrile. It is described by its IUPAC name: lalanine, N-((S)-hydroxyphenoxyphosphinyl)-, 2-ethylbutyl ester, 6-ester of 2-C-(4- aminopyrrolo(2,1-f)(1,2,4)triazin-7-yl)-2,5-anhydro-d-altronitrile.

Nitriles are very well known to chemists. They are very reactive molecules and very often toxic. They are used in the chemical industry to produce insecticides, pesticides, strong detergents to materials that are difficult to remove, such as metals.

Nitriles are cyanide compounds. This class of compounds is characterized by the presence of C≡N (cyan) and includes cyanides and nitriles (R-C≡N), as well as related compounds. chemical compounds such as cyanogens, isocyanates and cyanamides. They owe their

owe their toxicity primarily to the cyanide ion, which, when released into the body, is capable of inhibiting many enzymes, especially cytochrome oxidase. Death, which occurs more or less quickly depending on the rate of cyanide ion release, is the result of chemical asphyxiation at the cellular level. (http://web.archive.org/web/20200907075757/http://www.francesoir.fr/societe-sante/l-entreprise-gilead-aurait-elle-dissimule-la%20vraie-toxicite-du-veklury-remdesivir)

So, also Remdesivir by itself may very well lead to poisoning/oxidative stress/death by suffocation





So my humble opinion is that the virus is just another burden, another oxidative stress. But, in most cases. it is not the cause of so called Covid" symptoms, injuries and deaths; toxicity/poisoning is.

So - this your statement " The powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

unleashed throughout the body ... " is profound, yes, this is the answer - be it ozone, HQC, Ivermectin, Vitamin D3, other antioxidants - anything what would prevent oxidative stress/poisoning - and what you propose is a perfect treatment of C-19 but also to keep the vaccinated people alive, prevent their injuries, for as long as they need to detoxify.

After careful study of all those issues, my assessment is: This is not the virus that kills or injures, but whatever the people are poisoned with. It may also be 5 G radiation, as science proves that it also causes oxidative stress. And a flu is additional oxidative stress.


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(Please look below at the 2016 paper regarding Hospira and Baxter - in my opinion we DID NOT HAVE a control group. Saline solution contains nanotech).

The FUTURE according to THEM:

https://www.mdpi.com/2571-5577/4/2/27/htm "Although this concept can also additionally

mean totalitarian rule to many, ultimately, leveraging the IoVT era can be the maximum

applicable manner to keep away from pandemics globally."

"flu vaccines"




Nasal delivery - nanoemulsions of vaccines can be safely inhaled in a nasal spray. This

is a convenient method of delivery, which does not suffer from the dosing problems of

oral delivery. Nanoemulsions are also stable at room temperature for relatively long

periods of time, which would allow them to be distributed to remote locations and

developing countries more easily. They have been shown to be effective in

administering hepatitis B vaccinations in animal trials, although more study is needed

to determine the effects on patients with allergies or respiratory problems


Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity.

(Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and various types of polyethylenimine (PEI) were used as

coating polymers)

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309756855_Microparticles_and_Nanoparticles_Delivered_in_Intravenous_Saline_and_in_an_Intravenous_Solution_of_a_Therapeutic_Antibody_Product (this protein aggregation is actually a huge problem = amyloid plaque formations)

HOSPIRA is the saline solution used by Pfizer:

IV saline in bags manufactured by both Hospira and Baxter contained 1600-8000 microparticles/mL and 4-73 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in solution. When IV immunoglobulin was diluted into the IV saline, 3700-23,000 microparticles/mL and 18-240 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL were detected. During processing of the solution through the IV system, in-line filters removed most microparticles. However, there were still 1-21 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV saline and 7-83 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV immunoglobulin diluted in saline.

Anyway, you get it, I am sure... There is so much to this - of course it is used

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Also, Dr. Thorp - I wrote on another substack yesterday some arguments, as people still do not understand the graphene presence. I copy it FYI here (2 parts):


It is NOT JUST in vaccines - google - masks -graphene - images

Biomass Graphene 3 Ply Non-woven Graphene Face Mask China Manufacturer (archive.org)



Reputation well non-woven Biomass Graphene disposable 3 ply Face Mask earloop for








Filomicelles and nanoworms are an emerging subclass of nanomaterials with a special

elongated shape. The physical properties of a filomicelle are distinct from a traditional

spherical micelle, and as such have attracted tremendous interest in a variety of research

areas. In this review, we highlight the substantial progress in the synthesis and application of

polymeric nanoworms over the past two decades. Synthetic techniques summarized in this

review are particle replication in nonwetting templates (PRINT), film stretching, self-assembly

(SA), crystallization-driven self-assembly (CDSA), polymerization-induced self-assembly

(PISA), and temperature-induced morphological transformation (TIMT). The applications of

filomicelles as (i) templates for inorganic nanoparticles, (ii) building blocks for superstructures,

(iii) synthetic dendritic cells for immunotherapy, (iv) constituents of thermoresponsive gels for

biomedical applications, and (v) nanocarriers for cancer drug delivery are subsequently

discussed. In the conclusion, we describe the current trajectory of research in the field and

identify areas where further developments are of urgent need.

"You will own nothing, but you will be happy (or at least you will think so)"


Dopamine-assisted one-pot synthesis of gold nanoworms and their application as photothermal agents




Researchers discover that once graphene enters the lungs the immune system has

trouble getting rid of it.

Graphene nanoplatelets can penetrate deeper into the lungs than their size would

suggest, say UK researchers. And once there, the body’s natural defences cannot deal

with them effectively. Chronic exposure could therefore lead to inflammation and

disease in a similar way to asbestos fibres.




Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Stimulate Ruffling and Shedding of Mammalian Cell Plasma

Membranes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5120764/ Published in final edited form as: Chem. 2016 Aug 11; 1(2): 273–286.

doi: 10.1016/j.chempr.2016.06.019

Pfizer documents - Clinical protocol (Pages 67-69):




Nose-to-Brain Translocation and Cerebral Biodegradation of Thin Graphene Oxide Nanosheets


Thin graphene oxide sheets can translocate from the nasal cavity to the brain

Translocation is size dependent, with ultrasmall nanometric sheets translocating the most

Kinetics of graphene oxide accumulation are time dependent and brain-region-specific

Brain-accumulated graphene oxide undergoes changes consistent with biodegradation

The nasal route represents a means by which nanomaterials can gain access to the brain in exposed individuals.14 Per the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) model of fractional depositions of inhaled particles,15 the aerodynamic diameter of an inhaled particle can influence its deposition in the pulmonary tract. Nanometer-sized particles are expected to deposit predominantly in the nasopharyngeal and laryngeal regions. Considering the anatomy of the olfactory region in the nose, which connects directly and indirectly with the brain,16 nanoparticle deposition in this region may result in nose-to-brain translocation. In support of this, epidemiologic studies, clinical trials, and animal experiments exploring the biodistribution of inhaled nanoparticles have identified the materials in extrapulmonary organs, including the brain.

Several modes of transport by which nanoparticles may enter the brain from the nasal cavities have been considered, including transport via axons of olfactory (olfactory neural pathway)31 and trigeminal (trigeminal pathway)32,33 neurons or via spaces between neuronal axons (paracellular transport).34 Other pathways include paracellular or transcellular transport in relation to olfactory sustentacular epithelial cells.16,35,36 Nanoparticles may also undergo absorption into the systemic circulation and then permeate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to access the brain.16 The latter pathway remains unlikely due to various defenses of a healthy BBB, including efflux pumps and narrow tight junctions.37,38

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnsys.2018.00012/full - Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells

How to Reach the Brain: G-Based Nanocarriers and the Blood-Brain Barrier

Common mechanisms of cytotoxicity of G nanosheets have been reported in literature on

different cell types, and include the physical interaction with cell membranes (Seabra et

al., 2014); disruption of cell cytoskeleton (Tian et al., 2017); oxidative stress due to

production of reactive oxygen species (ROS; Chen M. et al., 2016; Mittal et al., 2016);

mitochondrial damage (Pelin et al., 2017); DNA damage, such as chromosomal

fragmentation, DNA strand breakages, point mutations and oxidative DNA alterations

(Akhavan et al., 2012; Fahmi et al., 2017); autophagy (Chen et al., 2014); and apoptosis

and/or necrosis ... . It is clear, however, that G nanosheets may cause adverse environmental and health effects, leaving open the debate about their use as biomedical platform




Sona Nanotech is a nanotechnology life sciences firm that has developed multiple proprietary methods for the manufacture of various types of gold nanoparticles.





WAKE UP -it's being done !!! :






Nanoparticles are widely used in electronics, aeronautics, energy, agriculture, cosmetics,

medicine, textile production, and many other fields. They are currently used to administer

drugs, proteins, genes, vaccines, polypeptides, and nucleic acids

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I love this: "What appears as a stroke of good luck can culminate in disaster; misfortune may harbor unimagined potential."

Firstly - this entire crisis forced so many people to research and learn.

Secondly, I understood the oxidative stress, etc. issue and treatment.

But, MOST IMPORTANTLY, on a Spiritual level - we have an opportunity to turn this disaster into our benefit.

For so many years we've been told we are eternal, we should take shelter in God, the goal of life is to embrace His love and love Him wholeheartedly... Not to be afraid of death but with a sword of knowledge and realization defeat nescience and fear. We are eternal spirit souls; we never die, we were never born. The body is just a shirt, this world is a mirage, an illusion - real, full of misery in fact, but it is not our true condition nor existence. We are destined to love, to be immersed in a loving ecstasy - the choice is ours.

So, we have an opportunity to return to our real spiritual roots. Even, if we experience this for a split of a second, the life is a success.

"or, conversely, new compounds are synthesized based on some existing pharmacologic principle" - this is the basic of modern medicine (they synthesize same compounds that are antioxidant, mostly coming from plants and use it without the synergy that naturally occurs - thus something is temporary fixed, but other things destroyed).

That's really interesting!!! "From the beginning ozone was labelled as a toxic environmental

substance" - people asked me so many times what I think of ozone therapy for vaxx injured. I told them it is inducing oxidative stress, the mechanism - and if you already suffer oxidative stress, how much more your body can handle before breaks??? So, we are NOT SURE, it is risky.

So, although I cannot say it would not be helpful, as we don't know what we don't know, but since the oxidative stress is present, we have to proceed with caution.

I agree this is complicated issue - one may benefit, overall, as you greatly pointed out, but all requires knowledge - right dosage, understanding of bodily condition, etc. - "Reports continued to indicate that substances possessed both stimulatory and inhibitory effects" and "the dose-response revolution".

This is why I feel using antioxidants is a safer way.

This is my understanding that this is the reason why athletes collapse. Because they have undergoing oxidative stress and they add another on the top (Free radicals and exercise- According to an article in Biochemical Society Transactions, intense aerobic exercise can induce oxidative stress. Burning fuel in high-intensity cardio exercise causes chemical reactions that make free radicals form at a faster rate...). They should be supplemented with antioxidants after taking this graphene injection.

As you write: "antioxidant and detoxification molecules, enzymes involved in synthesis of glutathione" - that my basic understanding - that's why NAC (or other precursors of glutathione) are the first one that should be supplemented for the people who are poisoned by toxicity of graphene and other toxic ingredients of those shots. And why I feel this is the safe method, as others, like inducing of controlled oxidative stress, may be too risky in this condition.

This is just so great you understand all of this!!!

Btw. - "after stents were deployed " I have a friend who after stents developed LCC leukemia. Recently, he started to address it with antioxidants and last two of his results are pretty amazing.

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look up DrNoack on Bitchute.

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YES, Dr. Alexander, YES Dr. Thorp - those people MUST BE PUNISHED FOR MURDER. They destroyed lives of all of us in one way or another!

This is "CORONA" and the reason why those "vaccines" are so coerced, forced, advertised - it has nothing to do with health, but everything to do with their greed and power trip:

https://www.ohsrep.org.au/nanotechnology_-_a_new_hazard - GRAPHENE AND GRAPHENE OXIDE: A “NEW ASBESTOS”

https://www.ledgerinsights.com/blockchain-ai-iot-convergence-european-commission/ - European Commission explores blockchain, AI, IoT convergence

https://dailycoin.com/nano-nano-could-lead-mastercards-crypto-development/ - Nano: Tiny, Yet So Powerful

Nano (NANO) formerly known as RaiBlockd is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency based on the direct acyclic graph (DAG) architecture. Using a block-lattice data structure, it operates without third parties.

https://blockchainmagazine.net/us-firm-integrates-nanotechnology-blockchain-for-covid-19-immunity-passports/ - U.S.-based quantum dot producer QMC (Quantum Materials Corp) declared its blockchain-based QDX HealthID for transparency in disease testing and immunization for infectious diseases. The aim is to assure the authenticity of health data and aid individuals to re-join the workforce soon.

Quantum dots are nanoparticles made up of semiconductor materials that transmit various colors when illuminated by light. This color depends on their dimension and the way they were produced. QMC has built a track and trace solution utilizing quantum dots and blockchain to confirm the creation of products and counterfeiting.

The authentication solution is blended with QDX HealthID for monitoring and tracking the mutinies of diseases, like the COVID-19. The solution validates individuals being tested, the persons conducting the test, and the test kits.

In more simplistic terms, QDX HealthID warrants that testing data is safe and not tampered with. Recently, health reports and medical certificates are being issued on paper, which makes them simple to forge.

“Not only does this service facilitate improved health outcomes for patients, but it also underpins back-to-work certifications, sometimes referred to as immunization passports,” said Stephen B. Squires, President & CEO of QMC in a statement.

With the health data supported by blockchain, governments and health agencies can form new plans and security measures to hold the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases. Additionally, individual users can evaluate their immunization passport, utilizing a mobile application. The app highlights color-coded indicators — yellow, green, and red. If the app displays the green indicator, the individual has the authorization to interact in social and work environments. This indicator can be bestowed and authenticated by others utilizing a QR code.

“The world must have a system that eliminates the fears and anxiety of not knowing who is able to return to work,” said Les Paull, CEO of QMVT, the unit responsible for sales and marketing of QMC’s innovations in a statement. The solution is hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud and can combine with existing EMR systems. It is based on the Hyperledger Sawtooth enterprise blockchain, and for smart contracts, it’s applying the DAML (Digital Asset Modeling Language).

CORONA VIRUS ... https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-58861-8_2 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9298084 DCCORONA

https://projects.ics.forth.gr/_publications/CORONA2015.pdf CORONA

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-12470-5 - Tailoring the component of protein corona via simple chemistry

Nanomaterials have been extensively explored for biomedical applications, such as drug

delivery and early-stage disease diagnosis1,2,3,4,5. The relatively slow translation of

nanomedicine into clinical applications has encouraged researchers to pursue the yet

unknown factor behind the failure of many nanomedicines6,7,8,9. One major limitation of

engineered nanomaterials is their undetermined fate in vivo, which is revealed to be

associated tightly with the protein corona effect6,8. Principally, shortly after entry into the

blood, the outer surface of nanomaterials become passivated by numerous biological species,

the dominant type of which is serum protein. This is where the term protein corona effect got

the name10. The protein corona substantially remodels the nanomaterials’ manner of

interaction with cells11,12,13,14. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the protein corona

effect can effectively facilitate the translation of nanomedicines. To date, most efforts have

been devoted to understanding the composition of protein coronas as well as their biological

implications15. For instance, Dawson and co-workers16 nicely uncovered mechanism

underlying the protein corona-targeting ligand interaction. Tenzer et al.17 showed that the

protein corona can be established within minutes of exposure to body fluid-mimicking

medium, which led to drastic pharmacokinetic changes that also determine the

cytotoxicity of the nanoparticles.

In an effort to mitigate the complications caused by the protein corona effect, initial

attempts wherein anti-fouling coating was utilized were made. The best known polymer

developed to this end is poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)18,19,20. I

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Please kindly email me at trustthescience at protonmail.com - I will gladly share the entire research

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Thanks Dr Thorp

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Thank you!! Well stated.

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This is not good enough. Not only have my kids and I not been vaccinated, we have NEVER been tested for covid. No PCR test. No rapid test. No at-home test. No nothing.

We refuse to give any money to the covid-industrial complex.

We refuse to participate in this malevolent charade.

If more people were like us then the grip of tyranny would have loosened long ago.

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huge hugs Sir, huge hugs!

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Keep on with your stand point. Many many of us are doing the same. Be strong.

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My local Pilates studio in Winnipeg still mandates masks and vaxx passes. I was sort of surprised at that attitude.

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I've never been tested and don't intend to start now. I refuse to be tested when I am not sick. Nor does testing make one whip of a difference if you are. Frankly, I've had enough of the insanity of mass formation psychosis.

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any company that discriminated against a class of people and sought intrusive knowledge of their private medical information has lost my business forever. am i supposed to grateful that now they will "allow" me to co-mingle with "clean" people? should i attend concerts next year at the arts festival that fired me after 40 years because i wouldn't take the vaccine but now "the science has changed," the emergency is over, the vaccines don't work anyway?

hindsight is easy. i might have respected any organization that had used a little foresight, that had upheld the constitution. so what happens if some unvaccinated people are on a cruise and the CDC sounds the alarm again because cases are going up? will they toss those unvaccinated passengers over board?

and why September 6? what magic happens on that date? you have an immoral policy so why not change it effective immediately?

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Right there with you. I served on the board of and sponsored our local symphony but now am not allowed to attend. When they change their policy it will make no difference to me. They have shown who and what they are and I am done with them. My world is pretty small now, and frankly after this revelation of the character of so many people I used to respect, that is just fine with me.

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why would an arts organization voluntarily act as an enforcement arm of a federal public health agency? this is right up there with chairman mao and stalin influencing artists under their regimes. it never ends well.

we house two russian musicians for the symphony and we are always offered comp tickets but since we are unvaccinated, we would have to show negative tests. every time this happens, i write back to the symphony and point out their hypocrisy. i'll go if everyone is tested since the stupid vaccines don't work anyway.

we love these musicians and started housing them before all this bullshit began so we do it for them and not for the symphony (they play in other venues as well). they are unvaccinated as well, so staying with us saves them from many potentially uncomfortable situations.

i was not asked back to the arts festival where i have been costume supervisor since 1982, after starting there in 1980 on staff. this festival is why i started my business, where i met my life partner, where all my work colleagues are, why i invested in real estate in this town and ultimately why we moved here.

to have it all ripped away over an unconstitutional vaccine mandate has been perhaps the most painful and infuriating experience of my life. it was almost unbearable to be in this town for the duration.

i went from being "it's unthinkable to do this without you" to "carolyn who?" overnight. my assistant of 30 years said "well, you made your decision and the festival honored that. there was no discrimination." fuck, yeah there was. i wasn't even allowed to buy a ticket- not that i would have. what about all the black people here who won't get vaccinated because they remember the Tuskegee experiments and fear a redo? they weren't allowed in either. how is any of this ok?

as far as i'm concerned, any arts organization who went along with this has lost it's way and should be disbanded

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It is beyond comprehension that since March 2020 so many intelligent people gave up being critical independent thinkers and communicators. There is an extreme lack of Courage in America. Fortunately there a few Courageous individuals, like Dr. Alexander, who are inspiring more Americans to find their Courage.

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Very insightfully stated!

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Terrific Substack Dr Paul Alexander

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Yes, Dr. Paul is terrific and we hope he gets well soon. (He's had more down time and has been over filling our inboxes! LOL) Likewise, Dr. Thorpe, your gettr is terrific.

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Thank you JerryB

It’s the support from comments like yours that gives me the strength and courage to carry on this enormous difficult battle. Dr. Paul Alexander is a hero in an inspiration to me as well

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Top notch! 👍🙂

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Dr. Thorp, It looks like this technology is being used in these injections; the symptom of amyloidosis seems to be widely present, indicating an overproduction of misfolded proteins - and this makes sense with the issue of bone marrow producing/overproducing proteins:

https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b00120, please see my substack for a bit longer article

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Among my jabbed friends, I now know of 7 separate groups (couples, friends or family traveling together) who took cruises this summer, and ALL of them tested positive either during the cruise or right at the very end of it. They were all varying degrees of symptomatic.

The idea of going on one of these cruise ships now is not especially appealing. It seems crazy to me, that my most germaphobic, hypochondriac friends would choose a risky vacation like this.

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But hypochondriacs don't care about their health. They care that other people care about their health, which requires them to always be on public display. That's why these last three years were a hypochondriac's wet dream. Poison shots and face diapers are where it's at in their lives. A vacation requiring both is HEAVEN for a hypochondriac.

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I live in Italy and this country is a complete slave to Hypochondria. Most Italians are obsessed with their digestion, their body temperature and the cold air on their neck (which causes a condition called Cervicale ). I went to Venice this week and they made us wear masks on the the vaporetto water-bus ffs. I was incensed and agog at the stupidity of it all. When we had to do a Covid test every 48 hours to BE ABLE TO WORK , the pharmacies were rubbing their hands in glee, raking in the money. It has profoundly disgusted me on all levels.

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Collins, Bourla, Bancel and ALL their sycophants, disciples, and enablers (WEF, WHO, Trudeau, Biden, Macron, Johnson, Morrison, Ardern, Gates, Soros et al) are far from just 'frauds'. They are criminally culpable mass murderers. Directly responsible for the murder of millions of people - perhaps tens of millions of people (or, even more).

If humanity fails to bring these grotesque criminals to justice, then the World we live in - humanity - will suffer a blow from which it may never recover.

Justice must be done.

Forget about 'saving the planet' (notably, not saving humanity, the animal kingdom, or, the plant life) from their concocted, and fraudulent, Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming.

The planet, and humanity, must be saved from these elitist psychopaths.

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Well said! Hope you don’t mind if I borrow that.

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Shout it loud and clear...

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It’s not over until it is over and they are still pushing injections that do more harm that has not still emerged! Until they fire and prosecute the people responsible for this mass experiment on the global community it will cause more harm!

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I am watching a documentary on Tubi about Laetrile, concerning research that was done in the 70's that proved that it was very effective in killing cancers. Sloan-Kettering, where the research was done, lied about the results, the newspapers lied about the results and the FDA banned laetrile. So is there anything new in this world? New would be these criminal profiteers being - just once - exposed. Just once, people doing some actual thinking for themselves.

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I need to find that documentary to watch it. My father took Laetrile in the 70's for his lymphoma. His cancer went into remission for 15 years. Next go around with the medical cancer death industry in the 90's only offered cut, burn and poison options. He died a year later.

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I am so sorry about your father. I have done so much reading about the medical cartel in the last 20 years. I had a sister who died of breast cancer and have read a lot also about alternatives. The name of the documentary is Second Opinion. It's basically about Ralph Moss, who I hadn't heard of but is an incredible man who was faced with losing the best job he'd ever had, or telling the truth. He chose to tell the truth. If you're interested, I watched another documentary after that one about Stanislaw Burzynski, a doctor who created his own cancer cure, one in which people actually had a chance to survive. The film is the most harrowing I've ever seen. Burzynski must be on another level than ordinary humans, that he's survived -and prevailed - what the FDA and the State of Texas (on the instruction of the FDA) did to him.

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I will seek these out. Lost father with inoperable lung and also brother with throat cancer who's life was pityful after his first op being unable to eat or drink at all after a hole burned through windpipe with radiation. Only last two years have I learned history, corruption, supressing natural cures, discrediting these docs (and much worse). As the saying goes they don't want cures, they want repeat customers!

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Guess they got tired of losing at least 30% of their business…

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I think they've lost that business for good. I will never go on a cruise ship, go to a broadway play or frequent ANY place that requires/required poison shots. I have a boycott list as long as my arm.

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I still refuse to cruise. I haven’t been tested, haven’t been jabbed and I refuse to participate in the fraudulent testing that is not proof of anything. What happens to a person that is unfortunate and gets stuck on one of these floating cities and a supposed outbreak occurs? Then you are a captured person subject to their whims, not to mention that you are continually exposed to shedding individuals.

Thanks, but no thanks.

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Do not Yield! Tremendous Dr Paul! You have been relentless! Absolutely relentless! Thank You! You deserve

Purple Heart! Full

throttle against these Monsters!

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I hope the cruise lines go broke. I won't go on them. They followed all the nonsense in the beginning about being jabbed, getting tested. Forget it.

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I can't believe what I just heard on the radio. Australia is partnering with Moderna to make mRNA vaccines in Australia. What the Fuck is wrong with these dicks? I hope Albanese is on the testing line. He should have the first 10 jabs and then we wait and see what happens.

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Never thought you were vaccinated, some top scientists are. The brainwashing in science and medicine must have been terrifying. Relieved to hear you and your family aren’t vaccinated and were able to save others.

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