Well written and well said:

But unelected, anonymous bureaucrats not only comprise the majority of government agents, they are typically the most amoral and ruthless ones. And officials who are doctors have been revealed as perhaps the most amoral and ruthless government agents of them all. As Anton Chekhov (himself a doctor) wrote:

“Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you, too.”

As things currently stand, children in all 50 U.S. states are forced to submit to an extensive array of drug injections as a condition of attending school. Not just public school, but private and parochial school, as well. No government-mandated injections, no school.

We doctors are burning down the trust we have earned from hundreds of years of service.

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Thank God for the ones who have maintained their morals, ethics, dignity and integrity. There are many and through this substack format we have gotten to know and admire them greatly. This must be a horrible experience for them to watch !

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Paul will never quit.

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See this post. It was a watershed in my thinking. Anyone may use it with or without attribution.


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Thank you for the kind words, Paul.

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Thank you - I think we should say - I am a proud anti-vaxxer - it is my honor to finally fully understand the harm of all those injections

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I was never anti-vax before this Covid nightmare. After watching “Dopesick” and “The Dropout”, I really started connecting the dots and doing more research. Most people just have no idea how deceitful Big Pharma and gov’t agencies are. I sure didn’t. Thanks for supporting those of us who like to think and question. We get hammered lol

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FYI, I just posted this here, but want to make sure you don't miss it - YES !!!!!

After carefully study of all "vaccine" issues, the conclusion is - none of them is needed and all of them are harmful.

They all are toxic and induce some levels of oxidative stress - that exact what's the cause of at least 85% of diseases.

"One of the most experienced free-radical researchers, the Japanese biochemist Yukie Niwa, estimates that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative damage."

This is the secret of Big Pharm - you can treat most of diseases with powerful antioxidants !!!

While so called "vaccines" induce oxidative stress that causes autism, eczemas, autoimmune diseases, etc. (name 1300 that you can find in Pfizer papers adverse effects listed by Pfizer. (https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf)

including deaths.

This includes those 22:

page 16 from October 22, 2020: FDA meeting with Pfizer

https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download page 16:

“FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***

-Guillain-Barré syndrome

-Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

-Transverse myelitis

-Encephalitis /myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encephalopathy



-Narcolepsy and cataplexy


-Acute myocardial infarction


-Autoimmune disease


-Preganacy and birth outcomes

-Other acute demyelinating diseases

-Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions


-Disseminated intervascular coagulation

-Venous thromboembolism

-Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

-Kawasaki disease

-Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

-Vaccine enhanced disease”


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Just read your article. Excellent. You nailed it by putting it this way. Thanks.

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You say 'anti-vaxxer', I say health freedom advocate.

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A lot of us have had our eyes opened- not only to the inherent dangers of vaccines (and much of allopathic medicine) but to how we have been lied to and manipulated by government, politicians of every stripe, and just about every institution you can think of. It’s hard to believe and accept that I could have been so stupid! I’m reconsidering everything, except my faith in God.

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We would be perhaps anti-vaxxers - if this would be a vaccine.

But this graphene 5G shot is just a poison

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It’s not just Covid. It’s all of them. So yes, anti vaxxer.

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It's imporant to always remind people that exemptions exist. Everyone should fight for exemptions when legislators try to take them away because someday you'll want it even if you don't currently.

We should not need an exemption from a medical procedure. A simple no should suffice.

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Cut the mind pollution. Grab the syllabus, textbooks, and previous years exam papers. Save a lot of mucking around. I know someone who did this and came second in the HSC as well as performing in the NSW Conservatorium Concert Orchestra. Music was encouraged to keep them out of trouble. They ended up multi skilled and saw the “vaccine” coming so didn’t get vaccinated.

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Thanks for this. I say all this with respect to the author. Natural immunity is an incredible, evolving, complex thing that even the most studied and astute are miles away from understanding. Your heart beats 80,000 times a day by itself. With no conscious effort on your part! What have we ever achieved that comes close? This incredible life force is hardly understood. Anyone coming in to “improve” this system — well just stop there for a moment. What are the odds that anyone could likely improve such a system? Aren’t the chances so slim that if you did choose to try, your only reasonable approach would be to do so with great humility, respect, and realistic doubt that it could ever be achieved?

Millions of years of evolution and development. And you’re going to come in in 5 minutes and “improve” it? Human breakthroughs happen. Of course. But not like this. They are miracles when they happen. Not some rushed “plan”. This whole group think belief with these mrnas, that somehow “advanced technology” and what — ingenuity? — could beat out humanity’s innate immunity and “improve” it? In 6 mos? How is that not an insult to the divinity that exists naturally in every person as a birthright. This is what we’re not focused on. Respect for our incredible natures, the diversity of the planet as a living system, the incredible awe and wonder we should all have for a system of life truly out of our reach of comprehension. And we wonder why no one respects the value of a life anymore? We’ve been told it’s not valuable! That our tech is superior. It’s so off, so patently false.

When it first came out that pfizer had developed this new “vaccine” - in mere months no less — that interacted with the complexities of genetics, to help “protect” us, and that everyone was going to have to take it? Slam dunk protection for a “disease” they didn’t understand? Well I ran is what I did. Fast and far. And I’ll run next time too. I mean no disrespect, and everyone’s entitled to their own beliefs, but I just don’t understand how people could line up in droves. Honestly believing that a pharmaceutical company could beat out millions of years of infinitely wise evolution. To mandate such a thing is criminal. It’s life under a veil of ignorance. It reveals the lack of respect for life from our so called leaders. And here we are. Who could be surprised?

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I admire his admission and statements. Spot on!

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I understand it is 25 vaccines!

Even if the infant is very healthy the parents must submit to unnecessary injections in CA!

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Then the parents need to MOVE! I know a couple that just moved to TX to save their two boys from the jab. This is where the rubber meets the road parents!

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My daughter and her husband just moved to Florida when Ct. took away all exemptions.

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That’s called child sacrifice. Not okay! Pure evil.

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Michael Kowalik is a philosopher of ethics and the leading voice in the academic debate questioning the ethical permissibility of vaccine mandates.

Email to Australian Human Rights Commissioner (16.08.2022)

Subject: Vaccine mandates infringe on the right to life


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After carefully study of all "vaccine" issues, the conclusion is - none of them is needed and all of them are harmful.

They all are toxic and induce some levels of oxidative stress - that exact what's the cause of at least 85% of diseases.

"One of the most experienced free-radical researchers, the Japanese biochemist Yukie Niwa, estimates that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative damage."

This is the secret of Big Pharm - you can treat most of diseases with powerful antioxidants !!!

While so called "vaccines" induce oxidative stress that causes autism, eczemas, autoimmune diseases, etc. (name 1300 that you can find in Pfizer papers adverse effects listed by Pfizer. (https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf)

including deaths.

This includes those 22:

page 16 from October 22, 2020: FDA meeting with Pfizer

https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download page 16:

“FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***

-Guillain-Barré syndrome

-Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

-Transverse myelitis

-Encephalitis /myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encephalopathy



-Narcolepsy and cataplexy


-Acute myocardial infarction


-Autoimmune disease


-Preganacy and birth outcomes

-Other acute demyelinating diseases

-Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions


-Disseminated intervascular coagulation

-Venous thromboembolism

-Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

-Kawasaki disease

-Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

-Vaccine enhanced disease”


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Its beyond disgusting. Humanity has gone mad.

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My sister wants to get the shingles vaxx. I don't know enough about it, I just tried to dissuade her, insofar as do not automatically think a vaccine is safe. I did some research and all I came away with is, the medical industry has no interest in knowing if it is truly effective, it has no interest in getting people to avoid getting shingles by lifestyle choices, it simply argues, get the shot because you don't want shingles.

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TRUST NO ONE EVER AGAIN.... look... not in any press or news... Anne Heche (her film was too near what they are doing for real) so they bumped her off like a few others recently !

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This also shows Pfizer never had a placebo group, because their saline solution - Hospira contains "nano"


HOSPIRA is the saline solution used by Pfizer:

IV saline in bags manufactured by both Hospira and Baxter contained 1600-8000 microparticles/mL and 4-73 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in solution. When IV immunoglobulin was diluted into the IV saline, 3700-23,000 microparticles/mL and 18-240 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL were detected. During processing of the solution through the IV system, in-line filters removed most microparticles. However, there were still 1-21 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV saline and 7-83 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV immunoglobulin diluted in saline.

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