Allow me to finish the incomplete sentence the BCCDC rep wrote: "the data became hard to interpret...without incriminating us to the point of legal liability for GENOCIDE."

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Bingo. Move to the head of the class.. but I imagine as the bodies start to pile up, "data" as such will become superfluous; the Blue-Pilled Pinheads will finally start to clue in, and -- just possibly -- take it upon themselves to (ahem) "do something about it" ...

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Bingo. Move to the head of the class.. but I imagine as the bodies start to pile up, "data" as such will become superfluous; the Blue-Pilled Pinheads will start to clue in, and take it upon themselves to (ahem) "do something about it" ...

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I do hope your right.

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I'm watching this, courtesy of Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon.com who got his Twitter account suspended for posting it. I immediately also posted it on Twitter. I'm at 07:35. Do all you can to make this go viral.

"mRNA "Vaccine" Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff"


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So do I... 🙄

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As a medical laboratory technologist here in BC I am part of this unvaccinated group. Terminated as of October 26, 2021 in my health authority region working for a large acute care hospital. Only 4% of health care professionals refused the experimental jab here, a fact of which I am shocked, how could they be so accepting of a gene based product that was inadequately tested. I was never sick even one day the entire time I worked the 'pandemic', 16 hour shifts, 60 to 70 hours per week. I finally got the C in May 2022, treated with sleep and Vitamins and herbs. Not as bad as the last Cold I had December 2017.

Big Harma has truly infected an entire population whose outcome was already becoming apparent when I was still working. Now it continues.....

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Bless you for chiming in.

I'm in B.C. and unvaccinated too. I worked under contract for Interior Health until it became impossible for me to do so, due to Bonnie Henry & Adrian Dix aka Health B.C's Covid19 vax edicts.

I'm now hoping to leave B.C., leave Canada entirely, to live out my remaining years in peace and serenity in a slightly less totalitarian country.

It should not be considered akin to a crime to make personal health choices, without fear of public segregation, discrimination, reprisals from my PM, and yo-yo restrictions on my freedom.

Living in Canada has become intolerable. l look forward to leaving.

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If you ever get good and fed up as well: this country might now be a good bet.


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I work as a security guard. I walked away from my job November 17 rather than take The Lethal Injection. Over the almost 3 years of this monstrous fraud, I have yet to encounter ONE credible case, of "Covid-19." If there were any truth to this bullshit story, you and I should know dozens dead by now. Thus, you didn't have "Covid" because "Covid" doesn't exist. No definitive proof for the existence of the posited "Sars-Cov-2" virus has ever been shown. You had the flu (or a cold), brought on by exhaustion.

Meanwhile, I'm watching this, courtesy of Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon.com who got his Twitter account suspended for posting it. I immediately also posted it on Twitter. I'm at 07:35. Do all you can to make this go viral.

"mRNA "Vaccine" Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff"


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Ontario too!

Ontario Health no longer reporting by "vaccination status":


Does that mean that Ontario Health is reporting that there is nothing distinguishing/discriminating to 'report'?

If true, abolish and strike forever distinguishing/discriminating policies/mandates

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All of Canada removed the data recently. I wrote an article on the BC data in particular. They haven't had a statistically significant difference in deaths for months now... but the trend has been the same. In Manitoba, age adjusted deaths were nearly twice higher in the vaccinated for May, for example

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Alberta too. Replaced their stats with links to articles telling us how great the vaccines are. At what point does this malfeasance becomes premeditated murder?

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I'd say when they started suppressing the data.. If not before.

PS Watch this, help make it go viral: "mRNA "Vaccine" Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff" -https://odysee.com/@Commentator:e4/video_2022-03-16_13-10-03:9?src=embed

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They mean the data was increasingly impossible to defend…and court cases loom for the perpetrators…..

I do now sense the tide is turning at last.

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"court cases"? How about "lynch mobs"?

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My view and I don’t condone it is that is indeed what will happen in the end.

However given the behaviour that Fauci and Co espouse I see no alternative now.

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I'm watching this, courtesy of Kevin Flaherty of Cryptogon.com who got his Twitter account suspended for posting it. I immediately also posted it on Twitter. I'm at 07:35. Do all you can to make this go viral.

"mRNA "Vaccine" Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff"


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Thanks for sharing

Heart breaking

This has now gone to my wide circle of friends and Mark Styne GBNews here in the Uk

If anyone dares this fall to suggest I get a booster, be they “ friends” ,my Dr as they did last year or any politician, this is what is going straight back

My UK member of parliament maintains there are no known side effects…

I have known vax injured and two 0people who died.

I have had no doubt for a considerable period of time that this is the greatest crime against humanity and the perpetrators need bringing to account and fast.

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You are so welcome. Your MP is "bought". But I imagine you already know that.

Since you enjoyed "mRNA Vaccine Genocide" here's another beauty for you:

"Uninformed Consent" https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/premiere-uninformed-consent-a-matador-films-picture.

Much of it done in Victoria, British Columbia, where I now live. You may want to buy a largish bottle of Scotch, pour a tumbler -- neat -- and sip it slowly as you watch. Please make this go viral too...

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Many thanks

I shall not type what it think of my MP but at some point I will have my day.

In the meantime thank you for this.

I shall watch as you advise

It’s publicity which is going to bring the edifice down in the end, I sense it’s starting to crumble but massive forces still at work.

Much to be done!

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Are you aware Epoch News have just published the video?

It’s gone viral now!

Excellent news

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As the "vaccinated" 6-month to 5-year-old children start to die in droves of -- perfectly normal for children of that age -- strokes, myocarditis and heart attacks, I imagine that data will become IMPOSSIBLE to interpret... 🤔💩

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Sad that 2 undertakers and morticians have told that they no longer get calls for babies funeral plans/coffins so they looked into why and Milton Keynes Hospital along with a few others have been told...dead babies from vx'd mothers/parents are taken straight to the crematorium ( This is UK) so the hospitals are covering up baby deaths (the guy in the mortuary said many many babies each day) ! (evidently it's on the wall on the hospital board).

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Wow.. Just wow.. When the lid inevitably blows off this pressure cooker and the blue-pilled pinheads finally wake up.. Forget "lawsuits"; they're going to go looking for the monsters who did this to us -- there will be nowhere on this planet they can hide -- and when they find them, will literally tear them to pieces. When the dust settles on this Abomination -- "Scandal" hardly seems appropriate any more -- it will make Thalidomide look like a joke. PS Watch this, help make it go viral:

"mRNA "Vaccine" Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff" -https://odysee.com/@Commentator:e4/video_2022-03-16_13-10-03:9?src=embed

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Check this posting: "86 Stillbirths in Waterloo, Ontario in 6 Months"


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With Canada's full blown censorship now, they're covering up their trail of injuries. They don't care interpreting what is outside of "safe and effective" propaganda...

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Can’t have confused sheeple, now can we?

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Between Bonnie Fluevog Shoes Henry and Adrian (of the unfortunate surname) Dix, British Columbians have been held hostage by "the data" for 2.5 years now.

That data is too "hard to interpret" now, so let's stop publishing it...

Clown show.

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“ the data became hard to interpret.”

In the words of Berenson: “and by ‘hard’ they mean ‘easy’”

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Berenson is a narcissistic Dick Head.

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But it’s a pretty funny remark.

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'data hard to interpret' was reported as a percentage of the population; last time I took a BC CDC screen shot, it reported that while 52% of the population is boosted, they comprised 77% of deaths. Anyone finding that difficult to interpret? No? I didn't think so. What it is, is is easy to interpret and therein lies the problem. MSM trying their best to collude only makes them accessories to murder.

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And you know what? Last Thursday, they still published the report with the Vax Donut chart tab and it showed an even higher % (than previous weeks) of boosted people dying. Later that day, an updated report was produced.

If you follow Yakk Stack, here at substack, you know that Health Canada removed the same data a month ago: https://sheldonyakiwchuk.substack.com/p/dear-honorable-insert-mp-name-here


I guess journalists have now started doing their work....... probably afraid they will be called out as "collaborators" when everything bursts.

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If they can't interpret data they should be FIRED immediately.

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Um.. "SusanSays"? They are in violation of The Nuremberg Code. At one point in time that carried the Death Penalty and in this case, should still. Every last one of them should be hanged, and publicly.

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So folks continue to be clueless to the real cause of Antibody Dependance . That’s the reason they were never successful for a Zika vaccine, it caused the same issues but they were smarter to stop it. Now evil is in charge of the NIH, Haelth Canada, there goal thru the WAeF is to reduce the population, going to do a great job of it next ten years

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Here is a link to a related article:

“More disappearing Covid vaccine data

Add British Columbia to the governments trying to hide the reality that the mRNA jabbed make up the vast majority of Covid hospitalizations and deaths.”


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They're ALL doing this!

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