-sion of USA at the border that WE MAY NEVER be able to fix, can't he remember when Iran was slapping US silly & daddy Reagan had to step into the fray to bring order? he would have cindered Iran then
Researching a link between the origins of BLM, Antifa and Obama. Obama left a dark legacy with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act in 2012-13, his many subversions of the US Constitution, and his prolific bomb/drone strikes against Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc. It’s a travesty that Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize.
Jimmy Carter also left a dark legacy. Carter, weak POTUS, failed US citizens with his mismanagement of the Iran Hostage crisis, the Mariel Boat Lift and the Panama Canal. Just as shocking, or more so, he was in league with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in the establishment of the Trilateral Commission [NWO stronghold] in the US. He did his traitorous part to bring about a NWO one world government/currency/religion.
Yes, let’s not forget the thousands of US citizens that died during the building of the Panama Canal and the millions US citizens paid for its construction.
Washington DC has more psychopaths than anwhere else. They gravitate to it like bees to honey. Carter had no place being there. He was totally unsuited to be president.
Psychopathy has eight component traits, the first three being, Social Influence, Fearlessness and Stress Immunity, which are collectively known as Fearless Dominance traits.
Leaders with these traits tend to be more successful.
However, the next four traits that are known as Self-Centered Impulsivity can be destructive. This group includes Machiavellian Egocentricity, Rebellious Nonconformity, Blame Externalization and Carefree Nonplanfulness.
And the final trait is Coldheartedness, which is helpful for making decisions such as sending American troops off to die in endless wars or approving more aid for Ukraine so that Ukranians can die.
Carter, who failed to appropriately handle the Iran hostage crisis, among other things, did not have a psychopathic bone in his body and he proved to be a completely ineffectual president.
boom: Washington DC has more psychopaths than anwhere else. They gravitate to it like bees to honey. Carter had no place being there. He was totally unsuited to be president.
'And the final trait is Coldheartedness, which is helpful for making decisions such as sending American troops off to die in endless wars or approving more aid for Ukraine so that Ukranians can die. '
It's very helpful for imposing mRNA jab mandates too, as well as for rolling out ventilators, blocking access to early treatment, making remdesivir available etc. It's also helpful when you need to - remember the former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock? - "release the new variant."
# 1 trait of Psycho's, they lie like there's no tomorrow, and seems like they believe their own lies. We see this with so many Democrats. Biden, Schiff, Warren, etc.
A-baby, your insight shocks the senses, you do this intentionally. You provoke thought. I have to adjust to accommodate your assault to my sensibilities - you are maybe brilliant - maybe true - maybe just full of it, but I am taking note in terms of awareness. You have an uncensored voice thus far. Brave as Balls.
I have followed the “Border-Invasion” from the get go. It’s not a question anymore “IF” America is attacked! The question is “WHEN” will America be attacked!
Below, I cut and pasted part of a conversation Sarah Adams had with Shawn Ryan, a former Navy Seal. On my Substack Homepage is the video interview.
I believe plans have been made, all arrangements coordinated and the timeline is all that needs to be determined, if our security forces can intervene and stop such a massive attack or not.
“A CIA Officer Revealed a Terrifying Secret About Joe Biden’s Border Crisis”
Joe Biden opened the border.
Americans are paying the price.
And a CIA officer revealed a terrifying secret about Joe Biden.
As American Media Watchdog reports:
Former CIA targeting officer Sarah Adams was a guest on former Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan’s podcast.
Adams had some disturbing truths she wanted the American people to know about just how many jihadists who are prepared to strike are living in America right now.
“I just want to clarify. You are 100% certain that there are 1,000 plus Al-Qaeda-trained fighters within the US borders?” Ryan asked.
Adams answered in the affirmative that there are more than 1,000 trained Al Qaeda fighters residing in the United States.
Putting that number in perspective, Adams noted that Hamas deployed 1,400 jihadists to carry out the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack in Israel where Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Jews.
Based on population numbers, that would have been the equivalent of killing 30,000 Americans
CIA Targeter: “We have not had a man walk up to a building with a su!cid3 vest in America.”
Sarah Adams outlines the enemy’s plan for a 2025 homeland attack. This is information every America should be made aware of. @TPASarah pic.twitter.com/z9hAIS4PLD
— Shawn Ryan Show (@ShawnRyanShow) December 13, 2024
And the weaponized FBI isn’t taking this threat seriously.
Biden’s FBI is still persecuting Trump supporters for the events of January 6.
As a result, the FBI got caught with their pants down when Army vet Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar pledged his allegiance to ISIS and plowed a truck into a crowd on the streets of New Orleans on January 1.
Yes, I watch Dave - he cut up Trump badly. Especially about Springfield too. Dave is missing the details by a long shot. Just like the rest of the wealthy elites and movie stars who are out of touch with reality. I didn't know the details of Obama's schemes - thank you for the write-up!Somehow there has to be a way to bring these treasonist people to justice. Is there such thing as illegal pardons? It's obvious Biden is suffering from a mental illness. You would think it would be grounds for a reversal/appeal!!
He might be a moron, but he's a very funny moron. Keep in mind, most people do not think the way we do, especially on SNL and that was his audience for this bit.
You're right of course. WE are indeed... 'in the know' and therefore can be trusted to wade through the myriad of attempts by the PEEP STATE to create a 'state of terror' for purpose of bringing in at last their 'TERROR STATE' which has been waiting in the wings since before Aldo Moro never saw another tomorrow.
When in Rome, do as Brothers from other Mothers do... set up a phony 'terrorist' op with trained seals from appropriate muddled east creels. Give em some guns, let the reels run...
Dam if it ain't a real 'crisis.'
Tis a 'skit' what never gets 'old.' If you be so 'bold'en faced as to play it o'er n o'er agin... in a hundred different locales - using xtras with 'green cards' taught to be retards... via ur gubberments best mind control methods.
VIVA la revolution! Viva the victory of the phony right over the phony left. All that left is 'grand auto theft'... of the 'autonomous robot n Ai snatch n DOGE kind!
you can be obnoxious and the like but I like your style, content too...sometimes I need to take a rum and re-read it...ha ha ha I like this "Tis a 'skit' what never gets 'old.' If you be so 'bold'en faced as to play it o'er n o'er agin... in a hundred different locales - using xtras with 'green cards' taught to be retards... via ur gubberments best mind control methods.
VIVA la revolution! Viva the victory of the phony right over the phony left. All that left is 'grand auto theft'... of the 'autonomous robot n Ai snatch n DOGE kind!"
Rub a dub dub, best jump in the tub... and pour thyself a doubloon of Mr Morgan...
Ahh... those were the daze. I was workin the finance boards - sussing out crimes n criminals of dat der 'derivatives' kind. Most Merikanskis were already 'under the influence' of various mind controlin 'influencers' sent from abroad or from aboard the leaky USS floating barge/land mass itself.
But every once n awhile you'd be jolted in surprise, to run into a real live 'Gnome in the Know'... without that faint glow of tainted paint job what a 'good education' produces nowadays..
"Later that day, officers followed up on a lead that led them to a home in Redlands, where they saw the black SO/ driven by the suspects. A car chase ensued. leading to a gun battle involving more than 20 officers in San Bernardino. One officer was reportedly wounded and is now receiving treatment for non-life-threatening injuries. The attackers were shot dead.'
Note how the "suspects' were converted to the "attackers" in one paragraph. Strange how the attackers were wearing balaclavas (why?) and still so easily identified. if you were wanting to make your point with guns this is not possible when disguising your face - I guess these are ''eye slot' balaclavas. The balaclavas however would conceal the identity of attackers who were not the suspects.
With obvious preparations having been made for the attack this was not the result of a row although a row might have crystalised any outstanding decision on target selection." Goldguy
LEGACY man! Goldguy had it on. Guy could write as good as he could think. Rocket Robin Hood!
Now back.... to the endless flickering static of a feed in search of an ending... and a 'bulb' in search of workin socket!
...Between the sheets!.... Isleys bro... "Go for yur Guns!" 1977... We ol skool
Researching a link between the origins of BLM, Antifa and Obama. Obama left a dark legacy with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act in 2012-13, his many subversions of the US Constitution, and his prolific bomb/drone strikes against Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc. It’s a travesty that Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize.
Jimmy Carter also left a dark legacy. Carter, weak POTUS, failed US citizens with his mismanagement of the Iran Hostage crisis, the Mariel Boat Lift and the Panama Canal. Just as shocking, or more so, he was in league with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in the establishment of the Trilateral Commission [NWO stronghold] in the US. He did his traitorous part to bring about a NWO one world government/currency/religion.
Don't forget the beginning of the ruination of education with creating the dept of education.
And he gave away our Panama Canal that thousands of US citizens died building and we paid for it. Moron!
Yes, let’s not forget the thousands of US citizens that died during the building of the Panama Canal and the millions US citizens paid for its construction.
The travesty was that these bastards were ever born and lived.
yup. And the list is long.
Washington DC has more psychopaths than anwhere else. They gravitate to it like bees to honey. Carter had no place being there. He was totally unsuited to be president.
Psychopathy has eight component traits, the first three being, Social Influence, Fearlessness and Stress Immunity, which are collectively known as Fearless Dominance traits.
Leaders with these traits tend to be more successful.
However, the next four traits that are known as Self-Centered Impulsivity can be destructive. This group includes Machiavellian Egocentricity, Rebellious Nonconformity, Blame Externalization and Carefree Nonplanfulness.
And the final trait is Coldheartedness, which is helpful for making decisions such as sending American troops off to die in endless wars or approving more aid for Ukraine so that Ukranians can die.
Carter, who failed to appropriately handle the Iran hostage crisis, among other things, did not have a psychopathic bone in his body and he proved to be a completely ineffectual president.
boom: Washington DC has more psychopaths than anwhere else. They gravitate to it like bees to honey. Carter had no place being there. He was totally unsuited to be president.
'And the final trait is Coldheartedness, which is helpful for making decisions such as sending American troops off to die in endless wars or approving more aid for Ukraine so that Ukranians can die. '
It's very helpful for imposing mRNA jab mandates too, as well as for rolling out ventilators, blocking access to early treatment, making remdesivir available etc. It's also helpful when you need to - remember the former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock? - "release the new variant."
# 1 trait of Psycho's, they lie like there's no tomorrow, and seems like they believe their own lies. We see this with so many Democrats. Biden, Schiff, Warren, etc.
Carter was not without scandal.
I don't listen to comedians regarding anything political. That's not their field of expertise.
A-baby, your insight shocks the senses, you do this intentionally. You provoke thought. I have to adjust to accommodate your assault to my sensibilities - you are maybe brilliant - maybe true - maybe just full of it, but I am taking note in terms of awareness. You have an uncensored voice thus far. Brave as Balls.
thank you. I stand on your shoulders.
I stand behind your voice - you speak for me. Please roar.
Ovomit, an illegal POTUS and more so a pos who gave blacks as really bad name.
President Carter was completely aloof. He did whatever the GLOBALISTS wanted him to do. It was his Administration that gave us the Triple play.
1. The Department of Education
2. The Department of Energy
3. Senior Executive Service GATEKEEPERS
All United Nations GLOBALIST CABAL entities
🤡Chappelle 🤡Carter🤡 🤷🏻
I have followed the “Border-Invasion” from the get go. It’s not a question anymore “IF” America is attacked! The question is “WHEN” will America be attacked!
Below, I cut and pasted part of a conversation Sarah Adams had with Shawn Ryan, a former Navy Seal. On my Substack Homepage is the video interview.
I believe plans have been made, all arrangements coordinated and the timeline is all that needs to be determined, if our security forces can intervene and stop such a massive attack or not.
“A CIA Officer Revealed a Terrifying Secret About Joe Biden’s Border Crisis”
Joe Biden opened the border.
Americans are paying the price.
And a CIA officer revealed a terrifying secret about Joe Biden.
As American Media Watchdog reports:
Former CIA targeting officer Sarah Adams was a guest on former Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan’s podcast.
Adams had some disturbing truths she wanted the American people to know about just how many jihadists who are prepared to strike are living in America right now.
“I just want to clarify. You are 100% certain that there are 1,000 plus Al-Qaeda-trained fighters within the US borders?” Ryan asked.
Adams answered in the affirmative that there are more than 1,000 trained Al Qaeda fighters residing in the United States.
Putting that number in perspective, Adams noted that Hamas deployed 1,400 jihadists to carry out the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack in Israel where Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Jews.
Based on population numbers, that would have been the equivalent of killing 30,000 Americans
CIA Targeter: “We have not had a man walk up to a building with a su!cid3 vest in America.”
Sarah Adams outlines the enemy’s plan for a 2025 homeland attack. This is information every America should be made aware of. @TPASarah pic.twitter.com/z9hAIS4PLD
— Shawn Ryan Show (@ShawnRyanShow) December 13, 2024
And the weaponized FBI isn’t taking this threat seriously.
Biden’s FBI is still persecuting Trump supporters for the events of January 6.
As a result, the FBI got caught with their pants down when Army vet Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar pledged his allegiance to ISIS and plowed a truck into a crowd on the streets of New Orleans on January 1.
Yes, I watch Dave - he cut up Trump badly. Especially about Springfield too. Dave is missing the details by a long shot. Just like the rest of the wealthy elites and movie stars who are out of touch with reality. I didn't know the details of Obama's schemes - thank you for the write-up!Somehow there has to be a way to bring these treasonist people to justice. Is there such thing as illegal pardons? It's obvious Biden is suffering from a mental illness. You would think it would be grounds for a reversal/appeal!!
He might be a moron, but he's a very funny moron. Keep in mind, most people do not think the way we do, especially on SNL and that was his audience for this bit.
but when you listen easy, you can hear him really hitting Trump...
You're right of course. WE are indeed... 'in the know' and therefore can be trusted to wade through the myriad of attempts by the PEEP STATE to create a 'state of terror' for purpose of bringing in at last their 'TERROR STATE' which has been waiting in the wings since before Aldo Moro never saw another tomorrow.
When in Rome, do as Brothers from other Mothers do... set up a phony 'terrorist' op with trained seals from appropriate muddled east creels. Give em some guns, let the reels run...
Dam if it ain't a real 'crisis.'
Tis a 'skit' what never gets 'old.' If you be so 'bold'en faced as to play it o'er n o'er agin... in a hundred different locales - using xtras with 'green cards' taught to be retards... via ur gubberments best mind control methods.
VIVA la revolution! Viva the victory of the phony right over the phony left. All that left is 'grand auto theft'... of the 'autonomous robot n Ai snatch n DOGE kind!
you can be obnoxious and the like but I like your style, content too...sometimes I need to take a rum and re-read it...ha ha ha I like this "Tis a 'skit' what never gets 'old.' If you be so 'bold'en faced as to play it o'er n o'er agin... in a hundred different locales - using xtras with 'green cards' taught to be retards... via ur gubberments best mind control methods.
VIVA la revolution! Viva the victory of the phony right over the phony left. All that left is 'grand auto theft'... of the 'autonomous robot n Ai snatch n DOGE kind!"
Rub a dub dub, best jump in the tub... and pour thyself a doubloon of Mr Morgan...
Ahh... those were the daze. I was workin the finance boards - sussing out crimes n criminals of dat der 'derivatives' kind. Most Merikanskis were already 'under the influence' of various mind controlin 'influencers' sent from abroad or from aboard the leaky USS floating barge/land mass itself.
But every once n awhile you'd be jolted in surprise, to run into a real live 'Gnome in the Know'... without that faint glow of tainted paint job what a 'good education' produces nowadays..
"Later that day, officers followed up on a lead that led them to a home in Redlands, where they saw the black SO/ driven by the suspects. A car chase ensued. leading to a gun battle involving more than 20 officers in San Bernardino. One officer was reportedly wounded and is now receiving treatment for non-life-threatening injuries. The attackers were shot dead.'
Note how the "suspects' were converted to the "attackers" in one paragraph. Strange how the attackers were wearing balaclavas (why?) and still so easily identified. if you were wanting to make your point with guns this is not possible when disguising your face - I guess these are ''eye slot' balaclavas. The balaclavas however would conceal the identity of attackers who were not the suspects.
With obvious preparations having been made for the attack this was not the result of a row although a row might have crystalised any outstanding decision on target selection." Goldguy
LEGACY man! Goldguy had it on. Guy could write as good as he could think. Rocket Robin Hood!
Now back.... to the endless flickering static of a feed in search of an ending... and a 'bulb' in search of workin socket!
...Between the sheets!.... Isleys bro... "Go for yur Guns!" 1977... We ol skool