I wish and hope for the USA. But here in Canada it's becoming more and more apparent it's not going to happen. The government is fighting hard in court to keep the mandates and travel bans in place. Truly stunning and despicable. Never would I ever thought in my life Canada would act this way. The lack of empathy and anti-science posture is shocking.

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It has never been about Covid. The virus (if there has been one) has only been the tool to achieve another agenda.

1/ To generate fear mongering among the population and test how far and how much people are ready to accept and endure.

2/ Being able to use this scheme to re-activate the fear when needed and during times of crisis, either human, political or financial.

3/ Will the people accept revision of their human or constitutional rights under threat or state of fear will be the next step.

In Canada we have a situation where a frustrated PM vilified by European politicians takes revenge on a “fringe minority” who has no respect and consideration for him.

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Justin is not respected by a broad coalition of people.

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Looks like it doesn't really bother him as he is surrounded by his WEF buddies within his own govt and now has all the power he wants with the blessing of the NDP until 2025!! He is laughing at us in front and behind our faces because it looks like there isn't much that can be done.....Daddy Schwab is all the respect/approval he is looking for and no one else.... :(

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Well, coalitions and political deals are meant to be broken. The Liberals and NDP are weasels and the left does eat its own. So let's hope the NDP base smartens up and when faced with a non-confidence situation they do the right thing. So far for a party that's supposed to be the 'conscience' of Canada and built its rep on allegedly being 'principled', they've failed spectacularly. But yes, Justin, Chrystia and Jagmeet are WEF cronies. Big problem. Canadians remain oblivious to the WEF's considerable influence over them.

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Apr 30, 2022·edited May 1, 2022

I agree but I will not lie that I have lost all confidence for anyone in Canadian govt to do the right thing right now.....I want to believe but I haven't seen anything to suggest this will happen for us...We are the only country who is punishing it's non-vaxxed to not be able to travel within our own country and he is NOT going to give that up....many people still think the WEF is a conspiracy theory....and look at what happened with the RCMP "investigation".................https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-mounties-bungle-criminal-investigation-into-justin-trudeau

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Totally! With a small minority not vaccinated, it's hard to get any political clout for the unvaccinated. People who have taken the vax don't see any problems. They need to realize it could be something very important to them next time.

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The apathy comes with the territory in Canada. And yes, they need to realize this can easily impact OTHER health decisions in the future. They can be forced into any medical procedure if this is allowed to stand. They think they had a choice here. Even those who felt they were doing the right thing don't realize they were essentially lied to. So what happens if boosters become a requirement in Canada? With this bunch of vaccine lunatics in power, anything is possible.

Terrible medical precedent. And notice countries - led by the USA - are actually trying to undo 70 years of medical ethics and laws we agreed upon. I'm afraid they'll succeed. It's a juggernaut we're up against.

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Other health decisions in the future will be made by the WHO and the International Pandemic treaty nations will sign, signing away sovereignty to an institution funded by Mr Gates and BigPharma.

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Your prime minister is a monster.

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I hate as much the prime minister as the other “opposition” parties who have cooperated with the Liberals since 2015 and since 2020 on all measures about Covid.

All the rallies have been against lockdowns, masks and freedom but rarely about vaccination until the adverse effects made headlines.

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Your the 1st Communist turning Democracy they need to establish to create the domino effect of western Democracies as a whole.

You are correct. They will never let up this quest. Cannot afford a backward tipping domino.

Canada conversion is really all about USA collapse / conversion.

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My 20 year old will be entering a clinical college radiography program in the fall. I’m praying the medical mandates end bc it will be required for her to get the poison jab. She will not give up this plan that she has worked for the last few years. This is insane and evil and it’s like handing a revolver with a bullet to a healthy young person and having them play Russian roulette. How can a president mandate this madness for all medical workers in a country? My heart hurts as this black cloud hangs over the world.

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Amen brother!!! Beautifully written piece of work. Thank you , keep up the fight and info flowing. I will be printing this out and hopefully distribute among several people that can also pass it on. The here, here, here I will print out for myself and share with those willing to listen.

Recent visit to a doctor I wrote on the HIPPA forms I do not consent to covid anything or any words that come out of the CDC etc. and I will take care of my health and if sick of course be smart and stay home. That’s how to protect others I believe. The nurse was reading through the paperwork ( I’m new patient) and asked if she could read to doctor so I had to say yes. The doctor laughed, agreed and high fives me. Anyways she said per the company that owns them they have to wear masks but in the office examining room we all took them off. Three happy ladies breathing air as we were meant to. We discussed the risk stratification and the doctor was totally in agreement with that.

On the other hand I had a heart nuclear stress test and the operator of the machine had 2 masks on and I had pulled my down and she stepped back and said I can’t go any further unless you put your mask on. Of course I did , I wouldn’t be disrespectful but I did say I don’t wear masks anywhere except doctors offices. My state GA doesn’t require them it seems except in doctors offices and hospitals. Not sure about federal buildings or public transportation as I haven’t been in any .

TJMaxx had a sign on their door saying if not vaccinated you must wear a mask but no enforcement. If they had asked I would have walked out.

If it’s an issue with me printing this out now please just comment to not to.

Again thank you Dr. Alexander and God Bless.

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We all need to do two things.

1) Keep gently talking with friends and family. We need not be emotional or push too hard that they will run the other way, like mentioning wef or planned depopulation, in my opinion. They just need the facts and to be told the reason you say anything is because you care about them. I wrote the following post because even after a year of explaining, I was asked this question https://leemuller.substack.com/p/but-is-it-experimental

If the 50% of us in the know, is able to bring just ONE other person into the light, we will have a chance.

2) Call out the 120 Democratic and 91 Republican Representatives currently in the U.S. Congress who voted to pass the multi-billion dollar 21st Century Cures Act (2016) that enabled uninformed consent and pushed "Real World Evidence" during the past two years. Contact our officials to hold them accountable to: preserve our Constitutional rights by ending and preventing mandates, compensate and provide help to the vaccine injured, and remove liability protection enacted through the PREP Act (2005 and 2020). - RightingTheWrongs.org

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It is not about our health! Its all about tyrannical control over the people! The curtain has been lifted and we can see their true intentions

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Absolutely fantastic effort to summarize the facts. Will be sharing this. My complete and utter respect for all you do.

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Thank you for all you do! Another awesome article, you are a wealth of info.

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Powerful and comprehensive! Thank you Paul! You, Malone, Rose, Mcullough, Mercola, Vanden Bossche, Mikovits, Senef, Laurie and so many other wonderful REAL Doctors and scientists are ripping this wide open everyday.. expose Big Pharma's Crime against humanity.. everyone is getting better and more precise, looking to be more and more impactful, personal daily goal a min. 5 non-violent emails +phone calls today and everyday.. we will turn this tide.. encouraging all my friends to do same..

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Very informative. Problem is that the globalism is the main hinderance standing in the way of fixing society. Globose influences, western socioeconomic systems are now being shown to have enough corruption and people are apathetic enough that standards of living will only decline. Just like water always seeking the lowest level, our standard of living requires energy input to raise it if and keep it high. There is still a chance to correct things but expecting elections to make the necessary changes is looking more and more futile all the time.

systems society depend on, like elections, are also being manipulated like the health care system. That throws out the ability to make change using historic

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Pray for publication.

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If "we" ever want to agree on what "we" are doing here, "we" must agree on the problem to be solved and on the result "we" are expecting from solving it.

It is getting late to save humanity from the worldwide attack that has been in the works for decades. I can see only two things that might do the job:

1. Germ Theory must be abandoned and, for the time being, replaced with Terrain Theory (that would take away the "viruses," the "variants," and the "pandemics" from the monsters, and their worldwide poisoning (mostly with 5G, the muzzle, the "tests," the lethal injections, and chemtrails) would become evident. If Germ Theory prevails, there will be no end to new “viruses,” “variants,” and “pandemics,” paving the way for the masses to the slaughterhouse.

2. The enforcers ("doctors," "scientists," politicians, entertainers, the members of military/police forces and private armies, bankers, etc.) must realize that they are representing and defending a fraud that will eventually kill them, too. As the "science" applied is fake, these people, after fulfilling their tasks as are replaced with robots and deepfakes, become completely dispensable. They must also realize that even if they get paid millions now, their money might not buy a bar of soap a year from now, and even if they are "lucky" enough to "survive," they will be remote-controlled, cyborg slaves, deprived of their will (I guess, they will be "happy," after all).

The second cannot happen without the first. Fat chance...

If these conditions are not met, humanity, as "we" know it, is going to be exterminated quite soon. The food riots and the killing will probably start anywhere between September and December. Add permanents blackouts (blamed on solar flares or "the Russians") to the mix, and people will do the favor to the monsters and accelerate their own demise.

Did I forget to mention that the 5G towers have their independent power, so they can control the injected remotely even during blackouts?

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This was like dominoes, the next chain of events have already begun,a worldwide recession, famine and food shortages,they have already wired everything for complete control.

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Could it be that somebody in some office knows that there’s another pandemic scare just around the corner? You know, to detract from the failures of the current pandemic strategies? Reasoning would be to keep the measures in place because soon the next “bug” will be here instilling fear and panic once again, so that govt and health officials can launch the next set of pandemic measures in the name of “keeping us safe”. There are no surprises in this world any more.

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Great summary.

Now let's get on with what is important.

A home-based early therapeutics / therapy to fend off Covid-19 variants for Vaxxed people.

There immune systems are degrading by each month we wait. VAIDS / ADE is coming like a runway freight train this summer / early fall.

You have to stop the death panic that is coming with some degree of program & hope.

Nobody's going to go to the Hospital's or Health Clinic's for medical care this time around.

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Secondly. To get the credibility and the attention leading to persuasive powers of population action, you need an easy way to get blood test predictions for blood clots & immunity Degradation for the vaxxed in real time.

It will be like community testing for HIV/AIDS. In which it actually is.

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Finally. There needs to be community organizing for home schooling of our children to pull them out of the public schools and away from the mandatory Jabs, CRT and LGBTQ garbage.

The use of our places of worship (churches) for home schooling infrastructure / locations.

Retired teachers and business professionals need to fill the teaching position roles.

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this is so societally damaging. For the past two years and continuing still-- so, for the third Spring/Summer in a row! -- all community festivals (these are the free outdoor things that occur Spring through late Fall, including such things as outdoor concerts, film festivals, octoberfest, arts festivals, parades and so on, about one per month, have been CANCELLED due to COVID. Did I mention these are OUTDOOR events? These are the things that make memories, that help mark the seasons, that bring some meaning to life, they are affordable for families, they bring communities together (can't have that now, can we?) -- all cancelled! The first year was sad. The second year was punitive. This third year is ridiculous.

I think this is somewhat like those teachers (not all, but you know the ones I mean) who do not want to go back to the classroom because they are very comfy at home doing zoom classes. What is wrong with our local decision makers and the community who continues to support this insane COVID theater? Some are brainwashed, some are in on the plot. I'm so sick of the nonsense.

We need to get our communities back together. This is the U.S. I weep for Canada and Australia.

Keep fighting!

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