Isn’t it a shame this ukraine Russia “crisis” came on the heels of covid. What an amazing coincidence. Storm in a teacup. The real players and bad guys are all the western governments.

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You said it. Funny how Putin went full on board with the Plandemic scam. And even coaxed one of the few detractors, Lukashenko of Belarus, to jump onboard the Plandemic train.

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The feckless, inept, and corrupt US govt., with willing assistance from the EU, purposefully and willfully put us in the situation in which we now find ourselves. The release of the pathogen, and events subsequent to that release, failed to achieve the desired goal. Put more simply, too many of us failed to submit. Especially here in the US. Hence, a new plan. With a new threat. And a new bogeyman. Although the new one is not really new, they’ve had it waiting in the wings for decades. They are all scum.

Was it ‘wrong’ for Putin to go into Ukraine in an effort to stop the encroachment from the West? Let’s stipulate that it was, although I could argue that point. Was it therefore more, or less, wrong for our own government to fund the development of a deadly pathogen, facilitate (if not outright do it) its release on its citizens, harvest co-morbidities in order to claim a million deaths, pay the media billions to sell the narrative, and then deploy a ‘solution’ that is proving to be more deadly than the pathogen itself?

I’m not defending Putin. But here’s the thing. While Putin’s actions are clearly killing people and destroying infrastructure in Ukraine, one can make an effective and rational argument that his actions are designed to protect the sovereignty and citizens of Russia. No such argument can be made about what our own government has done to us over the past 2 years…as they have killed of 100s of 1000s of their own citizens and allowed destruction of our infrastructure via lockdowns and a wide open southern border.

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"actions are designed to protect the sovereignty and citizens of Russia"

I believe the WEF has encouraged this crisis in hopes of destroying Russia, as well as the global economy. Sovereign nations, who haven't totally bought in to global governance, are impediments to goals of The Great Reset and must be brought to heel.

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I have no problem defending Putin, the fault lies 100% with the perfidious USGov, the empire of lies.

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This is bullshit take, it's propaganda. Russian forces aren't being depleted. Putin is being strategic.

And, in every way, this is the most justified military action taken - in perhaps 40 years.

The West was encircling Russia with conventional weapons, and bioweapons labs ( at least 26 in Ukraine and other nearby states) ...

To let that go on one day longer was a direct threat to 230 million Russians.

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Exactly right,they forced his hand.He couldn't be bought,like our so called leaders.

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Putin is not entirely wrong in this fight.

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Putin has no intention of using nuclear weapons on the Ukraine... his warning and first strike would be the UK and USA... he believes he has better technology than the USA and he probably does..

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Better tech is of little significance. The will to use that tech is what it is all about. Bigger question: Do the Davos Malthusians really want a nuclear war in order to cull the Human Race, most of whom they despise, and are not afraid to admit that? Is Putin their puppy or just a useful idiot, being played, like they played Beijing to develop their SARS-COV-2 bioweapon?

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No,Putin is standing against the globalist that's why their piling on to get rid of him theirs no room for detractors in their plan.

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Curious that Putin would offer full support to the US after the CIA's staged 9/11 False Flag Operation. Surely Russian intelligence knew about that. So why did Putin embrace it rather than expose it. Is Putin really just another puppet of the Davos Bankster Gang?

WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report:


“The only way it could have fallen in the observed manner is by the near-simultaneous failure of every column.” — Professor Leroy Hulsey

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Anyone old enough to remember the Americas’ “Domino Theory”?

The US used the “Domino Theory to justify lengthy wars and occupation in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, half way around the world, not on the US border. Communism was spreading like a disease the warmongers opined. "We have to fight terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them here". One by one the countries are 'falling like dominos' they said, and by gosh we had to do something about it. The US dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than all the bombs dropped in WWII. Millions of Vietnamese, Koreans and Chinese were killed in those wars. The Cuban missile crisis was the US willing risk a war to invade Cuba because Soviet missiles were deployed 90 miles away.

OK, the point is that Russia is dealing with a NATO domino theory. When USSR dissolved, Russia was given assurances that no former USSR states on their border would join NATO. One by one Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, and Lithuania have joined NATO. Many have allowed offensive weapons to be installed right on Russia’s border as Russia patiently protested over and over.

The CIA coup in Ukraine orchestrated by the US in 2014 was obviously intended to add Ukraine to NATO. A hostile Ukraine would evict the Russian navy from their most important port in Crimea. The population of Crimea is almost all Russian people because it had been part of Russia for centuries. People there succeeded and rejoined with Russia. West Ukraine also mostly Russians declared independence from Ukraine and a civil war has gone on for 8 years. The US installed puppets in Kiev have been moving to join NATO and retake territory from Russia. Protests and treaties were ignored so a military solution became the only solution.

No one in Russia wants another war. No country suffered more from WWI, Bolshevism, WWII and years of repression by communist usurpers. Russia has been invaded by Mongols, French, and Germans and only recently freed themselves from non-Russian Bolsheviks. I don’t blame them for being a little testy over the prospect of Bolshevik offensive weapons 5 minutes from Moscow. For NATO leaders especially the US to call Putin a war criminal is hypocrisy in the extreme.

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World War I was Christians vs Christians.

So was World War II

So will World War III if we allow them to.

My wish is to see Putin place nuke ICBMs in Tehran and explain that “it’s for the defense of Russia from rogue nations”

Within one hour we would see Israel send a team to Ukraine to torture the little Zio pervert Zelensky into signing Russia’s (reasonable) demands for peace.

THAT is how you must deal with this satanic tribe.

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