If you took DEATHVAX you are NEVER out of the woods.

Too damn bad I as a pureblood have to worry about multi vaxxed idiot family.

And they go merrily along

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I too am not tainted and some of my family went ahead and got vaxxed, now my sister's husband is dying of LYMPHOMA that is already spread to lymph nodes, I tried to warn them, but my youngest sister wisely intruded and said it was their choice, I agree with that, but I think they were NEVER TOLD THE FACTS!!! That was what I was trying to tell them, you can't save them. I never believed masking, I'm a nurse and know firsthand they do not prevent virus transmission and anyone that says different is a LIAR!!!! Then I started to follow all the hype and lack of facts, all med fact sheets were blank??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? And people took this stuff without any knowledge of ingredients, WOW!!!

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I am sorry.

Btw, I hammered truth. Over and over.

Blank fact sheets🤔 no issue here😎😎😎

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I tried to hammer truth to my close friends that I cared about, to warn them. They took the jab-one wanted to travel, one had a sick husband at home and was a caregiver (to protect others) and one was coerced into it by her son(and she was a doctor). I am a nurse and refused to participate in a jab clinic my women’s group was sponsoring. I am so glad I did. I would not be able to live with myself had my actions caused someone to harm. I read up and downloaded Pfizer’s clinical trial plan and did not like what I saw. My concerns are all coming to fruition in ways I could not even imagine.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Lots of us nurses here! I'm retired, which worked out really well because when the first news about COVID started coming out, I started studying it full time. I was bugging everybody I knew about this new virus being unstoppable and we had to get ready for dealing with it. So by the time I caught it in the summer of 2020, I already had been taking high-dose vitamin D for 4 months, and had my Ivermectin and zinc, etc., on hand. The huge problem here is that the general public just doesn't have the medical background to understand all these complicated details, so they are much, much slower to "get up to speed" on the critcally important information. AND they are 'way too trusting of both the government and Big Media, and, unfortunately, tend to believe the "offcials" instead of believing those of us who are trained in medicine/nursing and who actually do have their best interests at heart. One of my family members listened and didn't take the shots, but the rest of them did. Of course I think they are idiots for believing the propaganda, but there is only so much we can do. They have free will to make their own choices, even potentially suicidal ones!

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Everyday people shouldn't have to get up to speed on the details though as in a correct world they should be able to rely on the advice they are given by their doctors.

Sadly above is no longer how it is.

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No kidding! But everything about our present world is a upside-down melding between Alice in Wonderland, The Wizzard of Oz, and Orwell's 1984! Mainstream doctors are:

(1) too busy to read even the (generally) extremely biased medical journals ("brought to you by Pfizer!"), yet alone do hours of research online getting COVID info from REAL experts!

(2) too brainwashed (and actually believe the garbage coming out of NIH, FDA, CDC, NIAID, exemplified by Fauci, Birx, Walenski, etc.)

(3) too cowardly to stand up to the murdering "powers that be" and honor their oath and commitment to their patients.

Where does this leave us? Having to do our own "due diligence" and research. Why? Because (no exaggeration) OUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT!

I have been intensively studying COVID since the beginning of it. And, conveniently, got laid off at the beginning of the lockdowns, which gave me lots of time for research. Who knows? Maybe that saved my life? But at any rate, I bet I know a lot more about COVID than ANY of the doctors around here! Probably more about virology and immunology than a lot of them, too! After all, WE have world-class experts advising US! And when the local doctors are pushing the shots and Paxlovid, you KNOW that you know more than they do!!!!!

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I saw them, maybe you didn't!

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I believe you.

I have heard it.

What I was saying.... It's an outrageouly huge red flag...

I'm being sarcastic, not at you... At those who accept it

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Thank you for clearing that up, I did not know what you meant, that is why I tried to clarify the ingredient sheets of the vax. The latest was, many friends have gotten the shots because they wanted to travel and you NEEDED the shots to get on the plane, now the airlines are saying those who took the shots should not travel on planes because of the possibility of blood clots!!! Let's talk IRONY!!!!

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😂🤣😂🤣 Oh, that's the best! Took the shots to fly, now shouldn't fly. 😂🤣😂🤣

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Most of these pinheads went out and took that injection without giving it the due diligence they'd put into buying a used car... Probably like you, I was suspicious of this bullshit pandemic story right from the start.. but 90% of humanity? No. Not so much.. Now we all get to pay for their naivety.

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Unfortunately, they were filled with great confidence after getting their Mediaducation.

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If there is a "bright side" . . . the freeways won't be so crowded!

(Baaad joke!)

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Some people (Delores Cahill, Luc Montagnier) are predicting everyone who has taken just ONE of these injections will die, probably within 2-3 years. If this comes to pass, wide open freeways will be the least of our concerns... 🤔

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If that happens we WILL own nothing by 2030....scary AF.

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5 or 6 billion people are said to have taken one of these injections by this point. I emphatically am not one of them. Meanwhile I don't know what to tell you about this evolving horror story... Beyond the fact that The Law of Unanticipated Consequences finally seems to be kicking in, and these Satan-worshipping lunatics may get what they richly deserve -- on this side.

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Very sorry to hear that!🙁

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Yes !

The irony of it is that we walk around worried about them as they carry on in la la land.

Oh, it’s so infuriating.

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"Darwin Awards" recipients are always oblivious!

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Which is what makes "The Darwin Awards" so great.

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I don't worry about them at all. I feel bad for my neighbors and their daughters, but I don't worry.

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John, did you see this?:

"CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog"


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Not for long... 2 - 3 years...

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You're the man!

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Thanks... I think... 🤔

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Why do guys call each other THE MAN... or THE LIVING LEGEND?

Cuz we don't remember other guys names

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I understand. I do not know if the gene altering jabs can affect past bunion surgeries, but, my husband is having his right big toe “straightened again ( it’s not turning inward or overlapping. It’s perfectly straight.

Has been causing some very bad pain and swollen like you used to see in old cartoons.

Both feet are doing this.Makes me wonder.🤔🤔🤔🤔

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Probably related? They cause systemic inflammation.

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It sounds like gout??? Right big toe very swollen and very painful, go to the doctor and have blood work done to look for gout!! Same symptoms!

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Check for blood clots! If not, if it is elevated uric acid, that's a symptom of copper deficiency. The RDA is 'way too low to correct a longstanding deficiency (VERY common unless he has been living in a house with copper pipes in an area with an acidic water supply!)

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Agreed! The body can keep churning out spikes for months and months . . . and they continue to damage organs, damage the immune system, trgger autoimmunity, stimulate cancers, and now we know that those weird, huge, whitish fibrous things growing inside of people's blood vessels are probably amyloid protein polymers that the spikes cause to assemble. How long will they continue forming? Nobody knows. Will they eventually block blood flow and kill the person? Possibly. In a year? Two years? Nobody knows!!! This is an insane "game" of "Russian roulette" and every COVID "shot" IS a loaded gun! Every single person ho was given the shots should "sue the pants off" the pharmaceutical companies for FRAUD and failing to provide the required proper information to allow them to give informed consent!

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Nice try. Have a look at Del Bigtree's "Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe" (Brighteon, Bitchute, Rumble, Odyssee, but not, funnily enough, YouTube), wherein you'll learn Big Pharma has complete indemnity from liability for their vaccine products, has had it since 1986. You have a vaccine injury? Tough luck. You can't sue. Get in line behind all the other injured parties and put in a claim under America's "National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program" where, if you qualify (and the odds are designedly slim to nil) you will be awarded pennies on the dollar, to a maximum of $250,000 if memory serves. But Hey! Up in in Canada, there's no program at all, and if you're injured, you're f***d.

Bear in mind we're not talking stuff like minor aches and pains. We're talking blindness, deafness, paralysis, sometimes total, strokes, autoimmune diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, amytrophic lateral sclerosis; and really exotic cancers. Any of this happens to you, because you were foolish enough to swallow Big Pharma's lies? Too bad. So sad. You are Shit, out of Luck.

Which only proves that the Justice system, like Orthodox Medicine, Big Pharma, our government and 99% of our politicians is a gangrenous limb, so corrupt it would gag a maggot.

PS Did I forget to mention "Death" as a vaccine side-effect / injury? In the immortal words of Monty Python's poofy judges: "Oh ah. Silly me!"

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Fraud removes their liability protection. Then they can be sued by individuals or under a class action proceeding. And eventualy we will get back enough control of the (In)Justice Department to initiate criminal action against them, particularly after a number of successful civil rulings, and we have all the documents obtainded during Discovery. The lawyers working these cases are already amassing enormous amounts of data to be used against them later, during the coming criminal trials. Go listen to Robert Barnes, Reiner Fullmich, and Tom Renz. Those guys are not playing around, but are positioning themselves to "go for the throat"!

And now there is that lawsuit as of September 7th filed in Fresno, CA against three medical centers on behalf of 14 families who had loved ones murdered with Remdesivir in those facilities. The lawyers believe they have very strong cases. This will set a very important precedent.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

"Why would any sane person today, with a proper benefit risk calculation, conclude that these gene injections are worth it and confer benefit?"

Why would any sane person have ever concluded these jabs are worth it?

From the day of release it was abundantly clear, for anyone doing a modicum of objective research, which, given the implications every sane person should have done, that these new tech vaccines had not undergone any medium/long term safety (or effectiveness) testing. Such research would also have exposed an IFR (Covid) - for people under the age of 60 - of 0.003% (it was also obvious that healthy people were at far lower risk).

So, in order to eliminate extremely low known risk from Covid, people took on entirely unknown risk from the experimental 'vaccine' - could be low, could be catastrophic. They took an experimental drug, designed and manufactured in a ridiculously inadequate timeframe, from an industry known to be corrupted, conferring consequences that would likely be irreversible.

No sane person would do this. Only brainwashed zombies do this. So, the sane people had to be forced, but, this alone should have confirmed their suspicion, and heightened their resistance.

We can conclude, the world has very few sane people left.

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It's amazing the

"really smart"people" that took at least one.

A rushed technology, for an unknown virus.

We all knew that.

The homeless even knew.

Some call it mass psychosis.

Some call it willful ignorance

Some call it not

"really smart people"

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"Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false...If in a year you didn't practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that... You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live according to the truth."

-- Br. Alexis Bugnolo - https://www.bitchute.com/video/S5BGAlZDD4Rj/

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

When the news first emerged regarding Deion it was an "oh no, Deion, not you too??? :( :o" moment. Many of us really liked Deion, enjoyed his indisputably great play on the field and his playful personality as well in the broadcast booth, etc. But for me, taking nothing away from Aaron Rogers who showed serious stones as you said Dr. A, no one in the sports world has shown more integrity, class, and courage of his convictions (not to mention sheer smarts) than Novak Djokovic. The fact that he was allowed in the country but later put under house arrest in Australia (and thus not allowed to compete in the Aussie Open), then banned from even entering into the US to play the US Open and possibly make GOAT tennis history doing so was so shameful, criminal, and hypocritical it defies adjectives to convey. But he never buckled, he never even bent, though many of us wanted to tell the authorities to get bent! No matter what the future holds for Novak on the court and in the record books, I believe the world will see a lot more of Mr. Djokovic going forward and the history books will celebrate his humanity and sheer strength of character for a very long time to come. True greatness rises to the occasion and shows itself in adversity, imo Novak demonstrated that in spades.

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As the clot shot-injected athletes die off, eventually there will be no sports left at all except for the surviving unvaxxed athletes!

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Of course it’s from the horrible death shot. People are going to keep dying too. Every time I turn around someone dies suddenly from a cardiac arrest. People who are pushing this on children and college students should be hung. Governors, health commissioners, colleges and employers all have blood on their hands along with the domestic terrorist FEDERAL agencies.  Pure evil. Gaslighting and lies. I pray for Nuremberg two tribunals. 

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YES, YES, YES!!!!!

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A friend (female 74) in Germany had 2 Astra Zenica 💉. In December 21 she got Delta. After 3 weeks the doc told her to get a booster ( Biontech). Intime her : nooo . It’s much to early . You have antibodies enough . Ok, booster : 1 week later stroke. Hospital . Then home . Her leg got reddish and painful . Result : Thrombosis . Leg amputated.

But German doctors won’t admit that it might be jab. ( I am unvaxxed ).

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Awful story !

So needless…

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Yes. I am a biologist. I did drug approval in Europe ( EMA) in the 90ies. I knew straight from the beginning : there are not enough safety data etc . // But Germany had so terrible restrictions ..lock downs, constant forcing of getting vaxxed ..Most Germans did. I refused ..// I always tried to tell people about the risks ..Tjey did not listen. Yes… it’s terrible for my friend. The leg does not heal . Everybody who sees the pictures of autopsies of Dr. Burkhard ..can see what mikroclotting can do .

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Terrible restrictions here in Canada too....especially for those of us who did not line up to get an experimental, unproven, pretend vaccine !

And all with NO science behind it..... but politicians who invoked these dictates are mostly still in place.

It will take time for a grand awakening.

Meantime the powers that be are still pushing further inoculations !

At least many more are saying no now.

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Is she taking essential nutrients? The body needs large amounts of protein, high-dose vitamins C and D, all the B vitamins, vitamins A and E, plus zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, etc. if she wants to heal!

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Doctors are either mass-formation-hypnotized morons, or know what's going on and are complicit in the evil! Either way, they are too afraid to face reality and too cowardly to speak up.

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I am so sorry for your friend.

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Of course not. Can you spell "L-i-a-b-i-l-i-t-y"?

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Meanwhile, I’m watching the World Series and saw an ad from Pfizer encouraging vaccination and early treatment with their damn pill. It’s business as usual.

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Pfizer has signed a contract with the Southeastern Conference (NCAA Football)

So now the SEC colleges are owned by these shot pushers. It was bad enough before (coaches touting shots, had shot centers in game days - get shot for gift card to spend at college store). NEVER in my 76 yrs have I seen such an all out tsunami about anything... much less an experimental gene shot.

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Now that the jab has been added to the childhood vax recommendations by the CDC, Pfizer can start touting their useless Paxlovid and they can release the EUA off the vax itself, since they now have a treatment(nevermind the fact that it does not work and has horrid side effects) The vax will be relieved of all liability by being on the schedule for kids. Heaven help us.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Does fraud not invalidate the legal liability protection, assuming there is fraud?

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Yes there is fraud. Yes that nullifies all liability protection. Yes the law is frequently being ignored. Yes tey are getgingawsy with it to some extent. BUT, more and more judges are upholding the law and ruling against Big Government and Big Pharma. This is a Cosmic Race (Good vs. Evil) to see which side can gain enough control over the other side, before they get shut down.

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Kathy can you point me to the rationale which says how the CDC recommendation of Vax in children schedules results in EUA removal and elimination of liability?

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The vaccine law passed in 1986 absolves vaccine manufacturers of any liability for injuries caused by their products if they are on the childhood vaccine list of recommended vaccines for children. The Covid shots under the EUA are protected under the PREP act as long as there is and “emergency” going on and there is no “treatment” available. The CDC and FDA met and ruled that the CDC could now put the shot on the childhood recommended list. Being on this list now absolves the covid shot from pharma being held liable for injury. The emergency for the pandemic will be lifted sooner or later and IMO, it will be sooner, now that the shot has been okayed by the CDC to be on the list.

In 1986, an act absolving vaccine manufacturers from liability for injuries caused by vaccines on the Childhood list of recommended vaccines was passed by the legislature in theUS. The manufacturers had threatened to stop making the vaccines because they were losing so much money in lawsuits. Currently, there is a “vaccine” court that injured people can appeal to for compensation. The United States Government compensates the injured but it is very difficult to prove causation.

I am hoping this is helpful. My question is what rationale the CDC and FDA used to put the shot on the list.

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Thank you. I understand what you are saying. However, if this is true, then the CDC and FDA are using the childhood recommended list as a loop hole. I read the bill you referenced https://www.congress.gov/bill/99th-congress/house-bill/5546. Under Part B: Additional Remedies "Provides that a manufacturer may be held liable where: (1) such manufacturer engaged in the fraudulent or intentional withholding of information; or (2) such manufacturer failed to exercise due care. Permits punitive damages in such civil actions under certain circumstances.

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They are definitely using the childhood vaccine schedule as a loophole. This is, in all probability, WHY they have been pushing and pushing and pushing to get these useless and dangerous drugs into the kids in spite of the fact that not one healthy child has died from COVID, and that 80 to 90 percent of them are already COVID-recovered and mostly immune. Cane we say, CRIMINAL?!!!!

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They had no rationale except that the "vaccine" manufactures wanted that full liability protection (which now includes all adults, too).

BUT demonstrable FRAUD nullifies all liability protection, so this battle will move to the courts to be fought out legally. Unfortunately, that takes time and money, and judges that are not bought off.

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They have to PRETEND it is business as usual, because when the illusion finally gets shattered, the Big Pharma execs will be screwed!!!: Prison or noose!

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As far as we assay, there has been no empirical data published, yet, establishing mRNA jabs with actual achieved positive health outcomes withn any definable group. To date, we remain unaware of actual data, .. only papers based on projections and hypothetical modelling.

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Those Shedders are everywhere.

Why don't they keep wearing masks.

We need to know who to stay 6 ft from.

Now we find out they are actual lepers.

They drop body parts. Shedding all over.

Save yourself

Vote to reopen the colonies

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Dr Alexander, I love you but what difference would it make if these bioweapons provided any immunity against the COVID19 virus when they have so many severe adverse reactions including death! More people worldwide have died from these poisonous death shots than from COVID19!!

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You are absolutely correct! It does not matter one little bit how effective they are IF THEY ARE NOT SAFE! And, of course, we know that they are NOT safe, and NOT effective!!!

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I really think I read somewhere that Deion did take the shot but denied it was the shot that caused the clots, he blamed family history of clots?

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Sanders should stick to football and stop dispensing his “expert” slab jab advice.

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"The evidence is clear now that the COVID gene injections are ineffective, so very ineffective . . . "

This whole paragrph is an excellent synopsis of the Clot Shot situation!!! Bravo!!!!

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Do they sell toes etc that are amputated? Seriously, I like to give my dog special treats..

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... Might give him a taste for the wrong things, John... 🤔

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Dodged what bullet, Dr. Paul? Like all the rest of "the vaccinated," Deion Sanders will eventually die from the Lethal Injection, just as surely as if he'd taken rat poison or ricin. Take the hour to watch the attached, as Sukarit Bhakdi sadly prophesies the death of billions of people from the boosters..


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I watched Dr. Bhakdi’s video. It is heartbreaking to watch his impassioned plea for common sense to return to the medical profession, knowing full well that it is a long shot. I personally am going to brush up on natural remedies and health promoting habits, as I always have, because it will be a cold day in Hell before I will seek help from an allopathic MD. Yikes.

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