Damar Hamlin was juiced up.

If he wasn't jabbed the mainstream media would be SCREAMING WITH CONTEMPT that he wasn't jabbed and thus brought on his own cardiac arrest.

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Peter McCullough - what a gentleman.

It's a hell of a thing when your professional sports career involves running up and down the field for 90 minutes solid and kicking a ball (soccer); or smashing into other blokes without protective gear to get the ball from them for 80 minutes (rugby); or smashing into other blokes with protective gear to get the ball from them for 180 minutes (American football), and you were forced to take a medical treatment to carry on playing or go home – permanently.

So, you take it because you want to carry on playing and earning.

First, you hear murmurings about other sportsmen collapsing/dying during a game, but it's nobody you know; then it's someone someone else knows; then it's someone you know directly; then it's someone in your team. Now it's fucking real.

So when is it going to be lights out for you – the next practice/league game/tournament?

You can break your neck in rugby or American Football and land up a cripple – and you understand this risk – but the last thing you expected to have, as a young and super fit sportsperson, was a massive heart attack, and there and then drop dead on the field.

They did not tell you this could happen to you when they banged the shit into your arm.

Bunch of cunts.

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Dr. Paul,

What tests should one ask their doctor to order to proactively determine if your heart has been damaged by the vax? And as a follow up, if your heart has been damaged, is there anything you can do to restore heart health?

Thanks in advance for your response!

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I'm seeing ALS pop up around me. Anyone else?

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How do you counter people like this, below? Check out his/her twitter feed. This is what they believe. This is why they are pushing vaccines on kids:

"Don't believe the disinformation spread by people saying that vaccines are making children vulnerable to covid. These are the SARS-CoV-2 admissions for the age group in the UK that has **never been** vaccinated:

Covid Admissions for under 5s in England:

2020: 1629

2021: 5353

2022: 13006

2023: ?

It's covid that's dangerous. And these kids are *not* getting immunity via infection, they're suffering repeat infection.

I've just seen one liar in particular in the 'trending' section, saying that it's vaccines causing this damage and that infection gives natural immunity. It's a lie. 0-5s have never been vaccinated here, and they're getting infected again and again, and they're getting sicker."

Nearly One-Fifth of Hospitalized Children and Adolescents with SARS-CoV-2 or MIS-C Have Persistent Neurologic Complications



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