That's a great quote. I wonder if Denzel got the COVID vaccine. I hope not.

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Saw this piece some time ago, Paul. LOVED it then, LOVE it now.

He speaks TRUTH !

Wonder how many heard his words, then just flipped the channel back to CNN, like good sheep.

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The quotation is from the early 1900's from Mark Twain's "notebook": "If you do not read the newspapers, you're uninformed, but if you do read them, you're misinformed."

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Denzel is one of the very few Hollywood actors I admire as a person. He always seems to speak sense and truth, giving them far more value than fame. Real integrity.

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I think society in general puts too much emphasis on Hollywood actors, singers and the like. I have no interest in hearing what they say. For every person that may be awake to this nightmare there are hundreds of others getting on TV telling us to do the 'right' thing. Blah blah blah.

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The internet is double edged. Declining to listen to mainstream media does not make one uninformed if we keep

In mind the information is likely distorted. Let us hope that conscientious reporting from several alternative sources will be available so one can put together a coherent view, at all times questioning our conclusions without prompting as new information emerges. This is nothing less than the scientific method applied to civic life. The only problem is that we all have to do homework forever and get used to it. In Colonial America folks got together at the taverns to discuss what they knew from scant news articles nailed to the kiosk in the town square or a speech by the local mayor. Who were the 1775 equivalent of corrupted Twitter executives? How would Colonial farmers deal with them today? Would they dump a shipload of woke executives and politicians into Boston Harbor? Naw. We don’t need another fish kill. Let’s stick with due process.

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How about just reporting the true observed facts and keep the opinions and lies out of the news. However, the MSM is now mostly opinions and lies with just a sprinkling of truth on top They add just enough truth to let the people think its news... but it's not news. It's propaganda and lies.

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Denzel has always been one of my fav actors. He's always on the money with these videos also.

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It’s not just about being “first”, the media!! They are being used for propaganda!

100%. The journalists are now whores to the globalist agenda. They report what they are allowed to report, nothing more nothing less.

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It boils down to ignoring the mainstream media and finding your truth elsewhere. The media never reports the news...it reports what the government wants the people to believe, and that sure ain't the truth.

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Brilliant actor; brilliant man! Thar clip has to be very old, but its truth is timeless! It should be shared everywhere possible.

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💔😔. Justice I hope comes for us!!! I want him back!

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Denzel has always stood out among the Hollywood elite, because he doesn't follow the evil script they're all supposed to read and believe. He's been an outspoken supporter of our Vets and is a very well-spoken and Christian man. Is he compromised? Is he a plant, as we've seen with many we thought were on the side of good? I'm not sure. But one thing I do know is that as long as someone brazenly confronts the liberals and they media mouthpieces, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Denzel concentrates on the media drive to be first with the news. Unfortunately that distracts from the long term distortion and lies that come later.

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I think Denzel nailed it. Sad statement on what goes for “news” today and why so many have tuned them out.

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