Everyone keeps repeating Obama is behind this. He is just another useful puppet for the globalists. Look higher.

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Obama is now a globalist himself.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Obama has *always* been a Globalist puppet. Who else do you think got Obama into the White House in 2009? Just a few years earlier, Obama was an unknown nothing-burger.

Then, in a span of months, Obama became a household name, as if by magic. I saw firsthand how Obama fraudulently "won" the 2008 and 2012 elections. Only Biden's 2020 election fraud was bigger than Obama's. If only people knew ...

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You got it, Ive. You are one of the extremely few that get it.

Look towards the global Central Bank Cabal.

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The Dems should be supported in doing whatever is most likely to lead them to defeat. Biden recently picked up an endorsement from effeminate Adam Kinzinger and, although I don't think it will happen, there is talk of replacing Kamala Harris with Liz Cheney. A Biden-Cheney or Biden-Kinzinger ticket would be even better than Biden-Harris.

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Yes!!! To your first sentence. Your other suggestions are interesting. Ben Shapiro is doing a massive reveal of Kamala. When Jesse Watters has Johnny interview people most of them do not know who giggling Kamala is. Some say she’s done a lot but of course cannot identify anything. I think the only state that knows Kamala is California.

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Kamala has done a lot. A lot of bad.

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A plethora of bad …starting with what she did to get to be VP.

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For four years (2017-2020), '45' had the House, the Senate, the White House, the entire US military, and the backing of tens of millions of Americans. With all that, 45 failed to go after - much less take out - a SINGLE Fat Rat criminal. With that factual historical background in mind ...

Other than WORDS, what makes anyone think that "this time" it'll be different, that "this time" 45 is really, truly, actually, for real going to go after and take out the Fat Rats?

Please don't answer that question by providing WORDS that 45 has said. DO NOT FORGET that before the 2016 elections, 45 also gave us plenty of WORDS that he would "drain the swamp" (i.e., take out the Fat Rat criminals in Washington) and that he would "lock her up" (namely, take out one of the biggest, most notorious Fat Rats in Washington - Hillary Clinton). Did we see *any* of that materialize?

So, other than WORDS, what makes anyone believe 45 "this time"? Blind faith? Irrational hope?

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I'm hoping it's because he had so many in his administration working against him and so many RINO's in the House and Senate.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Okay, that's a fair point. So let me ask you, suppose *YOU* had been in Trump's position. Surely, you would have noticed the attacks, right? You would know, or could easily find out, the source of those attacks, right? Would you then spend 4 YEARS doing absolutely *NOTHING* about it? Would you have allowed for these attacks to continue without ANY action? Remember, you're the POTUS - you have immense Executive powers AND you have the backing of tens of millions of Americans AND you are the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. So with all this muscle and backing, would you do *NOTHING*?

I refuse to accept the preposterous suggestion that Trump kept taking it, year after year, without ONCE declaring war on any Fat Rat criminal regardless of what they did.

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Was this a story about illegals murdering people or an AD for TWC, by the time I reached the end, I forgot what the first story was about, too much advertising. As for Biden and Trump, they are just men, we need God, He will save us if we turn back to Him. What man is doing is wrong, Biden is braindead but Trump isn't, he has pushed the jabs and he's accepted the trannies all for votes. He used to be pro-life, now he's not. I believe Trump will say and do anything for votes and financial support because the only thing that matters to him is "winning". I truly hope Americans aren't disappointed if he wins and doesn't do the things he claimed he'd do. Ive watched him for years and Ive seen him get involved with people who clearly hate him, is he not smart enough to know who hates him, he had family members in his inner circle last time that only did him harm like Kushner to name one. Allot of his administration were backstabbing him, why didn't he see that. I believe it's because of his arrogance, he thinks as long as he's "winning" the rest doesn't matter. I know everyone wants him to win this time but I don't think there'll even be an election if the left gets wind of that, they'll pull something like WW3 or a fake pandemic to stop him, they may even assassinate him, but they will never allow him to walk into the WH IMO. I also believe the CIA is behind everything so they may want him in but I know the demons on the left will fight to the bitter end to keep him out.

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it a combination, it s principle about the risk about illegals, the 2 nd amendment, why women must now be prepared to carry legally and access to antibiotics that the govn prevented during COVID...many, thousands, hundreds of thousands died due to simple infections that became life threatening because the govn and your medical doctors said you could not have antibiotics in case you were using it as part of early treatment...so yes, the emergency prep kit that many sell too...myself, McCullough, Risch etc. stand with TWC as we provide scientific support...I have one...I could not get antibiotics even with a real medical script for one of my kids during covid...so not again.

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and importantly to remind that Biden et al are running to stay out of jail.

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and in a way, I hear you re Trump...you are not wrong to say what you say and we must listen to all views...and some has true merit...Trump really is being given a 2nd chance to make good on everything...I sometimes thing if he fails etc. it will hurt many good ones coming up for people will never ever believe anything any politicians says.

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so hugs for what you say, brave and solid...I support 45 and hold out hope he delivers...but he needs us too...we cant stand in sideline and whine...we must activate...he is a good man, just in a bad system and bad filthy people...he loves his nation and people...a good man...

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You may not know, I live in Canada but I follow American politics so Ive seen Trump change over time. I believe he's your only hope now but will he make it in or will they kill him first, no-one knows because we aren't demons so it's hard for us to think like that. I have all the antibiotics and other things you speak of, I had to buy them from somewhere else as TWC does not sell to Canadians.

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Yes, a lot of topics were covered…an indication that there is a lot of concern. As for the stay out of jail…I just said that to my husband the other day. When we talk Democrats we talk REAL crimes not manipulated, what if crap.

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Did Donald Trump ever divulge how he recovered from the lurgy when he said that he had caught the "covid" early on? I don't believe that he ever did tell anyone did he? That's a bit strange don't you think?

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This is all planned years ago. Biden was intentionally put up for the unusual early pre-convention debate and sent out on tour to expose his senility & destroy his campaign leading up to the August convention. Controlled demolition, like the twin towers. The liberal debate moderators were the fairest to Trump ever. Impossible unless part of a plan. The MSM is being coordinated to bring down Biden gently, just enough to make the replacement seen like a last minute surprise, while planting narratives including that the DNC is in disarray, that Joe has jammed it up, so that the new candidate will look be treated like a savior and look good by comparison to senile old Joe. Big Democrat donors are holding back money, $80 million plus, to spend on the replacement candidate's campaign. The RNC won't have time to fully investigate and expose the new candidate.

Joe quietly released his delegates a few days ago. Now why would he do that? The phony polls show Biden ahead to encourage Biden into continuing and for his inner circle to not give up hope, and to stop leaks.

Don't be a sucker. Stop staring at what is being placed in front of you on a silver platter. Push it away, take a look around. Think critically, and outside the box.

There's far too much at stake for the presidency to be left up to chance.

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I think they need him because they have millions of illegal ballots already filled out for Joe.

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