Dershowitz is a lying sack of shit.

He and Gates were at Epstein's Club Kiddie Fuck Island singing happy birthday and getting their small dicks sucked by young underage girls and boys.

I met Dershowitz at a law function in Cape Town many years ago.

He gave a speech about how he had advised the Israeli government to stop building in the occupied territories.

I didn't believe a word he said.

He came across as being very arrogant and only being interested in hearing his own voice.

He had one huge legal coup case, and that was where he got Claus von Bulow's attempted murder conviction of his wife Sonny (where he plied her with prescription medication) overturned on appeal. Sadly, she landed up in a permanent vegetative state.

There was a fictionalisation feature film made of this story - called "Reversal of Fortune" starring Jeremy Irons and Glenn Close. It's worth watching.

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And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we have the 2nd Amendment. If the government goes amok to that point, at least they're restricted from taking our firearms. And that's actually the lengths I was prepared to go to if they'd have tried something like that with me or my family. Of course, they're working on gun bans every day, so it might get to the point they THINK they could take these drastic steps...

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Alan Dershowitz lost all respect with his earlier insistence the government had the power and the right to forcibly vaccinate unwilling Americans.

And he lost all credibility when he LIED about his earlier statement.

In my opinion, his has destroyed his entire legacy.

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I always thought he was a creepy person and didn’t believe anything he said. Slimeball. Yeah the force jab thing is chilling.

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We cannot give amnesty for crimes against humanity. Doing so, would be EXTREMELY disrespectful to humanity - I would consider it a crime against humanity - sheer depraved indifference for life.

Non-negotiable for the love and respect for our species.

Stand tall - Stay the course.

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I remember watching Dershowitz debate RFK JR. and wondering how he could be arguing that position, when it seemed so obviously wrong. Considering he said what he said, I think it would be appropriate for him to be forcibly injected with another Pfizer booster every three months for the rest of his life.

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Dershowitz lies for a living, what did you expect?

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These people pushed a dangerous experimental vaccine on the country/world. Do you think they're not going to lie? Look at the integrity of these people. They are still conning you because you sound surprised that they are lying. Just be careful that you don't go attributing the same ethics you hold overall. These people are wicked. They pressured young and old and in between to take a seriously harmful injection. They had no qualms and promoted it shamelessly. They are essentially murderers and criminals. We'd better stop seeing them as benign just because they wear suits and appear on television.

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Dershowitz was especially heinous, even saying government had a right to FORCE people to get jabbed. And the POS claims to be a legal expert on the Constitution.

Just another rat trying to scurry off the sinking ship.

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Lying through his teeth on what he previously said, he wants us to believe he wasn't in the know when the pandemic broke out so he won't be held accountable for pushing the forced vaccination.

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I heard his first comment, but not the second one until now. Shame on him.

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Boom!! Hypocrisy on full display. Part of me says he was a scared old man that thought people would give him Covid and grandpa would die. The other part of me sees what a flaming hypocrite and a liar he is.

He just exposed himself as a fraud, and if he is truly a constitutional expert he should have known better.

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I’ve been following Dersh on RUMBLE and on LOCALS for some time. He often -- and selflessly -- defends anyone whose Constitutional rights have been violated. That much I admire. But he has not until just now caved on the mandates question. I’ve been hammering him in podcast comments weekly or more.

On medical issues he has a blind spot ... worship of authority figures ... and believes the shots are helpful. He is even best buddies with Netanyahu, who of course imposed the Pfizer shots on the population of Israel, killing Jews with impunity. Isn’t that a “NO-NO?” I told him his otherwise lofty principles have failed him. I asked if he ever discussed this with Vera Sharev or, before he passed, Dr. Zelenko. I asserted moreover his “debate” with Bobby Kennedy was disingenuous ... he had nothing to say when challenged with rational arguments. He brags about the debate as evidence of his “open mind” while ignoring the lack of substance in his participation.

My argument against his book favoring mandates is this: the shots kill people. About 250,000 in 2021 alone (refs provided). The gov’t has EXTERMINATED 1M Americans by means of shots and hospital protocols. Any policies known to kill citizens are as Constitutional as Jim Jones and his Kool Aid. Since gov’t medical authorities CANNOT be trusted individual sovereignty under the Constitution has priority. I will take my chances with my own judgement regarding intrusive medical interventions. Policies that kill and injure citizens by intent or by criminal malfeasance are strictly unconstitutional. Democide is unconstitutional. This fake pandemic has been an AMERICAN HOLOCAUST facilitated by the election fraud of 2020. Dersh: save some of your moral outrage over the WWll Holocaust for Biden and Fauci ... and many others.

Dersh is equally thick-skulled about the Ukraine war. He has once again failed to do any homework and once again has only the gov’t narrative to parrot.

He answered my comment on air, declaring there are effectively no Nazis in Ukraine. I told him the opportunities to settle the conflict in 2014 (the Minsk Accords) and a year ago at the outset of invasion were scuttled by the Bandera Nationalists ... Nazi thugs of Western Ukraine who have political and military power because they are supported financially and illegally by the US ... and by the CIA, Biden and Johnson. He said, sarcastically, “you mean Andrew Johnson?” I referred of course to Boris Johnson. His comment betrayed lack of familiarity with the situation. Correct me if need be ... but from a position of knowledge, not sophomoric arrogance. .

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Whoooooaa! I seriously anticipated him saying that the state has the power to come and get you and put you in a camp.... But he went sooooo crazy insane tyrannically farther than I even imagined! Forced vaccination!!!!! What the .....

There's a piece of me that sort of accepts that from 2021 trajectory, camps could be next... But I'd never in my wildest nightmares thought that these nut jobs considered forced vaccination!!!! That's like, "Hitler, hold my beer" kinda stuff. What are we living through right now?!?!

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Well the Dersh has been on Epstein Island, therefore he’s a POMS!

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