Cui bono? Who benefits? DEI, feminist movement, birth control, MeToo, destruction of nuclear family, fatherless home, birthrate in US/Canada 1.7 while replacement rate 2.3...cui bono? transgenderism,
abortion; cui bono? All of these entities or societal engineering, lead to one outcome, this being reduction in birthrate, # of children; cui bono? Muslim brotherhood, Islam, shariah BENEFITS
Muslim brotherhood is sine qua non (essential) to this subversion…
the Muslim brotherhood runs America and Obama ensured this…Trump must address this…anyone who are averse against America and works against America.
I challenge anyone reading this to debate me on this thesis, that the only entity to benefit (and which has benefitted) has and is ONLY islam for our child-birth rate is 1.7 while theirs is 4 to 5…all of the above-named societal happenings result in less or NO children…cui bono? Islam ONLY.
Is Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood, behind the feminist movement? Behind our ‘rights’ to have abortion? Is Roe vs Wade an islam driven agenda?
Cui bono?
As I see it, as we argue about rights, and ensure our rights, only ISLAM benefits globally.
We do not.
The nuclear family does not. The family does not. Humanity does not.
Only islam.
You are being breeded out of existence as they breed prolifically.
Into dominance.
Go read about Hamtramck, Michigan USA.
Did Obama set us up for disaster, and George Bush Jr.? Is Biden simply finishing the destruction of USA?
Is this jihad (Holy war) by illegal immigration? By supporting and fostering and causing these dramatic social changes?
Cui bono?
…cui bono? Islam ONLY. Hmm... maybe in a distant future but currently it's Bill Gates with other Eugenicists, the Globalists and Satan...
Consider the comfort zone... broken!
Information like this, should bring an awareness to make the changes that motivate people to protect- freedom, sovereignty, faith, homes, children, constitution, and Our way of life!